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Trump Undermines Public Health & Shows Same Failed Leadership That Led To The World’s Worst Outbreak

Yesterday, Trump irresponsibly removed his mask upon returning to the White House and yet again downplayed the threat of COVID-19, undermining public health and demonstrating the same failed leadership that led to the U.S. having by far the worst outbreak in the world. His administration still refuses to listen to the experts and puts Trump’s politics over public health even as the coronavirus surges in most states across the country.

Trump continues to undermine public health and show the same failure of leadership that led to the U.S. having the worst outbreak in the world.

New York Times: “‘Don’t Be Afraid of Covid,’ Trump Says, Undermining Public Health Messages”

CNN: “A strongly medicated President Donald Trump bolted from his VIP hospital bubble Monday, staging a bizarre White House comeback that included an irresponsible mask removal and a reckless pronouncement there is nothing to fear from Covid-19, which has already killed 210,000 Americans.”

The White House blocked new FDA guidelines to ensure a vaccine is safe, once again refusing to listen to the experts and undermining public trust for Trump’s political interests.

Associated Press: “The White House has blocked new Food and Drug Administration guidelines on bringing potential vaccines for COVID-19 to market that would almost certainly have prevented their introduction before the Nov. 3 election. At issue was the FDA’s planned instruction that vaccine developers follow patients enrolled in their trials for at least two months to rule out safety issues before seeking emergency approval from the agency. A senior administration confirmed the move Monday evening, saying the White House believed there was ‘no clinical or medical reason’ for the additional requirement.”

Instead of listening to the experts, the Trump administration has sidelined and even pressured the CDC to cover up the extent of the crisis.

Politico: “Trump official pressured CDC to change report on Covid and kids”

USA Today: “White House rebuffed CDC offer to lead contact tracing investigation of Trump outbreak”

Meanwhile, the coronavirus continues to surge in most parts of the country and experts warn that it could still get worse.

Bloomberg: “Covid-19 Making a Dangerous Comeback in Most Parts of U.S.”

Bloomberg: “Covid-19 is spreading again across most of the U.S., hammering rural America and smaller cities and raising anxiety in New York, as experts warn that school reopenings and colder weather may cause the situation to rapidly deteriorate. In 34 states, the seven-day average of new cases is higher now than it was a month ago.”

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DNC Launches New Radio & Print Ad Campaign Reaching Black Voters in Battleground States

The ads will run in local outlets in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin

Today, the Democratic National Committee is announcing a new print and radio ad campaign to reach Black voters across the battleground states.

“Democrats are meeting Black voters where they are and making critical investments to ensure Americans have the information they need to make their plan to vote,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “The stakes have never been higher — especially for communities of color — and we are committed to making sure voters have the tools and information they need to make their voices heard at the ballot box, exercise their fundamental right to participate in our democracy, and elect leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will get our country back on track.”

The six-figure advertising campaign, which begins this week and was purchased through the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and Radio One, will direct individuals to — the DNC’s newly updated voter participation hub, where voters can register to vote, check their voter registration, and make a plan to vote, whether in person or by mail.

These ads will run this week in:

Print Advertisement

Radio Advertisement

Atlanta Voice (in Atlanta, GA)

WENZ – FM (in Cleveland, OH)

Call and Post (in Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus, OH)

WCKX – FM (in Columbus, OH)

Dayton Defender (in Dayton, OH)

WIZF – FM (in Cincinnati, OH)

The Sojourner’s Truth (in Toledo, OH)

WHQT – FM (in Miami, FL)

Columbus Black (in Columbus, OH)

WRNB – FM (in Philadelphia, PA)

The Communicator (in Columbus, OH)

WGPR – FM (in Detroit, MI)

Westside Gazette (in Broward, FL)

WFXC – FM (in Raleigh, NC)

Philadelphia Tribune (in Philadelphia, PA)

KQRS – FM (in Minneapolis, MN)

Michigan Chronicle (in Detroit, MI)

WHQG – FM (in Milwaukee, WI)

Carolina Peacemaker (in Greensboro, NC)

Charlotte Post (in Charlotte, NC)

Insight News (in Minneapolis, MN)

Milwaukee Community Journal (in Milwaukee, WI)

Milwaukee Courier (in Milwaukee, WI)

Milwaukee Times Weekly (in Milwaukee, WI)


This ad campaign follows the recent rollout of new features on that help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote. In September, the DNC also announced a Black print advertising campaign around National Black Voter Day.

See the print advertisement below and listen to the radio ad here.




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As Coronavirus Cases Surge, Experts Worry Hospitals May Be Overwhelmed Again

Over the weekend, coronavirus cases continued to surge across the United States, spreading both in states that had already experienced a large number of cases earlier this year as well as states that had previously recorded a low number of infections. And now, the increase in infections and hospitalizations has begun to worry experts that hospitals may soon become overwhelmed yet again. 

Over the weekend, coronavirus cases continued to skyrocket, with only three states showing a decrease in the number of new cases. 

CNN: “Only three US states are reporting a decline in new Covid-19 cases compared to last week, as the country hit its highest daily rate of new cases in almost two months. As of Saturday night, new cases were down in Texas, Missouri and South Carolina, while 21 states reported a rise in cases and a little more than half held steady compared with the week before. Friday, there were 54,506 new reported cases, according to Johns Hopkins University, the highest single day case number since 64,601 cases were reported on August 14.”

New York Times: “Some of the country’s least populous states are now seeing their highest infection rates. When coastal cities suffered in the spring, cases remained relatively scarce across most of the nation’s midsection. But since late summer, North Dakota and South Dakota have added more cases per capita than any other state. Utah recorded 1,387 new cases on Sunday, a single-day record. Four states — Wisconsin, Indiana, Montana and Wyoming — have added more cases in the last week than in any other seven-day stretch of the pandemic.”

Earlier today, Dr. Fauci said that he was “disturbed” by the number of new coronavirus cases in the United States. 

FAUCI: “I am certainly not pleased (or) satisfied, but I’m actually disturbed and concerned about the fact that our baseline of infections is still stuck at around 40,000 per day. … That’s no place to be when you’re trying to get your arms around an epidemic.”

Last week, six states reached record highs for hospitalizations.

CNBC: “Growing coronavirus outbreaks across the American West and Midwest have started to take an alarming turn as some states report growing Covid-19 hospitalizations and a shrinking supply of beds for patients. Six states reached record high Covid-19 hospitalizations, based on a weekly average to smooth out the reporting, as of Friday, according to a CNBC analysis of data compiled by the Covid Tracking Project, an independent volunteer organization launched by journalists at The Atlantic.”

The rise in new cases and hospitalizations in hot spots has begun to worry medical experts that ICU capacity in hospitals may be threatened again. 

Washington Examiner: “Yet, some are seeing hospitalizations increase to the point that hospital capacity may soon be a serious concern. For example, Wisconsin has 1,475 intensive care unit beds, but only 217, about 15%, are available. From early May until mid-September, the number of COVID-19 patients in ICU beds fluctuated between 65 and 144. It now stands at 208, more than double the number of two weeks ago. About 87% of the 1,222 ICU beds in Minnesota are occupied. Hospitals in the state may soon have to make use of 1,000 surge beds that can be ready for COVID-19 patients in 24 to 72 hours. Minnesota and Wisconsin saw their hospitalizations increase 12% and 34%, respectively, over the last week.”

WISCONSIN – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Some Wisconsin hospitals are resorting to wait-listing patients, or sending them to other facilities, as the state’s coronavirus surge continues to rage. Hospitals have been especially overwhelmed in Green Bay, Wausau and the Fox Valley, which are among the state’s latest COVID-19 hot spots. … The number of people hospitalized in Wisconsin due to the virus reached a new high Tuesday, with 646 coronavirus patients occupying beds across the state, including 205 patients in ICU beds.”

MISSOURI – St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “Health officials here, faced with rising COVID-19 case numbers and divided public opinion, are warning that if residents refuse to take precautions, the virus will continue to grow, unchecked, and could tax the local hospital’s capacity to handle patients. In recent weeks, Jefferson County has seen some of the fastest growth of COVID-19 cases in the St. Louis area. Leaders of the county’s only hospital are urging residents to wear masks and avoid large gatherings, especially as flu season arrives. And the local health department is stretched thin as it contends with increasing infections.”

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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Party Statement on Today’s State Supreme Court Decision

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of Chair Lavora Barnes on today’s State Supreme Court Decision.

“We are disappointed in today’s State Supreme Court decision. Over the course of the last 6.5 months, Governor Whitmer, with guidance from public health specialists, has enacted a set of regulations intended to protect the lives and well-being of all Michiganders. Because of her swift and decisive actions countless lives have been saved. 

Today’s decision was handed down by a narrow majority of Republican justices who appear to be playing partisan politics with our lives. We deserve better representation on our state’s highest court. We can make that change this November by electing Elizabeth Welch to the State Supreme Court.”

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New DNC Ad in Philadelphia Provides Step-By-Step Instructions for Voters To Return Mail Ballots

New ad is latest part of multi-pronged voter education campaign around Pennsylvania mail ballots 

The Democratic National Committee today is launching a new broadcast ad in Philadelphia showing voters step-by-step instructions on how to properly return their mail ballot, including using the required secrecy envelope.

The ad, ‘Secrecy Envelope,’ is launching as part of a joint voter education campaign with Biden for President Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, and other groups.

The ad will air on broadcast TV in the Philadelphia market starting today and provides step-by-step instructions to voters on how to properly fill out their mail ballot, including sealing their ballot within the provided secrecy envelope, which is required for their vote to count.

“Vote-by-mail is surging in Pennsylvania, and it’s crucial that every voter using a mail ballot has the information they need to ensure their voice is heard in November,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “With more ways than ever to vote easily and comfortably, Democrats are committed to making sure every Pennsylvanian can vote in the manner that’s best for them and be confident their ballot will be counted.”


Today’s ad is the latest step taken by the DNC, Biden for President Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, and other groups to educate voters about how to easily return their vote-by-mail ballot and ensure their vote is counted. Last week, the DNC released a digital ad, “How to return your ballot!” that also educated voters across the Commonwealth on mail ballots. The education campaign further includes regular voter education events, direct voter outreach, and a robust social media campaign featuring photos and videos of elected officials and local leaders completing the steps to return their mail ballots.

Additionally, earlier this month, DNC and Biden for President added new features to the voter information website, making it easier for Pennsylvanians to check their voting status and register to vote if need be, request a mail ballot, or easily find deadlines regarding casting their ballot. Pennsylvanians interested in learning more can go to

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Declaración del DNC sobre las últimas cifras de empleos

Después de que el Departamento del Trabajo de los EEUU publicara las últimas cifras de empleo, el presidente del DNC y exsecretario de Trabajo Tom Perez, emitió la siguiente declaración: 

“El crecimiento de empleo ha desacelerado, millones siguen sin trabajo y las pequeñas empresas siguen cerrando. Los trabajadores estadounidenses todavía están sufriendo bajo esta economía y no soportan más esta crisis. Necesitamos líderes que apoyen a los trabajadores, que les dé el alivio que se merecen, que ponga fin a esta pandemia y que reconstruya mejor que antes.”

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DNC on September Jobs Report

After the U.S. Department of Labor released the latest jobs and unemployment numbers, DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez issued the following statement:

“Job growth has slowed, millions remain out of work, and small businesses continue to close. American workers are still suffering under this economy and cannot endure this crisis any longer. We need leaders who will lift up workers, give them the relief they deserve, put an end to this pandemic, and build back better.”

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Reps. Andy Levin and Brenda Lawrence Call on John James to Denounce Trump’s Refusal to Condemn White Supremacists at Presidential Debate

Today, Detroit metro area U.S. Representatives Andy Levin and Brenda Lawrence are calling on John James to disavow Donald Trump’s refusal to condemn white supremacists in the first Presidential debate this week. As Trump offers his support for the Proud Boys, a known extremist hate group, James has continued to stand by the President “2,000%.”

“What Donald Trump did on Tuesday night was extremely dangerous for the Jewish community and all other minority religious, ethnic and immigrant groups targeted by white supremacists,” said Congressman Andy Levin. “We need all leaders, regardless of political party, to speak out against white supremacy – now. John James should have denounced Trump’s hate group-activating language in Tuesday night’s presidential debate – immediately and unequivocally. James and Trump simply do not represent the values of Michigan voters. Fortunately, those same voters have the chance this year to return Gary Peters to the U.S. Senate where we can count on him to continue to call out and fight back against every instance of hate and bias that rears its head.”

“When provided with the opportunity this week, the President of the United States refused to condemn white supremacy, and instead all he could manage to say was ‘stand back and stand by,’” said Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence. “John James’ silence as Trump offers his implicit support for hate groups like the Proud Boys is shameful. Michiganders deserve a Senator who will clearly and unequivocally disavow hate in all forms, not someone who will stand with the President even when he panders to far right extremists who pose a threat to communities across Michigan.”

James recently appeared at a campaign event at which the Proud Boys volunteered. And just like Trump, when asked about James’ appearance, his campaign refused to denounce the far right, self-described “western chauvinist” group. He’s also previously indicated he thinks it’s “pointless to call out Trump’s racism.” As Detroit News columnist Bankole Thompson writes, John James “who proudly cherish[es] support from Trump must wrestle with the president’s refusal to condemn white supremacy outright.”


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DNC Chair on the Anniversary of the Las Vegas Shooting

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement on the anniversary of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the deadliest mass shooting in American history:

“Three years ago, America woke to the horror of the deadliest mass shooting in our nation’s history. Today, we honor the lives we lost in Las Vegas; we grieve for the families and communities across the country that have been shattered by senseless gun violence; and we recommit ourselves to ending these tragedies once and for all. Make no mistake: The pain we feel today is not inevitable. It is the price of inaction. It is the result of the craven deal Republican leaders make when they put the interests of the gun lobby ahead of the lives of their own constituents. While Trump and his allies have stonewalled any attempt at progress, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have laid out sensible policies to stop the carnage in our communities. As we mourn those we’ve lost, we must continue to push for legislation to end gun violence and elect leaders who will stand up to the NRA.”

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More Americans Rely On The ACA As Trump Fights To Take It Away

Trump is fighting in court to take away health care from tens of millions of Americans in the middle of a pandemic while more and more Americans are relying on the Affordable Care Act. One candidate wants to take away Americans’ health care while the other wants to increase access to care — it’s really that simple.

Over 4 million Americans turned to Medicaid during the pandemic as Trump fought to terminate the ACA, including its Medicaid expansion.

CNN: “Just over 4 million more Americans turned to Medicaid last spring as the coronavirus pandemic upended the nation’s economy, new federal data released Wednesday shows.”

Nearly half a million Americans turned to the ACA, which Trump is fighting to eliminate, after they lost their health insurance during the pandemic.

CNN: “Meanwhile, nearly half a million Americans turned to the federal Obamacare exchanges earlier this year after losing health insurance coverage, according to federal data released in June.”

Even before the pandemic hit, nearly 30 million Americans lacked health care last year and millions more will lose it if Trump succeeds in court.

Washington Post: “Nearly 30 million people in the country lacked coverage at some point during 2019, 1 million more than in the previous year.”

Trump wants to take health care away from millions of Americans, while millions could gain it under Biden. It’s really quite simple.

Vox: “If Trump wins, 20 million people could lose health insurance. If Biden wins, 25 million could gain it.”

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