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This week, the DNC War Room released a new television ad, “Had Enough?,” that contrasts Trump’s claim that his administration has done a “great job” responding to the pandemic with the reality of Trump and Pence’s failed response, which has led to more than 8,200 Pennsylvanians’ deaths and millions of Pennsylvania job losses.

The ad will air on cable starting on Thursday in the Harrisburg media market as part of a six-figure buy.

“Every day, Pennsylvanians are paying the price for Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s incompetence and total failure to respond to the coronavirus,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “Pennsylvanians have lost their jobs, their lives, their loved ones, and any sense of normalcy. That’s not a ‘great job.’ It’s a devastating betrayal of Trump and Pence’s responsibility to keep people safe. Pennsylvanians have had enough, and they’re putting this failed presidency to an end.”


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Trump Says Catching COVID-19 Is A ‘Blessing From God’ After It Killed More Than 212,000 Americans

Despite contracting the virus himself and the ongoing outbreak in his White House, Trump continues to downplay COVID-19 and even said that catching it was a “blessing from God” as more than 212,000 Americans have died and the virus surges.

Trump said that getting coronavirus was a “blessing from God” as the virus continues to surge and more than 212,000 Americans have died.

CBS News: “Trump returns to Oval Office, says it’s a ‘blessing from God’ that he got COVID-19”

CNN: “Only two US states report a decline of new cases and nationwide hospitalizations are increasing”

USA Today: “COVID-19 cases rising in 39 states – 9 months into the pandemic: ‘We are overwhelmed’”

Trump downplayed the coronavirus by falsely claiming he is not “contagious at all” and didn’t really need drugs to beat it—despite requiring over $100,000 in treatment.

TRUMP: “I don’t think I’m contagious at all.”

ABC News: “He portrayed his hospitalization as having been unnecessary and suggested he could have ‘would have done it fine without drugs.’  ‘I didn’t have to go in frankly, I think it would have gone away by itself,’ Trump said.”

New York Times: “President Trump spent three days in the hospital. He arrived and left by helicopter. And he received multiple coronavirus tests, oxygen, steroids and an experimental antibody treatment. For someone who isn’t president, that would cost more than $100,000 in the American health system.”

Meanwhile, the coronavirus continues to spread throughout his White House and has even put our national security at risk.

NBC News: “All but one of military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff quarantine after admiral tests positive”

Wall Street Journal: “On Tuesday, officials confirmed that the military aide to the president, one of several military officials, who carries the so-called football that contains the nuclear launch codes, also tested positive.”

ABC News: “34 people connected to White House, more than previously known, infected by coronavirus: Internal FEMA memo”

The Daily Beast: “On the same day President Donald Trump acknowledged contracting the coronavirus, the White House quietly informed a veterans group that there was a COVID-19 risk stemming from a Sept. 27 event honoring the families of fallen U.S. service members, the head of that charitable organization told The Daily Beast.”

Yet Trump and his White House are still not taking proper safety measures to contain the virus and continue to put more people at risk.

CNN: “Two White House officials concede Trump has not been tested daily for coronavirus”

ABC News: “Trump returns to Oval Office despite isolation rules, infection risks”

CNN: “The White House isn’t abiding by policies designed to control the pandemic, infectious disease expert says”

The White House continues to mislead about Trump’s health and refuses to provide basic information.

Washington Post: “The White House again refused on Wednesday to say when President Trump last tested negative for the novel coronavirus, leaving open the possibility that he potentially exposed dozens of people to the deadly virus before the announcement of his positive test early Friday.”

Washington Post: “Contradictory and confusing White House statements offer an incomplete picture of Trump’s health”

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Ahead of Pence Visit to Peoria, DNC Launches Digital Homepage Takeover in Peoria Times to Hold Trump and Pence Accountable for Failed Pandemic Response

Ad campaign will reach voters in the Peoria area and direct them to a new DNC ad highlightingTrump’s ineffective leadership

Ahead of Mike Pence’s event in Peoria today and following his disastrous debate performance last night, the Democratic National Committee launched a new daylong digital advertising campaign taking over the homepage of the Peoria Times to hold Trump and Pence accountable for their failed pandemic response.

The homepage take over will place ads on every available area of the Peoria Times’s homepage for 24 hours, reaching voters in the area Pence is set to hold his event today.

These ads will direct voters to the DNC new spot, “Had Enough?,” which contrasts Trump’s claim that his administration has done a “great job” responding to the pandemic during his last debate with the reality of Trump and Pence’s failed response, which has led to more than 5,700 Arizonans’ deaths and hundreds of thousands of Arizonans out of jobs. Images of the ad are also below.

“Arizonans didn’t hear the truth from Pence at last night’s debate and they won’t hear it today at his reckless rally, so we’re making sure voters know the truth about his and Trump’s incompetent, failed coronavirus response,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “Under Trump and Pence’s watch, more than 5,700 Arizonans have tragically lost their lives, hundreds of thousands are out of work, and now Trump is abandoning Arizona families once again by sabotaging coronavirus relief negotiations. To make matters worse, Trump is still waging his relentless campaign to tear down the ACA and strip protections from millions of Arizonans with preexisting conditions in the middle of a pandemic — right when they need them most. Arizonans of every political persuasion are fed up with Trump and Pence’s failed leadership and they will hold them accountable this fall.”

Ahead of Pence’s visit, the Arizona Democratic Party also held a press call yesterday featuring State Senator Rebecca Rios; Former State Director for Senator John McCain, Bettina Nava; and Gilbert radiation oncologist Davis Romney to discuss how Trump’s reckless attempts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the middle of the pandemic threaten to rip away health care coverage from 363,000 Arizonans and deny critical protections for as many as 2.8 million Arizonans with preexisting conditions.



Images of the homepage takeover ads are below:

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This week, the DNC War Room released a new television ad, “Had Enough?,” that contrasts Trump’s claim that his administration has done a “great job” responding to the pandemic with the reality of Trump and Pence’s failed response, which has led to approximately 1,400 Wisconsinites’ deaths and hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin job losses.

The ad will air on cable starting on Thursday in the Green Bay-Appleton media market as part of a six-figure buy.

“Every day, Wisconsinites are paying the price for Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s incompetence and total failure to respond to the coronavirus,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “Wisconsinites have lost their jobs, their lives, their loved ones, and any sense of normalcy. That’s not a ‘great job.’ It’s a devastating betrayal of Trump and Pence’s responsibility to keep people safe. Wisconsinites have had enough, and they’re putting this failed presidency to an end.”


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This week, the DNC War Room released a new television ad, “Had Enough?,” that contrasts Trump’s claim that his administration has done a “great job” responding to the pandemic with the reality of Trump and Pence’s failed response, which has led to nearly 15,000 Floridians’ deaths and millions of Florida job losses.

The ad will air on cable starting on Thursday in the Tampa Bay media market as part of a six-figure buy.

“Every day, Floridians are paying the price for Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s incompetence and total failure to respond to the coronavirus,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “Floridians have lost their jobs, their lives, their loved ones, and any sense of normalcy. That’s not a ‘great job.’ It’s a devastating betrayal of Trump and Pence’s responsibility to keep people safe. Floridians have had enough, and they’re putting this failed presidency to an end.”


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DNC on Latest Unemployment Numbers

DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez released the following statement after another 1.3 million Americans filed initial claims for unemployment last week:

“The morning after Mike Pence claimed he and Donald Trump were charting an economic ‘comeback,’ we learn another 1.3 million Americans filed for unemployment last week. For the 29th consecutive week, more people have filed for unemployment benefits than during the single worst week of the Great Recession. Donald Trump has the worst jobs record of any president in recorded history. And yet, he wants us to put him in charge of cleaning up the mess he created? Not only did Trump’s incompetence exacerbate this crisis, but he continues to make things even worse. Just this week, Trump abandoned the American people yet again by playing politics with COVID relief. Americans need relief. They need a president who will put them first. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are committed to ending this pandemic, providing the American people with the relief they need and deserve, and helping our nation build back better.”

1.3 million Americans filed new unemployment claims last week. For 29 consecutive weeks, more people have filed for benefits than during the single worst week of the Great Recession.

CNN: “Together, regular and PUA first-time claims stood at 1.3 million last week, on an unadjusted basis.”

New York Times: “After falling swiftly from a peak of more than 6 million last spring, weekly jobless claims have stalled at a level far higher than the worst weeks of past recessions.”

Over 25 million Americans are receiving some form of unemployment relief – over 18 times where we were a year ago.

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “**Over 25 million Americans are on unemployment aid**”

64 million unemployment claims have been filed since the pandemic began, far surpassing the total during the entire Great Recession.

Business Insider: “The roughly 64 million unemployment-insurance filings made since early February handily overshadow the 37 million filings made during the 18-month long Great Recession.”

Job recovery slowed significantly in September.

New York Times: “Job growth slowed further in September, as fading government support and the failure to contain the coronavirus threatened to short-circuit the once-promising economic recovery.  Employers brought back 661,000 jobs in September, the Labor Department said Friday. That is down from 1.5 million in August, and far below the 4.8 million jobs added in June.”

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “The jobs recovery is slowing down – a red flag for the economy & recovery.  March: -1.4 million lost April: -20.8 million lost May: +2.7 million back June: +4.8 million back July: +1.8 million back August: +1.5 million back September: +661,000 back”

More than five months past the worst of the recession, only half of jobs lost during the pandemic have come back.

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “The US lost 22.2 million jobs in March & April So far, 11.4 million jobs – 51.5% — are ‘back’  **But 10.7 million Americans still do not have a job again**  (And that doesn’t count people who are working again at reduced hours or lower pay)”

Layoffs increased in September and permanent job losses continue to mount, increasing by 2.5 million since February.

Reuters: “U.S. employers announced another 118,804 job cuts in September, with bars, restaurants, hotels and amusement parks leading the pack amid sluggish demand several months after the COVID-19 pandemic struck the nation. The layoffs reported by global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas on Thursday were up 2.6% from August and boosted total job cuts so far this year to a record 2.082 million. The previous all-time annual high was 1.957 million in 2001.”

BLS: “In September,  the number of permanent job losers increased by 345,000 to 3.8 million; this measure has risen by 2.5 million since February. The number of unemployed job leavers rose by 212,000 to 801,000 in September.”

Black and Hispanic unemployment remain in double digits as only one-third of jobs for Black Americans have come back.

ABC News: “Broken down by racial groups, the latest data shows a disproportionate impact of the unemployment crisis on people of color. The unemployment rate in September for white workers was 7%, for Black workers was 12.1%, for Hispanic workers was 10.3% and for Asian workers was 8.9%.”

Washington Post’s Heather Long: “This is such an unequal recovery.  Barely a third of jobs are back for African-American men and women compared to 60% for white men and women.  Jobs recovered: Black men: 34% Black women: 39% Hispanic: 55% Asian: 59% White men: 60% White women: 60%”

The U.S. economy is still down more jobs than the peak of the Great Recession.

Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell: “The job market is definitely healing, but U.S. payrolls are still down 7% on net since Feb. That means the economy is still ‘missing’ more jobs today than it did at the worst period of any prior postwar recession.”

Small businesses remain in peril with millions of small firms at risk and hundreds of thousands expecting to have to close in the next six months.

New York Times: “More than 400,000 small businesses have already closed and millions more are at risk.”

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Ahead of Mike Pence’s arrival in Nevada, the DNC War Room released a new television ad, “Had Enough?,” that contrasts Trump’s claim that his administration has done a “great job” responding to the pandemic with the reality of Trump and Pence’s failed response, which has led to more than 1,600 Nevadans’ deaths and hundreds of thousands of Nevada job losses.

The ad will air on cable starting on Thursday in the Las Vegas media market as part of a six-figure buy.

“Every day, Nevadans are paying the price for Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s incompetence and total failure to respond to the coronavirus,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez. “Nevadans have lost their jobs, their lives, their loved ones, and any sense of normalcy. That’s not a ‘great job.’ It’s a devastating betrayal of Trump and Pence’s responsibility to keep people safe. Nevadans have had enough, and they’re putting this failed presidency to an end.”


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Haltom supports Betsy DeVos’ failed school policies

PORTAGE, Mich. — Local residents and educators today denounced Bronwyn Haltom, Republican candidate for state Representative, for accepting the endorsement of an extreme anti-public education group and for embracing the same failed school policies promoted by U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. These policies would strip funding away from public school students and families in Kalamazoo County with little to no accountability. 

During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Haltom earned the endorsement from the controversial Great Lakes Education Project – a DeVos-funded organization that promotes anti-public education policies in the Michigan Legislature. 

“Betsy DeVos apparently isn’t satisfied with advancing her disastrous, ill-conceived anti-public education agenda at the national level,” said Margy Belchak, chair of the Kalamazoo County Democratic Party. “DeVos and her Michigan-based front group continues to advocate for the total dismantling of our state’s public school system. Donald Trump, Betsy DeVos and Bronwyn Haltom want to hand over scarce taxpayer resources to private for-profit corporations.”

Haltom is seeking a state House seat representing Portage and Oshtemo, Prairie Ronde, and Schoolcraft and Texas townships. 

“It’s sad and concerning that Bronwyn Haltom would accept support from a group whose mission is to undermine the public education system as we know it and turn it into a for-profit venture run by corporations,” said Vicki Hessen, a teacher in Portage Public Schools. “Students and parents in Portage and surrounding communities deserve a State Representative who stands with our teachers and local public schools, not with wealthy billionaires like Betsy Devos who want to privatize schools and turn them into profit machines. Public school employees across Michigan are struggling to do their jobs amid the COVID-19 pandemic and we need elected officials who will listen to frontline educators not billionaires when making policy decisions that affect our kids.”

Haltom is a former staffer to President Donald Trump who is now masquerading as moderate while accepting support from a group that aims to undermine and destroy Michigan’s public education system.

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Michigan Democrats Slam Republican Attacks on Health Care Ahead of VP Debate, ACA Court Case

Today, the Michigan Democratic Party slammed attacks on Michiganders’ health care by Donald Trump, Senate Republicans, and Republicans up and down the ballot. The presser came ahead of the VP debate and nearly 30 days before the Supreme Court hears the latest case threatening the ACA.

This November, health care is on the ballot. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans have relentlessly attacked protections for 1.7 million Michiganders with a pre-existing condition and health care for 827,000 with their attempts to gut the ACA. Now, after failing in Congress and in multiple lawsuits, Trump and the Republican party are attempting to jam through a Supreme Court nominee to continue their attacks and strike down the critical law. Recent polling from the Detroit News shows that nearly 60% of Michiganders support the Supreme Court upholding the ACA.

“Republicans have spent the last 10 years trying to dismantle health care and now they’re leading a lawsuit which will be heard by the Supreme Court just a week after the election,” said Senator Debbie Stabenow. “Now more than ever, health care is on the ballot. We need to elect Vice President Biden, Senator Peters, and Democrats up and down the ballot to ensure we can continue to fight for affordable health care and protections for 1.7 million Michiganders with pre-existing conditions – not Republicans who will continue their crusade against our health care.”

“President Trump and Senate Republicans are breathlessly racing to install a justice on the Supreme Court in order to strike down the Affordable Care Act,” said Congressman Dan Kildee. “Doing that would strike down protections for pre-existing conditions, including for the 7.5 million Americans already infected by the coronavirus. When it comes to tax breaks for the wealthy and jamming through Supreme Court justices to take away our health care, Trump is all on board. When it comes to meeting the needs of the American people, he rejects critical support. Thankfully, the upcoming election gives us an opportunity to make our voices heard and I believe voters will respond by electing Joe Biden, re-electing Gary Peters, and voting for Democrats up and down the ballot.”

“The Trump administration’s sabotage of our health care system in the middle of a pandemic is making doctors’ jobs more difficult and repealing the ACA will have life and death consequences for my patients,” said Dr. Farhan Bhatti. “The ACA, Medicaid, and Medicare remain under assault by President Trump, John James, and their Republican allies. If these attacks are successful and patients lose their coverage, safety net clinics like mine will find it difficult to keep our doors open – and there’s no replacement plan that exists if the Republican-led lawsuit is successful in overturning the health care law at the Supreme Court.”

“I’ve been living with diabetes for 23 years, and I have personally seen the price of my insulin skyrocket,” said patient advocate Sarah Stark. “While this is happening, leaders in this country have been working hard to strip us of our very basic protections. Protections for patients with pre-existing conditions is the bare minimum, but instead of fighting for the solutions we need during this global pandemic, we have to come and plead to not have basic rights for sick and disabled people stripped from us. It’s dehumanizing to see elected officials attempt to strip these protections away, especially as COVID continues to devastate immunocompromised, disabled, and elderly communities.”


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NEW DNC VIDEO: Trump and Pence Peddle Same Coronavirus Lies

Ahead of tonight’s vice presidential debate, the DNC War Room released a new video highlighting how Pence, the chair of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, has consistently repeated the same lies Trump peddles about the pandemic. As the coronavirus surges across the country and through the White House, Pence bears responsibility for the administration’s failed response more than anyone except Trump himself.

“Since Pence was put in charge of the White House COVID task force, more than 210,000 Americans have lost their lives, millions of jobs have been lost, and the administration has lied about everything from testing to vaccines,” said DNC War Room senior spokesperson and advisor Lily Adams. “Pence and Trump are one and the same — all lies and no plans.”

In a memo released earlier today, the DNC War Room outlined how, from the start of the pandemic, Pence and the Trump administration left states and health care workers without necessary protective equipment, failed to implement a national testing or contact tracing strategy, refused to follow the most basic health guidelines, and lied to the American public about the threat of the virus. Now, cases are increasing across the country again, hospitalizations are rising, millions of Americans are out of work — and Pence and the administration still do not have a plan to contain the virus.

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