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MEMO: Trump’s Failed Jobs and Manufacturing Record

TO:                   Interested Parties
FROM:           DNC War Room
DATE:             October 16, 2020
RE:                  Trump’s Failed Jobs and Manufacturing Record

Last night, Americans saw a familiar scene – a one-hour presentation from President Trump that included debunked claims, outright false attacks, incoherent rants, but absolutely no closing argument to convince voters he deserves a second term in office.

It’s hard to blame him. If Trump were forced to tell the truth about the disastrous results of his presidency, it would include a string of historic failures of presidential leadership. A third wave of coronavirus cases and more than 215,000 Americans dead. The worst recession since the Great Depression. Millions have lost health care and coverage for millions more actively threatened. A lost trade war to China. Diminished standing in the world. Trump doesn’t have a message problem. He has a facts problem. 

In the closing days of the campaign, the DNC War Room will release a series of memos to highlight these truths Trump can’t accept but that the American people know all too well, starting with the economy. 

Put simply, Donald Trump is the worst jobs president in modern history. Despite claims that we’d get tired of “winning,” Trump failed to deliver on his promises and American workers paid the price. He inherited a strong economy and ran it into the ground. Job growth slowed, factories weren’t pouring back in, and the manufacturing sector fell into recession on Trump’s watch, even before the pandemic hit.  And after repeatedly promising that he would get tough on China, he suffered a humiliating defeat on trade at the hands of Beijing that cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, sent farms into bankruptcy and raised costs for consumers.  

Now, the economic recovery has slowed down and only half the jobs lost during the pandemic have returned because of Trump’s failed COVID-19 response. Americans were promised a jobs president, instead they got a fraud.

Trump said he’d be the “greatest jobs president that God ever created” but he’s the worst jobs president in modern history.

  • 5 million more Americans are unemployed than when” Trump took office.
  • The unemployment rate is the highest going into an election year and he is the first president to oversee a period of net job loss in his first four years since WWII.
  • Job growth was slower in Trump’s first three years than it was under the economy he inherited from President Obama.
  • Trump’s failure to get coronavirus under control has hurt America’s labor market recovery and cost millions of jobs compared to other industrialized countries.
  • The job recovery continues to slow, even as only half of the jobs lost have returned. And layoffs continue to mount as over 25 million Americans still rely on unemployment benefits.

Trump pushed manufacturing into recession and lost tens of thousands of factory jobs, even before the pandemic.

  • In 2019, the manufacturing industry entered a recession, bottoming out at its lowest level since the Great Recession and shrinking to the smallest share of the economy since WWII.
  • Manufacturers outsourced hundreds of thousands more factory jobs under Trump, and fewer offshore jobs came back to the U.S. last year than under the last year of the Obama-Biden administration.

Trump promised auto manufacturers would move back from overseas — instead tens of thousands of auto workers lost their jobs on his watch.

  • In 2019, the auto industry cut jobs at the fastest rate since the Great Recession.
  • Auto manufacturing investment declined during Trump’s first three years and car factories are not coming back like Trump claims.
  • Auto sales declined in 2019 and were forecast to fall in 2020 even before COVID.

Trump’s trade war wreaked havoc on manufacturers, farmers and consumers. He then settled for a trade deal that didn’t undo the damage he caused and that China isn’t living up to.

  • Trump settled for a phase one trade deal with China that failed to address the structural issues that sparked his trade war in the first place, and didn’t even undo the damage it caused.
  • The phase one trade deal only secured vague pledges to buy U.S. products, which China isn’t living up to, and isn’t expected to boost growth.
  • Trump’s trade war cost families over $1,200 a year even after Trump’s phase one trade deal.
  • Farm bankruptcies and debt skyrocketed as farmers struggled amid Trump’s trade war. Farms are still being shuttered despite Trump’s farm bailout, and farmers’ export markets may be gone for good because of Trump’s reckless policies.

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Trump’s Plea To America’s Seniors Won’t Make Up For His Failed COVID Response

Trump will try to make a last ditch effort to appeal to America’s seniors in Florida today, but nothing he says can make up for his failed pandemic response that wreaked havoc on their lives or the fact that he is fighting to overturn the Affordable Care Act and cut the programs they rely on. It’s clear why Trump has lost support from America’s seniors.

Trump failed to provide nursing homes with crucial resources, such as personal protective equipment and adequate testing. 

Politico: “The unfolding tragedy in American nursing homes, where patients are dying in clusters, is another consequence of the coronavirus testing debacle….On top of that, the shortages of protective gear for health workers exacerbated the situation because nursing homes, hospices and other outpatient settings have a tough time getting scarce equipment like masks and gowns, provider groups said. This combination of lack of preparedness, inadequate testing capacity and misunderstanding of how the virus could spread seeded death in scores of nursing homes across the country, where patients are not only dying quickly, but often without family and loved ones at their side.”

Associated Press: “One in five U.S. nursing homes faced severe shortages of protective gear like N95 masks this summer even as the Trump administration pledged to help, according to a study released Thursday that finds facilities in areas hard-hit by COVID-19 also struggled to keep staff. Significantly, there was no improvement from May to July in the shortages of personal protective equipment, known as PPE, or in the staffing shortfalls, according to the analysis of federal data by academic researchers.”

Trump was slow to track COVID cases at nursing homes and never required all cases to be reported, obscuring the full toll on seniors.

NBC News: “The government still doesn’t know how many nursing homes have coronavirus outbreaks”

Wall Street Journal: “A recently launched federal effort to collect data on the impact of the coronavirus in nursing homes will leave the full toll unclear, because a new rule doesn’t require facilities to report deaths and infections that occurred before early May.”

Trump pushed forward with a rollback of protections for nursing home residents, even as COVID ripped through nursing homes.

USA Today: “The federal government is considering rolling back infection control requirements in U.S. nursing homes – even as the long-term-care industry’s residents and workers are overwhelmed by the coronavirus.”

Vox: “Trump reduced fines for nursing homes that put residents at risk. Then Covid-19 happened.”

Trump is fighting in court to terminate the Affordable Care Act, which risks raising costs and limiting options for America’s seniors.

New York Times: “Medicare beneficiaries would have to pay more for preventive care, like a wellness visit or diabetes check, which are now free. They would also have to pay more toward their prescription drugs.”

MarketWatch: “While toppling the law wouldn’t necessarily erase all the reporting requirements, it would weaken resident protections, strip many nursing-home workers of health coverage, limit long-term-care options for many seniors, and undermine efforts to improve nursing-home quality at a critical moment, policy experts say.”

Trump has threatened Medicare and Social Security and proposed hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts to both programs.

NBC News: “Terminating payroll tax could end Social Security benefits in 2023, chief actuary warns”

AP Fact Check: “President Donald Trump’s proposed payroll tax cut is a threat to Social Security no matter how he casts it.”

Newsweek: “Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security: Trump’s Proposed Budget Slashes Entitlements—and Campaign Promises”

Vox: “Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare. His 2020 budget cuts all 3.”

It’s no wonder Trump is losing support from seniors as his failed coronavirus response wreaks havoc on older Americans.

Axios: “Former Vice President Joe Biden has gained a more than 20 point lead over President Trump among voters ages 65 and older, two separate polls — one from CNN and one from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal — found.

Why it matters: Senior citizens are America’s most reliable voters — and a group that’s been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus pandemic.”

Morning Consult: “America’s Oldest Voters Have Turned on Trump”

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Trump Continues to Mislead Americans on Coronavirus Threat as U.S. Reaches 8 Million COVID Cases

Last night during his town hall, as the United States hit 8 million confirmed coronavirus cases and hospitals face a shortage of beds, Trump continued to downplay the threat of the coronavirus. And to make things worse, as America enters the third wave of the virus, Trump and his administration have failed to outline a plan to stop its spread, choosing instead to try to influence our public health agencies for Trump’s own political gain. 

When talking about the coronavirus at his town hall last night, Trump continued to cast doubt on the scientific consensus on masks and downplay the threat of the virus. 

CNN: “President Trump made a dramatic claim about Covid-19 during Thursday night’s town hall. ‘Just the other day, they came out with a statement that 85% of the people that wear masks catch it,’ Trump said. It was a repeat of a similar claim he had made two times earlier in the day, citing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as the source for that number. Facts First: Trump’s claim is false. A CDC study released in September, did not say that 85% of people who wear masks get infected with coronavirus. In fact, it did not even attempt to figure out what percentage of people who wear a mask get infected with the coronavirus.”

New York Times: “With 19 days until Election Day and cases of the virus rising again in much of the country, Mr. Trump said, falsely, ‘We’re coming around the corner.’ He added, ‘Vaccines are coming soon and our economy is strong.’ In reality, it is not clear when a coronavirus vaccine will be widely available to the public and no medical experts have agreed with him that the country, which on Wednesday saw at least 1,009 new coronavirus deaths and 59,713 new cases reported, is rounding the corner.”

Meanwhile, across the country, cases continue to rise to near record levels and hospitals return to sounding the alarm on looming bed shortages as the U.S. hits 8 million confirmed coronavirus cases. 

Washington Post: “For the first time since late July, the tally of newly reported coronavirus cases in the United States surpassed 64,000 on Thursday. In 44 states and the District of Columbia, caseloads are higher than they were one month ago, and many of the new infections are being reported in rural areas with limited hospital capacity.”

New York Times: “As coronavirus cases across the United States climb toward a third peak, the country surpassed a total of eight million total known cases on Thursday afternoon, according to a New York Times database.”

Politico: “The coronavirus is engulfing big city hospitals in states including Utah, Wisconsin and Indiana that are running low on nurses and beds and are being forced to set up overflow facilities.”

And new data shows Americans are dying at rates much higher than other high-income countries. 

NPR: “During this pandemic, people in the United States are dying at rates unparalleled elsewhere in the world. A new report in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that in the past five months, per capita deaths in the U.S., both from COVID-19 and other causes, have been far greater than in 18 other high-income countries.”

NPR: “Overall deaths in the United States this year are more than 85% higher than in places such as Germany, Israel and Denmark after adjusting for population size. Deaths in the U.S. are 29% higher than even in Sweden, ‘which ignored everything for so long,’ Emanuel says. Sweden made a point of refusing to order strict social restrictions and never went in to a full lockdown. ‘We have 29% more mortality than we should have if we’d followed Sweden’s path and Sweden virtually did nothing.’”

But Trump and his administration, instead of focusing on outlining a comprehensive plan to stop the spread of the virus, have tried to exert influence over public health experts for Trump’s own political gain. 

Associated Press: “The Trump White House has installed two political operatives at the nation’s top public health agency to try to control the information it releases about the coronavirus pandemic as the administration seeks to paint a positive outlook, sometimes at odds with the scientific evidence. The two appointees assigned to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Atlanta headquarters in June have no public health background. They have instead been tasked with keeping an eye on Dr. Robert Redfield, the agency director, as well as scientists, according to a half-dozen CDC and administration officials who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal government affairs.”

Wall Street Journal: “President Trump and his advisers have taken a more hands-on role than previously known in shaping Covid-19 recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helping create a crisis of confidence in the nation’s top public-health agency. The changes the White House has sought—in many cases successfully—go beyond the agency’s public messaging. White House advisers have made line-by-line edits to official health guidance, altering language written by CDC scientists on church choirs, social distancing in bars and restaurants as well as internal summaries of public-health reports, according to interviews with current and former agency and administration officials and their emails.”

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Ahead of Trump’s Visit to Macon, DNC Unveils New Billboards Slamming the Trump Administration’s Failed COVID-19 Response

Today, the Democratic National Committee is unveiling new billboards in Georgia ahead of Trump’s event in Macon on Friday, highlighting how Trump’s failed coronavirus response has hurt Georgians — leading to more than 7,000 Georgians’ deaths and millions of lost jobs in the state.

The billboards, located along I-75 (near Exit 221 and just north of the I-75 / I-475 split) will reach voters in the geographical area around Trump’s event starting on Friday and run through the weekend.

“Voters in Atlanta and Macon won’t be able to miss this message: Trump’s failed, incompetent coronavirus response has cost too many Georgians their lives and livelihoods,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “When Trump is in Macon, he will be surrounded by the consequences of his failed leadership: spiking coronavirus cases, workers who have lost their jobs and are worried about how they’re going to take care of their families, and Georgians concerned that Trump is going to rip away their health care in the middle of a pandemic. This record of failure and incompetence is why Georgians are already heading to the polls in droves to vote Donald Trump out.”

An image of the graphic and the billboard are below: 

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Top Takeaways: Trump’s NBC News Town Hall

Trump’s town hall tonight was a mess filled with endless lies, endless interrupting, and endless embarrassment — so we boiled it down to four key takeaways:

1. Trump refused to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory that his own FBI calls a domestic terror threat.

Washington Post: “When Trump declined to denounce QAnon because he said he didn’t know what it was about, Guthrie provided details about what it was about and invited him to do it, noting Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) has flatly denounced it as a deranged conspiracy. But Trump instead offered that he liked that QAnon was against pedophilia.”

2. Trump refused to confirm he took a required coronavirus test before the first presidential debate or answer when his last negative test was before testing positive.

Washington Post: “To kick off the Trump townhall, NBC’s Savannah Guthrie tried to nail down the timeline of Trump’s coronavirus infection, including whether he had been tested the day he debated Biden. Trump said he ‘felt fantastically’ on the night of the debate but couldn’t remember if he’d been tested ahead of it, but said he’s tested all the time.”

3. Trump attacked mask wearing and lied that 85 percent of people who wear masks catch the virus.

USA Today: “Asked about whether contracting the virus changed his opinion about wearing a mask to curb the spread of COVID-19, the president said: ‘No, I was good with it but I’ve heard many different stories of masks.’ He continues to insist that wearing a mask is a personal choice even as health officials have said it’s a critical safety protocol to mitigate the spread of the virus. Guthrie pressed Trump on the issue, noting that his task force cites the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which says that if everyone wore a mask it could cut the death rate in half. More than 215,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 so far.”

NBC News: “Trump wrongly characterized a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study Thursday evening when he claimed that ‘they came out with a statement that 85 percent of people who wear masks catch’ the coronavirus.”

4. Trump made it clear that he owes $400 million in debt but wouldn’t divulge who he owes it to, despite his promises to the contrary.

USA Today: “In an extended discussion about his taxes, President Donald Trump repeatedly declined to deny that he owed entities $400 million and also said twice he would tell Americans who he owes that money to.”

New York Times: “When asked if he owed anything to foreign banks in any other country, Mr. Trump offered this: ‘Not that I know of, but I will probably.’”

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What They’re Saying: In New Ad, President Obama Urges Americans To Vote Early

President Obama: “I’m asking you to bring this thing home. Leave no doubt. Vote early.”

Today the Democratic National Committee released a new ad featuring former President Barack Obama, “The 2020 Election Is Already Here,” which is reaching voters across 12 key battleground states.

Here’s what they’re saying about the spot across the country:

ABC News: President Obama’s message to voters in new DNC ad: ‘It’s going to be close.’ “‘The 2020 election isn’t a few weeks away; it’s already here. Millions of Americans are already voting; make sure you stand up and join them,’ Obama says in the ad. ‘It’s going to be close. It could come down to a handful of voters just like you. So I’m asking you to bring this thing home. Leave no doubt. Vote early.’”

BET: Obama Tells Everyone Not Only To Vote, But Vote Early In New Video. “With the presidential election less than three weeks away and millions already standing hours in line, former president Barack Obama is taking part in a new ad encouraging everyone to cast their votes as early as possible … Earlier this week, the Democratic National Committee began to run state specific ads focusing on voter education also featuring former President Obama. In those videos, he asks voters to visit, for more information about being able to cast their ballot.”

CBS News: Obama tells voters “it’s going to be close” in new ad urging Americans to vote early. “Election Day is just 19 days away, and former President Barack Obama is urging voters to cast their ballots, and early. In a new ad for the DNC, Mr. Obama tells Americans the 2020 election isn’t a few weeks away, ‘it’s already here.’”

The Hill: Obama urges Americans to vote early in ad: “It’s going to be close.” “Former President Obama in an ad released this week by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) urged voters to cast their ballots early ahead of next month’s general election, adding that the results are ‘going to be close.’”

Florida Politics: Democrats enlist Barack Obama in new ‘vote early’ ad. “Former President Barack Obama is appearing in a new digital ad launched by the Democratic National Committee in Florida and other swing states urging people to vote early … The ad targets to voters in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin,  through digital platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Hulu, and YouTube.”

Earlier this week, the DNC released state-specific voter education videos featuring President Obama, who encourages Americans to visit to learn about their different options to cast their ballot and make their plan to vote. Check out more here.

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“Get In The Game:” DNC Launches Digital Ads Highlighting Early Voting at Charlotte Sports Arenas

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new digital ad campaign highlighting the opening of early in-person voting sites at the Spectrum Center, Bank of America Stadium, and Bojangles’ Coliseum.

“Democrats are using every tool we have to make sure voters have the resources they need to make a plan to vote,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “North Carolinians have a range of easy, convenient options for making their voices heard this year. As early voting kicks off, we’re going to keep working every day to get that information to every voter we can.”



The 15-second ads will run on digital platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, targeting Charlotte area voters as early voting begins on October 15. They direct viewers to — Democrats’ comprehensive voter participation website — to find out more about their voting options. These ads also complement billboard advertising near early voting sites.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. The site is also completely accessible in Spanish at

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ATLAS: Trump’s Policies Are ‘Completely Aligned’ With Theory That Could Lead To Millions More Deaths

Scott Atlas, who Trump made his top coronavirus advisor despite having no experience in infectious diseases, said he supports the Great Barrington Declaration and that it’s “completely aligned” with Trump’s policy.

That declaration supports herd immunity, which could lead to millions more deaths. 

Dr. Fauci also just called this theory “nonsense” and “dangerous.” But of course, Trump doesn’t listen to his advice.


ATLAS: “Now this is really meshing quite precisely with a growing body of some of the world’s top epidemiologists and scientists who this past week signed something called the Great Barrington Declaration… world renowned infectious disease and epidemiology scientists have completely aligned with the president’s policy and with everything I have been advising him on.”

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DNC on Latest Unemployment Numbers

DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez released the following statement after nearly 1.3 million Americans filed initial claims for unemployment last week:

“Last week brought even more devastation for American families. Another 1.3 million people filed initial unemployment claims and thousands of Americans continue to lose their loved ones and their lives. For the 30th week in a row, more people have filed for unemployment benefits than during the single worst week of the Great Recession. And yet, Donald Trump said he was pulling out of negotiations to give Americans more COVID relief. The American people have suffered for far too long because of Donald Trump’s reckless and irresponsible handling of the coronavirus. The only way to build back better and get our economy back on track is by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This November, the American people will send a clear message to Donald Trump and his enablers: Enough is enough. It’s time for real leadership in the White House.”

1.3 million Americans filed new claims last week – hitting the highest level since mid-August. For 30 consecutive weeks, more people have filed for benefits than during the single worst week of the Great Recession.

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “1.3 million Americans filed new unemployment claims last week, little changed from the week before. (886,000 state claims and 373,000 PUA).”

CNBC: “Jobless claims jump, hitting highest level since mid-August”

Business Insider: “Thursday’s report comes in well below the highs seen earlier in the pandemic but still lands above the 665,000 filings made during the Great Recession’s worst week.”

Over 25 million Americans are receiving some form of unemployment relief – nearly18 times more than a year ago.

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “In total, over 25 million Americans are currently receiving unemployment aid.”

65 million unemployment claims have been filed since the pandemic began, far surpassing the total during the entire Great Recession.

Business Insider: “Roughly 65 million unemployment-insurance filings have been made since early February, trouncing the 37 million sum seen during the 18-month Great Recession.”

Job recovery has slowed significantly as Trump has failed to deliver more relief or get the virus under control.

New York Times: “Job growth slowed further in September, as fading government support and the failure to contain the coronavirus threatened to short-circuit the once-promising economic recovery.”

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “The jobs recovery is slowing down – a red flag for the economy & recovery.  March: -1.4 million lost April: -20.8 million lost May: +2.7 million back June: +4.8 million back July: +1.8 million back August: +1.5 million back September: +661,000 back”

New York Times: “American employers continue to shed workers at a staggering rate as a resurgent coronavirus and the absence of new federal aid take a toll on economic growth.”

More than five months past the worst of the recession, only half of jobs lost during the pandemic have come back.

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “The US lost 22.2 million jobs in March & April So far, 11.4 million jobs – 51.5% — are ‘back’  **But 10.7 million Americans still do not have a job again**  (And that doesn’t count people who are working again at reduced hours or lower pay)”

Layoffs increased in September and permanent job losses continue to mount, increasing by 2.5 million since February.

Reuters: “U.S. employers announced another 118,804 job cuts in September, with bars, restaurants, hotels and amusement parks leading the pack amid sluggish demand several months after the COVID-19 pandemic struck the nation. The layoffs reported by global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas on Thursday were up 2.6% from August and boosted total job cuts so far this year to a record 2.082 million. The previous all-time annual high was 1.957 million in 2001.”

BLS: “In September,  the number of permanent job losers increased by 345,000 to 3.8 million; this measure has risen by 2.5 million since February. The number of unemployed job leavers rose by 212,000 to 801,000 in September.”

Black and Hispanic unemployment remain in double digits as only one-third of jobs for Black Americans have come back.

ABC News: “Broken down by racial groups, the latest data shows a disproportionate impact of the unemployment crisis on people of color. The unemployment rate in September for white workers was 7%, for Black workers was 12.1%, for Hispanic workers was 10.3% and for Asian workers was 8.9%.”

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “This is such an unequal recovery.  Barely a third of jobs are back for African-American men and women compared to 60% for white men and women.  Jobs recovered: Black men: 34% Black women: 39% Hispanic: 55% Asian: 59% White men: 60% White women: 60%

The U.S. economy is still down more jobs than the peak of the Great Recession.

Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell: “The job market is definitely healing, but U.S. payrolls are still down 7% on net since Feb. That means the economy is still ‘missing’ more jobs today than it did at the worst period of any prior postwar recession.”

Small businesses remain in peril with millions of small firms at risk and hundreds of thousands expecting to have to close in the next six months.

New York Times: “More than 400,000 small businesses have already closed and millions more are at risk.”

Americans are suffering and millions have slipped into poverty and food insecurity is on the rise across the country.

New York Times: “8 Million Have Slipped Into Poverty Since May as Federal Aid Has Dried Up”

CBS News: “‘Staggering’ need: COVID-19 has led to rising levels in food insecurity across the U.S.”

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Trump Puts Politics Over Public Health As U.S. Enters Its Third COVID Wave

Trump continues to lie to the American people about the coronavirus as it surges in nearly every state. Trump is only concerned with his own political interests, not helping struggling Americans or protecting public health.

The pandemic is in its third wave as the coronavirus surges across nearly every state and hospitalizations are on the rise.

Bloomberg: “Covid-19’s Deadly Comeback Widens, Spreading Across 46 States”

Axios: “The coronavirus is surging again”

BuzzFeed News: “Less than three weeks out from an election that many see as a referendum on President Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic, a ‘third wave’ of COVID-19 hospitalizations is underway in the US.”

Yet Trump continues to lie to the American people about the pandemic, putting his own political interests ahead of public health.

CNN: “President Donald Trump’s refusal to tell America the truth about the pandemic in a bid to save his political skin, on display at a potential super-spreader rally in Iowa on Wednesday night, is fostering a vacuum in national leadership and crucial public health mobilization as a winter of sickness and death looms.”

Trump refuses to listen to experts and has sidelined his coronavirus task force as he only focuses on his reelection.

CNN: “The often-at-odds collection of health experts and political figures who comprise President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force now appear less influential than ever as Covid-19 cases begin to spike again three weeks before Election Day. While still technically in place, people close to the White House task force and others inside the administration describe a panel that has, for all practical purposes, been swept aside by politics and competing interests.”

CNN: “Task force warns against small gatherings as Trump rallies with thousands”

Americans are suffering and millions have slipped into poverty because Trump abandoned coronavirus relief negotiations.

New York Times: “8 Million Have Slipped Into Poverty Since May as Federal Aid Has Dried Up”

CBS News: “‘Staggering’ need: COVID-19 has led to rising levels in food insecurity across the U.S.”

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