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IN THE STATES: Local Media Highlights Need for American Jobs Plan Across the Country

DNC billboards reminding Americans that “help is here” thanks to President Biden and Democrats continue to get attention

This week, local media across the country highlighted the need for the American Jobs Plan — the once-in-a-century and overwhelmingly popular investment in America that not only meets our current infrastructure needs, like rebuilding crumbling roads and bridges and making sure every American has access to broadband and clean water, but also invests in research and development, so that we can make 21st century products in the U.S. and sell them around the world. Meanwhile, the DNC’s “Help is Here” billboard campaign continues to attract attention as it reminds voters that Democrats are delivering relief, no thanks to a single Republican.

Here’s a look at what voters in states across the country were reading — and seeing — this week:

Local media continued to highlight the DNC’s billboard campaign, which reminds Americans that help is here thanks to President Biden and Democrats, who delivered needed relief to working families through the American Rescue Plan.

In Oregon:

Portland Tribune: Democrats praise Oregon senators, Biden bucks on billboards

By Zane Sparling

April 14, 2021

The nation’s top Democrats have an all-caps message for Oregon motorists: Help — and more importantly, cash — is on the way.

The Democratic National Committee is spreading that message with a new posting on a billboard near Exit 16 in Wood Village alongside Interstate 84.

“HELP IS HERE. $1,400 CHECKS. $$$ TO REOPEN SCHOOLS. $$$ FOR VACCINES,” the billboard proclaims.

Across the country, local media and state Democratic parties highlighted the critical need to pass the American Jobs Plan and how it would benefit their state’s infrastructure and economy.

In Arizona:

Cronkite News: Biden cites infrastructure needs in Arizona, other states, to push plan

By Haleigh Kochanski

April 12, 2021

In Florida:


CBS 4 Miami: A Look At The Infrastructure Needs President Biden’s American Jobs Plan Would Address In Florida

By Team

April 12, 2021

Florida Phoenix: Biden administration previews what its American Jobs Act would mean for FL: more than roads and bridges

By Michael Moline

April 12, 2021

Orlando Sentinel: Biden spending plan for Florida: bridges, trains, veterans, broadband, healthcare and more

By Kevin Spear
April 12, 2021

In Georgia: 

WSAV: Biden administration: Georgia bridges and roads need repair, bill promises funding

By JoAnn Merrigan

April 12, 2021

In Indiana:

WTHR: Here’s where the money will go in Indiana if Biden’s ‘American Jobs Plan’ passes

By staff, The Associated Press

April 12, 2021

In New Hampshire:

In North Carolina:

North Carolina Democratic Party: NCDP Chair Statement On President Biden’s American Jobs Plan

Spectrum News: Broadband, bridges and buses: What’s in the Biden administration’s infrastructure plan for N.C.?

By Charles Duncan

April 12, 2021

ABC11: Administration lays out proposals specific to NC, as Biden pushes infrastructure plan

By Jonah Kaplan

April 12, 2021

NC Policy Watch: Biden administration spells out exactly what the American Jobs Plan would mean for NC

By Rob Schofield

April 12, 2021

In Ohio:

Spectrum News: Biden looks to invest billions into Ohio’s infrastructure under American Jobs Plan

By Lydia Taylor

April 12, 2021

WTOL: Ohio infrastructure receives grade of C- on federal Infrastructure Report Card

By WTOL Newsroom

April 12, 2021

In Pennsylvania:


WPXI: Here’s how President Biden’s infrastructure plan would impact Pennsylvania

By News Staff

April 12, 2021

The Morning Call: Pennsylvania earned a C- on its infrastructure report card, with White House noting a ‘systemic lack of investment’ in the commonwealth

By Stephanie Sigafoos

April 13, 2021

In Wisconsin:

Patch: Biden’s American Jobs Plan Highlights Wisconsin’s Needs

By Feroze Dhanoa

April 12, 2021

WMTV: Wisconsin infrastructure has plenty of room to improve, White House finds

By Nick Viviani

April 12, 2021


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POLLS ON POLLS: Americans Really Want Infrastructure – and To Make Corporations Pay for It

Today is another big day for more confirmation that Americans absolutely love President Biden’s American Jobs Plan, and they support his plan to make large corporations pay for it. 

Good luck to congressional Republicans.

Congressional Republicans are desperate to protect the disastrously low corporate tax rates they gifted corporations in 2017. Unfortunately for them, Americans from both sides of the aisle support raising that rate to help fund President Biden’s infrastructure plan.

Daily Kos: “Majority support raising corp tax rate to help fund Biden infrastructure plan”

Navigator Research: “3 in 4 Americans support raising the corporate tax rate, raising taxes on the wealthy, or both to pay for infrastructure upgrades.”

New York Times: “‘A pretty good majority of people think that corporations and also rich people don’t pay their fair share,’ he said. The polling helps to underscore the emerging political challenge for Republicans, who have roundly praised infrastructure spending in the abstract but opposed the scope of Mr. Biden’s proposal and the tax increases that would fund it.”

Congressional Republicans want you to believe that infrastructure only means roads and bridges – except Americans believe, and support, much more than that.

Navigator Research: “Navigator tested 11 different components of the ‘American Jobs Plan’ and found overwhelming support for every single one. Just a few…

  • Fixing roads & bridges: 88%
  • Preventing lead in drinking water: 83%
  • Future-proofing against pandemics: 81%
  • Modernizing schools: 77%”

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HELP IS HERE: Jobless Claims Hit New COVID-Low, Retail Sales Crush Expectations

Thanks to the leadership of President Biden and Democrats, and no thanks to a single congressional Republican, the economy is coming back, and more Americans are getting jobs back and spending their stimulus checks, helping to boost small businesses.

After a blowout jobs report last month, jobless claims hit their lowest level since the pandemic started last March.

Associated Press: “The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits tumbled last week to 576,000, a post-COVID low and a hopeful sign that layoffs are easing as the economy recovers from the pandemic recession. The Labor Department said Thursday that applications plummeted by 193,000 from a revised 769,000 a week earlier. Jobless claims are now down sharply from a peak of 900,000 in early January.”

And thanks to the over 156 million stimulus checks distributed across the country, retail sales surpassed expectations.

Associated Press: “Newly vaccinated and armed with $1,400 stimulus checks, Americans went on a spending spree last month, buying new clothes and going out to eat again. Retail sales surged a seasonally adjusted 9.8% after dropping about 3% the month before, the Commerce Department said Thursday. The rise in March was much better than the 5.5% increase Wall Street analysts had expected. Thursday’s report, which covers about a third of overall consumer spending, is the latest sign that the economy is improving as vaccinations accelerate, business restrictions are relaxed and more people are willing to head out to shop or eat. Employers, for example, added 916,000 jobs last month, the most since August. And U.S. consumer confidence surged in March to the highest level in a year.”

As more Americans feel the impact of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan with more vaccines and checks in their pockets, their support only grows stronger.

Monmouth: “Just over 6 in 10 (63%) Americans support the $1.9 trillion Covid stimulus package enacted last month, while 34% oppose it. These overall numbers are similar to when the bill was being considered by Congress last month (62% support and 34% oppose), but strong support for the package has ticked up to 43% from 35% in March.”

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BREAKING: Republicans’ Arguments Against Infrastructure Collapse Around Them

A new Quinnipiac poll confirms that Republican arguments against the American Jobs Plan are not resonating with the American public. Americans support Biden’s plan and are actually more likely to support it when they find out it will be paid for by increasing taxes on corporations. 

After hearing the American Jobs Plan is financed by taxing corporations, dozens of which paid nothing in federal income taxes last year, MORE Americans support it.

Quinnipiac: “A plurality of Americans (44 – 38 percent) support President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan, while 19 percent did not offer an opinion. However, support grows for the infrastructure plan if it is funded by raising taxes on corporations, as Biden has proposed. In that scenario, a majority support the infrastructure plan 53 – 39 percent, with 9 percent not offering an opinion.”

Republicans’ other argument that Biden’s plan includes “too much” infrastructure is roundly rejected by Americans, who support every key aspect of his plan. 

Yahoo News: “New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Americans favor every key aspect of Biden’s infrastructure plan”

Politico: “Our latest poll with Morning Consult tested some of the things that President JOE BIDEN is including under the rubric of his massive infrastructure bill — items that stretch the traditional definition beyond roads and bridges to items such as child care, paid leave and broadband. Yet most people seem fine with any contortions.”

Politico’s Sam Stein: “If you look at the specific areas that Biden is plugging away at, roads, bridges, et cetera, 86% Democratic support, 69% independent support, 71% Republican support. You get down to other things like improving schools, 87% Democratic support, 63% independent support, and so on.”

The Republican Party’s talking points are falling apart and the American people clearly see through their hypocritical and misleading attacks.

Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “Republicans’ infrastructure talking points are crumbling”

Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “Many Republicans seem whetted to quibbling over the definition of ‘infrastructure.’ Now, they insist infrastructure means ‘something you drive on.’ But that is a departure in many cases from their own positions.”

Washington Post Fact Checker: “A pair of misleading GOP attacks on Biden’s infrastructure plan”

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NEW: Democrats Start 2022 Cycle With an Edge in Voter Enthusiasm

Democrats are kicking off the 2022 cycle with more energy among voters than Republicans according to a new poll from Morning Consult.

President Joe Biden’s agenda and delivering on his promises resoundingly excites Democrats more than the muddled message from Republicans.

Morning Consult: “Democrats are beginning the budding 2022 election cycle with an enthusiasm advantage over Republicans as President Joe Biden and his party work to buck the traditional midterm curse of losing ground in Congress. At this early stage, Democratic voters, at 81 percent, are 9 percentage points more likely than Republican voters, at 72 percent, to say they’re at least ‘somewhat’ enthusiastic about voting in the 2022 midterms, according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll.”

This comes on the heels of news that more Americans are finding a home in the Democrratic Party and leaving the Republican Party.

USA Today: “Gallup poll shows largest increase in Democratic Party affiliation in a decade”

Washington Post: “The Democratic advantage in party identification has gotten a lot wider”

Gallup: “In Gallup polling throughout the first quarter of 2021, an average of 49% of U.S. adults identified with the Democratic Party or said they are independents who lean toward the Democratic Party. That compares with 40% who identified as Republicans or Republican leaners. The nine-percentage-point Democratic advantage is the largest Gallup has measured since the fourth quarter of 2012.”

Bloomberg: “Gallup said the jump comes mostly from Republicans leaving the party at the end of President Donald Trump’s tenure. Only 25% of U.S. adults firmly identify with the Republicans, down from 29% late last year.”

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NEW POLL: Americans Broadly Support the Details of President Biden’s American Jobs Plan

While congressional Republicans bizarrely double down on spending time debating the definition of “infrastructure,” a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that everyday Americans are widely supportive of every aspect of President Biden’s American Jobs Plan.

A new poll shows over half of Americans support going big to invest in the country’s infrastructure, and a majority support every proposal tested.

YouGov: “A Yahoo News/YouGov poll finds that half of Americans support (51%) ‘another big legislative package to invest in America’s infrastructure and combat climate change’, while three in 10 Americans (30%) oppose it.”

Both Republicans and Democrats agree on key components of the American Jobs Plan, including investing in roads, bridges, rail lines, ports, electricity grid improvements, and rural broadband.

YouGov: “A strong majority of Democrats (82%) and Republicans (66%) favor investing in the construction of roads, bridges, rail lines, ports, and electricity grid improvements. Seven in 10 Americans overall support this type of broad investment in America’s transportation and energy infrastructure. Another element that earns bipartisan support is providing advanced training for millions of workers in manufacturing and other industries — half of Republicans (52%) and four in five Democrats (79%) favor this. Three in five Americans overall (63%) also support the initiative. Republicans also tend to support increased funding for broadband internet access in rural communities (46% vs 31%).”

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Moody’s: American Jobs Plan Would Boost Growth And Jobs

A new report from Moody’s lays out the massive benefit President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan would have on the American economy, and pushes back on Republican arguments in their efforts to protect corporations from paying higher taxes.

According to Moody’s, “President Biden’s American Jobs Plan would boost US growth and reshape parts of the economy.”

Moody’s: “‘If enacted, the plan would be positive for US economic growth, employment and productivity. Beyond supporting economic output and jobs, the proposal aims to restructure parts of the US economy by investing in clean energy, new technologies and workforce development,’ says Moody’s Vice President Rebecca Karnovitz.”

Moody’s confirms higher corporate taxes would not be the disaster congressional Republicans pretend it will be, and the vast majority of Americans support raising taxes on corporations to pay for infrastructure.

Moody’s: “President Biden has proposed raising corporate taxes to pay for the spending package. While some companies would face higher tax bills, the drag on the US economy likely would be limited.”

Morning Consult: “More Than 3 in 5 Voters Support Corporate Tax Hike to Fund Biden’s Infrastructure Plan”

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DNC on the Start of Ramadan

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement on the start of Ramadan:

“As Muslims across the world begin their observance of Ramadan, commemorating the revelation of the Quran through prayer, fasting, and peaceful reflection, we all have an opportunity to draw upon our inner strength.

“There are more than three million Muslims in the United States today, and many of them have been dedicated to serving their communities in these tough times as health care workers, first responders, educators, and much more. Today and every day, Democrats will continue to stand in solidarity with our country’s diverse Muslim American community. Ramadan Mubarak!”

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BREAKING: Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Have Got a Vaccine Dose – No Thanks to Republicans

Ahead of the expanded eligibility for vaccines to every adult in the country, new numbers today show that nearly half of American adults have gotten at least one dose of their vaccine, after the U.S. just set a new record of more than 4.6 million vaccines administered in a single day. This significant progress comes no thanks to congressional Republicans, who unanimously opposed the American Rescue Plan, which increased funding for vaccine distribution. 

Thanks to President Joe Biden and Democrats, nearly half of U.S. adults have had at least one dose of the vaccine. 

The Guardian: “The White House coronavirus response team is now holding a press briefing to provide an update on vaccine distribution and trends in case numbers. Senior White House adviser Andy Slavitt announced that 28% of American adults are now fully vaccinated. Nearly half of US adults, 46%, have received at least one vaccine dose, and 78% of Americans aged 65 or older have gotten at least their first shot.”

This news comes ahead of next week’s expanded eligibility to all American adults, on the heels of record breaking vaccinations this past weekend. 

CNBC: “The U.S. reported 4.6 million vaccine doses administered on Saturday, a  single-day record, and another 3.6 million shots given on Sunday. That brings the daily average of doses administered over the past week to 3.1 million.”

The Guardian: “On a more positive note, the US is now administering more than 3 million vaccine doses a day, and Saturday saw a new record of 4.6 million shots recorded in a single day. The US has administered a total of 166 million vaccine doses since Joe Biden took office in January.”

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RNC Retreat is Complete Disaster as Democrats Focus on Delivering for Americans

The reviews on the Republican National Committee’s retreat this weekend in Palm Beach are in, and boy, they are not pretty. Attendees said it was “nasty” and “horrible,” as Trump escalated the GOP civil war and laid into Senator Mitch McConnell. The Republican Party continues to rip itself apart while Democrats continue to deliver for Americans. 

Nothing was more indicative of how lost the Republican Party is than this weekend’s retreat. While vaccinations are being administered in record numbers and businesses are reopening, Republicans are still struggling to find a coherent message.

Politico: “‘It was horrible, it was long and negative,’ one attendee with a donor in the room tells Playbook. ‘It was dour. He didn’t talk about the positive things that his administration has done.’  Instead, Trump used the final night of the retreat to talk about himself, his grievances and how he plans to enact retribution against those who voted to impeach him — which runs counter to the donors’ main objective of making sure their dollars go toward winning overall.”

Washington Post’s Josh Dawsey: “Some of the donors left last night before Trump finished speaking at Mar-a-Lago for a bus back to the hotel, per attendee, and the remarks have gotten mixed reviews. ‘There was nothing new. It was just the greatest hits,’ one person at the event said. ‘And it was really nasty.’”

The Republican Party civil war also once against escalated this weekend as Trump lashed out at Mitch McConnell in an expletive-ridden rant.

NBC News: “Former President Donald Trump again lashed out at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., calling the top Republican a ‘dumb son of a b—-’ and a ‘stone cold loser’ in a long rant at a Republican donor event Saturday night in which he reiterated his false claims that he won the election last fall.”

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee unveiled a mobile billboard to make sure voters know that President Biden and Democrats are responsible for getting vaccines in arms, checks in bank accounts, and bringing normalcy back.

USA Today: “The Democratic National Committee sponsored a ‘moving billboard’ that trucked South Ocean Boulevard between the Four Seasons and Mar-a-Lago, promoting the Biden administration’s efforts to end the COVID pandemic. ‘No thanks to Republicans,’ billboard said. DNC spokesperson Ammar Moussa described the Republican donors and politicians as ‘mini-Trumps’ hobnobbing at Mar-a-Lago, while Biden and the Democrats ‘are delivering for everyday Americans.’”

Florida Politics: “As Republican leaders and big-money donors meet in Palm Beach this weekend, Democrats are out front trolling them with a rolling billboard… The Democrats’ digital billboard-sided van is rolling messages that include President Joe Biden‘s COVID-19 vaccine program theme ‘Help is Here’, ‘Thank You Joe Biden & Democrats’, ‘No Thanks to Republicans’, and ‘Hold Republicans Accountable.’ The latter two messages include pictures of various Republican Senators including Rubio and Scott.”

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