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DNC on the Passing of United Steelworkers President Tom Conway

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Labor Council Chair Stuart Appelbaum released the following joint statement on the passing of United Steelworkers President Tom Conway:

“We are devastated by the passing of our friend, United Steelworkers President Tom Conway. As an organizer, activist, and leader, Tom was a champion of labor in the truest sense of the term — always giving a voice to workers, fighting back against corporate greed, and protecting the dignity of work. Tom’s tireless love for labor and devotion to working people has left an indelible mark on the history of our nation. The labor movement and our country have been well served by his leadership and selflessness. We mourn this incredible loss and extend our deepest condolences to Tom’s family, friends, and the 1.2 million members and retirees that Tom so fiercely fought to represent every day. Today, we honor his tremendous legacy by continuing to fight for workers’ rights and protecting the dignity of work for future generation

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DNC on Yom Kippur

In observance of Yom Kippur, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Interfaith Council Co-Chairs Nadia Ahmad, Cindy Bass, Sarah Levin, and Johnnie Roebuck released the following statement:

“Yom Kippur offers us the chance to reflect on the past year alongside our loved ones and communities. As Democrats, we join Jewish Americans on this day to commit ourselves to tikkun olam, or repairing the world, as we work tirelessly to improve our nation. G’mar chatima tova to all those observing Yom Kippur in the United States and around the world. Together, may we all continue fighting for a better future.”

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House Republicans Bring Us to the Brink of a Government Shutdown

Speaker-in-name-only Kevin McCarthy couldn’t get his chaotic Republican conference to agree on anything, so he sent them home as the entire country braces for a Republican-created government shutdown that would be devastating for working families. MAGA House Republicans are willing to put our economy at risk, undermine our national security and border security, and more — all over a laundry list of extreme partisan proposals.

After a messy and unproductive week, Kevin McCarthy once again failed to lead as MAGA House Republicans brought us another step closer to a government shutdown. 

NBC News: “Deflated House Republicans leave town with no solution for government shutdown”

Associated Press: “Hard-right Republicans push closer to a disruptive federal shutdown”

MSNBC: “McCarthy suffers another embarrassment as shutdown deadline looms”

Salon: “McCarthy expresses frustration at House Republicans who ‘just want to burn the whole place down’” 

Daily Beast: “Furious Kevin McCarthy Takes Yet Another L”

USA Today: “Opinion | House Republicans as government shutdown nears: Nobody told us we’d have to govern”

New York Post: “House won’t work through weekend with shutdown deal elusive, defense bill beaten again”

The Guardian: “McCarthy’s House speakership hangs by a thread as US shutdown looms”

Politico: “Republicans resigned to being the villains in the inevitable government shutdown”

Let’s be clear: The chaos coming from House Republicans is exactly what Donald Trump asked for. 

Welker: “Do you think Republican hardliners should abandon their threat to shut down the government over their spending priorities now that there is this impeachment inquiry?”

Trump: “No, I think if they don’t get a fair deal — we have to save our country. We’re $35 trillion in debt. We have to save our country.”

Welker: “You would shut down the government? You’d support that?”

Trump: “I’d shut down the government if they can’t make an appropriate deal. Absolutely.”

2024 Republicans are cheering for a government shutdown — prioritizing petty political games over having a functioning government that delivers for working families. 

Politico: “The Florida governor spent about 30 minutes on the phone Wednesday with conservative Reps. Chip Roy of Texas, Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Bob Good of Virginia — leaders of the cadre that is pushing House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to embrace a shutdown if Democrats won’t agree to hard-right policy demands. DeSantis’ message, according to a person familiar with the call: ‘I got your back. Keep fighting.’”

Radio Iowa: “Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott — who represents South Carolina in the U.S. Senate — says he’s ready to draw a line in the sand on federal spending, even if it leads to a government shutdown. Scott voted against this spring’s budget deal that set a two-year framework for government spending.”

Tapper: “Do you think that the House Freedom Caucus should hold the line and keep pushing McCarthy even if it means a government shutdown? Or do you think a shutdown would be a mistake?”

Pence: “I think House conservatives are the last line of defense for taxpayers in Washington, D.C., and I strongly support their effort to stand firm and demand the kind of budget cuts necessary to make a small down payment on fiscal responsibility and reform.”

Here’s some of what’s at stake if Republicans shut down the government, from crucial programs that keep our food and water safe to our economy, national security, and border security.

Washington Post: “Some federal inspections that ensure food safety and prevent the release of hazardous chemicals in drinking water would be halted, the Biden administration has warned. Federal research toward cancer cures and other innovative therapies would cease. Passport offices in parts of the country are expected to close, snarling some Americans’ plans for international travel.

“And with each passing day, Washington would further deplete federal safety-net programs that carry over their unused money from past years. Eventually, the government may not be able to provide some poor families with child care, nutrition assistance, housing vouchers or college financial aid. The longer a shutdown persists, the greater the blow it could ultimately deliver to an economy that has teetered for more than a year on the precipice of recession.”

Dallas Morning News: “A congressional report after the last budget stalemate in 2019 found border security deteriorated markedly during the furloughs, creating significant vulnerabilities that lasted long after federal workers returned to work.”

CNN: “In the event of a US government shutdown, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says it will stop releasing data, including key figures on inflation and unemployment. A lack of crucial government data would make it difficult for investors and the Federal Reserve to interpret the US economy.”

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REMINDER: MAGA GOP Puts the Gun Lobby Over Our Communities’ Safety

President Biden has spent decades taking on the NRA and winning — and today he announced his latest step in that fight by establishing the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. This historic move builds on his work to end gun violence across the country — and stands in stark contrast to the field of MAGA Republicans running for president who have repeatedly put the gun lobby ahead of the safety of our kids and communities. 

Donald Trump is a self-proclaimed “big fan” of the NRA, caved to the NRA after the devastating Parkland shooting in 2018, and cozied up to the NRA on the heels of tragic mass shootings.

Trump: “There’s no bigger fan of the NRA [than me].”

New York Times: “President Trump on Monday abandoned his promise to work for gun control measures opposed by the National Rifle Association, bowing to the gun group and embracing its agenda of armed teachers and incremental improvements to the background check system.”

Politico: “Former President Donald Trump on Friday addressed the National Rifle Association’s annual conference in Houston, slamming Democrats for their positions on gun control and pointing to mental health as the root cause of mass shootings just three days after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers at a Texas elementary school.”

CNN: “A slew of 2024 GOP presidential hopefuls courted gun rights activists Friday at a National Rifle Association convention in Indianapolis that took place in the wake of mass shootings in Kentucky and Tennessee in recent days. Former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence – the former ticket-mates who have split over Trump’s actions leading up to and during the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol – attended the gathering, and lambasted President Joe Biden.”

Ron DeSantis signed dangerous legislation in a closed-door ceremony with NRA representatives that could make it easier for criminals to carry weapons. DeSantis also pledged to “absolutely” support open-carry legislation.

NBC News: “With little fanfare, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday allowing residents to carry a concealed loaded weapon without a permit. DeSantis signed the bill in a nonpublic event in his office with only bill sponsors, legislative leaders and gun rights advocates, including the National Rifle Association, in attendance.” 

Tampa Bay Times: “Gov. Ron DeSantis was recorded Thursday telling a member of a gun rights group that he supports allowing Floridians to openly carry guns in public — a measure that has been publicly opposed by some law enforcement officials and that would go further than any bill now filed for the upcoming legislative session.”

“‘Yeah, absolutely,’ DeSantis is heard to say during a 10-second interaction recorded by Valdes and shared with the Times. ‘I don’t think they’re going to do it, but I would absolutely.’”

Even after a devastating school shooting in Nashville, Nikki Haley still refused to support gun safety legislation. As governor of South Carolina, Haley also opposed expanding background checks in the wake of the tragic shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church.

USA Today: “Nikki Haley’s town hall here in one of the first primary states opened against the backdrop of a deadly school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee. The Republican presidential hopeful started her pitch by addressing the shooting and telling voters she wants more metal detectors, not more gun control legislation. She called for schools to have one entrance and to use the metal detectors there.” 

Washington Times: “South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Sunday said the botched FBI background check that allowed the man accused of the massacre at a historic black church in Charleston to buy the handgun used in the attack is tragic but does not justify expanding such checks.”

As of last year, Tim Scott had received more NRA money than any other sitting South Carolina politician in the 10 years prior, and he voted against the most significant bipartisan action on gun reform in nearly three decades.

WCIV: “Sen. Tim Scott tops the list at $20,400, with Congressman Jeff Duncan and SC Attorney General Alan Wilson trailing him at $11,000 and $10,500 respectively.”

WPDE: “South Carolina Senator Tim Scott was among the 33 Senators that voted against the [Bipartisan Safer Communities Act].” 

The NRA poured thousands into Asa Hutchinson’s past runs for office. Hutchinson also worked as an NRA consultant and received a glowing endorsement for his second gubernatorial campaign in Arkansas. 

KATV: “While there is no record of NRA donations to Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s campaign for governor, Hutchinson has been a longtime friend to the NRA. When Hutchinson was campaigning for a seat in the House, the NRA donated a total of $19,399 to his campaigns from 1995-2002, according to The Center for Responsive Politics. In 2012, he served as an NRA consultant and task force chair. In 2018, the NRA endorsed his second run for governor.

“‘It is great to once again have the support of the National Rifle Association,’ Hutchinson said in a statement during the campaign. ‘I have always been a strong supporter of both the 2nd Amendment and the mission of the NRA,’ Hutchinson said in a statement.”

Mike Pence has long been a friend of the NRA, spending his career supporting policies pushed by the gun lobby and has called for more armed guards in schools instead of pushing for gun control legislation. 

The Independent: “Mike Pence would rather see armed school guards than gun control reforms”

Everytown for Gun Safety: “Pence has received an ‘A’ grade and an endorsement from the NRA each election cycle between 2002 and 2012.”

Everytown for Gun Safety: “Pence has a long political career of supporting dangerous policies pushed by the gun lobby—all while receiving funding from the gun lobby to support his political ambitions.”

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REMINDER: Vivek Ramaswamy Would Let China Invade Taiwan

As Vivek Ramaswamy tries to reboot his disastrous foreign policy strategy with a speech on China today, remember that he is STILL floating a plan that would allow China to invade Taiwan and has had no problem cozying up to China throughout his business career.

Ramaswamy, who is deeply unserious and in over his head on every foreign policy issue, continues to suggest he’d let China attack Taiwan.

Ramaswamy: “Our interests include Taiwan until we have achieved semiconductor independence. … after the end of my first term, we will be in a position to say our commitments will be different. Xi Jinping will not go for Taiwan until the end of my first term.”

Washington Examiner: “Vivek Ramaswamy cuts off interview after floating plan to let China attack Taiwan after 2028”

The Dispatch: “‘I know this is a little uncouth to say,’ Ramaswamy says. ‘Once we have truly achieved semiconductor independence, I think the calculus changes.’ Does that mean the U.S. would no longer care either way whether China took over Taiwan by military force? ‘We care a lot less, yeah; we care a lot less. What I’m willing to do in that scenario is very different.’”

Ramaswamy: “My message to China is clear. Do not mess with Taiwan before 2028. And before 2028, our commitments are strong. After 2028, we have semiconductor independence. We have very different commitments, lower commitments, significantly lower commitments.”

Ramaswamy’s stance is unsurprising considering he had no problem cozying up to China when it benefited his business. 

The New Republic: “GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, Who Used to Do Business With China, Wants to Ban Business With China”

“Vivek Ramaswamy, the former biotech executive who announced his run for the Republican presidential nomination this week, has made China a central part of his message on the right-wing speaker circuit and Fox News. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed explaining his candidacy, he called the country ‘the greatest external threat to America’ and argued, ‘We must even be willing to bar U.S. companies from expanding into China until its government abandons theft and other mercantilist tactics.’ Just a few years ago, though, Ramaswamy was expanding his own business into China.”

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What They Are Saying: People Highlight Donald Trump’s Record on Abortion Because Media Won’t

Donald Trump’s new media strategy is straight-up gaslighting the American people on his abortion record – and to no one’s surprise, the mainstream press is happily playing along. What yesterday’s coverage missed was that it was Trump who pushed for an extreme national abortion ban while he was in office, he was the one who called for women who have abortions to be punished, he constantly brags about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, and he opened the door for extreme abortion bans across the country. There isn’t any doubt, if Trump is reelected, we know he’d only build on his opportunities to rip away women’s reproductive freedom.

But since you won’t hear about Trump’s long, consistent record of being an abortion extremist in the media, here’s what people are saying … 

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi: “Make no mistake: the former occupant of the White House and his extreme Supreme Court majority overturned Roe — now women have fewer rights than their mothers did. Re-electing Biden-Harris is the ONLY way we can reclaim Roe and secure our fundamental freedoms. #MondayMotivation”

Rep. Sara Jacobs: “Says the man who is the reason the right to an abortion is no longer the law of the land. Give me a break 🙄”

Mayor Karen Bass: “Just to be crystal clear, Donald Trump is the reason we have a Supreme Court that overturned Roe and set in motion a cycle to put the lives of women all across the country at risk. There is no lie he can tell to erase that fact.”

Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway: “Let’s be clear: Donald Trump has repeatedly bragged about appointing the justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and women across Wisconsin lost the right to make their own health care decisions because of him. In 2020, WI sent Trump packing and we’ll do it again in 2024.”

Mini Timmaraju: “This is dangerous—we can’t let Trump off the hook for his record. If he becomes president again, he will sign any federal abortion ban that hits his desk into law, full stop.”

Maria Cardona: “He’s not “hedging” he’s lying & hoping media won’t notice! He appointed justices that overturned Roe & he BRAGS about it all the time, says he was “honored” to have helped overturn it, says “No one has done more” to help ban abortion than him!! It’s his appeal to Evangelicals!”

Jim Messina: “Trump is the guy who brags “no one has done more” to overturn Roe. Horror stories like these couldn’t happen without him. There’s no such thing as “compromise” on Roe while girls are raped & forced to give birth and women almost die bc their civil rights have been taken away.”

Jim Messina: “What the f–k is this??? Trump has said there should be punishment for women who get abortions, nominated three justices who were decisive in overturning Roe v. Wade, and publicly celebrated when those judges ended a woman’s right to choose. Garbage.”

Christina Reynolds: “In today’s Meet the Press interview, Trump took credit for overturning Roeand acknowledged he would sign a federal ban. And he told a bunch of lies. After a history in politics of telling lies. And yet, he’s getting coverage like he’s suddenly good with abortion rights.”

Christina Reynolds: “In this interview, Trump takes credit for overturning Roe and then lies his way out of giving an actual answer. Anyone giving this attempt to lie about his record any credibility must have believed ‘COVID will end by Easter’ and ‘I will have a tremendous health care plan soon.’”

Kate Bedingfield: “Headlining this piece “Trump calls six-week abortion bans ‘terrible’” with no other context is a prime example of how traditional coverage of Trump fails. Did he say those words? Yes. Has he also 1) taken credit for endingRoe 2) specifically taken credit for creating an environment where 6 week bans can happen and 3) shown repeatedly time and again nonstop for years that he will lie and lie and lie about everything with no compunction? Yes. Yes. And yes. So, to write up this exchange as you might write up something Romney or W or Obama said on the campaign trail 10, 15 or 20 years ago is a total failure to reckon with and accurately portray Trump. It’s not just the Post – a lot of the coverage of this exchange today is framed like this, which is exactly the way Trump wants it, but not a reflection of his anti-choice record or his casual relationship with the truth.”

Ron Klain: “So true, @kbeds.  Abortion bans exist in America due to Trump’s avowed effort to get Ros reversed. It was the only historic achievement of his Presidency.”

Victor Shi: “WTF? NBC just ran a headline that reads, ‘Trump wants to bring the country together on abortion: ‘Both sides are going to like me.’ Not only is NBC legitimizing Trump by giving him a national platform tomorrow, but they’re lying about his dangerous abortion ban. Shame on NBC.”  

Molly Jong-Fast: “And yet he would totally sign it

Matthew Iglesias: “I think a relevant lens for understanding coverage choices is that it’s better for clicks, subscriptions, ratings, etc if Trump wins again and it’s more fun to cover him if you pretend not to know how he’s governed and will govern.”

Karen Finney: “Media manipulated by Trump again as reckless coverage of @nbc lets Trump lie about his actual record on abortion: Trump gleefully appointed judges that overturned Roe, even saying “no one has done more”,  that he was able to kill Roe v. Wade, flashback:

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DNC Mobile Billboard Blasts the 2024 MAGA Republican Field Ahead of Faith and Freedom Town Hall

As the 2024 MAGA Republican presidential field flocks to Des Moines for the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition’s presidential town hall, the DNC is rolling out a mobile billboard campaign hammering these GOP presidential hopefuls on their extreme MAGA agendas. The billboard calls out these candidates for calling to ban abortion, wanting to end Social Security and Medicare as we know them, and pushing an economic agenda based on MAGAnomics that would rig the economy for the ultra-rich and big corporations.


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IN THE STATES: While MAGAnomics Leaves Working Americans Behind, Bidenomics Delivers

Yesterday, President Biden delivered a major economic address spotlighting the contrast between Bidenomics building the economy from the bottom up and middle out, and Republicans’ failed trickle-down MAGAnomics centered on slashing taxes for the wealthy, cutting Social Security and Medicare, and raising costs for working families. 

  • In Maryland: Baltimore Sun: In Maryland, President Joe Biden touts economic successes, blasts GOP policies as ‘extreme’
  • In Maryland: Cecil Whig: Biden praises Bidenomics in Maryland speech
  • In Florida: News 4 JAX: President Biden gives remarks on ‘Bidenomics’ 
  • In Florida: Local 10 News: President Biden delivers remarks on ‘Bidenomics’ in Maryland

Vice President Harris kicked off her “Fight For Freedom” college tour at Hampton University in Virginia, highlighting how the Biden-Harris administration is committed to protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of young Americans.

  • In Virginia: 13 News Now: ‘There is a buzz’ – Hampton University students share excitement over Vice President Kamala Harris visit
  • In Virginia: WAVY: Vice President Harris speaks at Hampton University on first stop of college tour 
  • In Virginia: Richmond Times-Dispatch: Harris tells Hampton students abortion rights at stake in Virginia elections 
  • In Virginia: WTKR 3: Hampton University students get ready for Vice President Kamala Harris visit 

This week, the Biden-Harris campaign launched ads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and in Wisconsin.  The Wisconsin exclusive ad aired in the state’s biggest media markets and on national TV highlighting how President Biden’s economic agenda is creating good jobs and delivering for workers.

  • In Wisconsin: Up North News: ‘Look at All the People That Are Working’: New Biden-Harris Ad Centers on Wisconsin Jobs
  • In Wisconsin: Fox11 News: Biden makes new ad buy in Green Bay, 2 other Wisconsin TV markets 
  • In Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Union Progress: Biden is back to courting Pennsylvania voters with 2 new TV ads

Across the country, Bidenomics continued to make headlines for creating new economic opportunities for all Americans in key industries such as manufacturing and clean energy.

  • In Iowa: CBS 2 Iowa: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack coming to Cedar Rapids to announce new Iowa investment
  • In Arizona: Arizona Daily Sun: Inflation Reduction Act provides $258,000 to protect native species in Grand Canyon
  • In Arizona: Arizona’s Family: Inflation Reduction Act funding helps Yuma farmers grow sustainably 
  • In Arizona: AZ Central: Arizona Rep. Schweikert praises solar project, voted against bill 
  • In Minnesota: Streets MN: Minnesota Projects Funded Through the Federal Infrastructure Bill  
  • In Minnesota: KSTP-TV: EPA awards $4M grant to Minneapolis for redeveloping self-hauling waste centers 
  • In Oregon: The Chronicle: $2.2M for Oregon: Funding for renewable energy, energy improvement projects
  • In California: Sierra Sun Times: Biden-Harris Administration Launches New Large-Scale Water Recycling Program with $180 Million from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law 
  • In Kansas: KCUR 89.3: USDA invests nearly $50 million into water infrastructure in rural Kansas 
  • In Pennsylvania: BCTV: Inflation Reduction Act Funds Multiple PA Clean-Energy Priorities 

Meanwhile, Donald Trump and House Republicans are doubling down on handing out tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy and big corporations. 

  • In Iowa: Iowa Starting Line: Trump Wants to Cut Corporate Taxes Again
  • In Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: What proposed Republican spending cuts would mean for Pennsylvania, according to the White House

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WATCH: Sen. Warren, Rep. McClellan Slam 2024 Republicans’ MAGA Agenda

Today, Biden for President National Advisory Board members Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan joined the DNC for a press call ahead of Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, and Vivek Ramaswamy bringing their MAGA extremism to Washington, D.C., on Friday at the Pray Vote Stand Summit and the Concerned Women Summit. 

During the call, Senator Warren and Congresswoman McClellan highlighted MAGA Republicans’ extreme anti-freedom agenda of banning abortion nationwide as well as their disastrous MAGAonomics plans to give more tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy, gut Social Security and Medicare, and push policies that could raise costs on working families.


Read highlights from the press call below:

  • “MAGA Republicans like Donald Trump and his rivals are running on a dangerous and unpopular economic agenda that is centered on slashing taxes for the wealthy, cutting Social Security for seniors, and raising costs for working families. Make no mistake — while the Republicans are shilling for special interests, it’s everyday Americans who will pay the price. The contrast is clear: MAGAnomics would put an end to the gains that President Biden has delivered,” said Biden for President National Advisory Board member Senator Elizabeth Warren. “This country works better when we fight for working families. When we stand up to special interests. When we make sure that everyone has an opportunity to get ahead. And that’s exactly what President Biden and Vice President Harris are doing every day.”
  • “Republican 2024 candidates will be in Washington trying to out-MAGA each other with extreme positions and policies that are deeply out of step with the American people. In addition to rigging the economy for the wealthy and big corporations, each one of the candidates — from Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy — have promised to advance an extreme agenda that limits Americans’ most fundamental freedoms,” said Biden for President National Advisory Board member Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan. “During last year’s midterms, the American people went to the polls and rejected MAGA Republicans’ anti-choice positions. And this year’s election in Virginia and the presidential race next year will be no different. The choice could not be more clear in this election: The health of women in America is at stake, and we cannot afford MAGA extremist leadership in Richmond, in the White House, or anywhere else.”

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DNC on Rosh Hashanah

In celebration of Rosh Hashanah, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Interfaith Council Co-Chairs Nadia Ahmad, Cindy Bass, Sarah Levin, and Johnnie Roebuck released the following statement:

“As millions of our Jewish brothers and sisters gather together to reflect on the past year and mark the beginning of a new year filled with renewal and hope, we celebrate the shared values of justice and kindness that bind the Democratic Party and Jewish Americans together. Today is an opportunity for us to look back on the progress we have made throughout the last year and draw upon our shared strength to march forward together in the spirit of Rosh Hashanah. Shana Tova and a sweet new year to all who celebrate; may it bring you blessings, peace, and prosperity.”

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