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DNC Statement on Larry Hogan

In response to the news Larry Hogan will not run for the Republican nomination, Democratic National Committee national press secretary Ammar Moussa released the following statement:

“As we’ve said repeatedly, the Republican primary will be a race for the MAGA base. There is no home in the Republican primary unless you take the most extreme positions on everything from banning abortion, election denialism, and dismantling Social Security and Medicare. That’s today’s MAGA Republican Party.”

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IN THE STATES: GOP In Disarray After Dems Notch Historic Wins

In the states this week, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison joined local radio stations to discuss Republicans kicking off a messy race for their MAGA base after Democrats defied history in the midterm elections.

Earlier this week, Democrats celebrated the one year anniversary of President Biden doing what Trump and his Republican Congress promised for years but failed to accomplish – signing a Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that is making once-in-a-generation investments in our nation’s roads, bridges, railroads, ports, airports, water systems, and high-speed internet access. While Trump and his Republican Congress talked about an infrastructure week that never materialized, President Biden and Democrats are delivering an infrastructure decade. 

Also this week, local headlines were full of Republicans infighting and finger-pointing after Democrats defied expectations in the midterm elections — making it more clear that Americans are rejecting their extreme MAGA agenda.

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MEMO: Conspiracy Theorist, Trump Sycophant, & Proven Liar. Three things to know about James Comer.


To: Interested Parties

From: Austin Dieter, DNC Research

Date: Thursday, November 17, 2022

Subject: MEMO: Conspiracy Theorist, Trump Sycophant, & Proven Liar. Three things to know about James Comer. 

As Rep. James Comer holds a press conference today to rehash false attacks against the president’s family that the American people overwhelmingly rejected in the 2020 elections, here are some important facts you need to know about him. 

  1. He is a fringe conspiracy theorist.

James Comer is trying to reinvent himself as a reasonable person searching for the truth, but his record tells a very different story. As a Washington Post columnist noted, according to Comer, “Hunter Biden controls cobalt in Congo, fentanyl in Mexico, coronavirus in Wuhan and war in Ukraine. It is just a matter of time until Republicans find a Hunter Biden angle in Jeffrey Epstein’s demise and UFOs off the coast of California.”

Here are just a few of Comer’s outrageous conspiracy theories. (While he hasn’t yet claimed Hunter Biden staged the moon landing, we wouldn’t put it past him.)

  • Comer has repeatedly argued that Hunter Biden is the reason Joe Biden has not supported GOP investigations into the origin of Covid-19 or fentanyl.
  • Comer has said Hunter Biden is the reason why the Biden-Harris administration supports the Paris Climate Accords
  • Comer argued that Gen. Mark Milley’s warnings to Chinese generals during the Trump administration could somehow only be explained by Hunter Biden.

In short: Before accepting anything from Republicans on the House Government Oversight Committee, remember their leader is a conspiracy obsessed extremist who cannot and should not be taken seriously.

  1. He is a Donald Trump sycophant who made excuses for his misconduct.

James Comer has no credibility when it comes to government oversight. He spent four years making excuses for Donald Trump’s gross misconduct and is now attempting to use his sham investigations and staged hearings to hurt President Biden and help Trump.

Here are just a few examples of Comer covering up for Trump’s misconduct:

  • Comer is an election denier who backed Trump’s false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
  • Although Trump’s dangerous rhetoric indisputably incited the January 6 insurrection, Comer made excuses, saying Trump was speaking figuratively. 
  • Comer said he would support an independent commission to investigate January 6, but refused to break with his party and vote in favor of one.
  • Comer defended Trump’s racist tweets about four Democratic women of color congresswomen, saying they were “overblown.” 
  • Comer said Trump “may have been joking” when he tried to shut down former FBI Director James Comey’s investigation into Michael Flynn. 

In short: James Comer is a Trump apologist who has made clear that his phony investigations are political exercises designed to hurt President Biden. 

  1. He’s a proven liar who can’t be trusted.

James Comer has repeatedly stressed that his Hunter Biden investigations would not be partisan and that he would only make “factual” statements. However, Comer has already made multiple objectively false statements about Hunter Biden, including during congressional hearings. 

  • In an April congressional hearing, when trying to make the already far-fetched argument that Joe Biden’s support for electric vehicles was somehow shaped by a cobalt mine deal an investment firm previously connected to Hunter Biden had made, Comer made multiple objectively false statements about the deal.
    • Comer claimed that Hunter Biden personally “orchestrated” the deal – however, multiple people involved in the cobalt deal said Hunter Biden was not involved, and many did not even know he was connected to the investment firm. 
    • Even more false, James Comer claimed the cobalt deal was connected to CEFC, in connection with the claim that CEFC’s payments to Hunter Biden were somehow China paying to change U.S. energy policies. However, this statement Comer made in Congress is objectively false – the cobalt deal in question did not involve CEFC.
  • Comer has also repeatedly made objectively false claims about Hunter Biden and sales from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Comer on multiple occasions claimed that the SPR sales actually went to CEFC, in a far-fetched attempt to try to further connect Joe Biden to the sales. 
  • James Comer has repeatedly given false descriptions of a type of bank report to claim that banks were “confident” Hunter Biden had committed a crime. These claims are demonstrably false.
    • In fact, Comer has been called out by independent fact checkers for misleading Americans about the claims. The Washington Post said Comer “needs to get his facts straight. Even if as many as 150 SARs were filed concerning Hunter Biden’s business dealings — a number that remains unconfirmed — that does not mean that he committed ‘serious crimes’ or that banks were ‘pretty confident’ that a serious crime was committed. Instead, these reports are merely tips that something may be suspicious — raw intelligence that still needs to be vetted, confirmed and possibly investigated. Comer earns Three Pinocchios.”
  • In September, James Comer said he discovered that a DOJ official had previously worked with Hunter Biden’s lawyer and framed it as a major new revelation, saying “no one ever knew” this.
    • It’s flatly untrue that it was a new revelation – that story had been reported on since the very start of the Biden-Harris administration in January 2021. Comer’s suggestion of impropriety is also untrue. The DOJ sent a letter that the official had recused himself of all matters involving his former law firm. For the House GOP’s chief Hunter Biden investigator – who has even bragged about having Google alerts set up for Hunter Biden – it’s impossible to believe he just discovered this and wasn’t just making a false claim to generate a news cycle for himself.

In short: How do you know when James Comer is lying? Well, if his lips are moving, it’s a sure bet.

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LOCAL NEWS: As Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Turns One, Biden Delivers Where Trump Failed

Today marks the one year anniversary of President Biden doing what Trump and his Republican Congress promised for years but couldn’t accomplish – signing a Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that is making once-in-a-generation investments in our nation’s roads, bridges, railroads, ports, airports, water systems, and high-speed internet. While Trump and his Republican Congress promised an infrastructure week that never materialized, President Biden and Democrats are delivering an infrastructure decade. 

Across the country, local news headlines are touting the critical investments already flowing into communities thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law:

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DNC Launches GOTV Paid Campaign with Kerry Washington and Chris Paul

In the lead-up to Election Day, the DNC launched digital advertisements featuring Kerry Washington and Chris Paul which are appearing on The Shade Room and Players TV. In the ads, Kerry Washington and Chris Paul highlight the stakes of the midterm elections and ask viewers to make a plan to vote today by going to These ads will run through Election Day on The Shade Room and Players TV platforms. 

“This is one of the most important elections of our lifetimes, and Democrats are going everywhere to reach voters where they are ahead of the midterms,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “Our freedoms are on the ballot, and we are going to continue reminding voters how important it is to make their voices heard and vote.”

Kerry Washington transcript:

Hey, it’s Kerry. So I do not have any tea to spill or shade to give. However, I do have an ask of you. Please, I am asking you to step up this November.  […]

So please, please make your voice heard during these critical midterm elections and elect Democrats who will stand for your rights. […]

It’s just– it’s too important to sit this one out. 

So visit,, and join me. Make your plan to vote.

Chris Paul transcript:

Our rights are on the ballot on November 8th. Your vote is your voice. 

Make sure it’s heard this election season by heading to the polls. Visit today and make your plan to vote for the best leaders on the ballot. 

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ICYMI: Elise Stefanik Takes Credit for President Biden’s American Rescue Plan… AGAIN

Key Point: “House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) is again touting money for projects that were funded by President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid relief package last year — a bill she voted against… 

Stefanik has done this before, touting the receipt of another $1 million Rural Development Grant back in August.”

POLITICO: “Elise Stefanik is touting $12.9 million to support rural hospitals in her district. The source of that funding? Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid aid package — which she voted against last year.”

What’s happening: House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) is again touting money for projects that were funded by President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid relief package last year — a bill she voted against.

The details: In a press release Tuesday, the No. 3 House Republican announced $12.9 million for five hospitals within her district, in the form of Rural Development Grants from the Department of Agriculture.“This significant investment will help bolster rural hospitals in Upstate New York and the North Country after lost revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic, help address the physician shortage, and ensure these hospitals can continue to meet our community’s healthcare needs.” — Rep. Elise Stefanik in a press release

The catch: The money that’s funding the hospitals was made available through Biden’s American Rescue Plan, which Congress passed back in March 2021. Stefanik was one of 212 Republicans that voted against the package in a party-line vote, describing it as a “Far-Left wish list.”

A repeating pattern: Stefanik has done this before, touting the receipt of another $1 million Rural Development Grant back in August.


Stefanik is one of multiple Republicans to applaud funding from a bill they voted against — a pattern that the president himself has mocked. Stefanik and other Republicans framed the bill as a far-left measure that would ‘give stimulus checks to prisoners and illegal immigrants.’ The Covid aid package was widely popular with the public, with high approval ratings specifically among Democrats and Independents.


Word from the White House: “After trying to sell middle class families out to Big Pharma and fighting to raise insurance premiums for working families, it’s no surprise that Rep. Stefanik and House Republicans are trying to take credit for President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ work to protect rural hospitals,” said White House assistant press secretary Robyn Patterson.


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Vice President Harris Hits Local Airwaves to Get Out the Vote

The vice president called into local radio stations in Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

With just under four weeks until the midterm elections, Vice President Kamala Harris spoke with local radio stations across the country this week to talk to listeners about what is at stake this November.

In Georgia: WVEE: Vice President Kamala Harris on the Power of Voting, Biden-Harris Accomplishments

Vice President Harris: “I cannot stress enough folks remembering the power of the people. It’s your power. It’s your power. You go to vote, it’s like putting in your order.”

In Michigan: WDET: Vice President Harris Talks 2022 Stakes and Democrats Delivering for Michigan Despite Republican Opposition

Vice President Harris: “We passed a tax cut for working families, which means they get up to $8,000 more money in their pocket to pay for medicine and food and school supplies for their kids. And let me just tell you something, not only did we do that — in the most recent bill that we passed, we have lowered health care costs.”

In Minnesota: WCCO: Vice President Kamala Harris discusses November elections and 2024 race

Vice President Harris: “What’s at stake in this election? What’s at stake is whether we undo a ruling by the Supreme Court that just took a constitutional right from the people of America — from the women of America. The president is clear: if we have two more senators in the United States Senate he will pass the Women’s Health Protection Act and undo these laws that have basically put government in charge of women’s bodies. There’s a lot at stake in this election and I just ask people to look at the last time they voted to know it really made a difference.”

In Nevada: KCEP: Vice President Kamala Harris discusses importance of voting in Nevada this November

Vice President Harris: “That race in Nevada for Catherine Cortez Masto is so important and she’s got to win. Because we have got to get to a place where we have enough senators so the president can sign into law a bill that says a woman has the right to make decisions about her own body and that we trust women to know what’s in their best interest instead of their government telling them what to do with their body.”

In Pennsylvania: KYW: Vice President Kamala Harris Talks Democrats’ Accomplishments, What’s at Stake in Pennsylvania Senate Race

Vice President Harris: “So much hangs in the balance. I believe he [John Fetterman] will represent the state of Pennsylvania extraordinarily well. And he can help change the balance in the United States Senate in a way that we can actually pass legislation at a national level that will protect the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies and not have their government do it and will protect voting rights in America.”

In Wisconsin: WNOV: Vice President Kamala Harris Outlines the Stakes of the Wisconsin Midterm Elections

Vice President Harris: “Black folks are 60 percent more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes. And insulin — we have far too many, especially of our seniors that I’ve met, who are trying to make decisions about whether they can afford their insulin or afford rent. Capping it at $35 a month, things like that that we did, not one Republican in the Senate voted for it. Not one. So when we have greater numbers, we can do more good work, knowing — sadly — that there are a lot of folks, sadly, who are in the Senate right now who are not participating in solutions and only want to talk about problems. And that again is why I can’t emphasize enough the importance of Mandela Barnes being elected.”

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DNC Statement on National Coming Out Day

In celebration of the courage and strength of the LGBTQ community, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, DNC Secretary Jason Rae, and LGBTQ Caucus Chair Earl Fowlkes released the following statement on National Coming Out Day.

“National Coming Out Day is a chance for us to celebrate and commemorate the strength, resilience, and incredible diversity of the LGBTQ community. But today we also keep in mind those who have not yet come out – and think of how we can fight to make this world one where they can live authentically and freely. As Democrats, we acknowledge that LGBTQ people, especially transgender and gender non-conforming people, live in fear of violence and discrimination, and recommit ourselves to doing all we can to make LGBTQ people feel safe, welcomed, and valued. 

“President Biden and Vice President Harris are committed to making this nation a place where LGBTQ people can live openly, proudly, and freely. The Biden-Harris administration has always prioritized and uplifted the LGBTQ community, by fighting to protect their rights and providing a number of critical protections to LGBTQ people in the face of unprecedented attacks. President Biden and Democrats will continue to ensure that the LGBTQ community gets the equality, dignity, and respect they have always deserved.”

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What They’re Saying: Last Night’s Results Show Voters Are Energized Against GOP Extremism

Last night’s election results showed that across the board, voters are energized to defeat MAGA Republicans’ extreme anti-choice agenda. In New York’s 19th Congressional District, Democratic candidate Pat Ryan won his special election despite Republicans and conservative groups outspending Democrats in the race. In Florida’s primaries, Democratic voter turnout surpassed 2018 primary levels, showing an energized base. And both results come on the heels of Kansas voters turning out to reject Republicans’ extreme efforts to ban abortion and Democrats overperforming 2020 results in all three of the other House special elections since the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade

Here’s a look at what they’re saying…

From NBC: Democrat’s win in bellwether N.Y. House district showcases power of abortion rights message

A victory in a bellwether House district in New York’s Hudson Valley gives fresh hope to Democrats ahead of a daunting 2022 midterm election and raises questions for Republicans who have been expecting a “red wave” this fall.Democrat Pat Ryan won the hotly contested special election on Tuesday, defeating Republican Marc Molinaro, NBC News projected.The outcome reveals the power of Democratic messaging on abortion: Ryan had put the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade front and center to try to galvanize his party’s voters to get to the polls, drawing on his military service to argue that fighting for American freedom means protecting reproductive rights.It was pitted against the Republican message, carried by Molinaro, that the election is a referendum on President Joe Biden, economic pain through inflation, and crime. Molinaro ran as a check on “one-party rule” by Democrats in Washington, which Republicans have long seen as a winning pitch. On Tuesday morning, he urged voters to show up and “send a message to Washington.”It wasn’t enough.

From ABC’s Tal Axelrod:

From Axios’s Josh Kraushaar:

Inside Elections’s Ryan Matsumoto:

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FACT SHEET:How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Latino Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to build an economy that works for working families, including Latino communities. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. 

President Biden and Congressional Democrats beat back the special interests to pass this historic legislation to help communities of color, including Latinos, who have been at the frontline of climate change, by lowering costs, advancing environmental justice while building a cleaner future, and growing the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. 

President Biden and Congressional Democrats beat back the special interests to pass this historic legislation to help communities of color, including Latinos, who have been at the frontline of climate change, by lowering costs, advancing environmental justice while building a cleaner future, and growing the economy from the bottom up and the middle out.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will lower health care costs, including prescription drug costs, and expand health insurance coverage for Latino families. 

Lower Prescription Drug Costs for Seniors: Americans pay 2-3 times more for their prescription drugs than people in other wealthy countries. High prices contribute to racial and ethnic health inequities. Among adults 65 and older, Latino Medicare beneficiaries were roughly 1.5 times as likely as beneficiaries to have trouble affording medications, and about 2 times as likely to not fill needed prescriptions due to cost. For example, a recent study of shingles vaccination rates among older Americans showed non-Latino White Americans were over 2 times as likely to have received the shingles vaccine than Latinos, due in part to difficulty affording the shingles vaccine. The Inflation Reduction Act will help close the gap in access to medication by improving prescription drug coverage and lowering drug prices in Medicare. The law:

  • Caps the amount that seniors will have to pay for prescription drugs they buy at the pharmacy at $2,000 a year, giving peace of mind to seniors who no longer have to worry about spending thousands and thousands more on prescription drugs.
  • Caps the amount that seniors will have to pay for insulin at $35 for a month’s supply.
  • Provides access to a number of additional free vaccines, including the shingles vaccine, for Medicare beneficiaries.
  • Will further lower prescription drug costs for seniors by allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of high-cost drugs and requiring drug manufacturers to pay Medicare a rebate when they raise prices faster than inflation.

Lower Health Insurance Premiums and Expand Coverage: Since the implementation of the ACA’s coverage expansions, the uninsured rate among Latinos decreased by 11 percentage points, from 30 percent in 2013 to a low of 19 percent in 2017. Despite that progress, almost 10.9 million Hispanic people were uninsured in 2019 before President Biden took office and 640,000 Latinos fell into the “coverage gap” and were locked out of coverage because their state refused to expand Medicaid. Since President Biden took office, the uninsured rate has reached a new historic law: 8% and 5.2 million of Americans have gained health insurance coverage. The Inflation Reduction Act continues the American Rescue Plan’s more generous Affordable Care Act premium tax credits.

  • The Inflation Reduction Act locks in lower monthly premiums – 80 percent of uninsured Latinos had access to a plan for $50 or less each month and 69 percent could find a plan for $0 a month in 2021.
  • By continuing the improvements made through ARP, the Inflation Reduction Act will help keep free or low-cost health insurance available. Nearly 700,000 Latinos will have health insurance coverage next year, compared to without the IRA.


The Inflation Reduction Act takes the most aggressive action on climate and clean energy in American history. The legislation will bring down energy costs for families and create thousands of good jobs, all while reducing climate pollution and ensuring that we have a clean, secure future energy supply. It will:

Make Home Efficiency Upgrades More Affordable: The Inflation Reduction Act will make it more affordable for families to purchase energy efficient and electric appliances when they need to replace everyday home appliances and equipment. And, these appliances will save families money on their utility bills in the long run. 

  • When families need to replace air conditioners, water heaters, or furnaces, they can save up to 30% with tax credits for efficient heating and cooling equipment that will save them hundreds of dollars on utility bills.
  • Households can save up to 30% with tax credits for home construction projects on windows, doors, insulation, or other weatherization measures that prevent energy from escaping homes.
  • If families need to replace or upgrade stoves, ovens, or other home appliances, they can receive direct rebates when buying more energy efficient and electric appliances that can lower future utility bill by at least $350 per year.
  • Families in affordable housing units will benefit from resources to support projects that boost efficiency, improve indoor air quality, make clean energy or electrification upgrades, or strengthen their climate resilience.
  • Overall, families that take advantage of clean energy tax credits can save more than $1,000 per year.

Create Economic Opportunities and Jobs: The Inflation Reduction Act creates economic opportunities and jobs that will reach all Americans as it:

  • Spurs solar project development in environmental justice communities by providing a 20% bonus credit for solar projects on federally-subsidized affordable housing projects and a 10% bonus credit for solar projects in low-income communities.
  • Creates a new Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator that will seed state and local clean energy financing institutions, support the deployment of distributed zero-emission technologies like heat-pumps, community solar and EV charging, while prioritizing over 50% of its investments in disadvantaged communities.
  • Expands clean energy tax credits for wind, solar, nuclear, clean hydrogen, clean fuels and carbon capture include bonus credit for businesses that pay workers a prevailing wage and hire using registered apprenticeship programs – so that the clean energy we use create good paying jobs.

Protect Public Health: The Inflation Reduction Act recognizes that climate change disproportionately impacts low-income communities and communities of color. The law:

  • Creates Environmental Justice Block Grants, and a dedicated program to tackle pollution in port communities – where air pollution is especially dense and deadly.
  • Funds a range of programs to reduce air pollution, including for fenceline monitoring and screening near industrial facilities, air quality sensors in disadvantaged communities, new and upgraded multipollutant monitoring sites, and monitoring and mitigation of methane and wood heater emissions.
  • Protects our children with investments to monitor and reduce at public schools in disadvantaged communities.

Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change: The Inflation Reduction Act bolsters climate resilience, and strengthens the Nation’s infrastructure and economy against natural disaster and extreme weather events by:

  • Upgrading affordable housing with HUD funding to reinforce homes against climate impacts, and increase water and energy efficiency.
  • Expanding USDA’s Urban and Community Forestry Program with tree-planting projects that help cool neighborhoods, with a priority for projects that benefit underserved communities.
  • Advancing transportation equity and resilience with a new Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant program to improve walkability, safety, and affordability, including projects to protect against extreme heat, flooding, and other impacts. 

Lower Costs for Small Businesses: The Inflation Reduction Act includes a number of provisions that will save small business owners money.

  • Small businesses can receive a tax credit that covers 30% of the cost of switching over to low-cost solar power – lowering operating costs and protecting against the volatile energy prices that are currently squeezing small businesses. 

Small businesses can deduct up to $1.00 per square foot of their business for making high energy efficiency upgrades. The per square foot deduction is boosted if the efficiency upgrades are completed by workers who are a paid a prevailing wage – helping businesses save money and provide good paying jobs.

President Trump and Congressional Republicans’ 2017 tax law only made an unfair tax system worse. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is a critical step forward in making our tax code fairer. It will raise revenue by:

  • Ensuring that high-income people and large corporations pay the taxes they already owe.
  • Cracking down on large, profitable corporations that currently get away with paying no federal income tax.
  • Imposing a 1% surcharge on corporate stock buybacks that will encourage businesses to invest. 

The legislation’s tax reforms won’t just raise revenue to finance critically needed investments to lower costs and combat climate change, they are also an important component of building an economy that rewards work rather than wealth and doesn’t let the rich and powerful get away with playing by a separate set of rules. 

Millions of working families will have better access to the benefits they are entitled to under the tax code and be able to get their questions answered quickly and efficiently, thanks to the Act’s transformational investments in the Internal Revenue Service. And, no family making less than $400,000 per year will see their taxes go up by a single cent.

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