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NEW DNC AD: ‘Infecting Us’

The DNC War Room released a new television ad today, “Infecting Us,” that hits Trump for holding in-person superspreader campaign rallies that threaten to worsen the spread of coronavirus in states across the country instead of coming up with a plan to slow the spread of the virus and save lives.

“Across the country, Americans are suffering as coronavirus cases surge for a third time — but to Trump, it’s as if the pandemic doesn’t exist,” said DNC War Room Spokesperson Sarah Peck. “Every day, more and more families lose their livelihoods or a loved one because of Trump’s failure to combat COVID, and yet he’s dancing at his superspreader events instead of making a plan to contain the spread. The American people want a president who will protect us from the coronavirus, not one whose reckless behavior threatens to infect even more of us.”


“Infecting Us” will air in battleground states and on cable in Washington, D.C. It is the 15th ad the DNC War Room has released since June to hold Trump accountable for his failed record. 

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DNC on Trump’s Latest Attacks on Dr. Fauci

In response to Trump’s latest attacks on Dr. Fauci on a call with campaign staff, DNC War Room spokesperson Eduardo Silva released the following statement:

“Trump claimed that ‘people are tired of COVID,’ and he’s right — they’re tired of him ignoring experts and prolonging a crisis that has already taken more than 219,000 American lives. For months, Trump has lied to the American people about the coronavirus, and now, as cases surge and hospitals are again being pushed to the brink, he’s clearly learned nothing from the pain and suffering he’s already caused. Americans across the country are paying the price for Trump’s disastrous response to the coronavirus, and the more he doubles down on this reckless strategy, the more they’ll oppose his failed leadership.”

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WATCH: Chair Perez: “This president doesn’t have a plan for the coronavirus.”

Yesterday, on “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer,” DNC Chair Tom Perez said the president has no plan to combat the multiple crises our country is facing. “We’re a country in crisis. This president doesn’t have a plan for the coronavirus. […] People want leadership that will get us out of these crises,” said Chair Perez.

Perez also encouraged voters to make a plan to vote. “We are telling everyone, make a plan. Go to and get out there and vote. That is how we win. I think we will have record turnout this year,” he said. With more than 28 million Americans who have already cast their ballots, Democrats are taking nothing for granted, no matter the polls. “I always tell our team, ‘don’t get on the pollercoaster.’ We’ve seen polls that are promising but the only polls that count are the polls after Election Day, the results after Election Day. There is not an iota of complacency on the Biden team. We are all sprinting to the finish line. We know it’s going to be close,” said Perez.

Watch Here:

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Trump Mocks Trusting Science As Scientists Criticize Trump’s Failed COVID Response

This weekend, Dr. Fauci criticized Trump for flouting public health guidelines as Trump held unsafe events in coronavirus hotspots, and even criticized Vice President Biden for listening to scientists. Meanwhile, the coronavirus continues to surge all across the country because Trump has failed to acknowledge it is happening, let alone get it under control.

Trump mocked Vice President Biden for listening to the scientists as Dr. Fauci criticized Trump for flouting public health guidelines.

NBC News: “Trump mocks Biden for trusting scientists while Biden slams Trump for Covid-19 ‘lie’”

CNN: “Dr. Anthony Fauci said he is ‘absolutely not’ surprised President Donald Trump contracted Covid-19 after seeing him surrounded by people not wearing face masks and flouting best public health practices.”

Trump spent the weekend holding more unsafe events in coronavirus hotspots with few masks and no social distancing.

CNN: “Few masks and no social distancing at church service Trump attended”

CBS News: “Trump rallies in Wisconsin after state reports record-high COVID-19 cases”

Newsweek: “Doctors Rail Against Trump’s Michigan, Wisconsin Rallies Amid Surging COVID Cases”

Meanwhile, the coronavirus continues to surge in nearly every part of the country and hospitals are being pushed to the brink.

New York Times: “U.S. Records 70,000 New Cases in a Day for the First Time Since July”

CNN: “There is nearly no place in America where Covid-19 case counts are trending in the right direction as the country heads into what health experts say will be the most challenging months of the pandemic. The US is averaging more than 55,000 new cases a day — up more than 60% since a mid-September dip — and experts say the country is in the midst of the dreaded fall surge. On Friday, the US reported the most infections in a single day since July.”

Washington Post: “Hospitals ‘bursting at the seams’ as virus rages across Midwest”

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“Get In The Game:” DNC Launches Digital Ads Highlighting Early Voting at Tampa Sports Arenas

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new digital ad campaign highlighting the start of ballot drop-off at Tropicana Field and the opening of early in-person voting sites at Raymond James Stadium and Amalie Arena.

“Democrats are using every tool we have to make sure voters have the resources they need to make a plan to vote,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “Floridians have a range of easy, convenient options for making their voices heard this year. As early voting kicks off, we’re going to keep working every day to get that information to every voter we can.”



The 15-second ads will run on digital platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, targeting Tampa Bay area voters as early voting begins on October 19. They direct viewers to — Democrats’ comprehensive voter participation website — to find out more about their voting options. These ads also complement billboard advertising near early voting sites.

This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. The site is also completely accessible in Spanish at

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Ahead of Trump Visit to Nevada, DNC Unveils New Billboards Blasting Trump’s Failed Pandemic Response

With early voting underway, digital billboards in Reno, Carson City, and in Las Vegas across from Trump International Hotel will highlight how Trump’s failures have hurt Nevada families 

Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to Carson City today, the Democratic National Committee is unveiling a slate of new digital billboards in northern and southern Nevada to highlight Trump’s failed pandemic response, which has resulted in over 89,000 coronavirus cases and taken more than 1,700 lives statewide.

The billboards in northern Nevada, located on U.S. Highway 50 in Carson City and on Interstate 580 in South Reno, will run today and greet many of the Nevadans traveling to Trump’s event. The billboard in southern Nevada, located between the Sahara Avenue exit off Interstate 15 and Las Vegas Boulevard, is less than two miles from Trump International Hotel and near the Las Vegas Strip.

“Voters across Nevada won’t miss this message: Trump’s ineffective, incompetent coronavirus response has cost too many Nevadans their lives and their livelihoods,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “As Trump arrives in state today, he’ll be greeted by the consequences of his failed record — hundreds of thousands of Nevadans out of jobs, working families struggling to make ends meet, and people who are frightened that Trump will rip away their health care coverage in the middle of a pandemic. The last thing Nevada needs right now is Trump dropping in to hold another reckless rally to distract from his broken promises. With early voting underway across Nevada, Trump’s political stunt today will remind voters exactly what they don’t like about him as they head to the polls to hold him accountable for his failures.”

Earlier today, the Nevada State Democratic Party hosted a press event with U.S. Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen at East Las Vegas Community Center to lay out the case for rejecting Donald Trump’s failed record as voters across the state cast their ballots.

See photos of the billboards below and an image of the ad running on the billboards here: 

See a photo of the Carson City billboard here: 

See a photo of the Reno billboard here: 

See a photo of the Las Vegas billboard here: 

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ICYMI: WATCH: Chair Perez: “This Is A Health Care Election”

Today, on “Face the Nation,” DNC Chair Tom Perez said that health care for Americans and protections for those with preexisting conditions are on the ballot in this election. “People understand this is a health care election. In the middle of a crisis, we have a president who wants to undo coverage for people with preexisting conditions,” said Chair Perez.

Perez also said that with more than 25 million Americans who have already cast their ballots, Democrats continue to work hard for every single vote, regardless of polls. “Never get on the pollercoaster, we take nothing for granted,” said Perez. “We have a lot more work to do, but we are expanding the battlegrounds. We are competing in places like Arizona, Texas, Ohio, Iowa, Georgia, and elsewhere.”

Watch Here:

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Ahead of Pence’s Visit to Reading, DNC Unveils New Billboards Slamming the Trump Administration’s Failed COVID-19 Response

Yesterday, the Democratic National Committee unveiled new billboards across the road from Reading Regional Airport in Pennsylvania, the site of Vice President Pence’s rally today, highlighting how Trump’s failed coronavirus response has hurt Pennsylvanians — leading to the deaths of 8,500 Pennsylvanians and hundreds of thousands of lost jobs in the state.

The billboards, located on Route 183 across from Reading Airport, are running Friday and Saturday and greet many of the Pennsylvanians driving to Pence’s event today.

“Voters in the Keystone State won’t be able to miss this message: Trump’s failed, incompetent coronavirus response has cost too many Pennylvanians their lives and livelihoods,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “When Pence comes to town, he’ll be greeted by the consequences of the Trump administration’s record: spiking COVID-19 cases, workers who have lost their jobs and are worried about where their next paycheck will come from, and Pennsylvanians concerned Trump will rip away their health care coverage in the middle of a pandemic. That record of failure is why so many Pennsylvanians of every political persuasion will be voting Trump out of office.”

An image of the billboard is below: 

Yesterday, in advance of Pence’s visit, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party hosted the latest event on its “Broken Promises” Tour, a virtual press conference with PA Dems Vice Chair Senator Sharif Street, Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan (PA-6), State  Senator Judy Schwank (D-Berks), and Berks County Democratic Committee to discuss how President Trump’s economic policies, COVID-19 response and attacks on health care have left working families in the region behind.

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ICYMI: In Sunshine State Swing, DNC Chair Tom Perez Encourages Floridians to Make a Plan to Vote

This week, DNC Chair Tom Perez traveled to Miami, West Palm Beach and Orlando to call out Donald Trump’s broken promises and encourage voters to make their voices heard in this election. During his visit, Chair Perez met with local Puerto Rican, Dominican and Cuban leaders, and hosted a slate of voter mobilization events urging Floridians to make a plan to vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot. See coverage of his trip below.

In Miami: 

Miami Herald: DNC Chair Tom Perez campaigns for Latino vote in South Florida. “Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez visited Miami-Dade County on Wednesday to attend multiple community events encouraging voters, especially Hispanic voters, to cast their ballot for former Vice President Joe Biden in the November presidential election. Just under three weeks away from Election Day, Perez was in Miami-Dade encouraging and reminding voters of the importance of the Latino vote through events with Puerto Rican, Dominican and Cuban community leaders.”

Radio Television Marti: Líder del Partido Demócrata se reune con líderes comunitarios en Miami-Dade. “El presidente del Comité Nacional del Partido Demócrata (DNC), Tom Pérez estuvo en Miami este miércoles, donde mantuvo una serie de encuentros con partidarios de la campaña presidencial del vicepresidente Joe Biden y la senadora Kamala Harris en el condado Miami-Dade. Durante la mañana Tom Pérez se reunió con miembros del sindicato SEIU, que une a los trabajadores activos y jubilados, de la salud, empleados públicos y trabajadores de escuelas públicas, colegios comunitarios, gobiernos municipales y del condado, centros comerciales, aeropuertos y universidades de Florida.”

In West Palm Beach:

The Palm Beach Post: DNC chief Tom Perez hands out signs, urges voters in Palm Beach County. “The head of the national Democratic Party made a campaign stop in West Palm Beach Thursday to encourage voters to cast ballots and personally treat the party faithful to Biden-Harris yard signs. ‘I see so much energy out here in Florida. 1.8 million people — something like that — have returned their ballots,’ said Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee. ‘Democrats have a 400,000 vote advantage. Folks, 19 days left, get out there and vote, that’s what you gotta do.’”

Florida Daily Post: DNC Chairman visits Hispanic-owned small business in West Palm Beach. “Tom Perez, Chair of the Democratic National Committee, visited The Box Gallery on Thursday for a conversation with local activists about healthcare issues affecting the Hispanic and gay community in West Palm Beach. His visit also fueled engagement with members of the community around the Affordable Care Act, COVID-19, and Joe Biden’s plan to tackle the pandemic.”

WPBF-TV: “The head of the National Democratic Party made a campaign stop in West Palm Beach today, Tom Perez, attending two events, the first was a health care roundtable with local leaders to discuss COVID and its impact here locally. The second event was held at a campaign office where Perez met with volunteers and supporters. ‘Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to bring this nation together. People are sick and tired of being sick and tired. They’re sick and tired of seeing the divisiveness in Washington.’”

In Orlando:

WESH-TV: Fight for Florida’s Latino vote continues. “Tom Perez, the chair of the Democratic National Committee stopped by La Lechonera El Barrio in Orlando for food and then listened to a long list of complaints of people who want change. Voters there told him they’re worried about coronavirus, health care, and unemployment. ‘Latino voters, Puerto Ricans here in the Orlando-area, they know that Donald Trump has had a knife in their backs, and that Joe Biden will have their backs,’ Perez said.”

WOFL-TV: “The head of the Democratic party in town talking about the crucial role central Florida will play in this election. DNC Chair Tom Perez, urging people to vote early.”

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Ahead of Trump’s Saturday Visit, DNC Releases New Video: “Trump’s Broken Promise to Michigan”

Ahead of Trump’s visit to Michigan tomorrow, the DNC War Room released a new video, “Trump’s Broken Promise to Michigan,” blasting Trump for his failure to keep manufacturing plants open and bring back jobs. The video focuses on his record specifically in Michigan, where even before the pandemic, thousands lost their jobs as a result of Trump’s failed leadership.

“Trump promised to keep manufacturing plants in America and bring thousands of jobs back — but instead he’s been the worst jobs president in modern history,” said DNC War Room Senior Spokesperson and Advisor Lily Adams. “Trump can try to talk up his negotiation skills, but the facts are clear: his failed trade war with China and disastrous response to the coronavirus resulted in plant closures and job losses.”


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