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DNC Statement on Madison Cawthorn

DNC spokesperson Ammar Moussa released the following statement after a video surfaced showing North Carolina Republican Madison Cawthorn attacking Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as “a thug.” 

“It’s only natural that a Republican Party led by Donald Trump, who regularly praises Vladimir Putin as a ‘genius’ and ‘savvy’ as he launches an unprovoked and unjustified war on the Ukrainian people, would evolve to attack the democratically elected president of Ukraine who has shown true heroism in the face of Russian aggression. Let’s not forget that the overwhelming majority of the party sided with Trump when he tried to withhold military aid from Ukraine and we shouldn’t be surprised this type of anti-Ukraine sentiment has found a place in the Republican Party.”

REMINDER: Democrats are overwhelmingly seen as the pro-Ukraine party.

Navigator Poll “In addition, Democrats in Congress are seen as pro-Ukraine over Russia by 53 points (64 percent pro-Ukraine – 11 percent pro-Russia) while Republicans in Congress are only seen that way by a much narrower 27 points (47 percent pro-Ukraine – 20 percent pro-Russia).”


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NO SURPRISE: Republicans Are Lying About Biden and Gas Prices

Republicans are nothing if not consistent, and they are consistently telling the same lies about President Biden and gas prices. Quite simply, President Biden’s policies haven’t contributed to rising gas prices.

FACT: The Keystone Pipeline was only 8% completed and years away from completion when President Biden ended the project, and would have no effect on today’s gas prices.

New York Times: “By the time Mr. Biden rescinded its permit on his first day in office, just 8 percent of it had been built. Even if Mr. Biden had greenlighted the project and TransCanada, now known as TC Energy, had won its court battles, it is unlikely that the pipeline would have been operational today given that the company estimated in March 2020 that it would have entered into service in 2023. And ‘even if it were completed overnight, there’s no capacity for oil to be put into this pipeline,’ Mr. De Haan said, pointing to supply chain issues and labor shortages that continue to affect American and Canadian oil and gas producers.”

Newsweek: “’Little Evidence’ Keystone Pipeline Would Level Prices Despite GOP Claims”

FACT: There are over 9,000 approved oil and gas permits available for drilling, and President Biden’s regulations have had no impact on production in the United States.

New York Times: “In its first year, the Biden administration actually approved 34 percent more of these permits than the Trump administration did in its first year, according to federal data compiled by the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group.”

Washington Post: “‘There’s no evidence that the regulatory environment is what has held the U.S. oil and gas sector back, and by extension, no indication that making the regulatory environment more permissive would generate additional production in the near term,’ says Kemp.”

PolitiFact: “Oil production in the U.S. in President Joe Biden’s first year was on par with 2020 and higher than in three of the four years Trump was president.”

BOTTOM LINE: Republicans have been lying about President Biden and gas prices from the very beginning of his presidency.

Associated Press: “Heading into the Memorial Day travel weekend, House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy and other members of his party are falsely blaming President Joe Biden for higher gasoline and lumber costs.”


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NO SURPRISE: Republicans Are Lying About Biden and Gas Prices

Actions speak louder than words, and while Senate Republicans keep claiming they’re concerned about inflation, their actions tell a very different story. Instead of showing up and doing their job to confirm the people who are best equipped to tackle inflation, Senate Banking Republicans led by Pat Toomey can’t even be bothered to show up to vote on President Biden’s Federal Reserve nominees.

At the same time that they’re spewing breathless talking points about inflation, Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee are putting our economic recovery at risk and refusing to show up to consider President Biden’s nominees for the Federal Reserve – all because they’re beholden to special interests. 

Sen. Pat Toomey: “I wouldn’t be doing this if there weren’t uniform agreement among Republicans … We’re not in any hurry.”

Politico: “The confirmation standoff is drawing out as the Fed prepares to begin raising interest rates next week to try to slow decades-high inflation. And the bank faces a delicate balancing act as its nominees are caught up in Senate drama: Move too slowly, and higher price pressures could become entrenched; raise rates too much or too quickly, and it could trigger a recession.”

Politico: “While Toomey hasn’t cited it as a reason for the delay, Brown and the Democrats are aware of the GOP’s biggest objection: Raskin’s past suggestions that financial regulators can play a role in steering the economy away from fossil fuels.”

Republicans have no plan to fight inflation, which they called a political “gold mine,” and their official economic agenda is to raise taxes on half of Americans and make health care more expensive. 

Insider: “Republicans are ecstatic that Biden is struggling with inflation: ‘This is a gold mine for us’”

NBC News: “Interviews with a half-dozen Republicans showed that while the party is not yet unified around a specific plan, other proposals include boosting domestic energy production, eliminating Covid-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates and cutting shipping and trucking regulations.”

Washington Post: “New tax plan from leading GOP senator would require all Americans to pay federal income taxes”

Washington Post: “Sen. Ron Johnson says Obamacare should be repealed if GOP wins power back”


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REMINDER: Trump-Pence Administration Officials Stood By While Trump Sold Out Ukraine 

If you’ve been watching cable news lately, you might have seen several former Trump-Pence administration officials find the audacity to use Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked war to attack President Biden.

But here’s the reality: Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, and Mike Pompeo stood and defended Donald Trump for years as he sold out our allies and did everything in his power to appease Vladimir Putin. And yes, we brought the receipts. 

As vice president, Mike Pence spent four years defending Donald Trump as he cozied up to Putin, sold out our allies, undermined U.S. intelligence agencies, and threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine.

CNN: “Pence defends Trump over Ukraine call, contradicting his 2016 comments on foreign interference”

ABC News: “Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday offered a full-throated defense of President Donald Trump against the Democrats’ new impeachment inquiry, attempting to justify the president’s push to investigate Vice President Joe Biden and his son’s relationship with Ukraine as ‘worth looking into.’”

USA Today: “Vice President Mike Pence may be ‘purposefully misleading’ Congress about a September conversation between Pence and Ukraine’s president, the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee told Pence Tuesday.”

BBC News: “US President Donald Trump has defended Russia over claims of interference in the 2016 presidential election … Vice-President Mike Pence, in a speech at the US Department of Commerce, defended the summit and praised President Trump.”

Like Mike Pence, Nikki Haley also offered a full-throated defense of the defeated former president’s attempt to withhold aid from Ukraine to further his own political goals. 

Politico: “In a round of interviews in recent days, Haley consistently defended the president, calling impeachment ‘the most serious thing you can do to a president,’ and maintaining that Trump said nothing inappropriate in a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in which the president pushed for an investigation into political opponent Joe Biden.”

NBC News: “Haley contended that it was appropriate for Trump to ask Ukraine to probe ‘corruption.’”

And how could we forget Mike Pompeo, who openly praised Putin as “savvy” and “talented,” and who dutifully followed Donald Trump’s lead to sell out Ukraine, and used the Department of State to peddle debunked conspiracy theories pushed by Russia?

Newsweek: “Trump’s former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also repeatedly praised Putin in the runup to the invasion. His praise has even been rebroadcast on Russian television.”

Washington Post: “But there is no indication that Pompeo objected when Trump withheld all of the assistance while Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani — and the president himself — pressed the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son.”

New York Times: “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has for months deflected questions about whether the Trump administration demanded political favors from Ukraine in exchange for military aid. He has refused to explain why he recalled the American ambassador, declared that it was ‘inappropriate’ for his diplomats to testify before Congress and declined to hand over documents to impeachment investigators.”

Reuters: “Pompeo suggests debunked Ukraine election meddling theory should be probed”


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Analysis: GOP Plan Would Be a Tax Hike for 35% of PA Residents


As the Pennsylvania Capital-Star reported this morning, Republicans’ agenda of tax hikes would increase taxes for over one third of Pennsylvanians and implement “a massive tax hike for the poorest 40 percent of Americans,” based on a new ITEP analysis. Senator Rick Scott and the GOP’s “uniformly terrible” plan to massively tax families shows yet again that Republicans’ only goals are to raise taxes, jeopardize health care and do nothing to lower costs for Pennsylvanians.

Read for yourself:

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Analysis: GOP plan would be a tax hike for 35% of Pa. residents | Wednesday Morning Coffee

Scott is coming in for scorching criticism for his suggestion that all Americans, regardless of their wealth, be required to pay federal income taxes.

While this may theoretically sound great on paper (Yes, we’re looking at you, Jeff Bezos), the consensus is that it would result in a massive tax hike for the poorest 40 percent of Americans, who would see their tax liability rise by an average of $1,000, according to one analysis.

The share of households facing tax hikes would vary across states, according to an analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, ranging from a low of about 24 percent in Washington State to high of roughly 50 percent in Mississippi, which is among the poorest states in the country.

Below, a look at how Pennsylvania would fare under Scott’s plan.

More than a third of Pennsylvania residents (35.6 percent) would see their taxes rise under Scott’s plan, according to the new analysis.


Pennsylvania Democrats, as you might expect, pounced on the new analysis, warning in a statement that “Republicans have finally come clean about their economic agenda and it is a disaster for families and working people” across the state.


U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., told Breitbart News Daily on Monday that he agrees with “most of” Scott’s 11-point plan, which also includes cuts to Social Security and Medicare, describing it as a “positive thing,” Wisconsin Politics reported.

File under: Hold my beer.

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LOCAL HEADLINES: Republican Senators Must Confirm Fed Nominees to Fight Inflation

This week, local newspapers from Pennsylvania to South Dakota to Idaho are featuring reports and commentary calling on Senate Republicans to fulfill their constitutional duty and confirm critical nominees for the Federal Reserve. These Republicans – who routinely complain about higher costs without having a plan to lower them – are now pulling political stunts to block highly qualified nominees to the Federal Reserve Board where they can immediately get to work to tackle inflation. 

Here’s what they’re reading about Senate Republicans refusal to help fight inflation… 

In Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Norman Eisen: Toomey must heed Biden’s urgent call to confirm

In his State of the Union address, President Biden called on Congress to urgently address the economy, adding, “and while you’re at it, confirm my nominees to the Federal Reserve.” But the Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee, led by Pennsylvania’s Sen. Pat Toomey, are illegitimately blockading Mr. Biden’s entire slate of Fed picks due to baseless ethics allegations against one of the nominees, Sarah Bloom Raskin.

For the sake of our economy in a time of inflation, war and other crises, this must end.


While Republican senators kvetch about inflation and other economic issues, they are simultaneously abusing technicalities to prevent the Senate from confirming the very people whose job it is to fight rising prices and to maximize employment. These senators are harming good people and the country. The obstruction must end, starting with a prompt committee vote on all the Fed nominees — including Ms. Raskin.

In South Dakota: Rapid City Journal: NESIBA: Confirm nominees to help our economy

President Biden has nominated a serious, qualified, nonpartisan group of five nominees for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Together they bring an extraordinary amount of skill, experience, and competence to the Federal Reserve.  


I urge Senators Rounds and Thune to vote to confirm these five qualified and nonpartisan nominees. Their education and prior experience will help our economic system address the continuing challenges caused by the pandemic.

In Idaho: Idaho Statesman: Idaho U.S. Sen. Crapo a roadblock to Biden’s Federal Reserve pick as inflation mounts

Amid historic inflation rates and the push for greater economic recovery from the pandemic, U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho is helping lead a Republican standoff with Democratic President Joe Biden over a senior-level appointment to the central bank that manages the nation’s financial system.

The Senate Banking Committee’s Republican members, including Crapo, held up the confirmation process last month for the president’s nomination of Sarah Bloom Raskin to the U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors. The committee’s 12 Republicans banded together at the direction of the ranking member, U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., to skip the Feb. 15 meeting, withholding the quorum needed for a vote.

The White House has called the Republican move a “very extreme step” and “totally irresponsible” in light of ongoing financial challenges and the two parties’ mutual interest in stabilizing the American economy.

“So Republicans are out there saying, ‘Inflation is a problem. It’s a huge issue,'” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said last month. “We agree. And then they’re not even bothering to show up to even vote against these nominees to the Federal Reserve. What message is that sending to the American public?”


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State Democratic Parties Highlight Republicans’ Agenda of Tax Hikes and Raised Premiums

Yesterday, state Democratic parties highlighted a new nonpartisan state-by-state analysis showing that Republicans’ agenda would hike taxes on the poorest 40% of Americans by an average of $1,000. The new analysis comes as Senator Ron Johnson confirmed Monday that Republicans plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act if they take power – a move that would end protections for people with preexisting conditions, raise health insurance premiums, and could mean millions losing the coverage they count on.

In Wisconsin: 32% of Wisconsinites Would See A Tax Increase Under Republicans’ Plan
According to new data released yesterday from a non-partisan firm, the Republicans’ economic agenda – which they have promised to pass if successful in this year’s midterm elections – would raise taxes on 32 percent of Wisconsinites.  

In Michigan: MICHIGAN IS IN THE TOP 20… States That Would Be Most Harmed by the 2022 Republican Economic Plan
Michigan Democratic Party Spokesperson Alyssa Bradley released the following statement: “Now that we can see just how disastrous this economic plan will be for Michiganders, every single voter deserves to know if Republicans like Peter Meijer, Tim Walberg, and Bill Huizenga agree with their Republican colleagues in the Senate.”

According to new data released yesterday, Republicans’ economic agenda – which they have promised to pass if successful in this year’s midterm elections – would raise taxes on 40.5% percent of Floridians, including fixed-income seniors, people making minimum wage, and poor and working-class families.

In Maryland: 30% of Marylanders Would See A Tax Increase Under Republican Plan
? 30% of Marylanders would have their taxes raised under the Republican plan ?

In North Carolina: 39.8% of North Carolinians Would See A Tax Increase Under Republicans’ Plan
According to new data released yesterday, Republicans’ economic agenda – which they have promised to pass if successful in this year’s midterm elections – would raise taxes on 39.8 percent of North Carolinians. 

“Republicans have finally come clean about their economic agenda and it is a disaster for families and working people across Pennsylvania. While Democrats are laser-focused on lowering costs for Americans, Republicans would raise taxes on 35.6 percent of Pennsylvanians, hike up insurance premiums, and end protections for people with preexisting conditions,” said Pennsylvania Democratic Party Executive Director Jason Henry.

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Ron DeSantis Puts Floridians Lives At Risk With His Irresponsible Agenda

In a move that takes their reckless COVID response to a new level, Governor Ron DeSantis and his vaccine skeptic Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo are formally cautioning against vaccinating healthy children against COVID-19. This is just the latest in a long pattern of dangerous policies in DeSantis’s disastrous and political response to the pandemic. While Ron DeSantis played politics with COVID-19, President Biden and Democrats delivered critical funding to help get over 200 million Americans fully vaccinated – thanks to the American Rescue Plan. 

Ron DeSantis’s actions have exacerbated the pandemic in Florida and are endangering the lives of Florida’s children and families:

  • Tampa Bay Times: Florida releases recommendation cautioning against COVID shots for healthy kids
  • CNN: Health experts warn Florida’s plan to recommend against Covid-19 vaccine for healthy kids is irresponsible
  • Tallahassee Democrat: Florida Gov. DeSantis sides with House in penalizing school districts that required masks
  • New York Times: As Covid Surges in Florida, DeSantis Refuses to Change Course


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Do Republicans Agree With Ron Johnson’s Plan to Rip Away Health Care From Millions of Americans? 

Yesterday, Senator Ron Johnson said what Mitch McConnell has been desperate to hide: If Republicans take control of Washington their economic agenda would be to make health care more expensive and rip protections away from millions of Americans with preexisting conditions – on top of raising taxes on half of Americans. 

Americans deserve answers. Every Republican lawmaker needs to make clear whether they agree with the Republican economic agenda of tax hikes and higher premiums for Americans: 

  • Do you support Ron Johnson’s plan to hike premiums and take away health care from middle class families and Americans with preexisting conditions?


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Republican Agenda: Raise Taxes, Make Health Care More Expensive, Nothing to Lower Costs

Senator Rick Scott made a good point recently: “Americans deserve to know what Republicans would do when given the chance.” Republicans are doing a great job of showing Americans exactly what they stand for — raising taxes, kicking Americans off their health care, removing protections for preexisting conditions, and doing nothing to lower costs, including for health care and prescription drugs. 

After Mitch McConnell tried to hide the Republican agenda, Senator Rick Scott is loudly and proudly lining up support behind his agenda to raise taxes on HALF of Americans:

Mediaite: ‘Hell Yeah!’ Republican Senator Doubles Down on Pledge to Raise Taxes on Most Americans, Says People ‘Want Free Government Stuff’

NY Magazine: Rick Scott Doubles Down on His Bonkers Agenda for the GOP

Washington Post: New tax plan from leading GOP senator would require all Americans to pay federal income taxes

And, Senator Ron Johnson blew the door open on another Republican priority – kicking millions of Americans off their health care, taking away protections for preexisting conditions, and making health care drastically more expensive:

Washington Post: Sen. Ron Johnson says Obamacare should be repealed if GOP wins power back

Axios: Johnson: GOP should be ready to repeal Obamacare if they take control in 2024


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