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WHAT THEY’RE SAYING: Biden Knocks Policy-Focused Press Conference Out of the Park

During his first press conference, President Biden clearly demonstrated his command of the issues and priorities for supporting working families across the country, and outlined the work he is doing to make that a reality.

See below for initial reactions to President Biden’s press conference:

NBC News’ Jonathan Allen: “Biden is knocking this out of the park so far.”

NBC News’ Benjy Sarlin: “Press conference so far seems to follow the Biden formula of making little personal news while doing a whole ton of policy”

Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “long, fact-filled answered on need to invest at home to compete with China”

Ben Rhodes: “Biden has clear priorities, a pragmatic focus on getting things done, and a well earned exasperation with where politics and some political media trivialize issues that impact people.”

Bakari Sellers: “I think Republicans thought Biden was going to trip and fall at the press conference. It’s so normal it’s refreshing. It’s wild, we don’t have to track the sheer volume of lies.”

Kurt Bardella: “You know what’s great, having a @potus who won’t insult any reporter, won’t declare the free press the “enemy of the people,” who won’t use the Oval Office to dismantle democratic institutions and norms. #bidenpressconference”

David Axelrod: “The @POTUS navigated his presser well, keeping focus on his priorities, touting progress on the virus and recovery, and generally avoiding making big news on other subjects.”

Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson: “Just objectively, President Biden’s press conference buried the right-wing narrative that he is somehow not in command of the issues or up to the job. But colleagues, why not a single question about the pandemic, which is (still) kind of a big deal?”

Lawrence O’Donnell: “No previous president discussing immigration problems has ever told the story of an ancestor’s dangerous trip to the USA as an immigrant until Joe Biden just mentioned his great grandfather’s passage from Ireland.”

David Rothkopf: “I’m going to give Biden an A for that press conference.  Excellent job. He was prepared, knowledgeable, nuanced, humane, strong, solution-oriented, accessible, warm and smart.”

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As Biden Delivers on Promises, Labor Market on the Path to Recovery

President Biden is delivering on his promises to get vaccines in people’s arms and money in people’s pockets. And while the country still has a long way to go to fully recover from the economic impact of the coronavirus, with President Biden’s leadership in combating the pandemic, our economy is showing signs it’s heading in the right direction.

The economy is headed in the right direction as U.S. jobless claims have dropped to the lowest number since the coronavirus pandemic began a year ago.

Associated Press: “The number of people seeking unemployment benefits fell sharply last week to 684,000, the fewest since the pandemic erupted a year ago and a sign that the economy is improving. Thursday’s report from the Labor Department showed that jobless claims fell from 781,000 the week before. It is the first time that weekly applications for jobless aid have fallen below 700,000 since mid-March of last year. Before the pandemic tore through the economy, applications had never topped that level.”

Last week, President Biden delivered on a major promise weeks ahead of schedule when he announced over 100 million vaccine shots had been administered.

Yahoo News: “Biden had promised to hit the mark on his 100th day in office, at the end of April, but with about 2.5 million people being vaccinated daily — up from about 900,000 daily doses during the last week of the Trump presidency — he will be able to fulfill that promise 42 days early.”

This week, President Biden fulfilled another promise when he announced that 100 million Americans received their stimulus checks. 

Reuters: “The Biden administration will have distributed 100 million relief checks by Wednesday as part of a $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, President Joe Biden said on Tuesday. The U.S. Treasury on Monday said it had issued the latest round of economic impact payments, with many being mailed in the form of paper checks and debit cards. They will have an official pay date of Wednesday.”

Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, thousands of jobs have been protected and countless small businesses got the support they needed to keep their doors open. 

CNN’s Pete Muntean: “American Airlines is telling 13,000 workers who received notices of April 1 furloughs ‘you can tear them up!’ House passage of $1.9 trillion stimulus bill extends airline Payroll Support Program once again.”

Washington Post: “Two airline giants said that they would cancel tens of thousands of planned layoffs because of aid earmarked for them in the $1.9 trillion stimulus measure passed by Congress this week, an early sign of job losses averted by the landmark package.”

MSNBC: “The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority was also moving forward with plans to cut roughly 2,400 positions, and it now won’t have to.”

Washington Post: “For the [Independent Restaurant Coalition], which formed as the pandemic was just sinking its teeth into the American economy, the vote capped a grueling, year-long effort to seek direct grants for a hospitality industry that in the past 12 months has shed 2 million jobs, lost an estimated $240 billion in revenue and seen 110,000 establishments close. ‘The cheers went up’ when the Senate passed the bill, said Colicchio, the chef, restaurateur and founder of Crafted Hospitality, a restaurant group based in New York City. ‘There are so many independent restaurants that are going to get a lifeline and stay open, and that will be great for the economy, for employment.’”

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Republican Efforts to Restrict Voting Continue with More Lies and Disinformation

Even after being criticized for citing disproven claims of voter fraud by Trump, Republicans have continued with their efforts to limit the right of millions of Americans to vote in a brazen attempt to remain in power. No matter what reasoning Republicans give, these efforts are not aimed at securing our elections, they’re meant to limit the number of Americans who can vote — and prevent voters from holding them accountable for opposing popular policies like President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

After claims of widespread voter fraud were roundly discredited, Republicans have doubled down on their strategy to disenfranchise millions of voters as an electoral strategy. 

Axios: “Senate Republicans’ main campaign arm will unveil a seven-figure ad campaign in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and New Hampshire targeting Democrats’ effort to expand voting, Axios has learned.”

Vanity Fair: “Speaking out against the bill, which passed the House earlier this month, McConnell said Democrats were putting forth a ‘solution in search of a problem’—and implied that he was simply shocked that his party would be accused of trying to disenfranchise voters. ‘States,’ he said, ‘are not engaging in trying to suppress voters, whatsoever.’ […] That denial, of course, doesn’t settle the matter any more than a kid covered in crumbs denying he raided the cookie jar would; Republicans have long seen limiting voter participation as a key electoral strategy, but under Trump they have been even more brazen about it.”

The Guardian: “But others have shown that their motivation is anti-democratic. Trump dismissed proposals to make it easier to vote last year by saying: ‘You’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.’ And this month, Michael Carvin, a lawyer representing the Arizona Republican party, said something similar when Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked him what interest the party had in defending two Arizona voting restrictions. Lifting those restrictions, Carvin said, ‘puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats. Politics is a zero-sum game.’”

Republicans have blatantly pushed to restrict Sunday voting, which Black and Brown voters often rely on to cast their ballots. 

Daily Beast: “Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) has defended a Republican effort to restrict voting on Sundays—a move critics say would suppress voting in minority communities—by invoking the Bible to argue the Sabbath should be free of political activity to ‘keep it holy.’ […] But that’s one part of the Bible that Hyde-Smith didn’t apply to her own electioneering. In 2018, as she campaigned for her Senate seat in a hotly contested runoff, then-candidate Hyde-Smith hosted back-to-back events in Columbus and Meridian, Mississippi, according to videos obtained by The Daily Beast.”

MSNBC: “In Georgia, for example, where Republican officials at the state level continue to explore ways to make it more difficult to vote, legislators recently considered a measure that would prohibit early voting on Sundays. As part of the U.S. Senate’s debate over the Democrats’ ‘For the People Act,’ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) yesterday condemned the thinly veiled proposal. ‘Why did the Georgia legislature only pick Sundays to say there should be no early voting on Sunday?’ Schumer asked. ‘We know why. It’s because that’s the day African Americans vote in the ‘Souls to the Polls’ operation where they go from church to vote. It’s despicable.’”

Republicans, citing debunked claims of widespread voter fraud, have continued their efforts in states across the country.

The Detroit News: “Michigan Senate Republicans unveiled 39 wide-ranging bills Wednesday to alter state election laws, targeting areas like absentee ballots and voter qualifications that were the focus of former President Donald Trump’s campaign to overturn his 2020 defeat. The proposals debuted 141 days after the Nov. 3 election, which prompted Trump’s supporters to make unproven and false claims of fraud. The GOP incumbent lost Michigan by 3 percentage points or 154,000 votes, but the effort among some Republicans to discredit the outcome continues.”

Daily Beast (Opinion): In a one-two punch of authoritarian maneuvering shocking in both its scope and its severity, Republicans are fighting to hollow out the right to vote for millions of Black and brown Georgians. And what they can’t take away in the state Senate, the GOP plans to gut with a new Trump-aligned secretary of state.

These efforts disproportionately impact voters of color and threaten to weaken American democracy.  

The Guardian: “But Republicans in the state legislature are capitalizing on the uncertainty driven by Trump’s false allegations and using it to justify aggressive new restrictions on the right to vote. One measure would allow for any citizen to bring unlimited challenges against another voter’s qualification, a procedure that has been used to target Black voters in the past in the state. And even though there was no evidence of absentee ballot fraud, Republicans have lined up behind a proposal that would impose additional ID document requirements on voters who cast a mail-in ballot, creating a new hurdle for the poor, minorities and the elderly who face significant challenges in obtaining ID.”

CNN: “With their drive to erect new obstacles to voting, particularly across the Sun Belt, Republicans are stacking sandbags against a rising tide of demographic change. […] Many analysts agree that the restrictions on voting proliferating in such states — and the prospect that many of them will also impose severe partisan gerrymanders before the 2022 elections — represent a race-against-time effort by Republicans to entrench their political advantage before it is eroded, or washed away entirely, by that approaching surge of demographic change.”

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President Biden Delivering Solutions to Migration Issues After Trump Officials Sat on Their Hands

In one day, President Joe Biden showed that he is committed to proposing real  solutions to address a broken immigration system, while congressional Republicans only want to play politics. Yesterday, he announced he will restore $700 million in aid for countries in the Northern Triangle, and that he has appointed Vice President Harris to lead efforts to address migration.

This comes on the heels of new reporting from NBC highlighting how Trump administration officials “were sitting on their hands” and refused to heed calls from Biden transition officials to increase capacity for child migrants.

As a reminder, here are the facts about what’s happening on the border.

THE TRUTH: There is no migrant “surge” due to Biden administration policies.

Washington Post: “We analyzed monthly CBP data from 2012 to now and found no crisis or surge that can be attributed to Biden administration policies. Rather, the current increase in apprehensions fits a predictable pattern of seasonal changes in undocumented immigration combined with a backlog of demand because of 2020’s coronavirus border closure.”

Washington Post: “In other words, in fiscal year 2021, it appears that migrants are continuing to enter the United States in the same numbers as in fiscal year 2019 — plus the pent-up demand from people who would have come in fiscal year 2020, but for the pandemic.”

THE TRUTH: President Biden is working to repair the damage Trump caused to our immigration system.

CNN: “‘I can say quite clearly: Don’t come,’ Biden told ABC in an interview aired on Tuesday. The President continued: ‘We’re in the process of getting set up, don’t leave your town or city or community.’”

Council on Foreign Relations: “Still, the administration has inherited a migration system in crisis. The institutional capacity of immigration courts and other parts of the bureaucracy to humanely manage caseloads has eroded. It will take time and money to clear the backload of more than 1.2 million pending immigration cases and put back into place working asylum processes. The pandemic has made managing these flows and the containment of people all the harder.”

Greg Sargent of the Washington Post: “Trumpists will claim this supposed Biden permissiveness is drawing more migrants relative to last year to make the trek. But Wendy Young, the president of Kids in Need of Defense, told me it’s far more complex than this.  Migration was suppressed last year during the pandemic, and arrivals are now rising due to many factors in Central America.”

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Republicans Lie About Immigration

Senate Republicans plan to use the Senate floor today for nothing more than a political stunt. Americans overwhelmingly support President Biden and approve of his response to COVID. Meanwhile, Republicans are desperately trying to mislead the country.

“Republicans have no shame. Trump spent the last four years breaking our immigration system. Instead of trying to score political points, Republicans should work with President Biden and Democrats to find solutions.” – DNC spokesperson Eduardo Silva

THE TRUTH: There is no migrant “surge” due to Biden administration policies

Washington Post: “We analyzed monthly CBP data from 2012 to now and found no crisis or surge that can be attributed to Biden administration policies. Rather, the current increase in apprehensions fits a predictable pattern of seasonal changes in undocumented immigration combined with a backlog of demand because of 2020’s coronavirus border closure.”

Washington Post: “In other words, in fiscal year 2021, it appears that migrants are continuing to enter the United States in the same numbers as in fiscal year 2019 — plus the pent-up demand from people who would have come in fiscal year 2020, but for the pandemic.”

THE TRUTH: President Biden is working to repair the damage Trump caused to our immigration system.

Washington Post: “We analyzed monthly CBP data from 2012 to now and found no crisis or surge that can be attributed to Biden administration policies.”

CNN: “‘I can say quite clearly: Don’t come,’ Biden told ABC in an interview aired on Tuesday. The President continued: ‘We’re in the process of getting set up, don’t leave your town or city or community.’”

Council on Foreign Relations: “Still, the administration has inherited a migration system in crisis. The institutional capacity of immigration courts and other parts of the bureaucracy to humanely manage caseloads has eroded. It will take time and money to clear the backload of more than 1.2 million pending immigration cases and put back into place working asylum processes. The pandemic has made managing these flows and the containment of people all the harder.”

Greg Sargent of the Washington Post: “Trumpists will claim this supposed Biden permissiveness is drawing more migrants relative to last year to make the trek. But Wendy Young, the president of Kids in Need of Defense, told me it’s far more complex than this.  Migration was suppressed last year during the pandemic, and arrivals are now rising due to many factors in Central America.”

THE TRUTH: For the past year, the border has been restricted due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Washington Post: “But many of those who live along the border in Texas say that while there has been a dramatic increase in the number of migrants caught crossing illegally, the border itself has been heavily restricted for nearly a year because of the coronavirus pandemic.”

THE TRUTH: The Biden administration has been requiring COVID tests and working to protect the American public. 

Houston Chronicle: “A negative coronavirus test is required by the federal government before entry to the U.S. While U.S. Customs and Border Protection conducts screenings, ‘suspected COVID-19 cases are referred to local health systems for appropriate testing, diagnosis, and treatment,’ the agency said in a statement.”

CNN: “Texas Gov. Abbott Stalled Federal Offer To Test Migrants Then Blamed Them For Spreading Covid.”

Austin American-Statesman: “Gov. Greg Abbott ends statewide mask mandate, moves to ‘open Texas 100%’ — actions at odds with health experts, federal officials”

THE TRUTH: Many of the migrant children at the border came during the Trump administration.

Jennifer Podkul, Vice President of Kids in Need of Defense: “[T]hese aren’t brand new cases of people setting out for the U.S…. These are kids who’ve been waiting at the border, in some cases for more than a year.”

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DNC on Equal Pay Day

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Women’s Caucus Chair Lottie Shackelford issued the following joint statement on Equal Pay Day:

“It is unacceptable that to this day, women across the country still earn less than men for doing equal work. Equal pay is an issue that impacts us all – our economy cannot be at its strongest when women do not earn what they deserve. Today we acknowledge the hard truth of the pay disparities women in America face, and recommit ourselves to bringing them to an end.

“Though we have come a long way in closing the pay gap, these inequalities still exist, and continue to disproportionately impact women of color across the country, who will mark Equal Pay Day even later this year. As we navigate the road to recovery from the pandemic, which has had a significant economic impact on women and their careers, it’s clear the time is now to redouble our efforts to close the wage gap.

“The Democratic Party is proud to have long championed equal pay for equal work and, under the leadership of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats, we will continue this important fight for equality.”

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DNC on 100 Million Americans Receiving Direct Checks Via The American Rescue Plan

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement on the news that more than 100 million Americans have received their stimulus checks:

“Earlier this month, President Biden made a bold promise to the American people: he would administer 100 million vaccines and put checks in the pockets of 100 million Americans. As of today, President Biden has accomplished both. As a result of this massive accomplishment, all across the country, families are waking up with as much as $1,400 per person to help them put food on the table, keep the lights on, catch up on household payments, and so much more.

“The coronavirus pandemic still isn’t over, and American families are still working to recover, but thanks to the leadership of President Biden and the hard work of Democrats, Americans are receiving an unprecedented level of relief to help them get through this.

“And it happened because President Biden listened to what the American people wanted and needed, and worked closely with Democrats to make it a reality. That wasn’t the case with Republicans, who instead chose to play political games instead of delivering on the aid their own constituents needed. So while families know that help is here, they also know who to thank for it — President Biden and Democrats.”

Americans across the country have said getting their stimulus checks will help them a lot. 

Unemployed cancer survivor: “I just immediately got online and paid every bill I had and got caught up for the first time in months.”

Unemployed Arizona mother: “I desperately, desperately need this help…I’m almost in tears already. I just wanna, I just wanna feel relaxed.”

Unemployed Nevada resident: “Yeah, that check’s gonna help a lot.”

Ohio small business owner: “The past year was a big struggle, so any help is great help. So, this will go a long, long way.”

Florida small business owner: “I’m so happy they’re doing this again. I’m very thankful for the government when they step up to the plate and we can get the help.”

Arizona residents: “President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan on March 11, which will go a long way to helping defeat the pandemic once and for all.”

Arkansas resident: “It has kept a roof over my head and kept my lights on.”

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MEMO: Recent Polling


TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Democratic National Committee

DATE: March 23, 2021

RE: Recent Polling

It’s been just two months since Inauguration Day and Joe Biden’s approval ratings are at levels unseen since the earliest days of the Obama presidency, Americans are feeling better about the direction of the country and a broad, bipartisan coalition of Americans is uniting behind his agenda.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans have committed to an uneven and tone deaf campaign to distract voters from their staunch opposition to coronavirus relief. But at the end of the day, Americans recognize Republicans tried to block millions of dollars for critical help. See below for key points on Americans uniting behind President Biden’s agenda:

President Biden has the highest presidential approval rating in 12 years.

  • President Biden’s approval rating is above 55% in the FiveThirtyEight average – the highest rating since the first six months of the Obama presidency.

  • An American Research Group poll shows President Biden at 60% approval in March, the highest since President Obama in May 2009.

  • His current approval rating is more than 10 points higher than Donald Trump’s highest marks.

  • Biden’s 56% approval average so far in Gallup polling remains above the 53% historical average for presidents.

Americans have grown significantly more optimistic about the direction of the country since President Biden took office.

  • On the eve of President Biden’s inauguration, 21% of Americans said the country was headed in the right direction while 70% said the U.S. was on the wrong track, according to the RealClearPolitics average.

  • Now, twice as many Americans, roughly 43%, say the country is headed in the right direction and only 52% say we’re on the wrong track.

Two-thirds of voters give President Biden high marks for his handling of coronavirus.

  • In Gallup polling last month, 67% of voters approved of President Biden’s handling of the pandemic, including 34% of Republicans and 66% of independents.

  • 65% of voters in a Pew Research poll said they had confidence in President Biden to handle the outbreak.

  • A poll from Reuters/Ipsos found that 65% of Americans approve of President Biden’s COVID response, including 39% of Republicans and 54% of independents

  • And an American Research Group poll found 64% approve of President Biden’s COVID response.

A majority of Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of key issues.

  • In the Reuters/Ipsos weekly tracking poll, 52% approve of President Biden’s handling of both the economy and employment/jobs.

  • In the same poll, 51% also approve of the president’s handling of racial inequality, unifying the country, and the environment.

  • In a February’s Gallup poll, majorities approved of President Biden’s handling of foreign affairs (56%) and the economy (54%).

  • In a Pew Research poll conducted earlier this month, majorities of Americans have confidence in President Biden to handle the COVID outbreak (65%), make decisions about foreign policy (56%) and economic policy (56%), and effectively handle issues around race (55%) and criminal justice (53%).

Voters are optimistic about the impact he will have on their lives. 

  • In an American Research Group poll, 59% of Americans now say they expect the economy to be better a year from now, up from 42% who said so in January. 62% of voters approve of Joe Biden’s handling of the economy.

  • In a Pew Research poll conducted the first week of March, a majority (53%) of Americans said they had confidence in President Biden to make wise decisions about immigration policy, including 15% of Republicans and 85% of Democrats.

  • A Morning Consult poll last month found about 3 in 4 voters supported the key provisions of the White House-backed immigration reform plan, and 60% support for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

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DNC Unveils New Times Square Billboard Touting President Biden’s Accomplishments

Over the weekend, the Democratic National Committee unveiled a new billboard in Times Square highlighting how President Biden has delivered on two of his key promises: administering 100 million vaccine doses ahead of schedule, and getting direct payments to working people through the American Rescue Plan.

The billboard is part of a series of billboards in battleground states making clear to voters help is here — thanks to President Biden’s leadership and the work of Democrats.

On her MSNBC show Monday night, Rachel Maddow said of the billboards: “Right now, this is up in Times Square, in the middle of New York City. A moving billboard the size of a building. It says ‘help is here, thank you Joe Biden and Democrats. Help is here, 100 million shots, 100 million checks. Help is here.’ This is running 24 hours a day in Times Square right now. I’ve never seen anything quite like this, particularly from the Democrats. Maybe this means Democrats are finally not shy anymore about stuff they get done in government. This might help people give them credit for what they do in government. It might also embarrass Republicans who try to take credit for these provisions even after voting against the COVID relief bill. We shall see.”


In the last week, the DNC has put up billboards in Florida, Georgia, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Iowa, and South Carolina, deployed a website takeover in Pennsylvania, and aired a new ad in battleground states and cable television in Washington, D.C. And in the coming days, the DNC will continue deploying additional billboards as well as television and digital ads in battleground states.

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DNC on the 11th Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement on the 11th anniversary of President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act into law:

“Eleven years ago today, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law and made the most significant improvement to our health care system in 50 years, helping millions of Americans access the health care they need. Over the course of the last year, as the country has grappled with the profound effects of COVID-19, we have all felt even more deeply the importance of everyone having access to quality, affordable health care. The Affordable Care Act solidified protections for folks with preexisting conditions and the millions of Americans with disabilities who often previously faced obstacles from insurance companies. It made it possible for young people to remain on their parents’ plans until they’re 26 and for states to expand Medicaid, it ended lifetime caps on the essential care a person can receive, and so much more.

“Now, President Biden is building upon the success of the Affordable Care Act and enacting the largest expansion of health care coverage since its passage through the American Rescue Plan, a remarkable feat after years of Republican obstruction and political games. The American Rescue Plan significantly reduces health insurance premiums for millions of American families who could not afford it under the original law. If there’s one thing that’s been made clear to the American people over the last eleven years, it’s that Democrats are fighting every day to protect and improve their health care – and we’ll continue electing Democrats across the country with that mission in mind.”


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