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MAGA Malarkey: The Extremism You Missed From Republicans This Week

MAGA Republicans stooped to new lows this week with their extremism, hypocrisy, chaos, and — as President Biden would call it — malarkey. In case you missed it: Arizona Republicans voted against repealing a cruel 1864 abortion ban; MAGA Mike Johnson tried to dodge his record of co-sponsoring a national abortion ban; Kari Lake echoed Trump’s violent rhetoric, telling her supporters to “strap on a Glock” ahead of November; Trump cozied up to Big Oil and Gas; Trump’s fundraising struggles continued; the chaotic Wisconsin GOP hired an election-denying executive director; House Republicans came out in support of junk fees; and House Republican Brandon Williams became the latest Republican to rail against investment legislation before taking credit for the billions being pumped into his district. 

Arizona Republicans refused to repeal the state’s cruel 160-year-old abortion ban, which was upheld because Trump overturned Roe v. Wade.

CNN: “The Republican-controlled Arizona House of Representatives once again failed to advance a repeal of the state’s 160-year-old abortion ban Wednesday, days after the state Supreme Court roiled state politics by reviving the law.

“The vote is a blow to reproductive rights as well as GOP candidates in competitive races, who have been scrambling to distance themselves from the court’s decision. 

“On Wednesday, following two attempts to discuss a bill that would repeal Arizona’s 1864 ban on abortions, lawmakers voted not to discuss the measure on the House floor.”

“The ban prohibits the procedure except to save the life of the pregnant person and threatens providers with prison sentences between two and five years.”

MAGA Mike Johnson tried to dodge his record of co-sponsoring a national abortion ban.

Jake Tapper: “If Donald Trump does win and if the Republicans keep the majority, will you bring the national abortion ban up for a vote?”

Mike Johnson: “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

Jake Tapper: “You said you didn’t know what I meant by a national abortion ban — I meant the [Life at Conception Act], which you are a co-sponsor of.”

Business Insider: “Most House Republicans have cosponsored a bill declaring that life begins from the moment of conception, a position under increased scrutiny after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are ‘unborn children.’

“This Congress, 125 House Republicans — including Speaker Mike Johnson — have cosponsored the ‘Life at Conception Act,’ which states that the term ‘human being’ includes ‘all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into being.’

“The bill does not include any exception for in vitro fertilization (IVF), a reproductive treatment that allows mothers to fertilize several eggs outside the womb in order to increase the chances of a viable pregnancy.”

Kari Lake doubled down on Trump’s dangerous and violent rhetoric by telling her supporters to “strap on a Glock” ahead of this November’s election.

NBC News: “Kari Lake suggests supporters ‘strap on a Glock’ to be ready for 2024”

“Arizona GOP Senate hopeful Kari Lake told supporters they can ‘strap on a Glock’ to be prepared for the intensity of the 2024 campaign and urged military and law enforcement veterans to be ‘ready,’ as her race heats up in a key battleground state.”

Business Insider: “Speaking at a convention of Georgia Republicans, Lake told hundreds of delegates that the ‘75 million Americans’ who voted for Trump are armed and ready to defend him.”

Jeremy Duda, Axios: “.@KariLake called for @SecretaryHobbs to be imprisoned over fictional election rigging claims. ‘Frankly, I think she should be locked up.’ Crowd starts ‘lock her up’ chant. Lake says, ‘I agree.’”

Trump cozied up to Big Oil and Gas as he railed against clean energy at a fundraising dinner.

Washington Post: “Trump rails against wind energy in fundraising pitch to oil executives”

“Former president Donald Trump repeatedly ranted about wind power during a fundraising dinner with oil and gas industry executives last week, claiming that the renewable-energy source is unreliable, unattractive and bad for the environment.

“‘I hate wind,’ Trump told the executives over a meal of chopped steak at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort in Florida, according to a person with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation.

“Trump’s comments reveal how he is wooing potential donors with his long-standing hostility to wind farms and pledges to halt this form of renewable energy if he returns to office. His stance poses a potential threat to one of the linchpins of America’s clean-energy transition, according to more than a dozen Trump allies, energy experts and offshore wind industry officials.”

Down bad: Trump’s campaign fundraising struggles are getting worse,  while President Biden continues to add to his campaign’s historic fundraising advantage. 

Financial Times: “Donald Trump falls $75mn behind Joe Biden in money race as donor base shrinks”

“Donald Trump has raised $75mn less for his presidential bid than Joe Biden and has 270,000 fewer unique donors now than at the same stage of his run for the White House four years ago.

“The findings, from a Financial Times analysis of federal campaign data, raise new questions about how the former president’s shrunken base will sustain him through costly court cases and what is expected to be the most expensive presidential race ever.

“The Trump campaign and affiliated political action committees have attracted roughly 900,000 donors from July 2023 through the first quarter of 2024, compared with 1.17mn donors in the equivalent period of the 2020 race, according to the FT’s analysis of federal data.

“President Biden has also opened up a massive fundraising advantage, the data shows, raising $165mn over the first three months of the year — $75mn more than pro-Trump groups, which raised just under $90mn.”

The Wisconsin GOP hired extreme election denier and former Trump campaign staffer Andrew Iverson to lead their state party.

Associated Press: “Former Trump staffer who said to ‘fan the flame’ after 2020 loss hired to lead Wisconsin GOP” 

“The director of Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign in Wisconsin, who pushed allegations of widespread fraud that were ultimately debunked, has been hired to run the Republican Party of Wisconsin heading into the November election.”

“Iverson told other operatives two days after the election to support claims that Trump had actually won. … Biden defeated Trump by nearly 21,000 votes in Wisconsin in 2020, a result that has withstood independent and partisan audits and reviews, as well as lawsuits and the recounts Trump requested.”

Iverson: “Here’s the drill: Comms is going to continue to fan the flame and get the word out about Democrats trying to steal this election. We’ll do whatever they need (inaudible) help with. Just be on standby in case there’s any stunts we need to pull.”

MAGA Republicans in the House joined Trump allies like Tim Scott in pushing to SUPPORT big credit card junk fees.

Bloomberg: “Trump Ally Tim Scott Seeks to Block Biden Credit Card Late Fee Cap”

Politico: “Consumer advocates warn Republicans on CFPB rule — House Financial Services is planning to vote today on a GOP-led measure to block the CFPB’s credit card late fee cap. Ahead of the markup, 90 consumer groups are urging lawmakers to oppose the resolution.”

CNN: “Credit card late fees capped at $8 as part of Biden crackdown on junk fees”

“Federal regulators finalized a rule on Tuesday to cap most credit card late fees at $8 as part of a broader push by the Biden administration to eliminate junk fees.

“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates the new regulation, first proposed last summer, will save families more than $10 billion a year by cutting fees from an average of $32.”

Newsweek: “Credit Card Fees Slashed for Millions of Americans”

Navigator Research: “Nearly Nine in Ten Battleground Constituents Want Congress to Pass Laws Banning or Limiting Junk Fees”

House Republican Brandon Williams celebrated the $6 billion investment his district is getting from the CHIPS and Science Act, despite previously railing against the legislation.

Rep. Williams: “Here we go! Now we just need a building permit to start shoveling and building our future. 

“After countless meetings, hearings, inquiries, and advocacy, we’re getting things moving for #NY22!” “GOP candidate for Congress in Central NY called chip incentives ‘corporate welfare’”

“Brandon Williams, the Republican nominee for Congress in Central New York, criticized the federal incentives that helped convince Micron Technology to invest up to $100 billion building computer chip plants in Onondaga County.

“In August, Williams called the Chips and Science Act passed by Congress a ‘corporate welfare package for the profitable chip industry.’”

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Tax Season 2025: Republicans Want to End Tax Breaks That Lower Energy and Health Care Costs for Hardworking Americans

As Republicans push a blueprint that would end tax breaks for energy and health care provided through President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, DNC spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement: 

“Republicans are making it clear that their entire tax plan is to follow Donald Trump’s lead to put the ultra-wealthy over hardworking Americans. Trump would end President Biden’s tax breaks for working families that lower energy and health care costs all while giving massive tax handouts to the super rich and making it easier for the wealthy to cheat on their taxes. Voters see Trump and the GOP’s disastrous MAGAnomics agenda for the scam it is – and they’ll reject it this November.”

The Republican Study Committee’s budget would end tax breaks for hardworking Americans provided through the Inflation Reduction Act…

FY2025 Budget: “Repeal the green giveaways in the Inflation Reduction Act …

“The RSC Budget would repeal these provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act …

“Providing tens of billions billion in annual taxpayer subsidies through the Inflation Reduction Act … The RSC Budget would end these taxpayer bailouts.”

White House Fact Sheet: “The Inflation Reduction Act includes some two dozen tax provisions that will save families money on their energy bills and accelerate the deployment of clean energy, clean vehicles, clean buildings, and clean manufacturing.”

KFF: “As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Senate recently passed a three-year extension (through 2025) of enhanced subsidies for people buying their own health coverage on the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces. These temporary subsidies were originally slated to last two years (2021 and 2022) and were passed as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The enhanced subsidies increase the amount of financial help available to those already eligible and also newly expand subsidies to middle-income people, many of whom were previously priced out of coverage.”

… but repeal provisions in the law that crack down on wealthy tax cheats.

Rolling Stone: “The House of Representatives passed the Inflation Reduction Act on Friday, clearing the way for President Biden to sign the landmark climate and healthcare bill into law. The legislation passed along party lines, as Democrats overcame unified GOP opposition.”

CBS News: “IRS and Treasury officials have stated the IRS is focused on tracking down wealthy tax cheats and businesses with unpaid or overdue tax bills. 

“‘This analysis demonstrates that President Biden’s investment in rebuilding the IRS will reduce the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars by making the wealthy and big corporations pay the taxes they owe,’ National Economic Adviser Lael Brainard said in a statement.”

Washington Post: “In part by tweaking federal tax laws — chiefly to target tax cheats and some billion-dollar companies that pay nothing to the government — the bill is expected to raise enough money to cover its new spending.”

New York Times: “The legislation would also bolster the I.R.S. with an investment of about $80 billion, hoping to recover additional tax revenue by cracking down on wealthy corporations and wealthy tax evaders.”

New York Times: “Charles P. Rettig, the Internal Revenue Service commissioner, told Congress on Thursday that the tax collection agency would not increase audits of households earning less than $400,000 if it was given the additional $80 billion that lawmakers were considering in a proposed climate and tax legislation package.”

Reminder: Republicans want to make permanent Trump’s disastrous MAGAnomics tax scam that gave handouts to the ultra-rich at the expense of working Americans.

Bloomberg: “The conservative Republican Study Committee is out with a 2025 budget proposal to extend individual and corporate breaks from the 2017 Trump’ tax law.”

Forbes: “Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018”

Washington Post: “The former president’s closest economic advisers are plotting an aggressive new set of tax cuts to push on the campaign trail and from the Oval Office if he wins a second term. Trump and his advisers have discussed deeper cuts to both individual and corporate tax rates that would build on his controversial 2017 tax law … Trump’s advisers, though, have discussed proposals to make deeper cuts to the overall corporate tax rate, potentially to as low as 15 percent, or to use the revenue from the proposed tariffs to pay a dividend to U.S. households. Further cutting corporate taxes … would primarily benefit large firms.”

New York Magazine: “The GOP Gutted the IRS — and the Rich Made Out Like Bandits”

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Hey, Mike Johnson: Here’s Where You Stand on Abortion

In response to Mike Johnson attempting to dodge his record of co-sponsoring a national abortion ban, DNC spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement: 

“Mike Johnson has spent his entire career waging a war on women’s basic reproductive freedoms — his sad attempt at dodging a simple question isn’t fooling anyone. The reality is Johnson co-sponsored legislation to ban abortion nationwide and threaten IVF access, applauded Trump as he overturned Roe v. Wade, and has gone on way too many bizarre rants against reproductive health care access. Johnson can pretend he forgot his extreme and unpopular anti-choice record, but the American people will remember this November.”

Mike Johnson: We know you conveniently “forgot” you co-sponsored a national abortion ban when asked on live TV…

Jake Tapper: “If Donald Trump does win and if the Republicans keep the majority, will you bring the national abortion ban up for a vote?”

Mike Johnson: “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

Jake Tapper: “You said you didn’t know what I meant by a national abortion ban — I meant the [Life at Conception Act], which you were a co-sponsor of.”

… so here’s a list of your positions, for future reference:

  1. You and 125 of Donald Trump’s other MAGA minions have co-sponsored the “Life at Conception Act,” which would ban abortion and threaten IVF access.
  2. You’re a huge fan of Trump, who was able to “proudly” “kill” Roe v. Wade, and rejoiced when he “terminated” reproductive freedoms.
  3. You’ve voted for national abortion bans, including one that would imprison doctors, earning you an A+ rating from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.
  4. You’ve discredited the fact that abortion bans harm women, saying you “can’t believe” the reality that women are facing life-threatening situations “would be true.” 
  5. You support Louisiana’s extreme abortion ban that does not provide exceptions for rape or incest.
  6. You went on an unhinged — and frankly, bizarre — rant against access to medication abortion and telemedicine, which women rely on for reproductive care.
  7. You blamed school shootings on abortion.

Hope that helps!

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Tax Season 2025: Republicans Would Make Trump’s Disastrous MAGAnomics Tax Handouts for the Ultra-Rich Permanent

As the Republican Study Committee pushes a blueprint that would make permanent Trump’s MAGAnomics tax giveaways for the ultra-wealthy, DNC spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement: 

“Voters already rejected Donald Trump’s tax scam that gave handouts to his ultra-rich friends while leaving working families behind, but Republicans haven’t learned their lesson. Now, Trump’s MAGA minions in Congress are pushing to make his disastrous tax giveaways for the ultra-wealthy permanent after helping billionaires pay less in taxes than working Americans for the first time in history. The choice in this election couldn’t be more clear, and the American people will reject Trump and the GOP’s out-of-touch MAGAnomics tax agenda that puts the wealthy over working families at the ballot box this November.”

The Republican Study Committe’s budget is following Trump’s lead as he pledges to make permanent his disastrous MAGAnomics tax giveaways for the ultra-rich and big corporations. 

Bloomberg: “The conservative Republican Study Committee is out with a 2025 budget proposal to extend individual and corporate breaks from the 2017 Trump’ tax law.”

Trump: “I will never let the Trump tax cuts … I will never let them be taken away.”

Trump: “You’re all people that have a lot of money. … You’re rich as hell. … We’re gonna give you tax cuts.”

Trump: “We will replace Biden’s tax hikes with the beautiful Trump tax cuts. You know, we have to extend the tax cuts.”

Trump on whether his second term tax policies would echo those of his first term: “Yes, and I’d do even more taxes.”

Washington Post: “The former president’s closest economic advisers are plotting an aggressive new set of tax cuts to push on the campaign trail and from the Oval Office if he wins a second term. Trump and his advisers have discussed deeper cuts to both individual and corporate tax rates that would build on his controversial 2017 tax law … Trump’s advisers, though, have discussed proposals to make deeper cuts to the overall corporate tax rate, potentially to as low as 15 percent, or to use the revenue from the proposed tariffs to pay a dividend to U.S. households. Further cutting corporate taxes … would primarily benefit large firms.”

Bloomberg: “[Trump] intends to center his economic plans on extending and deepening the Republican tax cuts from 2017.”

Vanity Fair: “Donald Trump Wants to Give His Favorite Corporations Another Giant Tax Cut in a Second Term: Report”

Politico: “On Tax Day, Trump tax cuts remain deeply unpopular”

During Trump’s first term, he gave massive handouts to the wealthy at the expense of working families. 

CBS News: “Two years after Trump tax cuts, middle-class Americans are falling behind”

The Guardian: “They were billed as a ‘middle-class miracle’ but according to a new book Donald Trump’s $1.5tn tax cuts have helped billionaires pay a lower rate than the working class for the first time in history.”

Forbes: “Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018”

Economic Policy Institute: “The TCJA overwhelmingly benefited the rich and corporations while overlooking working families”

ProPublica: “In the first year after Trump signed the legislation, just 82 ultrawealthy households collectively walked away with more than $1 billion in total savings, an analysis of confidential tax records shows.”

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On Tax Day, DNC Launches Site for Billionaires, the Only Americans Who Would Benefit from MAGA Republicans’ Extreme MAGAnomics Tax Scam 

Digital ads to run in key battleground states, targeted to Americans searching for tax services

This Tax Day, the DNC is launching a digital ad buy in key battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — targeted to Google searches for tax day. The ads link to, a handy website showing how extreme MAGA Republicans’ tax “plan” would give tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations while scamming hardworking families. When voters in battleground states search “Tax Day,” they’ll be reminded that the extreme GOP’s MAGAnomics agenda is nothing but a scam. 

The Republican Study Committee, which claims nearly 80% of House Republicans and 100% of their leadership among its members, released its FY2025 budget which is chock-full of plans to rig the economy for the ultra-wealthy, raise taxes on the middle class, all while costing American taxpayers trillions — which has Trump and MAGA extremist groups’ full endorsement.  

“There’s no day like Tax Day to remind voters how Donald Trump and Republicans’ MAGAnomics agenda would gift tax breaks to their ultra-rich cronies and greedy corporations at middle class families’ expense,” said DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd. “While President Biden is lowering costs for hardworking families, Trump and MAGA Republicans’ tax plan is a boon for America’s 1% and a downright scam for everyone else — and voters will reject it once again in November.”

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NEW: Donald Trump Thinks Cruel Abortion Bans Across the Country Are “Working Very Brilliantly”

In response to Donald Trump once again bragging about reversing Roe v. Wade and saying cruel abortion bans across the country are “working very brilliantly,” DNC Spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement:

“Here’s what Donald Trump thinks is ‘working very brilliantly’: millions of women suffering under cruel bans that deny women lifesaving health care and rip away basic freedoms. Trump ‘proudly’ overturned Roe v. Wade, and now he’s proudly taking credit for the suffering of millions of women across America. The American people know Trump will stop at nothing to ban abortion nationwide, and can never be given the chance to do so in a second term.”

NEW: Donald Trump bragged AGAIN about ending Roe v. Wade and said extreme abortion bans that are denying women critical care across the country are “working brilliantly.”

Trump: “We broke Roe v. Wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. We gave it back to the states, and the states are working very brilliantly… But they’re working, and it’s working the way it’s supposed to.”

Trump is still demanding credit for overturning Roe v. Wade and paving the way for extreme abortion bans across the country.

Trump: “I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of… Roe v. Wade.”

Trump: “For 54 years they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it, and I’m proud to have done it… Nobody else was going to get that done but me, and we did it, and we did something that was a miracle.”

Trump: “Getting rid of Roe v. Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life because it gave pro-life something to negotiate with. Pro-life had absolutely nothing, being stuck in Roe v. Wade, to negotiate with… And look, everybody that was president wanted to get rid and tried to get rid of Roe v. Wade… For fifty years, this has been going on. I was able to do it, and I was very honored to do it.”

Trump: “After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to the ‘shock’ of everyone… Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing. Thank you President TRUMP!!!”

Trump: “I’m the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade, and everybody said that was an impossible thing to do. I put on three Supreme Court justices. Very few people have had that privilege or honor.”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Claims Credit for All Abortion Bans”

Business Insider: “Trump boasts he’s ‘proud’ about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, the issue that has become ballot-box poison for Republicans”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Says He’s ‘Proud’ to Have ‘Terminated’ Abortion Rights”

Trump campaign radio ad: “And Trump nominated conservative judges, leading to Roe v. Wade being overturned.”

FWIW: “This week, we found more evidence that the Trump campaign has no interest in ‘moderating’ on the issue of abortion. On Monday, his team began running new Facebook video ads targeting voters in Iowa, referring to Trump as ‘THE MOST Pro-Life President in history.’”

Trump has said loud and clear that he’d ban abortion nationwide if elected to a second term.

Associated Press: “Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Wants to Ban Abortion Nationwide: Report”

New York Times: “Trump Privately Expresses Support for a 16-Week Abortion Ban”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Floats National Abortion Ban After Claiming He’s ‘On the Side of Women’”

Trump: “There of course remains a vital role for the federal government in protecting unborn life. And it’s very important.” 

Trump on if he would sign a six-week national abortion ban: “I’m looking at all options.”

Trump: “We’ll pick something that’s going to be very, very good for pro-life… I’m going to be in there pushing.”

Trump also backed a national abortion ban during his first term and said that women should be punished for receiving abortion care.

The Hill: “The Trump administration formally backed a House bill Monday that would ban abortions after 20 weeks… It would make it a crime to perform or attempt an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with the possibility of a fine, up to five years in prison or both.”

Trump: “There has to be some form of punishment [for women who have abortions].”

Here are some of the Trump-enabled cruel abortion bans that have created a horrifying reality for women across the country:

Alabama: “Abortions became almost entirely illegal in Alabama on June 24. A 2019 state abortion ban took effect making it a felony to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy, with no exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest.”

Arizona: “Arizona court upholds state’s 1864 total abortion ban”

Arkansas: “Arkansas bans nearly all abortions after Roe v. Wade overturned”

Florida: “Florida’s new restrictions will chip away at the little abortion access left in the South”

Georgia: “Georgia abortion ban remains in effect after state Supreme Court ruling”

Kentucky: “Abortion is banned in almost all circumstances.”

Louisiana: “Louisiana abortion ban preserved after lawmakers kill bill to call public vote”

Missouri: “Republicans block attempt to add rape, incest exemptions to Missouri’s abortion ban”

North Carolina: “North Carolina’s abortion law may make traveling to end a pregnancy impossible for some in the South”

North Dakota: “North Dakota court keeps strict abortion ban in place even in cases of medical emergencies”

Oklahoma: “Abortion is banned in almost all circumstances.” 

South Carolina: “South Carolina’s new all-male highest court reverses course on abortion, upholding strict 6-week ban”

South Dakota: “Abortions now illegal in South Dakota following Supreme Court’s ruling”

Tennessee: “Amid uncertainty and anger, Tennessee’s abortion ban takes effect”

Texas: “Texas passes law banning abortion after six weeks”

Wisconsin: “Wisconsin Republicans approve bill banning abortions after 14 weeks of pregnancy”

North Dakota: “North Dakota governor signs law banning nearly all abortions”

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Michigan Democratic Party US Democratic Party

MAGA Malarkey: The Extremism You Missed From Republicans This Week

MAGA Republicans stooped to new lows this week with their extremism, hypocrisy, chaos, and — as President Biden would call it — malarkey. In case you missed it: Donald Trump bragged about being “proudly responsible” for every abortion ban across the country; Trump said states will decide if women and doctors are punished for performing abortions; women in Arizona are facing a near-total abortion ban from 160 years ago thanks to Trump; Trump’s campaign is understaffed and underfunded while Democrats are building a winning infrastructure going into November; Trump told his rich friends that he’ll give handouts to the ultra-wealthy; the RNC sent robocalls pushing the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen; RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump once again announced that the RNC will partner with election-denying conspiracy theorist Scott Presler, and a House Republican said his GOP clown show conference is too raucous for even “the lord Jesus himself” to manage.

Donald Trump lied about his agenda to ban abortion nationwide, bragged that he is “proudly responsible” for overturning Roe v. Wade, and endorsed every cruel abortion ban across the country.

Trump: “I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of … Roe v. Wade.”

Trump: “Many states will be different. Many [states] will have a different number of weeks, or some will [be] more conservative than others, and that’s what they will be.”

Vox: “But as he has repeatedly boasted since the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision, it was his judicial appointments that enabled the overturning of Roe v. Wade — and thus, the avalanche of abortion bans that followed its demise.”

NPR: “In his video, Trump claimed credit for the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, its 1973 decision that said women had a constitutional right to have an abortion.”

Associated Press: “Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy”

Trump: “After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade … Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing. Thank you President TRUMP!!!”

Trump: “I’m the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade, and everybody said that was an impossible thing to do. I put on three Supreme Court justices. Very few people have had that privilege or honor.”

Trump: “Getting rid of Roe v. Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life because it gave pro-life something to negotiate with. Pro-life had absolutely nothing, being stuck in Roe v. Wade, to negotiate with. … And look, everybody that was president wanted to get rid and tried to get rid of Roe v. Wade … For fifty years, this has been going on. I was able to do it, and I was very honored to do it.”

Trump — who said women who get an abortion should be punished —  paved the way for Arizona to uphold a 160-year-old abortion ban this week, which has no rape or incest exceptions and threatens doctors with jail time. 

CNN: “Arizona Supreme Court rules state must adhere to century-old law banning nearly all abortions”

Business Insider: “Arizona’s abortion ban from 1864 — which would jail doctors for years — reinstated”

Arizona Republic: “Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules”

“The Arizona Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a 160-year-old law that bans abortions and punishes doctors who provide them, saying the ban that existed before Arizona became a state can be enforced going forward.

“Enforcement of the ban could mean the end of legal abortions in Arizona, which reproductive rights activists warn means Arizona women can expect potential health complications.”

Arizona Republic: “Arizona abortion ban: GOP stifles attempt to repeal Civil War era 1864 law” 

“Chaos erupted in the Arizona House on Wednesday as Democrats attempted to repeal the 1864 near-total abortion ban, only to be thwarted by the Republican majority.

“The raucous event, unusual for the chamber, came a day after the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that Arizona’s Civil War-era abortion law stands and laid bare the raw feelings and political divisions swirling around the issue.”

Slate: “Arizona’s abortion ban is back. It’s every state’s future if Trump wins.”

Washington Post: “Trump says states should determine whether to punish doctors”

Washington Post: “Trump’s telling comment on Arizona abortion law and punishing doctors” 

“Asked whether doctors who provide abortions should be punished, Trump allowed that certain states could do that.

“Some red states also have laws on the books making it a crime punishable by years in prison to provide an abortion. The vast majority of the Senate GOP conference sponsored a law that imposes prison sentences of up to five years.”

Trump: “There has to be some form of punishment [for women who have an abortion].

With Lara Trump and Michael Whatley at the helm, robocalls are the RNC’s latest scam to push the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen.

CNN: “RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election”

“The Republican National Committee last week sent out a scripted call to voters’ phones on behalf of new co-chair Lara Trump saying Democrats committed ‘massive fraud’ in the 2020 election.

“It’s the latest example of how the RNC under the former president’s daughter-in-law is perpetuating lies about the 2020 election, even as prominent Republicans say the party needs to look forward to win in 2024.

“It comes amid previous CNN reporting about the RNC asking employees who are reapplying for their jobs whether they believe the 2020 election was stolen in an apparent litmus test for hiring. The RNC denied any such litmus test existed. Lara Trump and new chair Michael Whatley succeeded Drew McKissick and Ronna McDaniel, who had earned the ire of the former president because of his dissatisfaction with how the RNC handled claims of fraud around the 2020 election.”

While President Biden and Democrats are making major investments in key battleground states across the country, Trump and the RNC are struggling to build out his campaign.

NBC News: “Biden is building a behemoth of a campaign. Trump at this point seems to be playing catch-up.”

“Trump’s advisers would not disclose staffing levels, but his ground game still seems to be at a nascent stage. His campaign hired state directors in Pennsylvania and Michigan last week, people familiar with the recruitment process said.

“Combined, the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee have fewer than five staff members in each of the battleground states, said two Republicans familiar with the committee and the Trump campaign’s organizational structures in 2020 and 2024.

“At this point in 2020 — when Trump was running as the incumbent — the Trump Victory organization already had state directors, regional directors and field organizers on the ground in battleground states, testing field operations and activating volunteers, the two people said.

“‘This is like comparing a Maserati to a Honda — 2020 had staff and the bodies in place to turn out the vote,’ one said. ‘This current iteration is starting from ground zero, and we’re seven months out from the election. It makes no sense and puts them at a huge disadvantage to Biden, who is staffing up in droves.’”

Trump doubled down on his disastrous MAGAnomics agenda that left working families behind, telling his billionaire friends at a fundraiser that he’d give them more tax handouts. 

NBC News: “Trump tells billionaires he’ll keep their taxes low at $50 million fundraising gala”

CNN: “Trump tells wealthy donors he wants to extend his 2017 tax cuts. Here’s why they’d benefit the most”

“The speech outlined yet another divide between Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, and President Joe Biden, who is campaigning on raising taxes on the wealthy to fund his social and other priorities while protecting those who earn less than $400,000 a year from tax hikes. Biden’s campaign wasted little time attacking Trump for ‘promising tax giveaways to billionaire donors.’

“If they are extended, more than 60% of the benefits would go to those in the top 20% of income, according to the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research group.

More than 40% of the benefits would go to those in the top 5%.

“The wealthy have already been served well by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which also included multiple corporate tax changes.”

Lara Trump announced AGAIN that the RNC will partner with election-denying conspiracy theorist Scott Presler.

RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump: “Scott Presler is a grassroots hero. … I said I want Scott on our team. … We got together and we said, however we can legally partner, we’re going to legally partner, so the RNC and the Trump campaign are gonna be working side by side with Scott Presler and his organization to ensure that we are utilizing all of the power that we have together.”

NBC News: “[Presler] has a large online following and has helped spread a wide range of conspiracies, including about QAnon, in recent years. Presler was director for a group critical of Islam that organized ‘March Against Sharia’ protests and helped plan ‘stop the steal’ rallies ahead of Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.”

WCCO: “Presler, a Virginia native, planned several ‘stop the steal’ rallies in addition to being on the Capitol grounds the day of the insurrection. Presler also described the siege on the Capitol as ‘the largest civil rights protest in American history.’”

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: “The Trump rally was organized by Scott Presler, formerly a paid organizer for the Virginia Republican Party, and a speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference this year. He called for an audit of the election results.

“Attendees, including Presler, repeated false claims of voter fraud in Michigan, stemming from a typo in results from a small county, according to the New York Times. Presler could not cite any examples of voter fraud in Pennsylvania.

“‘Be assured, if I have to set up my own independent commission, I will be looking through votes to make sure there is no fraudulent, illegal activity,’ Presler said.”

Media Matters: “Media Matters previously documented that Presler promoted QAnon in dozens of instances on his Instagram account. Presler has also worked for the anti-Muslim group Act for America, which, The Associated Press wrote, ‘is identified by the Anti-Defamation League as the largest anti-Muslim group in America.’”

The House GOP’s clown show of a conference is so bad that Republican Troy Nehls said “the lord Jesus himself” wouldn’t be able to control it.

Jordain Carney, Politico: “Nehls: Johnson is in an ‘impossible’ position

‘The lord Jesus himself could not manage this conference.’”

Axios: “The 118th Congress is on track to be one of the most unproductive in modern history, with just a couple dozen laws on the books at the close of 2023, according to data from data analytics firm Quorum.

“It’s the product of not only divided partisan control of Washington, but infighting within the House Republican majority that has routinely ground legislative business to a halt.

“That includes the three-week period this fall in which Congress was paralyzed [by] Republican’s inability to find a replacement for ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)”

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In the News: DNC Billboards in Arizona Slam Trump’s Extreme Abortion Ban

In case you missed it, in the wake of the Arizona Supreme Court decision this week upholding an archaic 160-year-old abortion ban, the DNC placed billboards across Phoenix and Tempe pointing Arizonans to the truth – Donald Trump is responsible for this extreme abortion ban from 1864 with no exceptions for health, rape, or incest. News of the billboards rang out on local airwaves and papered both local and national outlets.  

Here’s what Americans are seeing on local and national news:

On Broadcast:

Good Morning America: “Democrats already putting up these billboards saying ‘Abortion is banned in Arizona thanks to Donald Trump. He won’t stop until it’s banned nationwide.’”

ABC World News Tonight:  “And tonight in this state, these billboards going up, ‘Abortion is banned in Arizona thanks to Donald Trump. He won’t stop until it’s [banned] nationwide.’”

KJZZ 91.5 – Phoenix, AZ: Democrats seize on abortion ruling for major Arizona advertising push

[By Katherine Davis-Young, 4/11/24]

“The Democratic National Committee is also posting billboards in English and Spanish along the I-17, Loop 202 and Loop 101 freeways around Phoenix.

“The signs say, ‘Abortion is banned in Arizona thanks to Donald Trump. He won’t stop until it’s banned nationwide.’”

In Print:

New York Times: Democrats Hammer a Simple Attack on Abortion: Donald Trump Did This

[By Lisa Lerer, Reid J. Epstein and Nicholas Nehamas, 4/11/24]

“Spanish-language signs erected in Phoenix and Tempe blamed Mr. Trump for the Arizona ban…”

CBS News: Biden campaign launching 7-figure ad buy on abortion in Arizona

[By Aaron Navarro, Kathryn Watson, 4/11/24]

“The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is also launching a billboard campaign across the Tempe and Phoenix metro areas, in both English and Spanish, looking to place blame on Trump for the state’s abortion ban.”

NBC News: Kamala Harris to visit Arizona just days after momentous abortion ruling

[By Megan Lebowitz, 4/11/24]

“Since the Arizona Supreme Court decision, the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee have highlighted Trump’s abortion politics in a series of new advertisements. On Thursday, the Biden campaign launched a seven-figure ad buy in Arizona about reproductive rights. The DNC also announced a new Arizona billboard campaign slamming Trump’s abortion position.

“‘Abortion is banned in Arizona thanks to Donald Trump,’ the billboard design says. ‘He won’t stop until it’s banned nationwide. #TrumpsAbortionBan.”

Arizona Republic: National Democrats hit Trump and Schweikert for backtracking on reproductive rights

[By Laura Gersony, 4/11/24]

“On Thursday, the Democratic National Committee will launch a billboard campaign in the Phoenix and Tempe areas alleging that Trump is responsible for Tuesday’s ruling.

“‘Abortion is banned in Arizona thanks to Donald Trump. He won’t stop until it’s banned nationwide,’ five billboards will read, some in English and others in Spanish.

“The Democrats’ congressional campaign arm is using a billboard campaign to target Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., an Arizona member of Congress seen as vulnerable this year.”

Washington Examiner: Biden campaign and DNC hammer Trump in Arizona over abortion

[By Mabinty Quarshie, 4/11/24]

“The Democratic National Committee followed suit on Thursday with English and Spanish billboards across the Phoenix and Tempe metro areas blaming Trump for the state Supreme Court ruling.

“The billboard says, ‘Abortion is banned in Arizona thanks to Donald Trump. He won’t stop until it’s banned nationwide.”’

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DNC Statement on Black Maternal Health Week

In observance of Black Maternal Health Week 2024, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie M. Rollins, and DNC Women’s Caucus Chair Lottie Shackelford released the following statement:

“Black women should not have to fight to receive quality care or live in fear for their lives before, during, or after their pregnancy. President Biden and Vice President Harris recognize the disparities Black mothers face and are tackling them head-on by securing historic investments in maternal health care. Since taking office, this administration has launched a Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis, encouraged states to expand postpartum coverage through Medicaid from 60 days to a year, and strengthened the Affordable Care Act, which requires insurers to cover pregnancy care, childbirth, and newborn care. 

“Meanwhile, Donald Trump was one vote away from repealing the Affordable Care Act; sabotaged Medicaid, which covers about 65 percent of births for Black mothers; and reduced access to reproductive health care for 2.5 million patients. Trump brags about being the catalyst that overturned Roe v. Wade — a decision that disproportionately affects Black women — and he’s already promising to go further in his second term. If Trump is reelected, he has plans that would make the Black maternal health crisis worse by gutting Medicaid, banning abortion nationwide with or without Congress’ approval, and killing the ACA – which would rip away health care coverage from over 3 million Black Americans. The stakes could not be higher this election — only one candidate is fighting to give Black mothers the dignity and care they deserve, and that’s President Joe Biden.”  

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President Biden and Vice President Harris Are Standing Up for LGBTQ+ Americans Against Trump’s Hateful and Extreme MAGA Agenda

DNC Director of Outreach Communications Tracy King released the following statement: 

“Since Day One, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have stood up against Donald Trump and his MAGA allies’ hateful attacks against the LGBTQ+ community while working to protect Americans’ basic rights. Unlike Trump, President Biden has fought to end discrimination against all Americans based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, and has made sure that LGBTQ+ people have a seat at the table in his administration. LGBTQ+ Americans know that while Trump and MAGA Republicans are still trying to rip health care away from members of their community; railing against the Equality Act, which would enact LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination protections; and attempting to erase trans people’s basic human rights protections, President Biden has their backs and will always make sure LGBTQ+ Americans can live out and proud.”

On his first day in office, President Biden signed an executive order to prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity

The Advocate: “On his first day in office, January 20, 2021, Biden signed an executive order assuring that the federal government will not engage in workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and that it is expected to stand against such discrimination in the private sector as well. The order builds on the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2020 decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which held that the federal law banning sex discrimination also applied to bias based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Donald Trump’s administration had largely ignored the ruling and had argued before the court for a different outcome.”

President Biden appointed a record number of LGBTQ+ people to serve in his administration.

The Hill: “As the Biden administration celebrates Pride Month, it boasts an array of officials in its ranks who represent historic firsts in their respective positions.

“White House officials frequently tout the diversity of President Biden’s administration, including that roughly 15 percent of all appointees identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer.

“[Pete] Buttigieg is the first openly gay Senate-confirmed Cabinet secretary in U.S. history and has served as Transportation secretary in the Biden administration since February 2021.

“When [Karine] Jean-Pierre stepped to the podium in the briefing room in May 2022 for her first briefing as press secretary, she acknowledged that she was breaking several barriers at once.

“‘I am a Black, gay, immigrant woman, the first of all three of those to hold this position. I would not be here today if it were not for generations of barrier-breaking people before me. I stand on their shoulders,’ Jean-Pierre said.”

“An Obama-administration veteran with ties to the Biden team, [Ben] LaBolt is the first openly gay White House communications director.

“[Rachel] Levine has served as an assistant secretary for health in the Department of Health and Human Services since 2021, the first openly transgender four-star officer in the public health corps or across the uniformed services of the military.

“[Ned] Price served as the State Department press secretary for roughly two years, becoming the first openly gay individual to do so.

“With her confirmation in December 2021, [Chantale] Wong became the first out lesbian and first LGBTQ person of color to be confirmed to the rank of ambassador.

“Wong serves as the Biden administration’s director of the Asian Development Bank. The Senate voted 66-31 in late 2021 to confirm her to the position.

“[Shawn] Skelly is the highest ranking openly transgender Pentagon official and the second transgender person to ever be confirmed by the Senate.

“Skelly was confirmed in July 2021 as assistant secretary of Defense for readiness. 

“In addition to the officials working throughout the Biden administration, there have been a slew of federal judges nominated and confirmed over the past two years that have broken barriers as LGBTQ jurists.

“Biden nominated the first two openly LGBTQ women ever to serve as federal circuit court judges in Beth Robinson of Vermont and Alison Nathan of New York, both of whom both serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.”

President Biden strengthened the ACA, which expanded zero-premium options and has protections for people with preexisting conditions like HIV/AIDS.

Vox: “To put it simply, the ACA was a ‘watershed moment in the [HIV] epidemic’s history,’ as the Kaiser Family Foundation’s director of global health and HIV policy, Jennifer Kates, told me in 2017. The law was designed to get more people access to health care, including those who were traditionally denied coverage because of ‘preexisting conditions’ like HIV, or who were driven out of the marketplace because their health care was unaffordable. And so under the law, the disease was no longer a barrier to health insurance.” “Under the Affordable Care Act, PrEP is free under almost all health insurance plans. PrEP is a preventive service and should be covered without charging you a co-payment or co-insurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible. That means you can’t be charged for your PrEP medication, the clinic visits to see your health care provider, and lab tests you need to get and maintain your prescription. There are no out-of-pocket costs for you.” “The ACA also authorized an optional Medicaid State Plan benefit for states to establish Health Homes to coordinate care for Medicaid beneficiaries with certain chronic health conditions. HIV/AIDS is one of the chronic health conditions that states may request approval to cover.”

Reuters: “The Biden administration on Monday finalized a deal to preserve the federal mandate requiring U.S. health insurers to cover preventive care like cancer screenings and HIV-preventing medication at no extra cost to patients while a legal challenge continues.”

Assistant Secretary For Planning and Evaluation: “The American Rescue Plan (ARP) increased the generosity of premium subsidies available in the Marketplace. In addition to the ACA improving rates of healthcare coverage for the LGBTQ+ community, the ARP extends and expands Marketplace subsidies, which will enable many Americans including LGBTQ+ individuals to access more affordable coverage.” 

“Based on the survey estimates above, if that same share (79 percent) of LGB+ enrollees in Marketplace coverage have a zero‐premium option under the ARP, this would total roughly 210,000† LGB+ Marketplace enrollees having access to a zero‐premium plan.”

Trump’s DOJ went out of its way to argue against sex discrimination protections.

New York Times: “Justice Department Says Rights Law Doesn’t Protect Gays” 

“The Justice Department has filed court papers arguing that a major federal civil rights law does not protect employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation, taking a stand against a decision reached under President Barack Obama.

“Against that backdrop, the Trump Justice Department’s decision to file the brief strongly declaring that sex discrimination does not encompass bias based only on sexual orientation was a striking shift in tone.”

Trump banned transgender people from the military through a series of tweets that surprised even his most senior military leaders.

New York Times: “Trump Says Transgender People Will Not Be Allowed in the Military” 

“President Trump abruptly announced a ban on transgender people serving in the military on Wednesday, blindsiding his defense secretary and Republican congressional leaders with a snap decision that reversed a year-old policy reviled by social conservatives.

“Mr. Trump made the declaration on Twitter, saying that American forces could not afford the ‘tremendous medical costs and disruption’ of transgender service members. He said he had consulted generals and military experts, but Jim Mattis, the defense secretary, was given only a day’s notice about the decision.”

The Trump administration wanted to erase trans people by removing the word “gender” from human rights documents.

The Guardian: “Trump administration wants to remove ‘gender’ from UN human rights documents” 

“US officials at the United Nations are seeking to eliminate the word ‘gender’ from UN human rights documents, most often replacing it with ‘woman’, apparently as part of the Trump administration’s campaign to define transgender people out of existence.”

Trump said he was “against” gay marriage because he just doesn’t “feel good about it.” 

O’REILLY: “All right. Gay marriage, favor it?” 

TRUMP: “I’m against it.”

O’REILLY: “Why?” 

TRUMP: “I just don’t feel good about it. I don’t feel right about it. I’m against it and I take a lot of heat because I come from New York. You know, for New York it’s like, how can you be against gay marriage? But I’m opposed to gay marriage.” 

The Trump administration tried to rip away health care from LGBTQ+ patients.

Politico: “The Trump administration today proposed to scrap an Obama-era policy that prohibited health care providers from discriminating against transgender patients, in its latest rollback of federal protections for transgender people.

“The health department’s proposed rule, a rewrite of an Obamacare regulation that bars health care discrimination based on sex, would also strike down protections for LGBTQ patients.”

Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development urged shelters to reject LGBTQ+ people from accessing their resources.

Politico: “The Department of Housing and Urban Development is moving to roll back protections for homeless transgender people by enabling HUD-funded providers of shelters to consider a person’s sex or gender identification in determining whether they can be admitted.

“It would turn back requirements under an Obama-era rule that operators of single-sex shelters who receive HUD funding ‘provide equal access to programs, benefits, services, and accommodations in accordance with an individual’s gender identity.’”

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