Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Dems Chair Statement on Historic Budget Signing, Investing Billions Into Michigan Communities

LANSING — Today, Governor Whitmer signed the historic multi-billion dollar state budget that will lift up the middle class and grow Michigan’s economy for all, not just the 1%. This budget will improve Michigan’s infrastructure, bring more green jobs to the state, and lower costs for families. 

In November, Michiganders gave full control of state government back to Democrats for the first time in 40 years, trusting them to use their new majorities in the House and Senate to deliver for Michiganders. Now, with this historic budget, Michigan Democrats are proving that they are up to the task, successfully putting money back into the pockets of Michigan families while also improving our schools, roads, public safety, public lands, and housing.

In response to the budget signing, Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes released the following statement: 

“Democrats in the state legislature and Governor Whitmer have delivered for Michiganders once again, passing a historic budget that will improve the lives of millions across our state. This is what happens when a government works for the best interest of their constituents, not just those with the deepest pockets. While some Republicans stood opposed to this important progress, Democrats led the way, keeping their campaign promises to lower costs and grow our economy. Thanks to their important work, we are one step closer to a brighter future for all Michiganders.”


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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democrats Celebrate Signing of Conversion Therapy Ban

Michigan Democrats followed through on another promise: ending the horrible practice of conversion therapy statewide

LANSING— Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation banning the practice of conversion therapy on minors, which will safeguard thousands of LGBTQ children against physical and psychological harm. Conversion therapy is a horrific and inhumane practice which has lifelong mental repercussions, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. 

Despite the overwhelming support for this bill and the myriad of scientific evidence stating how dangerous it is, Freedom Caucus members Representatives Friske, Carra, Maddock, Rigas, Smit, and Fox all voted against the ban. Along with other members of the Michigan GOP – Representatives Steele, Tisdel, Thompson, DeSana, Schmaltz, Kuhn, St. Germaine, Martin, De Boer, and Beson these Republicans chose to support what is now widely considered child abuse, couched in the term “therapy.” 

“Today, Michigan Democrats have once again led the way, following through on yet another promise. This legislation takes necessary steps to protect vulnerable Michigan children from physical and psychological abuse by removing an archaic and outdated practice,” said Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes. “Allowing the horrific practice of conversion therapy to remain legal in our state is simply unconscionable, but that is exactly what numerous MAGA Republicans in the state legislature wanted to do. While the Michigan GOP can once again add ‘children’ to the list of groups they’ve brushed aside, I am proud that Democrats in the state legislature and Governor Whitmer continue to prove that bigotry has no place here.”


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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Dems Target State House GOP with Ads On Education Budget Votes

This ad buy will target over 100,000 Michiganders living in key districts, holding Republicans accountable

LANSING — Today, the Michigan Democratic Party launched digital ads targeting vulnerable Republican House members who voted against the education budget. The new campaign will directly target six state representatives – DeSana, Schmaltz, Steele, Kuhn, St. Germaine, and Martin – all in districts that are 2024 priority seats to turn from red to blue. 

These ads will target over 100,000 voters in these districts on Facebook and Instagram, slamming these Republicans for opposing the free school breakfast and lunch program, and will allow voters to question these legislators directly for their opposition.

“Make no mistake, these representatives voted against providing food for children across our state and voters have a right to know that,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes. “By voting against these measures they have made it clear that they prefer to put politics ahead of cutting costs for Michigan families. These ads are just one of the many ways we plan to hold them accountable for their extremism.”

You can view the ads here and see a sample of them below. Additionally, the landing page where constituents can submit a letter to these representatives is here.


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Michigan Democratic Party

Weekly Roundup: Dems Deliver While Republicans Implode

While Dems enact legislation on health care, voting rights, and education, the Michigan GOP continues to fall into chaos 

LANSING — This week’s legislative successes highlighted the Democratic focus on building a better Michigan, while the Republicans were in a whirlwind of their own mayhem. After last week’s (literal) infighting, this week saw recall attempts (even against their own members), criminal charges, and an empty war chest. So let’s breakdown what happened this week through the news:

Republicans were charged with felonies for their 2020 Fake Elector Scheme:

Meanwhile, they got nowhere an their toothless recall attempts:

  • CBS Detroit: Six Michigan state representatives face recall petitions
    “This unfounded effort to recall our representatives has no teeth. These representatives are fighting for their communities and representing the needs of their constituents. This is another attempt by extremists to distract from their radical agenda as they continue to vote against legislation that grows the middle class. Make no mistake, we will fight these recalls at every turn.”- Lavora Barnes, Michigan Democratic Party Chair

No wonder Michigan Republicans are struggling financially:

Dems, on the other hand had a whirlwind of delivering for Michiganders, whether it was Voting Rights Expansion:

Signing a landmark education budget:

Or building on the Healthy Michigan Plan to lower costs and increase health care access:


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Michigan Democratic Party

 Michigan Dems Celebrate Historic Education Budget and Slam Republican Opposition

Democrats led the passage of landmark public education budget, in sharp contrast to Republicans who opposed supporting schools across Michigan

LANSING — With Governor Whitmer’s signature, the landmark education budget will devote historic resources to schools and students across Michigan. This funding will invest in teacher retention, provide free school meals for all K-12 public schools, take a first step toward expanding pre-K for all 4-year-olds, and stand as the highest per pupil funding in Michigan history. While Republicans continue to oppose this momentous investment in education, Democrats are delivering on their promises: growing the middle class, supporting public schools, and building a better Michigan.

“Democrats are making Michigan a model for building a strong public education system where all families can thrive and prosper,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes. “We are so proud of our Democratic leaders for investing in Michigan’s future by supporting students, teachers, and parents with this groundbreaking budget. Unfortunately, it’s no surprise that Republicans turned their backs on Michigan families by voting against bringing millions of dollars to their districts to support public education.”

Below is a round-up of how much money key Republican members voted against bringing back to their districts:

Rep. Tom Kuhn (HD-57) voted against:

  • $62,822,659 going to schools in his district 
  • 32,247 students receiving school meals

Rep. David Martin (HD-68) voted against:

  • $28,893,875 going to schools in his district
  • 11,805 students receiving school meals

Rep. Alicia St. Germaine (HD-62) voted against:

  • $27,287,072 going to schools in her district 
  • 9,794 students receiving school meals

Rep. Jim DeSana (HD-29) voted against:

  • $30,639,076 going to schools in his district 
  • 7,812 students receiving school meals

Rep. Donni Steele (HD-54) voted against:

  • $43,494,369 going to schools in her district
  • 31,446 students receiving school meals

Rep. Kathy Schmaltz (HD-46) voted against:

  • $18,023,968 going to schools in her district 
  • 5,319 students receiving school meals


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Michigan Democratic Party

ROUND-UP: Here’s How Much Money House GOP Voted Against Sending To Their Communities

LANSING — Following Governor Whitmer signing the historic budget that passed the state legislature late last month, we want to highlight just how much money Republicans voted against sending to their individual communities when they opposed the Make it in Michigan budget. It is more clear than ever that Republicans have no plan for helping Michiganders and would rather play politics that serve their constituents.

“Don’t let them fool you, these Republicans voted against supporting their own communities,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes. “While Democrats are championing a legislative agenda that grows the middle class and builds a brighter future for Michigan, Republicans are continuing to fall down the rabbit hole of MAGA extremism. If these representatives are willing to put partisan politics ahead of helping Michiganders, then they have no place in public office.”

See a selection of how much district investment specific representatives voted against below:

Rep. Tom Kuhn (HD-57)

  • Voted against $10 million for an MDOT project to build new soundwalls in Troy
  • Voted against $3 million for a Sterling Heights shopping center redevelopment
  • Voted against $1 million for a Sterling Heights recreation grant
  • Voted against $900,000 for a Troy cricket field

Rep. David Martin (HD-68)

  • Voted against $10 million in water infrastructure for Genesee County
  • Voted against $750,000 for dam repairs in Genesee County
  • Voted against $300,000 for Richfield Park improvements

Rep. Alicia St. Germaine (HD-62)

  • Voted against $5.6 million for the Chesterfield Township Home for Veterans
  • Voted against a $5 million grant for water infrastructure in Chesterfield Township

Rep. Jim DeSana (HD-29)

  • Voted against a $500,000 grant for Heritage Park in Taylor

Rep. Donni Steele (HD-54)

  • Voted against $15 million for a Bloomfield Hills Community Safety grant


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Michigan Democratic Party

MDP Chair Reacts to AG Nessel Charging Michigan’s 16 Fake Trump Electors

LANSING — Today, Attorney General Dana Nessel announced multiple felony charges against 16 Republicans who were involved with the Trump campaign’s fake elector scheme that sought to overturn the results of Michigan’s 2020 presidential election. These electors will be charged with eight felony counts. Those charged include former Michigan Republican Party Co-Chairwoman Meshawn Maddock and Shelby Township Clerk Stan Grot.

In response, Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes released the following statement:

“These Republicans attempted to undermine the very foundations of our democracy, and their actions are a stain on the proud history of our state and the rule of law. 

We are so proud to have an attorney general that is using all measures at her disposal to carry out a transparent, detailed process to ensure that MAGA Republicans are held accountable for their unlawful, un-American, actions. 

Michiganders demand results and Democrats are once again delivering. Today is more evidence that when elected, we use that power to serve the people and ensure that no one is above the law.”


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Michigan Democratic Party

Gov Whitmer Signs Healthy Michigan Bill Package to Lower Costs and Protect Health Care Access

The bipartisan bill package tackles high health care costs without sacrificing access to quality care for over one million Michiganders

LANSING — Today, Governor Whitmer announced that she signed the Healthy Michigan Act into law to improve health care coverage and lower costs for Michiganders. Democrats are committed to lowering prescription drug costs, protecting Michiganders from surprise billing, and extending the Healthy Michigan Plan to more than one million Michiganders.

“Democrats are fighting for working Michiganders at every turn, and this landmark legislation to lower costs and expand health care coverage shows just how committed we are to getting the job done,” says Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes. “This extension of the Healthy Michigan Plan, alongside national Democrats’ efforts to successfully lower drug prices, will improve the lives of millions of Michiganders across the state. Lowering health care costs was a key promise on the campaign trail, and now, we are not only delivering but we are just getting started.”

Whether it’s taking on drug companies for sky high prices, capping the price of insulin, or ensuring health care coverage, Democrats across the country are fighting for a brighter future for the American middle class. Here in Michigan, Democrats are ensuring that national agenda is making it home so that all Michiganders have the opportunity to thrive and prosper. 


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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democrats Celebrate the Signing of Voting Access & Rights Bill Package

Prop 2 will protect our elections from Republican MAGA extremism

LANSING — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a crucial voting access & rights package known as Proposition 2, which was overwhelmingly passed by ballot initiative last November. These new laws ensure the voices of all Michiganders are heard while maintaining the sanctity and security of our elections.

“Michiganders made it clear last November that they want free and fair elections, and now, Democrats are keeping our promises and ensuring that every voice is heard,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes. “This legislation will allow us to preserve the foundations of our democracy and build a government that fights for all Michiganders. We are so proud to be leading the charge on making our elections more accessible, instead of falling victim to the conspiracy theories and chaos that the GOP continues to embrace.”

While Republicans are continuing to embrace MAGA extremism and support putting up barriers to the ballot box at every turn, this bill package is a historic move towards a brighter, more democratic Michigan for all, as it expands the accessibility of absentee ballots, early voting, and ballot drop boxes, without compromising the security of our elections. This win is just another example of the Democratic commitment to improving the lives of all Michiganders.


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Michigan Democratic Party

ICYMI: What They’re Saying: Michigan Republicans Are Broke

LANSING — A Detroit News story that broke over the weekend confirms what we already knew: Republican MAGA extremism is deeply out of touch with Michiganders, and now, the Michigan GOP has less than $100,000 in their accounts. 

At a crucial juncture in the fundraising cycle, the radical Michigan Republican Party is clearly alienating donors with their radical agenda that does nothing to grow the middle class. Unsurprisingly, when Michigan Democrats deliver and the GOP ignores Michiganders’ needs – it hurts their pocketbook.

What are other people saying about their fundraising struggles? Here’s a roundup of quotes: 

  • Former Executive Director of the MI GOP, Jeff Timmer: “That could sound like a lot to the casual observer, but that means they’re functionally bankrupt.”

  • Former Republican Speaker of the House and MI GOP Budget Chair, Tom Leonard: “At this point, any Republican that’s going to be on the ballot in 2024 better be looking for resources and organization outside of the Michigan Republican Party.”

  • Editor-in-chief of Michigan Advance, Susan J Demas: “It’s worth remembering that the vast majority of Republicans who clearly think Karamo raided the MIGOP piggy bank gladly voted for her in 2022 to be in charge of Michigan’s elections and millions of taxpayer dollars.”

  • Former GOP Budget Committee Chair, Matt Johnson: “on the path to bankruptcy,” due to spending “far out of proportion with income.”

  • Political Commentator, Robert Elisberg: “It’s hard to imagine the Michigan GOP has reached this point after giving their party leadership to election conspiratorialist Kristina Karamo who lost her race of Secretary of State by 14 points. Who could have seen this coming??!”
  • Bridge Detroit reporter, Malachi Barrett: “Michigan Republican Party appears “functionally bankrupt” a year before the next presidential election.”


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