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In The Battlegrounds: DNC Launches Spanish-Language Print & Radio Ad Campaign Mobilizing Latino Voters

Today, the DNC is launching a new print and radio ad campaign reaching Latino voters across nine states. The ads direct readers and listeners to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

The ad campaign is targeting Spanish-language outlets in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin. This follows a print and radio ad campaign reaching African American voters across the battlegrounds, which the DNC announced last week.

Check out what they’re saying about the ads across the country:

NBC: DNC launches new radio and print ad campaign to target Latino voters. “With early voting set to begin in several more key battleground states this week, the Democratic National Committee is rolling out a radio and print ad campaign aimed at boosting turnout among Latino voters for former Vice President Joe Biden. ‘Latino communities across the battleground states have a critical voice in this election, that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,’ Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez said in a statement.”

Telemundo: Demócratas lanzan nuevos anuncios en español para amarrar el voto hispano en estados clave. “La pandemia del COVID-19 se ha cobrado la vida de más de 42,000 latinos y, en el inicio del voto temprano en varios estados clave, el Comité Nacional Demócrata lanzó este lunes una campaña de anuncios en español para instar a los hispanos a que voten el mes próximo como si su vida dependiera de ello.”

In Arizona:

Prensa Arizona: Intensifican Demócratas promoción del voto entre los latinos. “Al respecto Enrique Gutierrez, director de medios hispanos para el Comité Nacional del Partido Demócrata, indicó la importancia de que se haga sentir la presencai de todas aquellas personas que puedan votar en las urnas. ‘Nuestro voto es nuestra voz y la comunidad latina tiene el poder de cambiar y mejorar nuestro país. Este 3 de noviembre, nuestras vidas, nuestras familias, nuestros trabajos y nuestra atención médica están en la boleta. Necesitamos elegir líderes que ofrezcan soluciones reales para nuestra comunidad,’ indicó.”

In Colorado:

Colorado Politics: DNC debuts Spanish-language radio ads to boost Latino turnout. “The Democratic National Committee launched a Spanish-Language radio ad in Colorado on Monday to rally the Latino vote as ballots arrive in mailboxes. The 30-second spot, set to air on popular nationally syndicated shows in the Denver and Colorado Springs markets, directs listeners to the Spanish version of the DNC’s voter-participation website.”

El Comercio: Demócratas lanzan una nueva campaña para llegar a los votantes latinos en Colorado. “El Comité Nacional Demócrata inicia un esfuerzo para asegurar el voto que todos los votantes hispanos registrados para votar en Colorado. ‘En Colorado, unos 650 mil hispanos tienen derecho al voto. Y tenemos que asegurarnos que todos ellos emitan su voto y que su voto sea contado. Es importante que los hispanos usen su poder. Y el voto es la forma de expresar su voz. El voto de estos 650 mil hispanos puede hacer la diferencia en Colorado,’ dijo Tom Pérez, presidente del Comité Nacional Demócrata.”

In Florida:

Florida Politics: “Just off embargo — The Democratic National Committee is amping up its Latino outreach effort in the Sunshine State with a volley of print and radio ads in the Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville media markets.”

In Nevada:

Life Affairs: Impactar plan de acción a latinos votantes con -Voy a Votar- objetivo en nueva campaña publicitaria del DNC. “Los votantes Latinos son una preocupación recurrente en cada principio, durante y final de elecciones en los estados unidos, es por ello que el Comité Nacional Demócrata conocido como DNC por sus siglas en inglés no ha dejado de insistir en su comunicación constante, nuevamente busca una conexión con los latinos votantes en Nevada; este esfuerzo será vía comunicación impresa o bien como auditorio en otras plataformas. Es por ello que lanzó hoy Lunes Octubre 12, 2020 una campaña nacional llamada ‘Voy a Votar’ actualizada en español y ‘I will vote’ en su website en Inglés; esto para verificar su registro y poder tomar un plan de acción firme y seguro para éste próximo Noviembre 03, 2020.”

In Texas:

Rio Grande Guardian: DNC Launches New Radio Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in Texas. “The Democratic National Committee is launching a new radio ad campaign to reach Latino voters in Texas. The ads direct voters to — the DNC’s voter participation website in Spanish. The ads will run on the El Show de Piolín and El Show de Alex ‘El Genio’ Lucas in the Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, El Paso, Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth.”

In Wisconsin:

WDJT: Democrats roll out ad buy aimed at Latinos in Wisconsin ahead of Trump campaign stops. “Democrats are rolling out a six-figure print and radio ad campaign aimed at Latino voters in Wisconsin with about three weeks until Election Day. The ads from the Democratic National Committee focus on criticizing President Donald Trump’s response to the pandemic and encourage Latino voters to make a plan to vote.”

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DNC Launches New Radio & Print Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in Wisconsin

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Latino voters in Wisconsin.

“Latino communities across Wisconsin have a critical voice in this election — that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,”  said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “We have seen how this administration’s failed response to the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the lives and livelihoods of Latinos in our country. Under Trump, Latinos have experienced more than 42,000 deaths due to COVID-19, millions of jobs lost under his recession, and the erosion of America’s values as a nation of immigrants. We must vote for leaders who will work to help our communities. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be those leaders.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, the print ads will run starting this week in the Spanish Journal and El Conquistador Latino, reaching voters across the Milwaukee, Racine, and Waukesha media markets. The radio ads will air on El Show de Piolin and El Show de Alex “El Genio” Lucas.

The ads, which were purchased through NAHP Media and Entravision, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on and that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

See the print advertisement below, and listen to the radio ad here.

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DNC Launches New Radio Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in Texas

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new radio ad campaign to reach Latino voters in Texas.

“Latino communities across Texas have a critical voice in this election — that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,”  said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “We have seen how this administration’s failed response to the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the lives and livelihoods of Latinos in our country. Under Trump, Latinos have experienced more than 42,000 deaths due to COVID-19, millions of jobs lost under his recession, and the erosion of America’s values as a nation of immigrants. We must vote for leaders who will work to help our communities. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be those leaders.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, the radio ads will air on El Show de Piolin and El Show de Alex “El Genio” Lucas.

The ads, which were purchased through Entravision, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on and that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

Listen to the radio ad here.

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DNC Launches New Radio & Print Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in Nevada

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Latino voters in Nevada.

“Latino communities across Nevada have a critical voice in this election — that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,”  said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “We have seen how this administration’s failed response to the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the lives and livelihoods of Latinos in our country. Under Trump, Latinos have experienced more than 42,000 deaths due to COVID-19, millions of jobs lost under his recession, and the erosion of America’s values as a nation of immigrants. We must vote for leaders who will work to help our communities. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be those leaders.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, the print ads will run starting this week in El Mundo, El Tiempo, and Life Affairs Magazine, reaching voters across the Las Vegas media market. The radio ads will air on El Show de Piolin and El Show de Alex “El Genio” Lucas.

The ads, which were purchased through NAHP Media and Entravision, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on and that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

See the print advertisement below, and listen to the radio ad here.

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DNC Launches New Print Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in Pennsylvania

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print ad campaign to reach Latino voters in Pennsylvania.

“Latino communities across Pennsylvania have a critical voice in this election — that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,”  said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “We have seen how this administration’s failed response to the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the lives and livelihoods of Latinos in our country. Under Trump, Latinos have experienced more than 42,000 deaths due to COVID-19, millions of jobs lost under his recession, and the erosion of America’s values as a nation of immigrants. We must vote for leaders who will work to help our communities. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be those leaders.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, the print ads will run starting this week in Al Dia News and El Sol Latino, reaching voters across the Philadelphia media market.

The ads, which were purchased through NAHP Media, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on and that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

See the print advertisement below.

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DNC Launches New Radio & Print Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in Florida

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Latino voters in Florida.

“Latino communities across Florida have a critical voice in this election — that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,”  said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “We have seen how this administration’s failed response to the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the lives and livelihoods of Latinos in our country. Under Trump, Latinos have experienced more than 42,000 deaths due to COVID-19, millions of jobs lost under his recession, and the erosion of America’s values as a nation of immigrants. We must vote for leaders who will work to help our communities. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be those leaders.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, the print ads will run starting this week in Diario Las Americas, El Nuevo Herald, El Sol Miami, La Gaceta, and Hola Noticias, reaching voters across the Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville media markets. The radio ads will air on El Show de Piolin and El Show de Alex “El Genio” Lucas.

The ads, which were purchased through NAHP Media and Entravision, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on and that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

See the print advertisement below, and listen to the radio ad here.

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DNC Launches New Radio Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in Colorado

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new radio ad campaign to reach Latino voters in Colorado.

“Latino communities across Colorado have a critical voice in this election — that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,”  said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “We have seen how this administration’s failed response to the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the lives and livelihoods of Latinos in our country. Under Trump, Latinos have experienced more than 42,000 deaths due to COVID-19, millions of jobs lost under his recession, and the erosion of America’s values as a nation of immigrants. We must vote for leaders who will work to help our communities. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be those leaders.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, the radio ads will air on El Show de Piolin and El Show de Alex “El Genio” Lucas.

The ads, which were purchased through Entravision, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on and that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

Listen to the radio ad here.

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DNC Launches New Radio Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in California

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new radio ad campaign to reach Latino voters in California.

“Latino communities across California have a critical voice in this election — that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,”  said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “We have seen how this administration’s failed response to the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the lives and livelihoods of Latinos in our country. Under Trump, Latinos have experienced more than 42,000 deaths due to COVID-19, millions of jobs lost under his recession, and the erosion of America’s values as a nation of immigrants. We must vote for leaders who will work to help our communities. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be those leaders.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several states, the radio ads will air on El Show de Piolin and El Show de Alex “El Genio” Lucas.

The ads, which were purchased through Entravision, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on and that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

Listen to the radio ad here.

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El DNC lanza una nueva campaña publicitaria por radio e imprenta dirigida a los votantes latinos en Arizona

Hoy, el Comité Nacional Demócrata anunció una nueva campaña de anuncios impresos y por la radio dirigida a votantes latinos en Arizona.

“Las comunidades latinas a través de Arizona tienen una voz sumamente importante en esta elección- por eso estamos hablándole  directamente a estos votantes y asegurándonos de que tengan las herramientas  que necesitan para hacer su plan para votar.”  dijo el presidente del Comité Nacional Demócrata Tom Perez. “Hemos visto cómo la respuesta fallida de esta administración a la pandemia ha impactado de manera desproporcionada las vidas y los medios de subsistencia de los latinos en nuestro país. Bajo Trump, los latinos han experimentado más de 42,000 muertes debido a COVID-19, millones de empleos se han perdido bajo su recesión y hemos visto la erosión de los valores de los Estados Unidos como una nación de inmigrantes. Debemos votar por líderes que trabajen para ayudar a nuestras comunidades, Joe Biden y Kamala Harris serán esos líderes.”

Esto es parte de una campaña publicitaria de seis cifras en varios estados competitivos, los anuncios impresos se publicarán a partir de esta semana en Prensa Arizona, TV y Más y La Estrella, llegando a los votantes de los mercados de Phoenix y Tucson. Los anuncios radiales se transmitirán por El Show de Piolin y El Show de Alex “El Genio” Lucas.

La campaña publicitaria de seis cifras, que comienza esta semana y se compró a través de NAHP Media y Entravision, dirigirá a las personas a, el centro de participación de votantes recientemente actualizado del DNC en español, donde los votantes pueden registrarse para votar, verificar su registro de votantes y hacer un plan para votar, ya sea en persona o por correo.

Esta campaña publicitaria sigue el reciente lanzamiento de nuevas funciones en y que ayudan a los votantes a solicitar y devolver fácilmente su boleta por correo, así como a obtener información importante sobre el proceso de votación en su estado mientras crean un plan para votar.

Vea el anuncio impreso a continuación y escuche el anuncio de radio aquí.

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Trump Shows Same Failed Leadership In His Return To The Campaign Trail

Trump continues to display the same failure of leadership that has contributed to the U.S. having by far the largest coronavirus outbreak in the world. Trump and his campaign are recklessly heading back out on the trail without taking proper precautions as a coronavirus outbreak spreads through Trump’s White House.

The Trump campaign has not learned its lesson and is hitting the road again without taking proper safety precautions against the coronavirus.

Politico: “The Trump campaign is hitting the road after being sidelined by the coronavirus for a week, while taking few precautions to ensure the rallies don’t become new hot spots.”

Only a week after being diagnosed, Trump said he wants to hold rallies again despite medical experts saying he could still be contagious.

Associated Press: “President Donald Trump said Thursday he doesn’t think he’s contagious anymore, but medical experts say that’s impossible to know a week after his diagnosis with COVID-19.”

The Guardian: “Donald Trump plans Florida rally on Saturday amid Covid test secrecy”

The White House has made no systematic effort to do contact tracing from its own outbreak, potentially allowing more to be infected.

Washington Post: “A week into a White House outbreak, CDC still playing only a limited role”

Washington Post: “With no systematic effort to trace or advise the hundreds of guests at the Rose Garden ceremony and other events in the surrounding days, many made their way home and resumed their busy schedules, according to interviews with more than 40 people who attended events with the president between Sept. 25 and Oct. 1, when Trump announced he had tested positive. Experts said the fallout, driven largely by individuals forced to make their own choices without clear instructions from a central authority, is emblematic of the nation’s response to the pandemic and helps explain why the virus remains uncontained nearly 10 months after it first arrived in the United States.”

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