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During VP Debate, Pence Must Answer for Failed COVID-19 Response


TO: Interested Parties

FROM: DNC War Room

DATE: Wednesday, October 7, 2020

RE: During VP Debate, Pence Must Answer for Failed COVID-19 Response

The Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus has been a failure by every measure, and Mike Pence owns that record more than anyone but his boss in the Oval Office. As chair of the White House Coronavirus Task Force since late February, Pence oversees the federal response to the pandemic. As President Trump put it when he announced Pence’s role, “I’m having everybody report to Mike … Mike will report to me.” Since then, 210,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, more than 7 million have been infected, more than 400,000 small businesses have closed, and millions of Americans have lost their jobs.

From the start of the pandemic, Pence and the Trump administration left states and health care workers without necessary protective equipment, failed to implement a national testing or contact tracing strategy, refused to follow the most basic health guidelines, and lied to the American public about the threat of the virus. Now, cases are surging across the country again, hospitalizations are rising, there is an outbreak in their own White House — and Pence and the administration still do not have a plan to protect their own workplace, much less the country.

During tonight’s vice presidential debate, Pence must answer for the administration’s failed COVID-19 response that he oversees as chair of the Coronavirus Task Force. Here are some of the key questions he needs to answer for the American public:

  1. As chair of the Task Force, do you agree with the president that Americans shouldn’t be afraid of COVID-19? What message does that send to the hundreds of thousands of American families who have lost a loved one to this virus?
  2. You’re in charge of the federal response to the coronavirus, and now there’s an outbreak at the White House that’s reached the highest levels of government. Shouldn’t responsible leadership start at home?
  3. Have you ever objected to Trump’s reckless gatherings, including the recent event in the Rose Garden with more than 150 mostly unmasked individuals who interacted indoors and outdoors for lengthy periods of time?
  4. Once it became clear that there was an outbreak among White House staff and associates of the president, why wasn’t contact tracing immediately implemented?
  5. Your own Coronavirus Task Force recommends mask wearing to help protect against the coronavirus. Should you have mandated masks at the White House before the current outbreak?
  6. As chair of the Task Force, have you ever suggested to Trump that masks should be mandated at his rallies or your own rallies?
  7. As chair of the Task Force, did you think it was wise for Trump to do a photo op while infected with COVID-19, which unnecessarily exposed Secret Service agents to the virus?
  8. Why did the White House press secretary speak to reporters without a mask after multiple people she had contact with tested positive for the coronavirus?
  9. Why did you write an op-ed back in June that declared victory on combating the coronavirus and claimed fears of a second wave were “overblown” when at the same time the White House was receiving increasingly dire warnings about “red zone” states that were facing skyrocketing cases and rising test positivity rates?
  10. Why did you encourage governors to repeat the lie that cases were only spiking in states because of an increase in testing?
  11. The GAO recently found that there is still a nationwide shortage of testing supplies. More than seven months into this crisis, why does the American public still not have reliable access to rapid testing?
  12. Last week, six states reached record highs for hospitalizations. This week, Dr. Fauci said that he was “disturbed” by the number of new coronavirus cases in the United States, which is averaging around 40,000 each day. How can you claim to be meeting this moment when cases are moving in the wrong direction?
  13. America leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases and reported deaths, and the damage to our economy is among the worst in the world. Other countries have gotten control of COVID-19 through a national plan, including mask wearing and strict protocols, and are on the road to recovery. Why has the U.S. never had a national plan?

No matter how Pence answers these questions, here are the facts about the administration’s failed COVID-19 response: 

  • Pence overstated the administration’s PPE program, and left states and health care workers without necessary protective equipment.
  • Pence echoed Trump’s false claim that coronavirus spikes are only the result of an increase in testing.
  • Experts agree far more tests are needed, with a recent report finding the U.S. needs nearly 200 million tests per month to control the pandemic.
  • For 28 consecutive weeks, more people have filed for unemployment benefits than during the single worst week of the Great Recession as layoffs continue to mount.
  • Trump and Pence let PPP funds meant for small businesses go to large corporations, Chinese firms, and companies owned by their donors and allies.
  • The U.S. has the most coronavirus cases and the most coronavirus deaths in the world.
  • Americans are about seven times more likely to die from coronavirus than citizens of other wealthy nations.

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DNC on Trump Pulling Out of COVID-19 Relief Package Talks

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after Donald Trump tweeted his reckless decision to pull out of negotiations over a COVID-19 relief package:

“Donald Trump has abandoned the American people yet again. First, he cut unemployment benefits. Now he’s playing politics with lifesaving COVID relief. This pandemic is not over — average Americans are still facing overwhelmed hospitals, mass layoffs, and an uncertain future. Over 210,000 Americans have died from this virus and counting, millions are still out of work, and Donald Trump thinks we’re out of the woods? Americans need relief. They need a president who understands their suffering and will act to end this pandemic, not someone who only cares about his election prospects. Donald Trump refuses to put the American people first. That’s why we need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are committed to ending this pandemic, providing the American people with the relief they need and deserve, and helping our nation build back better.”

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In The Battlegrounds: DNC Launches Print, Radio Ads Mobilizing Black Voters

This week, the DNC launched a new print and radio ad campaign reaching Black voters across eight battleground states. The ads, which direct voters to, are running in local African American newspapers and radio stations in Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Here’s what they’re saying about the ads across the country:

ABC News: ‘Our lives are on the ballot,’ DNC releases new radio and print ads targeting Black voters in battleground states. “The Democratic National Committee is trying to reach Black voters in battleground states with a new six-figure ad buy in Black publications, with less than a month left before Election Day.”

  • “The new ads reference the triple threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy and national uprising focused on civil rights. They will run in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin, all critical battleground states Democrats hope to win in November.”

  • “On Black radio stations in the eight critical states, listeners will hear an ad that says, ‘We are in the midst of a global pandemic, an economic collapse and a reckoning on civil rights, we need leaders with a plan to protect and expand our access to health care, invest in our community and fight for equal justice under the law to make that happen we all have to make a plan to vote.’ And in Black papers, readers will see an ad that says, ‘Our lives are on the ballot. Make a plan to vote.’”

In Florida:

Westside Gazette: “Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, ads will run starting this week in the Westside Gazette and on WHQT-FM, reaching voters across the Miami-Fort Lauderdale media market.”

In Georgia:

The Atlanta Voice: #Election2020: Democratic Party launches new round of ads. “Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Black voters in Georgia. ‘Democrats are meeting Black voters where they are and making critical investments to ensure Georgians have the information they need to make their plan to vote,’ said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez.”

In Michigan: 

Macomb Daily: Democratic effort targets Michigan’s Black voters. “The Democratic National Committee Tuesday rolled out a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Black voters in Michigan … The ads, which were purchased through the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and Radio One, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.”

In Minnesota: 

Star Tribune: “The DNC is launching a new radio and print campaign targeting Black voters in the state. The buy targets the Minneapolis-St. Paul media market.”

In Ohio:

Columbus Dispatch: “Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee is airing ‘I Will Vote’ 30-second radio spots aimed at Black voters in Ohio. Print ads are being placed in newspapers serving primarily the Black communities in major cities carrying the message ‘Our Lives Are On The Ballot.’”

In Pennsylvania:

Philadelphia Tribune: New DNC ad campaign aims to ensure Pa.’s Black voters have a plan to cast ballots. “Starting this week, the Democratic National Committee is upping its courtship of Pennsylvania’s Black voters, a constituency whose support could well be determinative this voting season. In a new series of radio and print ads, the DNC wants to make sure they have a plan to vote.”

In Wisconsin:

WisPolitics: “Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Black voters in Wisconsin … ads will run starting this week on WHQG-FM and in the Milwaukee Community Journal, Milwaukee Courier, and Milwaukee Times Weekly, reaching voters across the Milwaukee media market.”

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DNC Launches New Radio & Print Ad Campaign Reaching Black Voters in North Carolina

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Black voters in North Carolina.

“Democrats are meeting Black voters where they are and making critical investments to ensure North Carolinians have the information they need to make their plan to vote,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “The stakes have never been higher — especially for communities of color — and we are committed to making sure voters have the tools and information they need to make their voices heard at the ballot box, exercise their fundamental right to participate in our democracy, and elect leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will get our country back on track.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, ads will run starting this week on WFXC-FM and in the Carolina Peacemaker and Charlotte Post, reaching voters across the Charlotte, Raleigh, and Greensboro media markets. The ads, which were purchased through the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and Radio One, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. In September, the DNC also announced a Black print advertising campaign around National Black Voter Day.

See the print advertisement below and listen to the radio ad here.

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DNC Launches New Radio & Print Ad Campaign Reaching Black Voters in Florida

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Black voters in Florida.

“Democrats are meeting Black voters where they are and making critical investments to ensure Floridians have the information they need to make their plan to vote,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “The stakes have never been higher — especially for communities of color — and we are committed to making sure voters have the tools and information they need to make their voices heard at the ballot box, exercise their fundamental right to participate in our democracy, and elect leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will get our country back on track.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, ads will run starting this week in the Westside Gazette and on WHQT-FM, reaching voters across the Miami-Fort Lauderdale media market. The ads, which were purchased through the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and Radio One, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. In September, the DNC also announced a Black print advertising campaign around National Black Voter Day.

See the print advertisement below and listen to the radio ad here.

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DNC Launches New Radio & Print Ad Campaign Reaching Black Voters in Wisconsin

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Black voters in Wisconsin.

“Democrats are meeting Black voters where they are and making critical investments to ensure Wisconsinites have the information they need to make their plan to vote,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “The stakes have never been higher — especially for communities of color — and we are committed to making sure voters have the tools and information they need to make their voices heard at the ballot box, exercise their fundamental right to participate in our democracy, and elect leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will get our country back on track.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, ads will run starting this week on WHQG-FM and in the Milwaukee Community Journal, Milwaukee Courier, and Milwaukee Times Weekly, reaching voters across the Milwaukee media market. The ads, which were purchased through the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and Radio One, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. In September, the DNC also announced a Black print advertising campaign around National Black Voter Day.

See the print advertisement below and listen to the radio ad here.

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Trump Blamed ‘Stupid’ Leaders For High Deficits — The U.S. Trade Deficit In Goods Just Hit An All-Time High

In 2016, Trump promised he’d quickly bring down the trade deficit if he was elected president. He also blamed high deficits on our “stupid” leaders, not China, for negotiating bad deals. Well, the U.S. trade deficit in goods just hit an all-time high.

The monthly trade deficit hit the highest level in 14 years, and the U.S. trade deficit in goods hit an all-time high in August.

Associated Press: “The U.S. trade deficit rose in August to the highest level in 14 years.”

MarketWatch: “U.S. trade deficit climbs in August to $67.1 billion and hits third highest level on record”

MarketWatch: “The U.S. trade deficit in goods rose 3.5% in August to a record $82.9 billion, reflecting a sluggish rebound in exports that’s weighing on the broader economy and could slow the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.”

In 2016, Trump promised he would quickly bring down the trade deficit.

TRUMP: “In fact, it is amazing that for years we have had massive deficits now it is getting higher and it is getting worse. These countries are treating us like we are children because we have leaders that don’t know what is going on…Unless I become President. You will see a drop like you have never seen before.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Manchester NH, 6/30/16

TRUMP: “I will take care of that situation so fast in one day that situation will be equalized. One day, okay?” [Campaign Rally, Spokane WA, 5/7/16

Trump said America’s leaders, not China, are to blame for the trade deficit because they are “stupid” and don’t negotiate good deals.

TRUMP: “I don’t blame China. I blame our leaders for being taken advantage of by Mexico and China and Japan and everybody.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Dallas TX, 6/16/16]

TRUMP: “On trade, our trade deficit now nearly $800 billion a year. We have a deficit. Think of it, of almost $800 billion a year. You really say who’s negotiating these deals?” [USA Thank You Tour 2016, Fayetteville NC, 12/6/16]

TRUMP: “I want free trade too. I’m a free trader but you can’t have free trade when you have stupid people doing the negotiation. You can’t because we are being beaten on every front and you can’t do it. I’ll tell you what trade deficit with China $505 billion a year. Who makes a deal like that?” [Trump Campaign Rally, Spokane WA, 5/7/16]

TRUMP: “I don’t blame China. I told that to President Xi. I was in Beijing, making a speech, saying how they’re ripping us off. And guess what? He wasn’t too happy. I looked at him. I said, ‘He’s not happy.’ And I said, ‘I better change the speech quickly.’ So I said, ‘I don’t blame him. I blame our Presidents.’ And I’m right.” [Trump Remarks at Signing Of Phase One Trade Deal With China, Washington DC, 1/15/20]

TRUMP: “No, no, China’s good. They’ve done nothing wrong. They’re wonderful people. They are wonderful people. I don’t blame China by the way, I blame our leaders for allowing this horrible—you know what and pillage, it’s the R-word.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Dallas TX, 10/17/19]

As president, Trump railed against trade deficits, and falsely claimed that the deficits were decreasing.

TRUMP: “We have trade deficits with everybody. Virtually every country in the world, we have trade deficits with them. That’s going to be changing. It’s already changing, but it’s going to be changing fast.” [Trump Remarks Before Lunch With Republican Members Of The Senate, Washington DC, 12/5/17]

TRUMP: “The United States has an $800 billion dollar yearly trade deficit because of our ‘very stupid’ trade deals and policies. Our jobs and wealth are being given to other countries that have taken advantage of us for years. They laugh at what fools our leaders have been. No more!”

Washington Post Fact Checker: “Trump Keeps Claiming The Trade Deficit Is Going Down. It’s Not.”

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Trump Undermines Public Health & Shows Same Failed Leadership That Led To The World’s Worst Outbreak

Yesterday, Trump irresponsibly removed his mask upon returning to the White House and yet again downplayed the threat of COVID-19, undermining public health and demonstrating the same failed leadership that led to the U.S. having by far the worst outbreak in the world. His administration still refuses to listen to the experts and puts Trump’s politics over public health even as the coronavirus surges in most states across the country.

Trump continues to undermine public health and show the same failure of leadership that led to the U.S. having the worst outbreak in the world.

New York Times: “‘Don’t Be Afraid of Covid,’ Trump Says, Undermining Public Health Messages”

CNN: “A strongly medicated President Donald Trump bolted from his VIP hospital bubble Monday, staging a bizarre White House comeback that included an irresponsible mask removal and a reckless pronouncement there is nothing to fear from Covid-19, which has already killed 210,000 Americans.”

The White House blocked new FDA guidelines to ensure a vaccine is safe, once again refusing to listen to the experts and undermining public trust for Trump’s political interests.

Associated Press: “The White House has blocked new Food and Drug Administration guidelines on bringing potential vaccines for COVID-19 to market that would almost certainly have prevented their introduction before the Nov. 3 election. At issue was the FDA’s planned instruction that vaccine developers follow patients enrolled in their trials for at least two months to rule out safety issues before seeking emergency approval from the agency. A senior administration confirmed the move Monday evening, saying the White House believed there was ‘no clinical or medical reason’ for the additional requirement.”

Instead of listening to the experts, the Trump administration has sidelined and even pressured the CDC to cover up the extent of the crisis.

Politico: “Trump official pressured CDC to change report on Covid and kids”

USA Today: “White House rebuffed CDC offer to lead contact tracing investigation of Trump outbreak”

Meanwhile, the coronavirus continues to surge in most parts of the country and experts warn that it could still get worse.

Bloomberg: “Covid-19 Making a Dangerous Comeback in Most Parts of U.S.”

Bloomberg: “Covid-19 is spreading again across most of the U.S., hammering rural America and smaller cities and raising anxiety in New York, as experts warn that school reopenings and colder weather may cause the situation to rapidly deteriorate. In 34 states, the seven-day average of new cases is higher now than it was a month ago.”

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DNC Launches New Radio & Print Ad Campaign Reaching Black Voters in Battleground States

The ads will run in local outlets in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Black voters across the battleground states.

“Democrats are meeting Black voters where they are and making critical investments to ensure Americans have the information they need to make their plan to vote,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “The stakes have never been higher — especially for communities of color — and we are committed to making sure voters have the tools and information they need to make their voices heard at the ballot box, exercise their fundamental right to participate in our democracy, and elect leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will get our country back on track.”

The six-figure advertising campaign, which begins this week and was purchased through the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and Radio One, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

These ads will run this week in:

Print Advertisement

Radio Advertisement

Atlanta Voice (in Atlanta, GA)

WENZ – FM (in Cleveland, OH)

Call and Post (in Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus, OH)

WCKX – FM (in Columbus, OH)

Dayton Defender (in Dayton, OH)

WIZF – FM (in Cincinnati, OH)

The Sojourner’s Truth (in Toledo, OH)

WHQT – FM (in Miami, FL)

Columbus Black (in Columbus, OH)

WRNB – FM (in Philadelphia, PA)

The Communicator (in Columbus, OH)

WGPR – FM (in Detroit, MI)

Westside Gazette (in Broward, FL)

WFXC – FM (in Raleigh, NC)

Philadelphia Tribune (in Philadelphia, PA)

KQRS – FM (in Minneapolis, MN)

Michigan Chronicle (in Detroit, MI)

WHQG – FM (in Milwaukee, WI)

Carolina Peacemaker (in Greensboro, NC)

Charlotte Post (in Charlotte, NC)

Insight News (in Minneapolis, MN)

Milwaukee Community Journal (in Milwaukee, WI)

Milwaukee Courier (in Milwaukee, WI)

Milwaukee Times Weekly (in Milwaukee, WI)


This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. In September, the DNC also announced a Black print advertising campaign around National Black Voter Day.

See the print advertisement below and listen to the radio ad here.




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As Coronavirus Cases Surge, Experts Worry Hospitals May Be Overwhelmed Again

Over the weekend, coronavirus cases continued to surge across the United States, spreading both in states that had already experienced a large number of cases earlier this year as well as states that had previously recorded a low number of infections. And now, the increase in infections and hospitalizations has begun to worry experts that hospitals may soon become overwhelmed yet again. 

Over the weekend, coronavirus cases continued to skyrocket, with only three states showing a decrease in the number of new cases. 

CNN: “Only three US states are reporting a decline in new Covid-19 cases compared to last week, as the country hit its highest daily rate of new cases in almost two months. As of Saturday night, new cases were down in Texas, Missouri and South Carolina, while 21 states reported a rise in cases and a little more than half held steady compared with the week before. Friday, there were 54,506 new reported cases, according to Johns Hopkins University, the highest single day case number since 64,601 cases were reported on August 14.”

New York Times: “Some of the country’s least populous states are now seeing their highest infection rates. When coastal cities suffered in the spring, cases remained relatively scarce across most of the nation’s midsection. But since late summer, North Dakota and South Dakota have added more cases per capita than any other state. Utah recorded 1,387 new cases on Sunday, a single-day record. Four states — Wisconsin, Indiana, Montana and Wyoming — have added more cases in the last week than in any other seven-day stretch of the pandemic.”

Earlier today, Dr. Fauci said that he was “disturbed” by the number of new coronavirus cases in the United States. 

FAUCI: “I am certainly not pleased (or) satisfied, but I’m actually disturbed and concerned about the fact that our baseline of infections is still stuck at around 40,000 per day. … That’s no place to be when you’re trying to get your arms around an epidemic.”

Last week, six states reached record highs for hospitalizations.

CNBC: “Growing coronavirus outbreaks across the American West and Midwest have started to take an alarming turn as some states report growing Covid-19 hospitalizations and a shrinking supply of beds for patients. Six states reached record high Covid-19 hospitalizations, based on a weekly average to smooth out the reporting, as of Friday, according to a CNBC analysis of data compiled by the Covid Tracking Project, an independent volunteer organization launched by journalists at The Atlantic.”

The rise in new cases and hospitalizations in hot spots has begun to worry medical experts that ICU capacity in hospitals may be threatened again. 

Washington Examiner: “Yet, some are seeing hospitalizations increase to the point that hospital capacity may soon be a serious concern. For example, Wisconsin has 1,475 intensive care unit beds, but only 217, about 15%, are available. From early May until mid-September, the number of COVID-19 patients in ICU beds fluctuated between 65 and 144. It now stands at 208, more than double the number of two weeks ago. About 87% of the 1,222 ICU beds in Minnesota are occupied. Hospitals in the state may soon have to make use of 1,000 surge beds that can be ready for COVID-19 patients in 24 to 72 hours. Minnesota and Wisconsin saw their hospitalizations increase 12% and 34%, respectively, over the last week.”

WISCONSIN – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Some Wisconsin hospitals are resorting to wait-listing patients, or sending them to other facilities, as the state’s coronavirus surge continues to rage. Hospitals have been especially overwhelmed in Green Bay, Wausau and the Fox Valley, which are among the state’s latest COVID-19 hot spots. … The number of people hospitalized in Wisconsin due to the virus reached a new high Tuesday, with 646 coronavirus patients occupying beds across the state, including 205 patients in ICU beds.”

MISSOURI – St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “Health officials here, faced with rising COVID-19 case numbers and divided public opinion, are warning that if residents refuse to take precautions, the virus will continue to grow, unchecked, and could tax the local hospital’s capacity to handle patients. In recent weeks, Jefferson County has seen some of the fastest growth of COVID-19 cases in the St. Louis area. Leaders of the county’s only hospital are urging residents to wear masks and avoid large gatherings, especially as flu season arrives. And the local health department is stretched thin as it contends with increasing infections.”

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