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The DNC War Room released a new television ad today, “Tested Positive,” that highlights how, even after contracting the coronavirus, Trump continues to put lives at risk by ignoring experts and lying to North Carolinians about the threat of the virus.

“Time and again, Donald Trump has knowingly put North Carolinians at risk,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “He ignored the experts, lied about the severity of COVID-19, and failed to get the pandemic under control. Seven months into this crisis, he is still downplaying the virus and refusing to take action to protect North Carolinians’ health, lives, and livelihoods. We deserve better than his failed, incompetent leadership.”

The ad will air starting this week in the Greenville media market as part of a six-figure buy.


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DNC Releases New Ad Featuring President Obama: “The 2020 Election Is Already Here.”

Today the Democratic National Committee is releasing a new ad featuring former President Barack Obama, “The 2020 Election Is Already Here.

The spot highlights the stakes of this election, the importance of Americans voting now to make their voices heard and how they can find all the information they need to make their plan to vote at

“Millions of Americans are already voting, make sure you stand up and join them,” President Obama says in the ad. “There will always be reasons to think your vote doesn’t matter — that’s not new. What is new is a growing movement for justice, equality and progress on so many issues. This really is a tipping point, and that momentum only continues if we win this election. But it’s gonna be close. It could come down to a handful of voters just like you. So I’m asking you to bring this thing home. Leave no doubt. Vote early.”

The ad will reach voters in AZ, FL, GA, IA, MI, MN, NE-02, NV, NC, PA, VA, and WI through digital platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Hulu, and YouTube.

Earlier this week, the DNC released state specific voter education videos featuring President Obama, who encourages Americans to visit to learn about their different options to cast their ballot and make their plan to vote.

“The 2020 Election Is Already Here.” 

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Barrett Refuses To Respond To Questions About Securing The Integrity Of Our Elections

Throughout the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings this week, Amy Coney Barrett repeatedly refused to respond to questions about securing the integrity of our elections as her record brings her impartiality into question and Republicans race to push through her confirmation in case voting litigation comes before the court.

Barrett repeatedly refused to answer questions about whether Trump can unilaterally delay the election — he can’t.

Vox: “Amy Coney Barrett Refused To Say If Trump Can Delay The Election. The Correct Answer Is He Can’t.”

FEINSTEIN: “Does the Constitution give the president of the United States the authority to unilaterally delay a general election under any circumstances? Does federal law?” BARRETT: “Well senator, if that question ever came before me I would need to hear arguments from the litigants and read briefs and consult with my law clerks and talk to my colleagues and go through the opinion writing process.”

Washington Post: “Trump Can’t Delay The Election, Experts Say.”

Barrett refused to answer when asked whether Trump should commit to a peaceful transfer of power.

BOOKER: “Do you believe that every president should make a commitment, unequivocally and resolutely, to the peaceful transfer of power?” BARRETT: “Well senator, that seems to me to be pulling me in a little bit into this question of whether the president has said that he would not peacefully leave office, and so to the extent that this is a political controversy right now, as a judge I want to stay out of it, and I don’t want to express a view on…” 

Barrett refused to say whether it is illegal to intimidate voters at the polls.

KLOBUCHAR: “Is it illegal to intimidate voters at the polls?” BARRETT: “Sen. Klobuchar, I can’t characterize the facts of a hypothetical situation, and I can’t apply the law to a hypothetical set of facts. I can only decide cases as they come to me litigated by parties on a full record after fully engaging precedent, talking to colleagues, writing an opinion, and so I can’t answer questions like that.”

The Nation: “When Klobuchar followed up with the actual federal statute prohibiting voter intimidation, Barrett still wouldn’t say that voter intimidation is illegal. These were softball questions. It takes nothing for a nominee to support the basic concept of the rule of law. It takes nothing for a judge to say, ‘That statute, which you just read to me, is good law, Senator.’”

If confirmed, Barrett would be the third justice to have been involved in Bush v. Gore — all of whom worked on the Republican side.

KLOBUCHAR: “I think the public has a right to know that now three of these justices have worked on the Republican side on a major, major issue related to a presidential election.”

Barrett’s prior work on Bush v. Gore raises questions about her ability to be impartial in election-related litigation.

National Law Journal: “Barrett worked on Bush v. Gore as an associate at Baker Botts. She was on location in Florida for a week, working with Stuart Levey, the former Baker Botts partner who is now chief legal officer at HSBC. Baker Botts’s James Baker was counsel to George W. Bush’s presidential campaign, and the firm represented the GOP candidate in the Bush v. Gore litigation stemming from the 2000 recount in Florida. Barrett, according to her Senate questionnaire, provided research and briefing assistance ‘at the outset of litigation’ in Florida courts.” [National Law Journal, 6/29/18]

DURBIN: “Please provide a complete answer to Question 17. To the extent you may no longer have complete records of litigation matters you handled, please provide at least ‘a capsule summary of the substance of each case’ and a description of ‘the nature of your participation in the litigation’ per the instructions in Question 17.” BARRETT: “My response to Question 17 of the Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire is complete as filed with the Committee. As I explained in my answer, ‘Although I worked on many litigation matters during my time as an associate at Miller Cassidy and then Baker Botts, I no longer have records of the matters upon which I worked. I recall only three significant litigated matters that I personally handled.’”

Trump and Republicans are pushing to confirm a new justice before Election Day in case voting-related litigation comes before the court.

ABC News: “President Trump says he is so keen on having his yet-to-be-announced Supreme Court nominee confirmed by Election Day in part so that the justice would be on the bench to vote on any legal disputes related to the election. ‘We need nine justices. You need that,’ Trump told reporters Tuesday, as he went on to stoke baseless claims that the election will be rife with fraud. ‘With the unsolicited millions of ballots that they’re sending, it’s a scam; it’s a hoax. Everybody knows that. And the Democrats know it better than anybody else. So you’re going to need nine justices up there. I think it’s going to be very important. Because what they’re doing is a hoax, with the ballots.’”

Nexstar Media News: “Republican officials and candidates across 20 states are urging the Senate to quickly confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court ahead of the November 3 general election.  Their message comes in the form of a letter from Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill that will be sent to Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Our Washington D.C. Bureau reports it will be made public Monday.  A majority of the lawmakers who signed the letter are their state’s chief election officer.  ‘In the case an election issue is challenged in court, America cannot afford a tie vote,’ Merrill writes in the letter. ‘Election results must be reported in a timely, secure, and efficient manner. Confirming Judge Barrett ensures we, as election officials, will be able to successfully administer the General Election without hindrance.’”

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Captain Scott Kelly Launches New Digital Ad Campaign Encouraging Arizonans to Make a Plan to Vote Early

Today, the DNC is launching a new digital ad campaign featuring retired astronaut Captain Scott Kelly encouraging Arizonans to make a plan to vote early this year.

In a 30-second direct-to-camera video, Kelly educates Arizona voters on their multiple convenient and easy options to vote early this year, including voting early in person as well as returning their requested ballot by mail, in person, or at an official drop box.

“Ten years ago, I was living in space during a critical election year. You might guess that since I was orbiting the Earth, I wouldn’t have been able to vote. Well, you’d be wrong. In fact, I made my plan and voted from space,” says Kelly in the ad. “So there’s no excuse for you this election. Arizonans have many easy and convenient options to vote early this year, by mail or early in person.”

The new ad campaign will reach individuals who are likely to be early voters through digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Hulu, and YouTube across Arizona.

The spot will direct Arizona voters to — the Democrats’ voter participation website — to learn to learn about their different options to cast their ballot and make a plan to vote today.

The DNC and Biden campaign recently rolled out new features on that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. The site is also completely accessible in Spanish at


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Barrett Repeatedly Refuses To Rule Out Trump Pardoning Himself

Throughout the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this week, Amy Coney Barrett has repeatedly refused to rule out the possibility that Trump can pardon himself as president, which legal experts broadly agree would be an abuse of power.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he has unlimited power to pardon himself.

TRUMP: “The U.S. president has the complete power to pardon.”

TRUMP: “I have the absolute right to PARDON myself.”

Barrett was repeatedly asked whether the president can pardon himself – and refused to answer.

NPR: “Amy Coney Barrett declined to address whether she believes President Trump has the power to pardon himself, calling it a matter that could come before the Supreme Court after she is confirmed. ‘That would be a legal question. That would be a Constitutional question — and so in keeping with my obligation not to give hints, previews or forecasts of how I would resolve a case, that’s not one that I can answer,’ she said.”

LEAHY: “President Trump claims that he has an absolute right to pardon himself. Now, for 200 years the Supreme Court has recognized the common law principal that that nobody can be a judge in their own case. I had to go way back and reread Calder vs. Bull to see that. Would you agree first that nobody is above the law, not the President, not you, not me. Is that correct?” BARRETT: “I agree no one is above the law.” LEAHY: “And does a president have an absolute right to pardon himself for a crime? We heard this question after President Nixon’s impeachment.” BARRETT: “Senator Leahy so far as I know that question has never been litigated, that question has never arisen. That question may or may not arise, but it’s one that calls for a legal analysis of what the scope of the pardon power is. So because it would be opining on an open question when I haven’t gone through the judicial process to decide it, it’s not one on which I can offer a view.”

Legal experts broadly agree that it would be an abuse of power for the president to pardon himself.

Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel: “Under the fundamental rule that no one may be a judge in his own case, the president cannot pardon himself.”

Columbia Law Professor Philip Bobbit: “A self-pardon by the president is incompatible with the provision of Article II, Section 3 that ‘he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed’ and the provision of Article II, Section 1 that “executive power shall be vested in a President.”

Former Federal Prosecutor Renato Mariotti: “Lately the president and his team have made unusual and extreme legal arguments. They’ve argued that Trump can pardon himself, that he has unlimited power to investigate his enemies and stop investigations of his friends, and that he can’t obstruct justice because he has unlimited prosecutorial power. These sound like the powers of a dictator or king, not a president. Many legal experts call these arguments ‘novel’. That is accurate because no president has ever publicly made these arguments before. But it doesn’t go far enough. The reason these arguments have never been made before is that they are extreme and dangerous. Although the arguments are without precedent, it is hard for me to believe that courts would conclude that the president can commit crimes with impunity and abuse prosecutorial power for his own gain.”

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Barrett Is A Threat To America’s Seniors

Senator Feinstein’s questioning today made clear that Amy Coney Barrett would be a threat to America’s seniors if she is confirmed to the Supreme Court. Barrett refused to say Medicare is constitutional, she’s ruled against age discrimination, and has strongly suggested she would overturn the Affordable Care Act.

Barrett refused to say that Medicare is constitutional.

Senator Feinstein: “Do you agree with originalists who say that the Medicare program is unconstitutional?”

Barrett: “Well, let’s see. So, I think, I can’t answer that question in the abstract.”

Barrett ruled that age discrimination did not cover job applicants.

Senator Feinstein: “What do you understand to be the purpose of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act?”

Barrett: “In Kleber v. CareFusion I joined a majority… and the question is whether the prohibiton on age discrimination covered applicants or only employees, and the statute said employees, and so an applicant isn’t an employee, so the majority said that the statue by its terms didn’t cover the conduct.”

Barrett has strongly suggested that she would strike down the ACA, which risks raising costs and limiting options for America’s seniors.

Washington Post: “Judge Barrett’s Writing Criticizes The Supreme Court Decision Upholding Obama-Era Health Law”

New York Times: “Medicare beneficiaries would have to pay more for preventive care, like a wellness visit or diabetes check, which are now free. They would also have to pay more toward their prescription drugs.”

MarketWatch: “While toppling the law wouldn’t necessarily erase all the reporting requirements, it would weaken resident protections, strip many nursing-home workers of health coverage, limit long-term-care options for many seniors, and undermine efforts to improve nursing-home quality at a critical moment, policy experts say.”

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NEW DNC AD IN MICHIGAN: “Tested Positive”

The DNC War Room released a new television ad today, “Tested Positive,” that highlights how, even after contracting the coronavirus, Trump continues to put lives at risk by ignoring experts and lying to Michiganders about the threat of the virus.

“Time and again, Donald Trump has knowingly put Michiganders at risk,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “He ignored the experts, lied about the severity of COVID-19, and failed to get the pandemic under control. Seven months into this crisis, he is still downplaying the virus and refusing to take action to protect Michiganders’ health, lives, and livelihoods. We deserve better than his failed, incompetent leadership.”

The ad will air starting this week in the Grand Rapids media market as part of a six-figure buy.


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NEW DNC AD IN IOWA: “Tested Positive”

The DNC War Room released a new television ad today, “Tested Positive,” that highlights how, even after contracting the coronavirus, Trump continues to put lives at risk by ignoring experts and lying to Iowans about the threat of the virus.

“Time and again, Donald Trump has knowingly put Iowans at risk,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “He ignored the experts, lied about the severity of COVID-19, and failed to get the pandemic under control. Seven months into this crisis, he is still downplaying the virus and refusing to take action to protect Iowans’ health, lives, and livelihoods. We deserve better than his failed, incompetent leadership.”

The ad will air starting this week in the Des Moines media market as part of a six-figure buy.


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DNC Launches New Print Ad Campaign Reaching Latino Voters in North Carolina

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print ad campaign to reach Latino voters in North Carolina.

“Latino communities across North Carolina have a critical voice in this election — that’s why we are reaching out directly to these voters and ensuring they have the tools they need to make their plan to vote,”  said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “We have seen how this administration’s failed response to the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the lives and livelihoods of Latinos in our country. Under Trump, Latinos have experienced more than 42,000 deaths due to COVID-19, millions of jobs lost under his recession, and the erosion of America’s values as a nation of immigrants. We must vote for leaders who will work to help our communities. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be those leaders.”

Part of a six-figure campaign across several battleground states, the print ads will run starting this week in Hola Noticias and La Noticia, reaching voters across the Charlotte, Asheville, Greensboro, and Raleigh media markets.

The ads, which were purchased through NAHP Media, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub in Spanish, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on and that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

See the print advertisement below.

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ICYMI: In Western Swing, DNC Chair Tom Perez Encourages Arizonans and Nevadans to Make a Plan to Vote

This week, DNC Chair Tom Perez traveled to Arizona and Nevada to call out Donald Trump’s broken promises and encourage voters to make their voices heard this fall. During his trip, Chair Perez hosted a slate of voter mobilization events, urging Arizonans and Nevadans to make a plan to vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot. See coverage of his trip below.

In Arizona:

Arizona Republic: With voting underway, DNC Chair Tom Perez optimistic about Arizona. “‘Donald Trump’s failures have cost people’s lives, it’s cost them their jobs,’ [Perez] said … ‘The failures of this president are on full display right here in Arizona. People know it and they’re fired up to come out and vote. I think there’s going to be record turnout here in Arizona.’”

Univision Arizona: “Tenemos que subir el salario mínimo y aumentar los impuestos a los millonarios”: “En su visita a Phoenix, el presidente del Comité Demócrata, Tom Pérez, habló sobre las campañas y destacó las acciones que podría implementar Joe Biden de llegar a la presidencia.”

Telemundo Arizona: “Biden tiene respecto para nuestra comunidad. Él va a trabajar 24/7 para mejorar nuestra vida. Donald Trump fundamentalmente no tiene respeto para nuestra comunidad.”

KVOA: “Twenty four days until the most important election of our lifetime. And the first visit from the Vice President and Senator Harris together post-convention was here in Arizona, because we know how important Arizona is. The road of the White House, the road to the Senate majority, goes through the great state of Arizona.”

In Nevada:

Las Vegas Review-Journal: DNC chairman urges Nevada Democrats to vote early. “Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, visited Las Vegas Tuesday to encourage voters across the valley to drop off their mail ballots and vote early. ‘Our focus is on getting the vote out, you got incredible energy out there in Nevada,’ Perez said Tuesday. ‘People often refer to Election Day as November 3rd, but Election Day is every day between now and November 3rd for people here in Nevada.’”

Las Vegas Sun: Susie Lee, DNC chair lead ballot drop-off parade in Henderson. “Perez stressed the need for Nevadans to participate in early voting, which begins Saturday … ‘I have confidence that we can pull this off because everybody is suffering from the same crisis and they see in Donald Trump a colossal failure on the coronavirus front, a failure on the economy … People understand that when you have a global pandemic, you can’t have 50 different solutions to that pandemic — you need federal leadership,’ Perez said.”

KSNV: DNC chair Tom Perez talks mail-in, early voting during events across Las Vegas valley. “Perez urged voters to get out early and vote via mail-in ballots or through early in-person voting, which starts in Nevada on October 17th. Perez said Nevada will be a key state in deciding the next president. With mail-in ballots, Perez said the option will help many voters concerned about COVID-19, and he said the ease of mail-in voting scares Republicans. ‘Donald Trump doesn’t want to vote by mail because it increases turnout. The evidence is overwhelming. Vote by mail is safe and its secure period,’ the DNC chair said.”

KRNV: “People here in Nevada can handle the truth. But [Trump] didn’t give them the truth. And here we are suffering needlessly because of his failures. Two hundred thousand deaths across the country. Look at the unemployment rate here. We can’t fix the economy until we fix the coronavirus and this president doesn’t understand this.”

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