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DNC on Latest Unemployment Numbers

DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez released the following statement after another 1.4 million Americans filed initial claims for unemployment last week:

“Another 1.4 million unemployment claims. Another week of death and devastation. And this president continues to stand idly by. No action. No responsibility. No leadership. For the 28th consecutive week, more people have filed for unemployment benefits than during the single worst week of the Great Recession, and there continue to be mass layoffs, including more than 40,000 airline workers facing what could be the single-worst episode of aviation layoffs in American history. One flight attendant facing joblessness said simply, ‘I don’t have enough, unfortunately, to get by.’ That’s because he doesn’t have a good enough president to get by. As Americans struggle, Donald Trump still can’t find the courage, compassion, or competence to lead. More than 200,000 Americans have perished, millions of jobs have disappeared, and our economy remains in recession while Trump continues to hold up a deal on economic relief. We need to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to end this disastrous period in our history and help us build back better.”

1.4 million Americans filed new unemployment claims last week. For 28 consecutive weeks, more people have filed for benefits than during the single worst week of the Great Recession.

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “Layoffs are still going on at a rapid pace. 1.4 million Americans filed a *new* UI or PUA unemployment claim last week — about the same as the prior two weeks.”

CNBC: “The total is still well above anything the U.S. has seen since before the crisis.”

26 million Americans are receiving some form of unemployment relief – over 18 times where we were a year ago.

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “**26 million people are on unemployment**”

Nearly 63 million unemployment claims have been filed since the pandemic began, far surpassing the total during the entire Great Recession.

Business Insider: “The nearly 63 million unemployment-insurance filings made throughout the coronavirus pandemic trounce the 37 million filings seen during the 18-month Great Recession.”

Job growth slowed significantly in August.

Axios: “The labor market is rebounding, but the pace of hiring has dropped off. The slowdown could be a sign of what’s to come: a long, sluggish job market recovery… President Trump has praised job gains in recent months, even though they have consistently slowed from June’s surprise 4.8 million jump.”

BLS: “Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 1.4 million in August, following increases of larger magnitude in the prior 3 months.”

Wall Street Journal: “The number of available jobs in the U.S. leveled off late this summer, the latest sign momentum in the labor market is easing six months after the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the U.S. The increase in the number of job postings, a real-time measure of labor-market activity, has slowed dramatically since late July, and last week stood about 20% below 2019 levels, according to data the job-search site shared with The Wall Street Journal.”

Fewer than half of jobs lost during the pandemic have come back, with 11.5 million fewer jobs than in February.

BLS: “Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 1.4 million in August, following increases of larger  magnitude in the prior 3 months. In August, nonfarm employment was below its February level by 11.5 million, or 7.6 percent.”

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “Official unemployment rate = 8.4%  That’s the lowest unemployment rate since March but one of worst in modern history. **About 48% of the 22 million jobs lost during the pandemic have returned**”

Permanent job losses rose by 534,000 in August to 2.1 million since February.

BLS: “In August, the number of permanent job losers increased by 534,000 to 3.4 million; this measure has risen by 2.1 million since February.”

Hispanic and Asian unemployment remains over 10 percent, and the Black unemployment rate remains nearly twice that of white Americans.

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “This continues to be a highly uneven recovery.  Black, Hispanic and younger workers remain over 10% unemployed Men: 8% Women: 8.4% Teens: 16.1% White: 7.3% Hispanic: 10.5% Asian: 10.7% Black: 13%”

There continue to be mass layoffs costing tens of thousands of jobs.

Yahoo News: “Still, a wave of new layoffs from major corporations looms. On Tuesday, Disney said it would be cutting 28,000 jobs in its resort business, in one of the deepest reductions announced so far during the pandemic period. Shell on Wednesday said it planned to slash up to 9,000 positions by the end of 2022. And airlines including American Airlines and United Airlines Holdings have each warned they could furlough some 19,000 and 12,000 workers, respectively, following the October lapse of provisions under Congress’s CARES Act that gave the industry billions to help keep workers on payrolls.”

Bloomberg: “Tens of thousands of job cuts announced by blue-chip companies in a 24-hour period are a warning sign for the world’s recovery and emerge just ahead of two key reports forecast to show limited progress in the U.S. labor market.”

Challenger Jobs Report: “Job cuts announced by U.S.-based employers jumped to 118,804 in September, up 2.6% from August’s total of 115,762, according to a monthly report released Thursday by global outplacement and business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. September’s total is 186% higher than the 41,557 job cuts announced in September 2019.”

Small businesses remain in peril with millions of small firms at risk and hundreds of thousands expecting to have to close in the next six months.

Bloomberg: “About one in 20 small firms say they expect to permanently shut down in the next six months, according to the latest Small Business Pulse Survey by the Census Bureau.”

CNBC: “Yelp also takes into account the businesses whose closures have become permanent. That number has steadily increased throughout the past six months, now reaching 97,966, representing 60% of closed businesses that won’t be reopening.”

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Michigan Democratic Party US Democratic Party

DNC Statement on Donald Trump Fundraiser in New Jersey

Ahead of Donald Trump’s fundraiser at his country club in Bedminster, New Jersey today, Democratic National Committee spokesperson Will Baskin-Gerwitz released the following statement:

“Donald Trump today will tell his supporters in Bedminster that he’s making America great again, while back in Washington his administration will be preparing for their Supreme Court case to dismantle our health care system. If Trump has his way, more than 133 million Americans who have diabetes, survived cancer, or contracted COVID-19 could be denied access to health care due to their pre-existing conditions or see their premiums skyrocket because Trump doesn’t have a replacement plan. That’s not making America great, it’s making America broke.”


On November 10, the Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments in the Trump Administration’s latest effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. If the Trump administration succeeds, it will jeopardize health care for more than 20 million  Americans and eliminate protections for as many as 133 million Americans with preexisting conditions, including as many as 8.6 million New Yorkers and over 3.8 million New Jerseyans.

In the midst of a global pandemic, the ACA is one of our most critical tools.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The ACA established what are known as “essential health benefits,” mandating coverage of services like prescription drugs and hospitalization. Coronavirus testing and treatment are essential health benefits and must be covered by all ACA-compliant plans.

  • Access To Critical Vaccinations Without Cost Sharing: Once a coronavirus vaccine is developed, the Affordable Care Act will almost certainly cover the coronavirus vaccine without cost-sharing, because it requires plans to cover all vaccinations recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

  • Protections For As Many As 133 Million Americans With Preexisting Conditions: Under the ACA, insurance companies are not allowed to discriminate against those with preexisting conditions by denying them coverage or charging higher rates

  • Coverage for 20+ Million People: Because of the ACA, more than 20 million Americans gained health coverage. People with insurance are much more likely to see a doctor when they are sick and to get the treatment they need.

  • Increased CDC Funding: The Affordable Care Act established the CDC Prevention and Public Health Fund, which helps states prepare for disease outbreaks.

  • Medicaid Expansion: Because of the ACA, states can get additional federal money to expand Medicaid to vulnerable populations. More than 17 million Americans now have coverage through Medicaid expansion. Importantly, Medicaid’s funding structure allows funds to increase in response to a public health emergency like coronavirus.

  • Key Support For Rural Hospitals: The ACA significantly reduced uncompensated care costs. Between 2013 and 2015, hospitals’ uncompensated care costs decreased by $12 billion, or roughly 30 percent. As hospitals face an influx in coronavirus patients, it is critical that they are paid for the treatment they provide.

Trump will keep lying to Americans about protecting their health care — but he has already broken his biggest health care promises.

  • Fewer Americans Covered: Trump promised that whoever “wanted health care” would have it under his administration, but fewer Americans had health insurance last year before the pandemic hit, and the Trump-backed lawsuit could cause more than 20 million Americans to lose their insurance.

  • Rising Health Care Costs: Trump promised he would put a stop to rising health care costs and even reduce them — but his lawsuit would raise out-of-pocket costs for premiums and prescription drugs.

  • No Preexisting Condition Protections: Trump promised to support preexisting condition protections and said that costs for people with preexisting conditions would be “much lower” under his leadership — but his lawsuit would end these vital protections.

  • Gutting Medicaid Access: Trump promised to protect Medicaid — but his lawsuit would end access to Medicaid for millions of Americans enrolled through the ACA’s expansion program.

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Michigan Democratic Party US Democratic Party

Past 48 Hours: Thousands Of Layoffs As Trump’s Failed Coronavirus Response Continues to Hurt Economy

More evidence continues to make it clear that the economic recovery is not a “super V” as Trump claims. Over the past 48 hours alone, companies have announced tens of thousands of layoffs of American workers as Trump fails to get the pandemic under control and continues to hold up a deal on economic relief.

28,000 jobs lost — NBC News: “Disney laying off 28,000 workers amid continued strain from pandemic”

19,000 jobs lost — Washington Post: “American Airlines was the first to announce its plans, saying it would begin furloughing 19,000 employees.”

13,000 jobs lost — Washington Post: “A similar message came from United, which said it will be forced to furlough roughly 13,000 employees starting Thursday.”

3,8000 jobs lost — Wall Street Journal: “Allstate Corp., one of the U.S.’s largest home and car insurers, announced Wednesday that it plans to lay off 3,800 employees in claims, sales and support roles.”

2,000 jobs lost — MarketWatch: “Marathon Petroleum Corp. said late Wednesday it will lay off more than 2,000 employees as it looks to cut costs amid less demand for gasoline and other oil derivatives with the ongoing pandemic.”

400 jobs lost — Bloomberg: “Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is resuming job cuts as the coronavirus pandemic outlasts the financial industry’s resolve to offer jittery employees stability through the economic downturn. The firm is embarking on a plan to eliminate about 1% of its workforce, or roughly 400 positions, according to people with knowledge of the matter, who asked not to be identified as the information isn’t public.”

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Michigan Democratic Party US Democratic Party

DNC Statement on Mid-Autumn Festival

Today, DNC Chair Tom Perez, Vice Chair Rep. Grace Meng, and National AAPI Caucus Chair Bel Leong-Hong released the following statement on the Mid-Autumn Festival: 

“The Mid-Autumn Festival is usually a time to gather together with friends, family, and loved ones to celebrate the blessings we’ve received in the past year. But in the midst of a global pandemic, this Mid-Autumn Festival is unlike any other. This year, as we find new ways to celebrate safely, we also express our gratitude to AAPIs who are on the frontlines of the fight against the coronavirus and reaffirm our solidarity with the AAPI community in the face of rising anti-Asian sentiment. Together, Democrats will continue fighting to build a brighter future for AAPI families across the country, and ensure AAPI communities have a seat at the table.”

「通常在中秋節,我們與親朋友好聚在一起,慶祝我們在過去一年渡過的美好時光。但因全球疫情之故,今年的中秋節與以往不太一樣。今年,在我們以新的方式安全過節之時,我們也表達我們對奮戰在戰疫一線的 AAPI 的感激,並在逐漸興起的反亞裔情緒下重申我們與 AAPI 社區的友好團結。民主黨將與大家攜手努力,繼續為全國的 AAPI 家庭打造更美好的未來,並確保 AAPI 社區擁有一席之地。」

“Tết Trung Thu thường là thời gian để đoàn tụ với bạn bè, gia đình, và người thân yêu để kỷ niệm những điều tốt đẹp mà chúng ta nhận được trong năm qua. Nhưng giữa đại dịch toàn cầu, Tết Trung Thu này không giống như thường lệ. Năm nay, khi chúng ta tìm ra những cách thức mới để kỷ niệm ngày lễ một cách an toàn, chúng tôi cũng muốn thể hiện sự biết ơn đối với AAPI là những người ở tuyến đầu của cuộc chiến chống coronavirus và khẳng định sự đoàn kết của chúng tôi với cộng đồng AAPI trước tư tưởng kỳ thị người Châu Á đang gia tăng. Cùng nhau, những đảng viên Dân chủ sẽ tiếp tục đấu tranh để xây dựng một tương lai tươi sáng hơn cho các gia đình AAPI trên cả nước, và đảm bảo các cộng đồng AAPI có được tiếng nói đại diện của mình.”

“추석은 보통 친구와 가족, 사랑하는 사람들과 모여 지난해 우리에게 주어진 축복을 기념하는 시간입니다. 하지만 전 세계적인 유행병이 계속되고 있는 가운데, 이번 추석은 축제는 이전 어떤 축제와도 다르게 느껴집니다. 저희는 안전하게 올해 축제를 즐길 새로운 방법을 찾는 동시에, 최전선에서 코로나바이스러스와의 사투를 벌이고 있는 아시안아메리칸태평양계 국민들에게 감사를 표하며, 고조되는 반아시아 정서 앞에서 아시안아메리칸태평양계 커뮤니티의 결속을 다시 한 번 확인합니다. 저희 민주당은 힘을 합쳐 전국의 아시안아메이칸태평양계 가족들을 위한 더 밝은 미래를 구축하고 이들에게 자신의 목소리를 낼 수 있는 기회를 제공하기 위해 계속해서 싸워나갈 것입니다.”


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Michigan Democratic Party

More evidence of Unlock Michigan’s illegal conduct piles up

LANSING, Mich. — The Michigan Democratic Party today renewed its call for a full investigation of Unlock Michigan following new photographic and video evidence and social media admissions by Unlock Michigan volunteers and paid circulators that show the effort is riddled with criminality and corruption. 

“Mike Shirkey has unleashed a criminal enterprise on the State of Michigan and he needs to renounce it and apologize to the people of Michigan,” said Lavora Barnes, Michigan Democratic Party Chair. Mike Shirkey will go down in history as the first Senate Majority Leader to spark a criminal investigation of a petition effort that he conceived and inflicted on the people he is supposed to represent. We know Mike Shirkey has been actively fundraising for this effort and we demand to know the special interests and individuals Shirkey has enlisted to bankroll the disgraceful crimewave known as Unlock Michigan.”

Barnes praised Attorney General Dana Nessel for launching a criminal investigation into Unlock Michigan’s illegal and improper tactics. Barnes also encouraged the voters in House districts across Michigan to demand that House Republicans renounce the illegal, improper tactics exposed by multiple media reports involving Unlock Michigan. 

“House Republicans talk a good game about law and order, but their despicable actions and active support of Unlock Michigan has exposed them for being total hypocrites and criminal conspirators, and we urge voters to hold them accountable on November 3,” Barnes said.

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Michigan Democratic Party US Democratic Party

Trump’s Failed Coronavirus Response On Full Display At Last Night’s Debate

Trump’s failed coronavirus response was on full display last night as he downplayed the virus, dismissed experts, politicized the vaccine approval process, and defended his rallies that put more Americans at risk. Trump failed to respond to the pandemic and he continues to fail to lead or even make a plan to contain the virus. As Biden said to Trump, “It is what it is because you are who you are.”

Trump continues to ignore the experts and puts his ego ahead of public health by holding rallies in dangerous coronavirus “red zones.”

USA Today: “Asked why he continues to hold large rallies against the advice of his own health experts, Trump responded: ‘Because people want to hear what I have to say.’”

Washington Post: “President Trump has scheduled large campaign rallies this weekend in Wisconsin despite recommendations from the White House Coronavirus Task Force that call for increasing social distancing in the state ‘to the maximal degree possible.’ The task force has further flagged La Crosse and Green Bay, the metropolitan areas where Trump plans to gather thousands of supporters Saturday, as coronavirus ‘red zones,’ the highest level of concern for community spread of the virus, according to a report from the group released Sunday and obtained by The Washington Post.”

Trump continues to downplay the importance of wearing masks and has fallen far short of his goal to supply enough masks in time for flu season.

The Hill: “President Trump on Tuesday downplayed the importance of wearing masks, saying the administration’s top scientists have changed their minds about it.”

Yahoo News: “The Trump administration is falling far short of its goal of having 300 million N95 respirators available in time for the flu season, according to internal documents reviewed by Yahoo News.”

Trump continues to politicize the vaccine approval process and undermines the credibility of the FDA, which they need to ensure public trust.

STAT: “Trump’s debate highlights his hunger for a rushed, election-eve vaccine approval”

Washington Post: “7 former FDA commissioners: The Trump administration is undermining the credibility of the FDA”

Trump continues to downplay the threat of coronavirus to young people and children as more evidence comes out that they can spread the virus.

TRUMP: “Now we’ve found that elderly people with heart problems and diabetes and different problems are very, very vulnerable. We learned a lot. Young children aren’t, even younger people aren’t.”

NPR: “When Young People Get COVID-19, Infections Soon Rise Among Older Adults”

Associated Press: “COVID-19 cases rising among US children as schools reopen”

ABC News: “Evidence is mounting that children may play a larger role in the community spread of COVID-19, according to two studies. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association published a study on Tuesday that showed that the number of children infected with COVID-19 rose sharply from April to September.”

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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democrats Call Out John James’ “Cynical Deception” on Health Care

DETROIT, MI — Today, the Michigan Democratic Party hosted a press conference with Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist and State Senator Winnie Brinks where they called out John James for his empty promises and “cynical deception” on health care. 

The truth is James has vowed to dismantle the law that protects 1.7 million Michiganders with pre-existing conditions and said in his own words the law is a “monstrosity.” He’s also refused to condemn Trump and Republicans for pushing the ACA lawsuit which will be heard by the Supreme Court the week after the election and will gut health care if successful. And even as Michiganders’ health care is in jeopardy with the Supreme Court vacancy, James has no plan to protect Michiganders with pre-existing conditions. 

“As our nation is facing the worst health crisis in 100 years, Michiganders need someone who they can trust with absolute certainty to preserve access to health care during and after this crisis,” said Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist. “The contrast between Senator Gary Peters and John James couldn’t be more clear: Senator Gary Peters has a clear record of voting to protect and expand access to health care, while James stands “2000%” behind Trump, who is suing to kick millions of people off their health insurance. We can trust Gary Peters to be there for us time and time again.”

“James may try to distort his record on health care, including just this week in a Grand Rapids interview, but we know exactly where he stands. And it’s not with Michigan families who depend on access to affordable health care,” said State Senator Winnie Brinks. “Michiganders deserve a Senator who will be honest and always fight to protect our health care – and John James continues to show that he can’t be trusted to be the leader our families need.”


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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Andrew Wheeler’s Traverse City Event

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of spokesman Christian Slater on Andrew Wheeler’s event in Traverse City:

“For years, former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler has partnered with Donald Trump to undermine critical protections for clean air and water while relentlessly fighting to slash funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. A quick photo-op touting more empty promises can’t erase the years of attacks on our environment by this administration. Michiganders need a president like Joe Biden who will stand up for the environment and ensure that the Great Lakes and public lands are protected for generations to come. That’s why Biden has earned the support of key sportsmen and women in Michigan in addition to major environmental protection groups as part of the broad coalition of Michiganders fired up to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this November.” 

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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Lawsuit Filed by the Former Secretaries of State

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of Chair Lavora Barnes regarding the recent lawsuit filed by former Michigan Secretaries of State.

“It is no surprise that Republicans are once again attempting to suppress the vote. This most recent lawsuit against Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to not allow for the counting of absentee ballots postmarked by November 2 has been filed for one reason, and one reason only. They do not want every vote to count because they know the MI GOP is going to lose come November. As former Secretaries of State, it is shameful that Terri Lynn Land and Ruth Johnson are trying to prevent a full and accurate count of every vote cast in Michigan this election. At a time when we are in need of true leadership the GOP offers grandstanding on the Courthouse steps.”

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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Secretary Brouillette’s Events

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of spokesman Christian Slater on Dan Brouillette’s campaign stop in Michigan:

“Donald Trump has launched an all-out assault on clean energy and our automotive industry, fighting at every turn to slash critical programs that create jobs and build a sustainable energy future. As a result, under Trump, Michigan lost auto manufacturing jobs –– even before the pandemic. Brouillette can pander all he wants today and tomorrow, but there’s no denying that Donald Trump has left our state behind as we lose auto jobs and fall behind on clean energy. If Michigan is going to build back better from the crisis Trump created, we need a president like Joe Biden who will invest in rebuilding the middle class, create 1 million auto jobs, and ensure that the United States leads the way in building a sustainable clean energy future.”

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