Michigan Democratic Party

ICYMI: NYT Sums It Up – GOP “Broken and Battered,” Starving for Cash

Continuous infighting – sometimes physical –  has forced disgraced, unpopular former Governor Snyder back on the scene to try (and fail) to piece together the fracturing party

LANSING — In case you missed it, the New York Times released an extensive and detailed report this morning outlining the Michigan GOP’s continued fall from their once-unified position of power in the state.

After elevating election deniers and conspiracy theorists to the highest levels of their state party, the Michigan GOP is now forced to confront lackluster fundraising numbers, a mass exodus of donors, and – oh yeah – felony charges. 

In a desperate attempt to save the rapidly sinking ship, MAGA House Minority Leader Matt Hall (who, importantly, has fueled election conspiracies of his own) has teamed up with disgraced Governor Rick Snyder to fundraise money away from the state party, furthering the deep divisions within Michigan Republicans that has already led to physical brawls during meetings.

NYT reporter Nick Corasaniti writes:

“…A group of prominent activists — including a former statewide candidate — was hit this month with felony charges connected to a bizarre plot to hijack election machines. And in the face of these troubles, suspicion and infighting have been running high. A recent state committee meeting led to a fistfight, a spinal injury and a pair of shattered dentures.”

“…Mr. Trump’s election lies spread like wildfire in Michigan, breaking the state party into ardent believers and pragmatists wanting to move on. Bitter disputes, power struggles and contentious primaries followed, leaving the Michigan Republican Party a husk of itself.”

“…The slow unraveling of the state party began well before the 2020 election. Throughout the Obama administration, the right wing of the party grew more vocal and active. After Mr. Trump’s victory in 2016, many party posts that were once controlled largely by megadonor families and the Republican establishment began to be filled by Trump acolytes.”

“…Former Gov. Rick Snyder, among the last Republicans elected statewide in Michigan, has begun a fund-raising campaign directing money away from the state party and directly into the House Republican caucus in a desperate attempt to win back at least one chamber of the State Legislature.”

“…[Republicans in 2022] were resoundingly defeated. Republicans also lost control of both chambers of the State Legislature. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic incumbent, sailed to a landslide victory.”

Read the full piece here to fully understand just how far the Michigan GOP has fallen.

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Michigan Democratic Party

Weekly Roundup: Contrast Couldn’t Be More Clear Between Dems & GOP Following First Debate 

Republicans continue to prove how out of touch they are with Michiganders while Democrats plan for the future

LANSING—This week, the GOP primary debate highlighted the extremism inside the Republican Party, with each candidate showing just how out of touch they are with the real needs of Americans by pushing conspiracy theories and culture wars over actual plans. Instead of following them down the rabbit hole, Michigan Democrats prepared for the fall legislative session which is sure to be chock-full of more initiatives to uplift the middle class and put money back in the pockets of Michigan families.

No matter how chaotic the GOP becomes, Michigan Democrats are focused on building a brighter future for our state every week, month, and year. Make no mistake, the MDP doesn’t take days off from working to deliver for Michiganders.

Check out some key takeaways from the Michigan Democratic Party as we continued to hold Republicans accountable this week: 

Michigan Dems Chair Barnes hit the Republicans hard the morning after the debates, emphasizing that there was only one winner on Wednesday night – Joe Biden:

WDET: Detroit Today with Lavora Barnes

On the other side of the aisle, it’s clear that the Michigan GOP being run by MAGA extremists is coming back to bite them. Chair Barnes joined the growing number of bipartisan voices calling out the flailing opposition in this Mother Jones piece:

Mother Jones: Radicals Took Over the Michigan GOP. Now They Can’t Stop Losing

  • The Michigan GOP ended up having its worst performance in decades. DePerno, Dixon, and Karamo lost by 9, 11, and 14 points, respectively. Democrats took back the state House for the first time in more than a decade and gained control of the state Senate for the first time since 1983. On top of that, Trump-backed congressional candidate John Gibbs lost his bid for a seat by 13 points after successfully primarying freshman GOP Rep. Peter Meijer, who had voted to impeach Trump and belongs to one of Michigan’s wealthiest families.
  • “I think the actual structure of the Michigan Republican Party needs to burn to the ground for a couple of cycles,” says a former GOP official.
  • Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes finds herself in the unusual position of worrying that the opposition will be seen as so “dysfunctional and crazy” that her own side gets complacent.
  • [Chair Barnes] stresses that conservative donors will find ways to work and fundraise around their own state party—something that moderate Republican operatives are quick to say as well. There are PACs, super-PACs, and many other places to which the DeVos family and its allies can funnel money. But none of the alternatives can fully replicate a state party, particularly the field operation that will be responsible for turning out voters in 2024.

Despite the rapidly imploding Michigan GOP, Michigan Democrats are continuing to connect with voters on the ground. On Wednesday, Michigan Dems contrasted Republicans’ radical agenda with a virtual organizing event featuring Sen. Debbie Stabenow, state Sen. Darrin Camilleri, and Dr. Farhan Bhatti focusing on Democrat’s success in lowering healthcare costs. 

Looking ahead for the MDP, next week Gov. Whitmer and Democrats in the legislature will be laying out their plan to continue lowering costs when the legislature returns this fall – because we are not done delivering: 

Midland Daily News: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to give ‘What’s Next’ address with fall priorities Aug. 30

  • “I am eager to discuss how we can continue lowering costs, growing our economy and helping anyone ‘make it’ in Michigan. I look forward to working closely with my partners in the legislature to build a brighter future for Michigan. Let’s get it done.”  – Governor Whitmer


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Michigan Democratic Party

Weekly Roundup: Michigan Democrats Celebrate Anniversary of Inflation Reduction Act 

Democrats herald 1-year anniversary of President Biden’s investment in clean energy and the middle class here in Michigan

LANSING— Along with the Michigan Democratic Party, Democratic leaders across the state celebrated the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act in the year since President Biden signed it. On Wednesday, Representatives Dingell and Stevens joined Lieutenant Governor Gilcrest on a press call hosted by the Michigan Dems to highlight the IRA’s contributions to Michigan. 

To read more about the anniversary celebration, check out the story below: 

Michigan Advance: Michigan Dem leaders tout climate, health initiatives in the Inflation Reduction Act’s first year

MDP was first in line to lift up the accomplishments of Democrats up and down the ballot:

Michigan Democrats:

And Democratic leaders everywhere touted the Inflation Reduction Act as a historic achievement that will usher in a new future for Michigan:

Governor Gretchen Whitmer:

Senator Gary Peters:

Senator Debbie Stabenow:

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell:

Representative Haley Stevens:

Congresswoman Hillary Scholten:

Evergreen Action: 

Michigan Infrastructure Office:

Michigan Moms:

As we enter the second year of the IRA delivering historic results for Michiganders, Michigan Democrats are continuing to celebrate its groundbreaking investments in our community. As we turn to next week, when the Republicans have their first presidential debate, we will be watching closely to see if any of them can articulate any semblance of a plan to grow the middle class the way President Biden has with the IRA. 


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Michigan Democratic Party

ICYMI: Bombshell New Audio Exposes Dangerous Comments Made at Fake Elector Pool Party Fundraiser

LANSING — In case you missed it, this morning, The Messenger dropped a damning inside look, including NEW AUDIO, into Michigan’s fake elector pool party fundraiser hosted by none other than recently arraigned former co-chair of the Michigan GOP Meshawn Maddock and her husband, MAGA Michigan state Rep. Matt Maddock. 

The pool party was an attempt by Michigan’s extremist “Grand New Party” to raise funds for the 16 fake electors charged by AG Dana Nessel for their attempts to overturn the 2020 election. 

The story had everything we have come to expect from Michigan’s Republican Party: threats of a civil war, allusions of gun violence, and comparisons – again – to Nazi Germany. Reps. Maddock and DeSana of Michigan’s right-wing Freedom Caucus explained to attendees their plans to recall Democrats and impeach AG Nessel, all while repeatedly invoking inflammatory and violent rhetoric and calling on their supporters to “fight.”

What we’re left wondering is if House Minority Leader Matt Hall and his new fundraising chief disgraced former Governor Rick Snyder support this kind of violent and dangerous rhetoric which is becoming increasingly common among members of their House Republican caucus.

Don’t just take it from us – read the incriminating points from The Messenger story for yourself:

  • When Michigan State Rep. Matt Maddock took the stage at an Oakland County fundraising pool party in early August…he had a clear message he wanted to convey: If the government keeps coming after conservatives, someone is going to get shot or a civil war is going to begin. 
  • “If the government continues to weaponize these departments against conservatives and the citizens that are then the taxpayers, you know what’s going to happen to this country,” Matt Maddock asks…After attendees at the event shout possibilities, Maddock answers his own question: “Someone’s going to get so pissed off, they’re going to shoot someone. That’s what’s going to happen. Or we’re going have a civil war or some sort of revolution. That’s where this is, where this is going.”
  • Meshawn Maddock briefly spoke at the end of the event, telling the audience it is “really better for none of us to say anything, which is hard, because I like to say shit.”
  • Matt Maddock’s inflammatory comments were just one in a series made by conservative speakers at the fundraiser and highlight just how dire the Republicans charged in the 2020 election scheme and the people around them see this fight, one that is escalating quickly to include both state and federal charges.
  • DeSana used his remarks to specifically call out Nessel and push for her impeachment. 
  • Matt Maddock followed suit, painting the charges as Nessel and the state government “dismantling the Trump campaign, one person at a time.” The state legislator also said the charges were aimed at discouraging people from questioning subsequent elections by using allusions to the Nazis’ use of gas chambers during the Holocaust.
  • DeSana cast the fight in dire terms – “If we don’t fight now, it will become too late,” said the lawmaker – telling the audience that the criminal prosecution of the state’s fake electors “could be any of us.”


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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Dems Celebrate Economic Achievements Made Under the CHIPS Act

LANSING — One year ago today, the Biden-Harris Administration signed into law the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act which heralded a new era of investment into domestic manufacturing here in Michigan. The semiconductor and clean energy sectors of our economy are driving the future here in Michigan and thanks to the CHIPS Act, we will be able to create countless good-paying, high-quality jobs for our communities.

“Thanks to Democratic leadership, Michigan is building the future,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes. “President Biden’s CHIPS and Science Act are bolstering a new generation of technology, jobs, and opportunities for Michiganders that will make us a global leader in emerging industries. Between battery plants, semiconductor facilities, and innovative workforce programs, Democrats are building on Michigan’s proud tradition of industry to ensure that future generations of Michiganders can prosper.”

Thanks to the CHIPS Act semiconductor companies like SK Siltron CSS, which is investing $300 million into its manufacturing facility, and the Hemlock Semiconductor Corporation, which announced plans to invest $375 million, are demonstrating their commitment to building the future of innovation and industry here in Michigan, bringing jobs and opportunities to the state. Thanks to Democratic leadership from Lansing to the White House, businesses are recognizing that everyone can make it in Michigan.


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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Democratic Chair Election Day Statement

With Tuesday’s election, Chair Lavora Barnes emphasizes there are no off-years for Democrats 

LANSING — Today, 49 counties in Michigan are holding local elections for mayoral primaries, millages, county commissioners, and more. The Michigan Democratic Party understands how essential every single election is to the health of our democracy and for the future of our state. 

“Democrats know that there is no such thing as an off-year,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a presidential or a local school board election, Democrats recognize the importance of every single election, especially in the face of MAGA Republicans that are working to undermine our democracy and pursue their extremist agenda. Michigan Democrats are doing the work on the ground to get out the vote today and all the way through November so that every Michiganders’ voice is heard.” 

If you have any issues or questions, you can call the election hotline: 1-833-MI-VOTES (1-833-648-6837). 


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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Dems Chair Reacts to Trump Indictment

LANSING — In response to the news that former President Donald Trump was indicted, Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes released the following statement:

“Anyone who tries to overturn our elections should be held accountable —full stop. These indictments are an example of our judicial system working and making it clear no one is above the law. The charges against President Trump send a clear message to anyone who wants to put our democracy at risk.”


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Michigan Democratic Party

ICYMI: Trump Indictments Underscore the Rot Within the Michigan GOP

LANSING — The bombshell Trump indictments yesterday demonstrated not only that Trump himself is a threat to our democracy, but also his followers and allies, many of whom are at home right here in the Michigan Republican Party.

Not only did Rep. Matt Maddock and his wife, former Republican Party co-chair, Meshawn play a central role in Trump’s attempts to overturn the election in Michigan – but the Republican House Caucus continuously follows in lockstep with Trump’s MAGA agenda, sewing division and extremism in our backyard.

The Michigan GOP has become wildly out of step with the values of Michiganders and their allegiance to Trump will be their death knell. Democrats will do everything they can to ensure that people who undermine our democracy and break the law to do it have no place in power.

Read more about how closely the Michigan Republican Party is connected to the latest Trump indictments:

WXYZ: How Michigan & Detroit played a role in indictment against Trump over 2020 election 

  • Michigan is mentioned across nearly three pages in the 45-page indictment, specifically related to the charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States.

  • President Joe Biden flipped Michigan in the 2020 election, winning by more than 150,000 votes over Trump… 

  • The Oakland County Republican Party released a statement on Tuesday night, with Chairman Vance Patrick saying the party “condemns all politically motivated witch hunts. These witch hunts have become far too prevalent in our political environment here in Michigan and nationwide.

  • The Michigan Republican Party has not released a statement as of 8:40 p.m. Tuesday… 

  • The indictment alleges Trump said, “In Detroit, there were hours of unexplained delay in delivering many votes for counting. The final batch did not arrive until four in the morning and–even though polls closed at eight o’clock. So they brought it in, and the batches came in, and nobody knew where they came from.

  • Those allegations were false and there was no evidence of voter fraud in Detroit, with courts also finding there was no fraud… 

  • The indictment also mentions how Trump met with then-House Speaker Lee Chatfield and then-Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey at the White House on Nov. 20… 

  • It also alleges on Dec. 7, co-conspirator 1 sent a text intended for Shirkey saying, “I need you to pass a joint resolution from the Michigan legislature that states that, * the election is in dispute, * there’s an ongoing investigation by the Legislature, and the Electors sent by Governor Whitmer are not the official Electors of the State of Michigan and do not fall within the Safe Harbor deadline of Dec 8 under Michigan law.”

And don’t forget, in 2022, CNN exposed audio from then Michigan GOP Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock describing how Trump and his campaign asked the MI GOP to help conspire to overturn the 2020 election, a key proof point in his recent indictment.


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Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Dems Statement on the Rejection of Republican Recall Attempts

LANSING — In response to the news that the Board of Canvassers rejected seven of eight recall petitions today, Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes released the following statement:

“We applaud the Board of Canvassers’ decision to reject these baseless recall petitions today. The Republican activists that brought these challenges forward demonstrated that they have no credibility and that their efforts have no merit. But don’t be fooled, these extremists won’t stop trying to undermine free and fair elections in Michigan, and this fight isn’t over — Michigan Democrats will be there every step of the way to ensure that we preserve our democracy.”


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Michigan Democratic Party

ICYMI: Sen. Stabenow, Michigan Dems Spotlight Work to Lower Health Care Costs on Medicare Anniversary

Sen. Stabenow joined health care advocates to emphasize Dems health care accomplishments, hit Republicans over putting Big Pharma ahead of Michiganders

LANSING — In case you missed it, the Michigan Democratic Party hosted a press call Friday with United States Senator Debbie Stabenow and health care advocates to celebrate the 58th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, uplifting Democratic health care accomplishments while slamming Republicans for trying to gut the popular and life-saving programs.

On the call, Senator Stabenow emphasized how in the decades since Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law, Democrats have continued to fight for more affordable and accessible health care and during the Biden Administration have delivered on lowering costs for Michiganders. She and the other speakers contrasted Democrats’ work with Republicans’ ongoing efforts to put Big Pharma ahead of Michigan families. 

The senator also highlighted how Republicans have consistently campaigned on their goals to remove Medicare and Medicaid programs that millions in the state rely on, while Michigan’s congressional delegation has worked with the Biden Administration to protect and expand affordable and accessible health care for all. 

Watch the clips below to see how TV across Michigan highlighted the press call:

WLNS: Democrats Celebrate Anniversary of Medicare

WBKB: Senator Stabenow and Health Advocates Celebrate Medicare Anniversary


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