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ICYMI: In Western Swing, DNC Chair Tom Perez Encourages Arizonans and Nevadans to Make a Plan to Vote

This week, DNC Chair Tom Perez traveled to Arizona and Nevada to call out Donald Trump’s broken promises and encourage voters to make their voices heard this fall. During his trip, Chair Perez hosted a slate of voter mobilization events, urging Arizonans and Nevadans to make a plan to vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot. See coverage of his trip below.

In Arizona:

Arizona Republic: With voting underway, DNC Chair Tom Perez optimistic about Arizona. “‘Donald Trump’s failures have cost people’s lives, it’s cost them their jobs,’ [Perez] said … ‘The failures of this president are on full display right here in Arizona. People know it and they’re fired up to come out and vote. I think there’s going to be record turnout here in Arizona.’”

Univision Arizona: “Tenemos que subir el salario mínimo y aumentar los impuestos a los millonarios”: “En su visita a Phoenix, el presidente del Comité Demócrata, Tom Pérez, habló sobre las campañas y destacó las acciones que podría implementar Joe Biden de llegar a la presidencia.”

Telemundo Arizona: “Biden tiene respecto para nuestra comunidad. Él va a trabajar 24/7 para mejorar nuestra vida. Donald Trump fundamentalmente no tiene respeto para nuestra comunidad.”

KVOA: “Twenty four days until the most important election of our lifetime. And the first visit from the Vice President and Senator Harris together post-convention was here in Arizona, because we know how important Arizona is. The road of the White House, the road to the Senate majority, goes through the great state of Arizona.”

In Nevada:

Las Vegas Review-Journal: DNC chairman urges Nevada Democrats to vote early. “Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, visited Las Vegas Tuesday to encourage voters across the valley to drop off their mail ballots and vote early. ‘Our focus is on getting the vote out, you got incredible energy out there in Nevada,’ Perez said Tuesday. ‘People often refer to Election Day as November 3rd, but Election Day is every day between now and November 3rd for people here in Nevada.’”

Las Vegas Sun: Susie Lee, DNC chair lead ballot drop-off parade in Henderson. “Perez stressed the need for Nevadans to participate in early voting, which begins Saturday … ‘I have confidence that we can pull this off because everybody is suffering from the same crisis and they see in Donald Trump a colossal failure on the coronavirus front, a failure on the economy … People understand that when you have a global pandemic, you can’t have 50 different solutions to that pandemic — you need federal leadership,’ Perez said.”

KSNV: DNC chair Tom Perez talks mail-in, early voting during events across Las Vegas valley. “Perez urged voters to get out early and vote via mail-in ballots or through early in-person voting, which starts in Nevada on October 17th. Perez said Nevada will be a key state in deciding the next president. With mail-in ballots, Perez said the option will help many voters concerned about COVID-19, and he said the ease of mail-in voting scares Republicans. ‘Donald Trump doesn’t want to vote by mail because it increases turnout. The evidence is overwhelming. Vote by mail is safe and its secure period,’ the DNC chair said.”

KRNV: “People here in Nevada can handle the truth. But [Trump] didn’t give them the truth. And here we are suffering needlessly because of his failures. Two hundred thousand deaths across the country. Look at the unemployment rate here. We can’t fix the economy until we fix the coronavirus and this president doesn’t understand this.”

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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Trump’s Muskegon Superspreader Event

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of spokesman Christian Slater on the announcement of Trump’s Saturday superspreader event in Muskegon:

“Trump has shown nothing but a reckless disregard for the lives of Michiganders as he and his campaign host superspreader events throughout our state. For months, Donald Trump lied about a deadly pandemic. Then he refused to take action as it caused crisis after crisis and he attacked leaders like Governor Gretchen Whitmer who are fighting to keep Michigan safe. Now, almost 7,000 Michiganders are dead, over 130,000 have been sickened, unemployment has skyrocketed, and small businesses have been forced to close while he continues his relentless assault on protections for the 4.1 million Michiganders with preexisting conditions. Just today, over 1,000 Michiganders tested positive for coronavirus. Despite the pain and suffering he has forced on Michigan families, Donald Trump still refuses to address the deadly pandemic he has failed to contain and we will vote in droves by mail, early in person and on November 3 to elect Joe Biden as his replacement and send Gary Peters back to the U.S. Senate.”

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Michigan Democratic Party

ICYMI: As Donald Trump Attacks Fauci, Michigan Doctors Call for an End to Fauci Ad

As Donald Trump ignores COVID restrictions, hosts superspreader events, and attacks Dr. Fauci, Michigan doctors called for an end to Trump’s misleading Fauci ad, calling it a “dangerous, reckless threat to public health.”

Detroit Free Press: Michigan physicians ask TV stations to pull Trump ad, calling it a danger
By Clara Hendrickson

Key Points:

  • “We believe this ad is a dangerous, reckless threat to public health that will lead to more infections and fatalities,” reads a letter signed by 49 Michigan physicians who are members of the Committee to Protect Medicare, a health care advocacy organization that launched its own ad campaign this summer to support Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, reports NBC News. Trump’s campaign ad is appearing on TV stations in Grand Rapids and Detroit, according to the letter signed by the Michigan physicians.
  • The physicians argue that the ad poses a threat to public health because it makes it seem like the pandemic is over and encourages noncompliance with measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The ad claims that “President Trump is recovering from the coronavirus, and so is America.” It ends by telling viewers, “We’ll live carefully, but not afraid.”
  • Trump’s response to the coronavirus has inspired some prominent medical experts to make an unusual foray into politics. Just last week, the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine spoke out against the president’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic in an editorial signed by 34 editors, breaking the journal’s 208-year tradition of staying clear of partisan matters.

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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Eric Trump’s Novi Event

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of Oakland County Democratic Party Chair Vaughn Derderian on Eric Trump’s event in Novi. The event comes after a previous one was cancelled due to the venue’s former employee’s involvement in the plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.

“No matter where Eric Trump goes in our state, he can’t escape his father’s broken promises and failed leadership. Whether he’s at a gun range or a convention center, Eric Trump will spin lies about this administration’s disastrous record. Here’s the truth: Donald Trump’s failed COVID-19 response has devastated our state, leaving almost 7,000 dead in our state and sending unemployment skyrocketing. And despite the destruction he caused, Donald Trump has refused to lift a finger to help struggling working families in our state, tweeting demands instead of taking real action. Michigan voters are already turning out in record numbers in rejection of this administration and we’re going to work relentlessly through November 3rd to continue this momentum and elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Gary Peters, and Democrats up and down the ballot.”

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NEW DNC AD: “Tested Positive”

The DNC War Room released a new television ad today, “Tested Positive,” that highlights how, even after contracting the coronavirus, Trump continues to put lives at risk by ignoring experts, holding in-person superspreader events, and lying to the American people about the threat of the virus.

“Trump ignored the advice of experts, didn’t contain the pandemic, and endangered American lives with all his lies — even after he tested positive for COVID himself,” said DNC War Room Senior Spokesperson and Advisor Lily Adams. “Now, as new cases surge, Trump is still claiming the virus will disappear and refusing to act, while the American people pay the price.”


“Tested Positive” will air in battleground states and on cable in Washington, D.C. It is the 14th ad the DNC War Room has released since June to hold Trump accountable for his failed record. 

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NEW DNC VIDEO: President Obama Helps Americans Make A Plan To Vote

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing new, state-specific voter education videos featuring former President Barack Obama, who encourages Americans to visit to learn about their different options to cast their ballot and make a plan to vote to vote today.

The DNC is releasing versions of the video with state-specific voting instructions for AK, AL, AZ, CO, FL, GA, IA, KS, KY, ME, MI, MN, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NV, OH, PA, SC, TX, VA, and WI.

“So much is at stake in this election — from getting the pandemic under control to building a fairer economy to taking on climate change to protecting our health care,” President Obama says in the video. “History shows that the easiest way to make sure that you and your friends vote is to make a plan. And when it comes to voting this year, having a plan has never been more important.”


The DNC and Biden campaign recently rolled out new features on — Democrats’ voter participation website —  that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. The site is also completely accessible in Spanish at

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DNC on Trump’s Pennsylvania Rally

In response to Trump’s Pennsylvania rally where he once again joked about kissing his supporters and claimed without evidence that you’re immune after recovering from COVID, DNC War Room senior spokesperson and advisor Lily Adams released the following statement:

“Trump is parading around the country holding potential superspreader rallies, joking about the coronavirus, and misleading Americans about being immune. It’s hard to imagine a more reckless and irresponsible approach as the country enters the pandemic’s third wave. Trump is not only ‘asking for trouble,’ he is actively causing it.”

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DNC on SCOTUS Census Decision

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision granting the Trump administration’s emergency request to end U.S. Census counting early:

“This ruling is a threat to our democracy and a disgraceful attempt to silence marginalized communities. The Trump administration’s goals are simple: to strip states of their fair share of resources and representation and to disempower immigrants and voters of color. It’s long past time for Donald Trump and Republican leaders to stop using the census as a tool for political gain. On November 3, we must end the Trump era of corruption and craven opportunism. We must elect Democrats up and down the ballot across the country. Nothing less than the fate of our democracy is at stake.”

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DNC releases a new ad in Spanish and English featuring America Ferrera encouraging voters to use and

The DNC released a new paid digital ad this week in English and Spanish featuring actress America Ferrera. In the ads, Ferrera urges Latino voters to get out and make their voices heard this election year.

“It has never been more important for you to exercise your right to vote than this year. There’s a lot on the line in this election, especially for our community,” says America Ferrera. “The best way to guide our country’s future is to vote early […] Please go to, make your plan to vote and make sure your friends and family do too.”

The ad will reach voters on digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Hulu and Youtube, and follows a Spanish-language advertising radio and newspaper ad campaign focused on the Latino community that directs individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

The English language version of the ad will be running in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Carolina, Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia. The Spanish language version is running in Arizona and Florida.

This spot also follows the recently released updates to and that help voters learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote, as well as easily request and return their ballot by mail.

Watch the new ad here in English and here in Spanish.

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What They’re Saying: President Obama Encourages Americans To Make A Plan To Vote

Today, the Democratic National Committee released a new series of state specific voter education videos featuring former President Barack Obama, who encourages Americans to visit and make a plan to vote.

Check out what they’re saying about the new videos in battlegrounds across the country:

CNN: Democrats deploy Barack Obama for video voting guides. “Barack Obama is urging Americans in 24 key states to vote in his latest foray into the 2020 election, stressing in new digital videos released by the Democratic National Committee on Tuesday the need for voters to make plans for casting their ballots. The videos, which feature the former president saying there is ‘so much at stake in this election,’ will be used digitally by the Democratic committee, including by statewide campaigns, state parties and other allied progressive groups.”

In Arizona:

Arizona Informant: In New Digital Ad, President Obama Urges Arizonans to Make a Plan to Vote. “With only a few weeks left until Election Day, President Obama is taking to the airwaves to make sure that voters in Arizona have a plan to make their voices heard. In a new digital video released in collaboration with the Democratic National Committee, former President Obama speaks directly to Arizona voters and educates them on their different options to cast their ballots this year. He directs Arizonans to — the DNC’s voter participation hub that helps voters learn important information about the voting process.”

In Colorado:

Denver Urban Spectrum: Former President Barack Obama Sends Special Message To Colorado Voters. “With the most important election of our lifetime looming just three weeks from today, President Barack Obama is reminding all Coloradoans to get to the polls. The former president has launched an educational video to spotlight the voting options available to Colorado residents as we approach November 3, 2020.”

In Florida:

Westside Gazette: President Obama Helps Floridians Make A Plan To Vote. “Today, the Democratic National Committee is releasing a new voter education video featuring former President Barack Obama, who encourages Floridians to visit to learn about the different options to cast their ballot and make a plan to vote today.”

In Georgia:

Atlanta Voice: #Election2020: Barack Obama releases new video helping Georgians make voting plans. “This morning, the Democratic National Committee is releasing a new voter education video featuring former President Barack Obama, who encourages Georgians to visit to learn about the different options to cast their ballot and make a plan to vote today. Early voting began Monday morning in the Peach State, with long lines and protracted waiting times, most notably in the metro Atlanta area.”

In Nevada:

Las Vegas Black Image: Vote — and keep our American democracy alive. “[W]e make history. President Barack Obama knows something about that — and in a new video, he urges Nevadans to know that history and make a plan for one of the many ways to make their voices heard: Voters can mail in their ballots, opt to early vote, or vote in person on Election Day, November 3. They also have the option to put their ballots in official drop boxes across the state — with early voting taking place October 17-30.”

In New Hampshire:

WMUR: Former President Obama appears in NH-focused DNC video outlining voting options. “New Hampshire is among a group of battleground states being targeted in the release of a new video featuring former President Barack Obama urging people to vote and explaining the options for voting. ‘Hey, New Hampshire. Barack Obama,’ the former president says in the two-minute video that urges viewers to visit to learn about the options of casting ballots.”

In Pennsylvania:

Penn Capital-Star: Exclusive: In new video, Barack Obama has a message for Pa.: Have a plan to vote. “With just three weeks to go before Election Day, national Democrats are calling in the big guns to make sure that voters in a must-win battleground state have a plan to cast their ballots. In a new video, released on behalf of the Democratic National Committee, former President Barack Obama warns Keystone State voters that because so ‘much is at stake in this election,’ they need to make sure they have a plan to vote: whether that’s by mail, at a dropbox, at their county elections office, or in-person at the polls on Election Day.”

In Texas:

Houston Defender: Barack Obama releases new video helping Texans make voting plans. “Today, early voting starts and former President Barack Obama is encouraging Texans in a new voter education video to visit to learn about the different options to cast their ballot and make a plan to vote.”

In Virginia:

Progress-Index: In new video, Obama urges Virginians to ‘change this country’ by voting in the election. “State Democrats are rolling out a new online video featuring former President Barack Obama as he encourages Virginia voters to ‘protect this democracy and change this country’ by voting in the November election. The two-minute video, produced by the Democratic National Committee, was posted to Democratic portals across Virginia Tuesday morning.”

In Wisconsin:

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Barack Obama urges Wisconsinites to make a plan to vote. “With the push on to get voters to the polls, former President Barack Obama appears in a video message released Tuesday urging people to make a plan to vote. ‘Hey, Wisconsin, Barack Obama here,’ the former president says in the two-minute video.”

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