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OPEN ENROLLMENT REMINDER: MAGA Republicans Want to Rip Away Affordable Health Care From Hardworking Americans 

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MAGA Malarkey: The Extremism You Missed From Republicans This Week

MAGA Republicans stooped to new lows this week with their extremism, hypocrisy, chaos, and — as President Biden would call it — malarkey. In case you missed it: Donald Trump is trying to run from his extreme anti-abortion record, cheering for a government shutdown to advance his own political agenda, and attempting to rewrite his record of being one of the most anti-worker presidents in history. Also this week, Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, and Mike Pence doubled down on their support for Tommy Tuberville’s military blockade.

On top of all this, DeSantis, Scott, Pence, and Nikki Haley all renewed their commitments to supporting a national abortion ban; DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy denied the climate crisis; and House Republicans devolved into chaos. 

After paving the way for abortion bans across the country, Trump is trying to rewrite his record, but in his own words, “nobody has ever done more” for the anti-choice movement than Donald Trump.

The Atlantic: “The person most responsible for what might be the greatest assault on individual freedom since the mid-20th century is Donald Trump, who appointed fully one-third of the justices on the Supreme Court, hard-core right-wing ideologues who overturned Roe just as he promised they would.”

Trump isn’t even pretending he’s above using MAGA House Republicans to advance his own political agenda — even if it means shutting down the government in a devastating blow to America’s hardworking families. 

Welker: “Do you think Republican hardliners should abandon their threat to shut down the government over their spending priorities now that there is this impeachment inquiry?”

Trump: “No, I think if they don’t get a fair deal – we have to save our country. We’re $35 trillion in debt. We have to save our country.”

Welker: “You would shut down the government? You’d support that?”

Trump: “I’d shut down the government if they can’t make an appropriate deal. Absolutely.”

Trump’s attempt to spin his record as the one of the most anti-union presidents in history isn’t working — take it from the UAW president himself. 

Fain: “I’ll be real about that person. I’ll never forget in the ‘16 race when he spoke about workers in Michigan, union jobs and the Midwest — and said that ‘we need to do a rotation in this country, we need to move those jobs to other places that pay less money. And then those people will be begging for their jobs back for anything.’ That’s not – that’s not a person I want as my president. You know, and recently he made the comment about, you know, telling people to stop paying their dues. That’s not someone that represents working class people. He’s part of the billionaire class. We need to not forget that. And that’s what our members need to think about when they go to vote.”

CNBC: “Fain has said he believes another Trump presidency ‘would be a disaster,’ citing the need for the union to ‘get our members organized behind a pro-worker, pro-climate, and pro-democracy political program that can deliver for the working class.’

“Fain criticized recent comments by the former presidential billionaire Wednesday night, reiterating he does not support Trump.”

2024 Republicans doubled down in their support for abortion extremist Tommy Tuberville, whose military blockade is holding up hundreds of military promotions and undermining America’s readiness.  

HuffPost: “Scott replied that it may actually be a good thing that Tuberville is singlehandedly preventing hundreds of U.S. military posts from being filled.

“‘Under President Biden, holding up promotions is not necessarily a bad thing,’ said the South Carolina Republican.”

The Hill: “2024 GOP presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reiterated his support Saturday for Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) hold on military promotions. … Tuberville’s months-long hold of more than 300 military promotions is in protest against a Pentagon policy reimbursing expenses for service members traveling across state lines for abortions.”

The Hill: “Former Vice President Pence backed Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) holds on senior military promotions, supporting his protest over military abortion policy.

“‘On day one, I’ll direct the Department of Defense to to stop using taxpayer dollars to undermine pro-life laws in states around the country,’ Pence said in a speech Friday. ‘Sen Tommy Tuberville is right, and the Pentagon is wrong.’”

Scott, DeSantis, Haley, and Pence all doubled down on their support for banning abortion nationwide.  

Scott: “That’s what I’m sponsoring in a week. I’m thankful that Mike has joined us. He’s a good man fighting for a very similar position on a similar — on a really important issue. I think we should celebrate those of us who want to create a culture of life from sea to shining sea within this country — that requires leadership. We have to fight for that. Every single day of my presidency, I’ll be fighting to preserve life and to stop crazy states from doing immoral things.”

Radio Iowa: “On Saturday at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition event, you said as president, you would support abortion restrictions at the state and the federal level. Would you sign the nationwide 15-week ban that the Faith and Freedom Coalition supports? 

DeSantis: “So I’ve said from the beginning of this, as president, you put pro-life legislation on my desk, I’m going to look favorably and support the legislation.”

DeSantis: “As president, I’m going to welcome pro-life policies across the board at both [state and federal] levels.”

DeSantis: “We’ve also in Florida not just given lip service, but we put our money where our mouth is when it comes to promoting a culture of life. We signed the Heartbeat Protection Act in the state of Florida, the strongest protections for right to life in the modern history of the state of Florida.”

Haley: “Whatever we can get 60 Senate votes on, isn’t that better than what we have now? And if it’s six weeks, that’s great. If it’s 15 weeks, that’s great.”

Pence’s agenda: “Mike Pence supports using every tool available to protect our Nation’s children. The fight to restore and protect the right to life did not end when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Mike Pence will work with Congress to pass a 15-week abortion ban to protect unborn children nationwide. This minimum standard is essential to ensure that the lives of unborn children are protected in every state. President Pence will also support the adoption of a constitutional amendment to enshrine the right to life in our Nation’s Constitution.”

Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy ramped up their climate denialism in an effort to out-MAGA their GOP opponents who have refused to face the reality of climate change.

Politico: “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Wednesday that humans are ‘safer than ever’ from the effects of climate change, less than a month after a hurricane pounded Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas. … DeSantis’ remarks come less than a year after Hurricane Ian — the second-deadliest storm the continental U.S. has seen in decades, after Hurricane Katrina — devastated his home state, leaving more than 100 people dead and destroying homes and businesses. Last month, Florida grappled with the fallout from another storm, Hurricane Idalia, which pummeled the state and left more than 245,000 customers without electricity as trees snapped by strong winds brought down power lines. Four people died in the hurricane.”

New York Times: “But asked Wednesday if he believed that fossil fuels contributed to climate change, Mr. DeSantis deflected — which he has done repeatedly, most notably on the Republican debate stage last month.”

CNN: “[DeSantis’s] comments Wednesday were among the most forceful to date in rejecting the scientific consensus surrounding man-made global warming.”

Linsey Davis: “Do you believe in climate change?”

Ramaswamy: “Well, I think that with due respect, I’ve talked about this in other forums, ‘Do you believe in climate change?’ is not really a meaningful question, because climate change has existed as long as the Earth has existed. Do I believe it is a fact that global surface temperatures are rising over the course of the last century and the last half century? Yes, I think that that is an established trend–”

Davis: “As president, would you do anything to try to buck that trend?”

Ramaswamy: “No is the answer.”

And Speaker-in-name-only Kevin McCarthy’s conference is devolving into chaos. 

Jake Sherman, Punchbowl News: “🕛 Midday: Can House Republicans govern? At this moment, House Republicans can’t govern. This isn’t just an opinion, at this point. It’s a fact that’s been borne out in the Capitol all week. House Republicans are struggling with the building blocks of governing eight months into their majority.”

NBC News: “Deflated House Republicans leave town with no solution for government shutdown” 

Jordain Carney, Politico: “Tony Gonzales in a tele-townhall: ‘we are on track to have a government shutdown’

Says the House isn’t ‘debating … real things’ and not offering ‘real solutions’ 

‘None of these ideas have any chance of being taken up in the Senate and signed into law’

Doesn’t support CR”

Jake Sherman, Punchbowl News: “‘F–king chaos’ … ‘a total sh–t show’ Two texts I’ve gotten from inside the House Republican leadership in the last few minutes.”

Olivia Beavers, Politico: “House Rs telling me some members have already caught flights out of DC today”

Jordain Carney, Politico: “House vibe check:

Me: Do you know what your schedule is for the next few days?

Clay Higgins: ‘if you find out what my schedule is will you please advise me? Because I would like to know’”

Fox News: “House descends into chaos as GOP rebels again sink key defense vote a second time this week”

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Meet the Extreme 2024 Republicans Speaking at the Iowa State Fair Today

Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy are visiting the Iowa State Fair today, and they are just four of the candidates among the most extreme slate of Republican presidential candidates in history. Here’s what you need to know about their extreme MAGA agendas:

Donald Trump had a disastrous four years in office and is now hellbent on bringing back his extreme MAGA agenda.

Fortune: “Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover”

Bloomberg: “The Offshoring of U.S. Jobs Increased on Trump’s Watch”

Forbes: “Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018”

Trump: “After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to the ‘shock’ of everyone … Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing. Thank you President TRUMP!!!”

Washington Post Analysis: “One of President Donald Trump’s lesser-known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he’s inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt. The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office.”

Washington Post: “His avowed stance, however, is at odds with Trump’s own record as president: Each of his White House budget proposals included cuts to Social Security and Medicare programs.”

Axios: “Trump suggests entitlement cuts could come in his second term”

Daily Beast: “Fox News Edits Out Trump Saying He Might’ve Let Russia ‘Take Over’ Parts of Ukraine”

Ron DeSantis is a failed governor pushing the MAGA agenda to new extremes.

CNN: “Florida is now America’s inflation hotspot”

HuffPost: “While Ron DeSantis Is Fighting Culture Wars, Millions Of Floridians Are Losing Their Health Care”

Tucker Carlson: “You signed a ban on abortion after six weeks in Florida. Would you do the same as president, nationally?”

DeSantis: “Well, I’m very proud to say Kim Reynolds is here and she signed a great heartbeat bill today. We were able to do that in Florida. We had a lot of opposition to that. I’m proud to have been a pro-life governor and I will be a pro-life president, so of course I want to sign pro-life legislation.”

CNN: “Ron DeSantis once expressed support for privatizing Social Security and Medicare giving his rivals an opening”

New York Post: “His assertion, in a statement to Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, that it is not in America’s ‘vital national interests’ to become ‘further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia’ was strongly criticized by numerous senior Republicans — including Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Marco Rubio.”

DeSantis: “They’re never using that number one constitutional power they have — the power of the purse — to rein in these administrative agencies. And so you have something like DOJ and FBI — well, if you never hold them accountable through the legislative process, either through law, or through budget, of course power is going to accumulate there.”

The Hill: “DeSantis says he’ll consider pardoning Jan. 6 defendants, including Trump”

Nikki Haley is another MAGA extremist who will say anything if it benefits her politically.

Fox News : “Nikki Haley, 2024 Republican candidate, vows to sign federal abortion ban if elected president”

Haley: “The younger generation – we go and we do a new system on how they’re going to get [Social Security and Medicare].”

Newsweek: “Presidential hopeful Nikki Haley failed to give a clear answer on how her policies differ from former President Donald Trump’s while being quizzed by Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Wednesday.”

Haley: “I’m really proud of the successes of the Trump administration. Whether it was foreign policy or domestic policy, we should embrace those. Those were the right policies.”

Haley: “What I’d like to see is us go back to what Trump had under the tax cuts under him … I was there.”

Vivek Ramaswamy is desperately trying to out-MAGA the rest of the 2024 GOP field and continues to show how deeply unserious he is.

Ramaswamy: “I remain open minded to any constitutional scholar convincing me of the legal basis for the federal government, which I believe has no authority to codify Roe v. Wade into law, to codify a federal abortion ban into law either. I remain open minded.”

Ramaswamy: “I think we should apply consistent principle on the front end, that’s around the six-week mark.”

Bill Hemmer: “So just to be clear, you’re of the same position that Ron DeSantis is, then, based on the bill he signed last week in Florida, six weeks?”

Ramaswamy: “I think that’s a reasonable bill for him to have signed, absolutely.”

Politico: “Ramaswamy spoke to POLITICO reporters in their offices Monday just one day after he told ABC News that the U.S. could end the fighting by making ‘some major concessions’ to Russia. NatSec Daily pressed him after the meeting on what that would mean.

“‘Putin would end [up] with Crimea and most of the Donbas,’ he told us. Furthermore, NATO should vow that Ukraine won’t join the alliance and the U.S. should restore ‘full economic relations’ with Russia. ‘Those are big concessions,’ he underscored.”

Politico: “Ramaswamy: I ‘don’t believe’ the 9/11 Commission report”

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WATCH: AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond, Local Union Plumber Slam Trump’s Record Ahead of Visit to Erie, PA 

Today, AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond and T.J. Sandell of Erie, PA, a union plumber with Plumbers Local 27 and President of the Great Lakes Building and Construction Trades Council, held a press call blasting Donald Trump’s extreme MAGA agenda and failed economic record ahead of his visit to Erie tonight. During the call, Redmond and Sandell highlighted Trump’s anti-worker record and praised President Biden’s record of delivering for working people.


Read highlights from the press call below:

  • “The truth is this: Donald Trump doesn’t care about workers. Trump undermined workers’ rights. Trump rolled back workplace safety rules. Cut employment and job training programs. Incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas while rigging the economy for the wealthy and big corporations. He delivered massive tax giveaways to the extremely rich and big corporations while not lifting a finger to help struggling working people in Erie and so many other communities around the country. That’s Donald Trump’s record of failure. Working people know the difference between delivering for workers and delivering hot air. And workers know we have a champion in the White House in President Joe Biden. That’s the truth,” said AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond. “President Biden has our back and that’s why we will have his back in 2024, so that he can continue to build an economy that works for all working people.”
  • “Donald Trump ran for president on a promise to stand up for workers, but I watched firsthand as he spent four years letting down working families in Pennsylvania and across the country… Let’s look at the effects of Trump’s policies that hit us hard in Pennsylvania. His failure in handling the pandemic had a catastrophic effect on Pennsylvania’s economy. The Trump tax plan threw crumbs to Pennsylvania’s workers while creating $2T in tax breaks for the wealthy that added over 30% to our national debt. He shrunk Pennsylvania’s manufacturing jobs by over 23,000 in 4 years. Specifically, he left us here in Erie County with fewer manufacturing jobs than when he took office,” said T.J. Sandell of Erie, PA, a union plumber with Plumbers Local 27 and President of the Great Lakes Building and Construction Trades Council. “Joe Biden has been a champion for working people his entire career, he’s the only person we can trust to look out for the working people of Pennsylvania and this country.”

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WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: “Biden is the Big Winner in the Debt Ceiling Deal”

Tomorrow, President Biden will sign the bipartisan budget agreement that he secured to protect our economic recovery and prevent a catastrophic default.

Here’s what commentators and members of the media are saying about President Biden’s steady leadership in achieving yet another win for the American people.

Zack Beauchamp, Vox: “The president is coming off a remarkably successful month, in both political and substantive policy terms.”

Natalie Andrews, Wall Street Journal: “…Biden successfully defended much of his climate-and- tax agenda while greatly paring back the spending cuts initially proposed by Republicans. The deal got more votes from Democrats than Republicans in both the House and Senate. Biden negotiated the next debt-limit deadline to be after the 2024 presidential election, avoiding another showdown next year.”

Christian Science Monitor: “Debt deal reinforces Biden as consensus builder”

The Hill: “Yet Biden also emerged as a winner in the negotiations by getting the House GOP to agree to raise the debt ceiling through Jan. 1, 2025, kicking any future showdown beyond the elections next year. In the end, Biden didn’t have to make any huge concessions.”

Carl P. Leubsdorf, Dallas Morning News: “Biden is the big winner in the debt ceiling deal”

Anna Edgerton, Bloomberg: “The legislation, being delivered to his desk with at least a little breathing room before the default deadline, reinforces Biden’s chief selling point to voters: He’s a no-drama pragmatist who they simply don’t have to think much about, the opposite of the man he replaced in office.”

Meet the Press: “Pres. Biden scores a bipartisan win with the debt deal as he pushes for unity ahead of 2024.” 

Myah Ward, POLITICO: “The Biden-McCarthy deal marked a victory for the president five months into a divided government, a period in which it remained unclear whether the White House could find common ground with House Republicans.”

David Ignatius, Washington Post: “Biden is delivering on his most far-fetched pledge: Compromise

Steve Rattner, MSNBC: “The White House deserves a victory lap on the debt deal”

Financial Times: “Win for Biden as curtain comes down on debt ceiling drama”

Eric Garcia, The Independent: “But given the fact that Mr Biden will have a debt limit increase head to his desk for his signature after a high-stakes few weeks of negotiations, perhaps it is time for his conservative critics to admit that the president actually knows what he is doing when it comes to working with the legislative branch and Congress as a whole.”

Marcus Baram, Capital and Main: “Nevertheless, Biden can accurately claim that the deal safeguards the core of his economic agenda, which leans heavily on federal investments not seen in more than 50 years.”

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New DNC Billboard Spotlights DeSantis’s Disastrous Campaign Launch 

Today, the DNC is rolling out a mobile billboard campaign in Des Moines, Iowa highlighting Ron DeSantis’s catastrophic campaign launch. The mobile billboard highlights the tech glitches, awkward silences, and abysmal media coverage from DeSantis’s awful presidential campaign kickoff.


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Declaraciones del DNC Sobre las Acciones del Presidente Biden para Ampliar la Cobertura de Salud para los Beneficiarios de DACA

El presidente del DNC, Jaime Harrison, emitió la siguiente declaración aplaudiendo el anuncio de la administración Biden-Harris sobre la cobertura de salud para los Dreamers:

“Estoy encantado de que el presidente Joe Biden haya tomado medidas hoy para ampliar la cobertura de salud para los beneficiarios de DACA. Los Soñadores fortalecen nuestra economía, enriquecen nuestras comunidades, y merecen todas las oportunidades y posibilidades para lograr el sueño americano. Mientras los republicanos atacan a las comunidades de inmigrantes y amenazan con destruir la atención médica, este es un importante paso que ampliará el acceso a una atención asequible que salvará vidas. Mientras el presidente Biden, la vicepresidenta Harris y los demócratas continúan luchando por un camino hacia la ciudadanía para los Dreamers de nuestra nación, me enorgullece celebrar solo un ejemplo más de cómo esta administración cumple con todas las comunidades”.

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MAGA Republicans Use Their Majority to Carry Out Trump’s Bidding

House Republicans are spending their time in the majority carrying Donald Trump’s water, taking their marching orders from Marjorie Taylor Greene, and executing baseless political stunts. 

It’s no surprise the MAGA House Republican majority is under Trump’s command – from weaponizing hearings to baseless attacks, the House GOP has been wasting the American people’s time. 

CNN: “Donald Trump continues to wield enormous power on Capitol Hill as House Republicans seek to curry favor with the former president, pursuing his fixations through their investigations and routinely updating him and his closest advisers on their progress.

“A number of top House GOP lawmakers have disclosed in recent days their efforts to keep the former president informed on the pace and substance of their investigations. Lines of communication appear to go both ways. Not only are Trump, his aides and close allies regularly apprised of Republicans’ committee work, they also at times exert influence over it, multiple people familiar with the talks tell CNN.

“The constant, and sometimes direct, communication between Trump and the committees has emerged as a crucial method for Trump to shape Republicans’ priorities in their newly-won House majority. It also underscores the extraordinary sway an ex-president still holds over his party’s lawmakers and the deference many still afford him.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene is leading the charge in the Republican conference, keeping Trump “plugged in at all times.”

CNN: “GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who serves on the House Oversight Committee, which is conducting a number of investigations into President Joe Biden, also speaks to Trump on a frequent basis. Both she and Stefanik have endorsed Trump’s 2024 presidential bid and are said to be interested in serving as his running mate.

‘I keep him up on everything that we’re doing,’ Greene told CNN. ‘He seems very plugged in at all times. Sometimes I’m shocked at how he knows all these things. I’m like, ‘How do you know all this stuff?’”

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House Republicans’ Agenda? Gut Health Care, Raise Costs, Defund Law Enforcement While Exploding the Deficit to Cut Taxes for the Wealthy

Today as the MAGA Republican majority close out their Issues Conference, it’s clear their plans include making devastating cuts to programs Americans rely on by threatening working families’ health care, public safety and national security, raising costs for families, and pushing tax breaks for the wealthy and special interests – all while failing to reduce the deficit by a single penny. 

House Republicans have proposed making drastic cuts to programs working families rely on by raising health care, energy and child care costs, while at the same time helping billionaires and special interests cheat out of paying their taxes.

Washington Post: “The ultimatum from the House Freedom Caucus — led by Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) — threatened to deal a massive blow to government health care, education, science and labor programs.”

Washington Post: “The far-right caucus… also targeted the roughly $80 billion recently approved to help the Internal Revenue Service pursue tax cheats… That move could add to the deficit”

American Independent: “House Republicans want to repeal Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. Voters do not.”

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “House GOP’s First Bill: A Misleading Gambit to Protect Interests of Wealthy Tax Cheats”

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget: “IRS Funding Repeal Could Cost Over $100 Billion, Encourage Tax Cheating”

They’ve also pushed for defunding law enforcement which would weaken our national security and make our border less secure.

Insider: “Far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she won’t vote for a budget without cuts to DOJ and FBI”

MSNBC: “House Republican calls for defunding Homeland Security department”

Punchbowl: “According to Biden administration estimates […] Roughly 11,000 FBI personnel could be laid off.”

And their proposals could also stunt the growth of American manufacturing jobs, making us less competitive with China, while increasing health care premiums and cutting Medicare. 

CNBC: “Inflation Reduction Act has spurred 100,000 new green jobs so far: Here’s where they are”

Bloomberg: “The group also is demanding an end to Biden’s student loan forgiveness program, rescinding unspent Covid funds, and rescinding both the $80 billion expansion of the Internal Revenue Service enacted last year and climate change spending from the Inflation Reduction Act.

Kaiser Family Foundation: “The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act will extend temporary subsidies, preventing out-of-pocket premium payments from rising across the board next year for virtually all 13 million subsidized enrollees.”

New York Times: “The Republican Study Committee, a group that includes 173 of the 222 Republican House members, has offered a fairly detailed plan… The committee also relies on significant reductions in Social Security and Medicare to erase the deficit.”

Republicans’ plans could also scale back rail safety inspections and threaten air safety even in light of recent accidents threatening community safety. 

Punchbowl News: “Air traffic control towers would need to be shut down at one-third of airports, and rail safety inspections would be reduced.”

Let’s be clear: Only President Biden’s budget proposal would reduce the deficit by $3 trillion over the next decade while protecting Social Security and Medicare, while House Republicans’ plans would be a disaster for working families. 

AP: “Biden budget aims to cut deficits nearly $3T over 10 years”

Bloomberg: “Biden to Urge 25% Billionaire Tax, Levies on Rich Investors”

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REMINDER: 2024 Republicans Are Campaigning On Cutting Social Security and Medicare

As Mike Pence travels to Virginia to remind Americans that Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare, DNC spokesperson Rhyan Lake released the following statement:

“We’re glad Mike Pence is taking the time to remind the American people that every single 2024 Republican, including Donald Trump, has supported or proposed cuts to Medicare and Social Security. As 2024 Republicans battle to out-MAGA each other, every GOP contender will have to answer for their plans to gut these programs and end Medicare and Social Security as we know it.”

Let’s be clear: Every year he was in office, Mike Pence stood behind Donald Trump’s budget proposals that called for cuts to Medicare and Social Security programs. 

Washington Post: “His avowed stance, however, is at odds with Trump’s own record as president: Each of his White House budget proposals included cuts to Social Security and Medicare programs.”

As the GOP’s messy primary only becomes more extreme, every 2024 Republican hopeful has supported plans to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block. 

Axios (January 2020): “Asked by CNBC Wednesday if cuts to entitlements would now be something he’d consider, Trump responded: ‘At the right time, we will take a look at that.’”

NHJournal: “On entitlement programs, [Nikki Haley] says ‘you have to look at entitlements.’ ‘Let’s not dig our head in the sand and say ‘we’re not going to do anything about entitlements,’ we have to.’”

CNN: “A CNN KFile review of comments from DeSantis’ 2012 congressional campaign found he repeatedly said he supported plans to replace Medicare with a system in which the government paid for partial costs of private plans or a traditional Medicare plan. In one interview with a local newspaper, DeSantis said he supported ‘the same thing’ for Social Security, citing the need for ‘market forces’ to restructure the program.”

Washington Post: “Other potential entrants in the Republican primary, such as former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) and South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem, also voted for Ryan’s budget when they were in Congress.

“‘There’s no doubt that we have to wrestle this beast to the ground and do the right thing,’ Scott said on Fox News in 2012. ‘The fact is that if we don’t start having a real conversation about people in their 40s and younger about the transformation of the system, it won’t be available for folks now in their 20s and 30s.’”

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