Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Lawsuit Filed by the Former Secretaries of State

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of Chair Lavora Barnes regarding the recent lawsuit filed by former Michigan Secretaries of State.

“It is no surprise that Republicans are once again attempting to suppress the vote. This most recent lawsuit against Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to not allow for the counting of absentee ballots postmarked by November 2 has been filed for one reason, and one reason only. They do not want every vote to count because they know the MI GOP is going to lose come November. As former Secretaries of State, it is shameful that Terri Lynn Land and Ruth Johnson are trying to prevent a full and accurate count of every vote cast in Michigan this election. At a time when we are in need of true leadership the GOP offers grandstanding on the Courthouse steps.”

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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Secretary Brouillette’s Events

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of spokesman Christian Slater on Dan Brouillette’s campaign stop in Michigan:

“Donald Trump has launched an all-out assault on clean energy and our automotive industry, fighting at every turn to slash critical programs that create jobs and build a sustainable energy future. As a result, under Trump, Michigan lost auto manufacturing jobs –– even before the pandemic. Brouillette can pander all he wants today and tomorrow, but there’s no denying that Donald Trump has left our state behind as we lose auto jobs and fall behind on clean energy. If Michigan is going to build back better from the crisis Trump created, we need a president like Joe Biden who will invest in rebuilding the middle class, create 1 million auto jobs, and ensure that the United States leads the way in building a sustainable clean energy future.”

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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Trump’s Tax Dodging

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of spokesman Christian Slater on today’s bombshell story in the New York Times:

“If you work for a living, odds are you pay more in taxes than Donald Trump. Michigan teachers, nurses, and autoworkers contribute more to the federal government than our president. And Trump is no different than the wealthy and well-connected friends he enriched with his GOP tax scam that handed out tax cuts to big corporations and the rich while leaving everyday Michiganders behind. We need a president who will stand up to these special interests and ensure people like Donald Trump pay their fair share while helping working people. That president will be Joe Biden.”

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