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Statement On Trump Saying Putin Is “A Man That Is Just Driven”

In response to Donald Trump’s praise for Putin at tonight’s rally in South Carolina, DNC spokesperson Ammar Moussa released the following statement: 

“Let’s be very clear — the leader of the Republican Party’s consistent praise and excuses for Vladimir Putin as he launches his war and bombs Ukrainian civilians is disgusting, and in any other reality, disqualifying. After calling Putin a ‘genius,’ Trump added more praise for Putin tonight by calling him ‘a man that is just driven.’ Republicans continue to enable Trump, just like they did for four years, by refusing to condemn his praise of a brutal authoritarian. The difference couldn’t be clearer as President Biden unites our allies and partners to impose unprecedented sanctions on Russia and arm the Ukrainian people against Putin’s unprovoked war.” 

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DNC, DSCC, DCCC, & ADP File Motion to Intervene to Protect the Voting Rights of Arizonans

Today, the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and the Arizona Democratic Party filed a motion to intervene in the Arizona Republican Party’s legal action seeking to end early and absentee voting in Arizona – the dominant form of voting in the state.

From Sam Cornale, DNC Executive Director:

“We are not going to let Republicans get away with their cynical attempts to make it harder for Arizonans to vote. The sacred right to vote is fundamental to our democracy and Democrats will continue to fight tooth and nail to make sure every eligible voter has an easy and accessible way to cast their ballot.” 

From Christie Roberts, DSCC Executive Director: 

“Arizona Republicans are waging an unprecedented campaign to end the methods of voting Arizonans have used for 100 years. Democrats will fight back with every tool at our disposal to protect voters’ constitutional right to participate in our democracy – including defeating this Republican assault on voting rights in court.” 

From Tim Persico, DCCC Executive Director:  

“Republicans are attempting to end voting as we know it in Arizona. Our message to Republican politicians: If you can’t win elections without suppressing the voices of eight in 10 Arizona voters, it’s time to look inward at your toxic agenda. We’ll see you in court.”

From Raquel Terán, Arizona Democratic Party Chair:

“We are not going to let Republicans take away early and absentee voting from Arizonans. Early and absentee voting is secure, convenient, and the preferred method of voting for the vast majority of Arizonans, and has been for decades. The Arizona Democratic Party will always fight for the right to vote.”

Key points from the motion: 

  • “For decades, Arizona has guaranteed its voters the right to vote using early and absentee voting. The electorate has embraced these methods of voting—in fact, early and absentee voting has become the dominant means by which Arizona voters exercise their voting rights.” 
  • “Approximately 75% of the state’s active registered voters are on the Active Early Voting List (“AEVL”) and are automatically sent an early ballot every election.” 
  • “Suddenly limiting—or eliminating—this means of voting would sow confusion and disenfranchise countless lawful voters.”
  • “And it is not just voters who have come to depend on early and absentee voting. Arizona’s election infrastructure relies heavily upon millions of its voters using early and absentee voting to participate in the State’s elections.” 

Additional background: 

  • Arizonans have been voting using absentee or early ballots for nearly 100 years, and it has become the dominant means by which Arizonans vote by a wide margin. The vast majority – nearly 90% in the 2020 election – vote by early ballot.
  • Arizona’s Constitution explicitly guarantees the right to vote, with the only procedural limits being that votes must be cast “by ballot” or any “other means” authorized by the Legislature. 
  • The Republicans’ proposal would itself violate the Arizona Constitution. And it would effectively invalidate all of the Legislature’s laws governing any type of voting other than in-person election day voting – laws that the Legislature has been enacting in one form or another since 1925.
  • The impact of this Republican proposal would also create enormous challenges for Arizona’s election administration and for Arizonans – including military, tribal and younger voters in school – who live far away from a polling location.

Last year, Vice President Harris announced a dramatic expansion of the DNC’s ‘I Will Vote’ initiative to address and overcome efforts across the country to make voting more difficult and burdensome. As part of the expansion, the DNC is investing $25 million in voter education, voter protection, targeted voter registration, and technology to make voting more accessible and to fight back against Republicans’ unprecedented voter suppression efforts.


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Declaraciones del DNC a un Año de la Firma del Plan del Rescate Económico

En el primer aniversario de la firma del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense por parte del presidente Biden, plan por el cual no votó ningún republicano, el presidente del DNC, Jaime Harrison, emitió la siguiente declaración:

“Hace un año, cuando los Estadounidenses de todo el país buscaban el apoyo de sus líderes durante la pandemia, el presidente Biden y los Demócratas en el Congreso aprobaron el Plan de Rescate Económico (ARP, por sus siglas en Inglés).

“Esta pieza legislativa entregó fondos para vacunas, puso dinero directamente en los bolsillos de las familias y brindó el alivio que tanto necesitaban las comunidades a lo largo y ancho del país.

“Un año después, los resultados hablan por sí solos, 216 millones de Estadounidenses están vacunados, el 2021 fue un año récord para el crecimiento de empleos, y nuestro país vio una recuperación económica histórica. Las escuelas pudieron reabrir de manera segura. Las primas de atención médica son más bajas.

“Los impactos positivos de esta legislación siguen y siguen. Gracias al liderazgo Demócrata, menos familias han perdido a sus seres queridos, más personas tienen trabajo y nuestro país está en un lugar mucho mejor.

“También es importante recordar, ya que vemos a Republicanos de todo el país aceptando felizmente los fondos del Plan de Rescate  y promocionando los programas financiados por el ARP, que ni un solo republicano votó en favor del Plan de Rescate Económico.

“Quieren el crédito, pero no quieren hacer el trabajo.

“Los Demócratas hacemos el trabajo y obtenemos resultados. Continuaremos luchando para reducir los costos y abordar las necesidades de todos los Estadounidenses”.

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DNC Blasts Mike Pompeo For Praising Putin Ahead of Visit to Iowa

As Mike Pompeo heads to Iowa today to speak on foreign policy at a fundraiser for the Republican Party of Iowa, DNC spokesperson Ryan Thomas released the following statement:

“Mike Pompeo should be ashamed of himself for spending four years enabling Donald Trump as he appeased Vladimir Putin, who has now started an unprovoked war that is raising costs on Americans. No one should listen to the same man whose praise has been featured on Russian state TV and excused Putin’s behavior for years. While Pompeo stood shoulder to shoulder with Trump as he undermined Ukraine and elevated a murderous dictator, President Biden has rallied our allies to slap unprecedented sanctions on Putin and Russia and remind the world America stands with democracy.”

Pompeo openly praised Putin as “savvy” and “talented” after he launched his war and repeatedly used his podium at the State Department to spread Russian misinformation:

MSNBC: “It’s not just Trump: Mike Pompeo also offered praise for Putin”

Kansas City Star: “Mike Pompeo has lauded the Russian strongman over the past month as a ‘talented,’ ‘savvy,’ ‘capable statesman,’ offering his praise during a slew of interviews after his political action committee spent $30,000 on improving his performance in media appearances.”

Newsweek: “Trump’s former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also repeatedly praised Putin in the runup to the invasion. His praise has even been rebroadcast on Russian television.”

The Washington Post: “But there is no indication that Pompeo objected when Trump withheld all of the assistance while Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani — and the president himself — pressed the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son.”

The New York Times: “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has for months deflected questions about whether the Trump administration demanded political favors from Ukraine in exchange for military aid. He has refused to explain why he recalled the American ambassador, declared that it was ‘inappropriate’ for his diplomats to testify before Congress and declined to hand over documents to impeachment investigators.”

The Daily Beast’s Julia Davis: “#Russia’s state TV is proudly showing off Mike Pompeo’s recent commentary, where he said about Putin: ‘Very shrewd. Very capable. I have enormous respect for him.’”


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IN THE STATES: Democrats Tout American Rescue Plan, Slam Republicans for Agenda of Tax Hikes and Raised Premiums

This week Democrats across the country stood together to tout how President Biden’s American Rescue Plan has helped their communities since it was signed into law one year ago today – and put Republicans in the hot seat over their agenda of tax hikes and raised premiums for millions of Americans.

Here’s a look at just some of what happened in the states this week…

Ahead of today’s one year anniversary of President Biden signing the American Rescue Plan into law, Democrats across the country highlighted the contrast between Democrats’ work to lower costs and Republicans agenda of tax hikes and raised premiums:

In Indiana: WISH TV: Indianapolis Democrats mark year since American Rescue Plan Act passage

In Nevada: Reno Gazette Journal: Jill Biden touts American Rescue Plan at Truckee Meadows Community College visit

In California: KFI AM: Mayor Garcetti Highlights How Federal ARP Funding Helped LA Over Last Year

A new nonpartisan analysis found that Senator Rick Scott’s Republican agenda would raise taxes on millions of Americans across the country:

In Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Analysis: GOP plan would be a tax hike for 35% of Pa. residents | Wednesday Morning Coffee

In North Carolina: WNCN: Fact check: Would you really pay more in income taxes under GOP senator’s proposal? – “The bottom line, according to Nathan Goldman, a taxation expert and assistant professor of accounting at North Carolina State University’s Poole College of Leadership: The nonprofit’s math checks out.”

In Wisconsin: WisPolitics: Opportunity Wisconsin: Johnson voices support for Scott’s Plan to raise taxes on 32% of Wisconsinites

Editorial boards across the country slammed Republicans for demagoguing on gas prices:

In North Carolina: The News & Observer Editorial Board: Republicans wanted Russia oil sanctions. Don’t blame Biden for the gas price result.

In Missouri: St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board: More expensive gasoline is a small price to pay in the fight against tyranny

And local newspapers featured reports and commentary calling on Senate Republicans to fulfill their constitutional duty and confirm critical nominees for the Federal Reserve:

In Idaho: Idaho Statesman: Idaho U.S. Sen. Crapo a roadblock to Biden’s Federal Reserve pick as inflation mounts

In Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Norman Eisen: Toomey must heed Biden’s urgent call to confirm

In South Dakota: Rapid City Journal: NESIBA: Confirm nominees to help our economy


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The Leader of the GOP *STILL* Won’t Condemn Putin 

As innocent Ukrainains endure Russia’s indiscriminate bombs and missiles, Donald Trump, the leader of the Republican Party, still can’t bring himself to condemn Vladimir Putin. After spending four years cozying up to Putin, the defeated former president STILL stands shoulder to shoulder with his favorite dictator.

Last night, Donald Trump refused multiple times to condemn Putin or say whether he agreed Putin – who launched an unprovoked attack on Ukraine – is “evil.”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Refuses to Condemn Putin Despite Sean Hannity Practically Begging Him To”

Newsweek: “Former President Donald Trump avoided condemning Vladimir Putin when asked by Fox News personality Sean Hannity if he agreed the Russian leader is ‘evil.’”

Politico: “Fox’s Sean Hannity set Trump up multiple times during the 30-minute exchange to criticize Putin, but the former president didn’t go along. He instead touted his relationships with Putin, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Xi Jinping of China.”

But why would anyone be surprised? The defeated former president has spent weeks praising Putin as “savvy,” “smart,” and “genius.”

Politico: “Trump calls Putin ‘genius’ and ‘savvy’ for Ukraine invasion”

CNN: “Trump defends praise of Putin even as he calls Ukrainian President ‘brave’”

Insider: “Trump again praised ‘smart’ Putin amid Ukraine invasion and said the US had become a ‘stupid country’”


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On American Rescue Plan Anniversary, DNC Sends Cookie Cakes to GOP Governors Who Said No and Took the Dough

One year ago today, President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law, helping to get more than 200 million Americans vaccinated, cut health insurance premiums and taxes for families, provide funding to re-open schools, and support small businesses – all no thanks to a single Republican vote in Congress. 

To celebrate the anniversary, the DNC is sending cookie cakes to Republican governors in four states who vocally opposed the American Rescue Plan but have subsequently tried to claim credit for American Rescue Plan funding. 

In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis called ARP “Washington at its worst” and then turned around to use $3.8 billion in funding from the law to cover initiatives in his spending plan, including bonuses for police officers and teachers. In Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp called ARP “a slap in the face to hardworking Georgians” and “Washington, D.C., at its worst,” then touted plans to use the funds to expand access to high-speed broadband and make investments in water and sewer systems. In New Hampshire, Governor Chirs Sununu said he’d “be a ‘no’ vote” on ARP, but later called the bill “a win.” And in Iowa, Governor Kim Reynolds touted funding for broadband but “failed to mention” the source of the funds. 

“One year ago today, President Joe Biden signed Democrats’ American Rescue Plan into law, which provided communities across the country with the resources they needed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “Every day until November, Republicans will have to answer for why, when Americans needed them most, they opposed reopening our schools, hiring back police officers, lowering health insurance premiums, getting 7 million Americans back to work, and returning back to normal after a pandemic.”


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DNC on the Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Signing

On the one year anniversary of President Biden signing  the American Rescue Plan, which not one Republican voted for, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement: 

“A year ago today — with Americans across the nation looking to their leaders for support during the pandemic — President Biden and Democrats in Congress passed the American Rescue Plan. 

“This piece of legislation delivered funding for vaccines, put money directly in peoples’ pockets, and provided much-needed relief to communities across the nation.

“One year later, the results speak for themselves. 216 million Americans are vaccinated. 2021 was a record year for job growth, and our country saw a historic economic recovery. Schools were able to safely reopen. Health care premiums are lower. 

“The positive impacts of this legislation go on and on. Because of Democratic leadership, fewer families have lost loved ones, more people have jobs, and our country is in a much better place.

“It’s also important to remember — as we see Republicans across the country happily accept ARP funds and tout programs funded by ARP — that not a single Republican voted for the American Rescue Plan.

“They want the credit, but they don’t want to do the work. 

“Democrats do the work — we get results. We will continue fighting to bring down costs and address the needs of everyday Americans.”

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DNC Launches New Ad Campaign Highlighting Republicans’ Plan To Raise Taxes, Make Health Care More Expensive, And Do Nothing To Lower Costs

Today, the Democratic National Committee launched a digital takeover of the Courier-Journal’s homepage highlighting Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans’ economic agenda of tax hikes, more expensive health care premiums, and ripping away protections for those with preexisting conditions.

“Rick Scott, Ron Johnson, and Senate Republicans have made abundantly clear what a Republican majority would mean for American families: higher taxes, higher health care premiums, and no plan to fight inflation,”said DNC spokesperson Allyson Bayless. “Mitch McConnell can’t hide from the fact that the Republican Party’s official platform is to turn their backs on American families.”

See below for a sample ad from the campaign:

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ICYMI: Daily Beast: Conservatives Try to Hold Up Ukraine Aid for Bullshit Reason

Key Point: “No matter how much these Republicans want to clamor on about the southern border and suggest that it should take precedence over Ukraine, though, the U.S. Department of Defense has assessed that the ‘primary’ threat to the homeland right now is not immigration flows at the southern border, but rather—you guessed it—Russia.”

Daily Beast: Conservatives Try to Hold Up Ukraine Aid for Bullshit Reason
By Shannon Vavra

March 10, 2022

Just days before Russia invaded Ukraine, a small group of Republican lawmakers seized on Russia’s buildup of troops on the Ukrainian border to make a tenuous point about a situation 6,600 miles away: President Joe Biden needs to do something about the southern border of the United States.

The conservative group of lawmakers introduced legislation tying military assistance to Ukraine with the status of the U.S.-Mexican border.

You may think conservatives would abandon their politically performative legislation after Russian President Vladimir Putin actually mounted his attack: His forces have been killing civilians and attacking Ukrainian cities for two weeks now. Just this Wednesday Russian forces bombed a Ukrainian maternity hospital.

But in spite of the carnage, many of these Republicans are doubling down.


And Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), who also backed the bill, told The Daily Beast he still thinks southern border security should take precedence over Ukraine.

“I remain firmly convinced that our open southern border… is the greatest threat to our prosperity and security,” Gosar told The Daily Beast. “As heartbreaking as it is, Ukrainian borders are not vital to our nation.”


These Republicans are so committed to their quixotic bill that they’re actually willing to railroad aid to Ukraine—and shut down the government—to make their point.


While aid packages to Ukraine have taken months to roll out in the past, the Biden administration has worked to speed up the process so aid can be provided not in months, but in a matter of hours and days, according to a senior defense official.

“In a more routine situation, you might have those processes play out over the course of, in fact, weeks or maybe even months,” a senior defense official told reporters on a call last week. “We have just accelerated our process” into “hours and days,” the official said.


When asked if he still wants to push through the bill now that Russia’s invaded Ukraine, the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT), declined to answer questions in person, insisting that his communications director would set up an interview. His communications director did not return requests for comment.

When The Daily Beast approached another cosponsor of the legislation—Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL)—he refused to make eye contact with this reporter and ignored repeated questions. His office also did not return multiple requests for comment.

No matter how much these Republicans want to clamor on about the southern border and suggest that it should take precedence over Ukraine, though, the U.S. Department of Defense has assessed that the “primary” threat to the homeland right now is not immigration flows at the southern border, but rather—you guessed it—Russia.

“Russia is the primary military threat to the homeland,” Gen. Glen VanHerck, the Commander of U.S. Northern Command, told lawmakers in testimony Tuesday. “Russia has fielded a new family of advanced air-, sea-, and ground-based cruise missiles to threaten critical civilian and military infrastructure.”

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