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IN THE STATES: DNC Launches New Ad, Local Media Continues to Shine a Spotlight on President Biden’s Successes

In the lead-up to President Biden’s 100th day in office, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison sat down with local media across battleground states to highlight President Biden’s successful delivery of vaccines and jobs to the American people; the DNC unveiled a 30-second TV ad that thanks President Biden for getting America back on track; and local media continued to report on the many successes of President Biden’s presidency so far — from improving unemployment numbers to the many ways the American Rescue Plan continues to provide critical relief to those hit hardest by the pandemic.

Here’s a look at what voters in states across the country were reading — and seeing — this week:

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison kicked off a virtual regional media tour across several battleground states in the lead-up to President Biden’s 100th day in office. 

In Indiana:

WXIN Indianapolis: “In order to remain competitive, we have to continue to push forward, so [the American Jobs Plan] is an investment in our people, investment in our companies, and an investment in good jobs.”

In Pennsylvania:

KDKA Pittsburgh: “‘When you take a look at the bills that Joe Biden has proposed, they are overwhelmingly bipartisan in terms of the support of the American people,’ Jaime Harrison, the new chair of the Democratic National Committee, told KDKA political editor Jon Delano on Monday.”

The Democratic National Committee unveiled a 30-second TV ad that highlights President Biden’s success in getting America back on track with vaccines in arms, stimulus checks in hand, and a million jobs created.  

  • Pennsylvania Capital-Star: “The Democratic National Committee is out with a new ad in the Pittsburgh media market touting what it says are President Joe Biden’s successes on getting Americans vaccinated and stimulus checks into their wallets.  Earlier this month, the DNC rolled out billboards in Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre to thank Biden and U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., for his yes vote on the stimulus.”

On Monday, every adult in America became eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We still have a way to go before everyone is fully vaccinated, but we’re making progress thanks to President Biden.

Across the country, people are reading about how President Biden’s American Jobs Plan would rebuild local infrastructure, create new jobs, and invest in research and development, so that we can make 21st-century products in the U.S. and sell them around the world.

From small business owners to child care providers, the American Rescue Plan continues to provide critical relief to those hit hardest by the pandemic. 

While there is still a lot of work to be done, employment numbers are improving across the country.

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BIDEN BOOM: President’s Economic Vision Getting Country Back on Track

In less than 100 days, President Biden’s American Rescue Plan and the administration’s leadership is ushering in an economic boom and potentially one of the fastest rates of growth in decades.

The American Rescue Plan put billions of dollars in the hands of Americans to make sure they can pay the bills, put food on the table, and keep their small businesses open. The result is potentially the fastest four-quarter growth spurt since 1984.

Alan Blinder: “Welcome to the Biden boom. While the first quarter of 2021 is history, the data are still coming in. ‘Forecasts’ of real economic growth, based on partial data, now run in the 7% to 8% range. More important, there is a good chance the stellar first quarter won’t be a flash in the pan. The Wall Street Journal’s recent poll of economists registered an average forecast of 6.4% growth over the four quarters of 2021. If that happens, it will mark the fastest four-quarter growth spurt since 1984. The 1983-84 boom, which came after a deep recession, led to Ronald Reagan’s declaration of ‘morning in America’—and his smashing 1984 electoral victory. Like the Reagan boom and the Clinton boom, the Biden boom won’t be due entirely to the policies of the president. But they are sure helping.”

Washington Post: “Instead, the rebounding economy is headed for its best year since 1984, according to the International Monetary Fund. The U.S. economy likely expanded in the first quarter at an annual rate of 6 percent and should accelerate in the months ahead, economist Ian Shepherdson of Pantheon Macroeconomics told clients this week. More than 1.3 million jobs have been added since the election.”

Thanks to President Biden delivering on his promise to get 200 million vaccines administered in under 100 days, businesses are opening up, people are heading back to work, and retail is booming.

Associated Press: “Newly vaccinated and armed with $1,400 stimulus checks, Americans went on a spending spree last month, buying new clothes and going out to eat again. Retail sales surged a seasonally adjusted 9.8% in March after dropping about 3% the month before, the Commerce Department said Thursday. The increase was the biggest since May of last year, when stores reopened after closing at the start of the pandemic. It was also much larger than the 5.5% increase Wall Street analysts had expected.”

CNBC: “The labor market is heating up as fewer people seek unemployment benefits.”

Alan Blinder: “Much of the credit goes to the vaccines—including Team Biden’s acceleration of their delivery.”

And now, more Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of the economy than they ever did for President Trump.

PBS Newshour: “A majority of Americans support President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy, marking the first time his approval numbers have been on par with those enjoyed by Donald Trump in an area where the former president consistently received high marks from the public and on which he staked his political career.”

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DNC Chair: ‘Republicans are cynically stoking fear about children and families to score political points’

In a new video today, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison is calling out Republicans for cynically stoking fear and politicizing the lives of children after a new report from Politico revealed that Republicans saw the challenges at the border coming and did nothing, further demonstrating that they’ve never been serious about tackling the issues at the border.

Republicans saw the challenges at the border coming and did nothing because they wanted to sabotage President Biden and politicize the lives of children.

Politico: “When Donald Trump took his final trip as president to the southwest border in January, the publicly stated purpose was to tout his record. Privately, however, his Republican allies had hatched a plan that they thought could get them back into the seats of power. … The conversations around the trip were some of the earliest indications that Republicans anticipated the spike in migrants crossing the border — due to seasonal patterns and regional crises — and planned to use it as a political cudgel to try to retake Congress in the midterm elections.”

President Biden and Democrats are the only ones working toward solutions to fix the broken immigration system Trump and Republicans left behind.


DNC Chair Jaime Harrison: “Republicans are cynically stoking fear about children and families to score political points … Their tactics didn’t work in 2017. They didn’t work in 2018. They didn’t work in 2020. And they won’t work now. I’m proud that Democrats are working on solutions to the challenges at the border — Republicans need to drop their scare tactics and they need to help to find real solutions.”

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President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden to Attend “Back on Track” Drive-In Rally in Georgia

Under President Biden’s leadership, more than 1 million jobs have been created and over half of U.S. adults have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose

Next week, on Thursday, April 29, the DNC will host President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at a drive-in car rally in Georgia to celebrate the President’s 100th day in office. Since President Biden took office, the United States has administered over 200 million COVID-19 vaccines, delivered nearly 160 million stimulus checks, and created over 1 million new jobs — more in the first two months than any president in history.

WHO: President Joe Biden

           First Lady Jill Biden

WHAT: Drive-in car rally to celebrate President Biden’s 100th day in office.

WHEN: Thursday, April 29th

WHERE: Atlanta area, Georgia

**More details to come**


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DNC on Earth Day

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council Chair Michelle Regalado Deatrick issued the following statement on Earth Day:

“Today, on the 51st Earth Day, we celebrate all those who have tirelessly advocated for a clean, safe, and sustainable world. From rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement to today committing the United States to an ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reduction target, the Biden administration has reclaimed America’s position as a world leader in the fight to combat the climate crisis.

“President Biden and Democrats understand we can’t wait another moment to respond to the reality of climate change. From Day One, President Biden, Secretary Kerry and the Biden-Harris Climate team have worked to undo the damage done by the Trump administration and put our country, and our world, back on a path towards a more sustainable and greener future.

“Let today and every day serve as a reminder that we all must do our part to create an environmentally sustainable planet for future generations to enjoy.”

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DNC Announces New Communications Staff Hires

Today, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and Executive Director Sam Cornale announced additions to the Democratic National Committee’s communications team. Ammar Moussa has been hired as Rapid Response Director, and Adonna Biel has been named Deputy Rapid Response Director. Lucas Acosta has been brought on as Coalitions Director and Senior Spokesperson, and Brooke Goren has been named States Communications Director. Hyma Moore will be Regional Press Secretary, Allyson Bayless will serve as a Communications Associate, and Darcy Palder will serve as Press Assistant.

These new hires will join Cassidy Geoghegan, who has been promoted to Deputy States Communications Director; Daniel Wessel, who has been promoted to Deputy Communications Director; and Enrique Gutierrez, who has been promoted to Regional Press Secretary and Hispanic Media Adviser.

“We are thrilled to announce new additions to our team at the DNC,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “These new staff hires are among the best our party has to offer and will bring diversity, experience and strength to the Democratic Party. They will help us to deliver our message to the American people and expand on our success in 2021, 2022, and beyond.”

“The DNC continues to recruit top talent to meet the moment,” said DNC Executive Director Sam Cornale. “Our success as a party will depend in no small measure on our ability to message to the American people. The Democratic Party is the only party working on behalf of the American people, and these experienced communications staffers will help us to make that clear to voters in the months and years ahead.”

Lucas Acosta returns to the DNC after serving as Deputy Communications Director for Politics at the Human Rights Campaign. Previously, he led the DNC’s television and radio outreach as Director of Broadcast Media and served as National Radio Broadcast Manager for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Allyson Bayless was previously a Press Assistant for the DNC War Room, where she supported the party’s rapid response efforts during the 2020 election.

Adonna Biel most recently served as Deputy Press Secretary for the Biden-Harris campaign in North Carolina, after joining the communications team and helping lead Biden to victory in the primary election. Prior to that, she worked on the campaign communications team at EMILY’s List.

Cassidy Geoghegan previously served as the DNC’s battleground press secretary covering Southern states. Prior to joining the DNC, Geoghegan led communications and outreach efforts for Priorities USA in Wisconsin, and was deputy press secretary at Everytown for Gun Safety.

Enrique Gutierrez joined the DNC in 2018 and previously served as Hispanic Media Director. Prior to joining the DNC, he has served as communications director for Voto Latino and the Arizona Democratic Party.

Brooke Goren previously served as a Regional Press Secretary at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Prior to joining the DCCC, Brooke was Deputy Communications Director at the Missouri Democratic Party during the 2018 midterms and worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign in Brooklyn.

Hyma Moore served most recently as the Southern Regional Communications Director for the Biden-Harris campaign, leading teams in Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina.  Prior to joining the Biden-Harris campaign, Hyma was the Vice President of External Affairs for Greater New Orleans, Inc, held official City government positions with Mayor LaToya Cantrell and Former Mayor Mitch Landrieu, and served on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Ammar Moussa has previously served in communications roles for Senators Jon Ossoff and John Hickenlooper’s campaigns for Senate as well as for Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.

Darcy Palder is a recent graduate of Georgetown University. She was previously an editorial intern at The, a podcast producer at Foreign Policy Magazine and a news intern at BBC News. Originally from Chicago, she is returning to the DNC four years after serving as a communications intern.

Daniel Wessel joined the DNC in 2017 and previously served as Deputy War Room Director throughout the 2020 cycle. Prior to joining the DNC, Daniel served as Press Secretary for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in Virginia.


Background on DNC Hires

The Democratic National Committee is building a robust and diverse communications team to hold Republicans accountable in 2022 and 2024, and promote the accomplishments of the Biden administration.

Over the course of the past month, the DNC communications team has executed an aggressive campaign to make sure Americans know help is here, thanks to President Biden and Democrats in Congress. Using earned and paid media, the DNC has driven home the clear contrast between Democrats, who delivered on their promise to get checks in banks and shots in arms, and Republicans, who opposed the most consequential piece of legislation for working families in modern American history.

The DNC produced a shareable guide to promoting the American Rescue Plan that includes message guidance, state-by-state and constituency fact sheets, state-by-state graphics, social media content, and more, billboards in Times Square and across the country, and dozens of training sessions for Democratic communicators.

The DNC’s work has been praised by pundits, the media, and voters. As Rachel Maddow said, “This marks kind of a new vibe for Democrats. For whatever reason, this time around, they want people to know who it is that’s getting stuff done. They’re trying to make sure the public also knows who isn’t helping, trying to increase the political cost for Republicans who are voting no against everything.”

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President Biden Makes America a Leader in the Fight Against the Climate Crisis

Today, President Biden brings together world leaders to tackle the global climate crisis and demonstrate the United States’ commitment to reducing emissions. President Biden has already taken significant steps to tackle climate change, and his American Jobs Plan would invest in clean energy. Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, America is once again in the climate fight and respected on the world stage.

President Biden’s American Jobs Plan would tackle climate change and invest in clean energy, putting America on a path to a more sustainable future.

Popular Science: “In an ambitious new jobs plan announced last week, President Joe Biden marked a goal of achieving 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2035, among other changes that would lead the country to a more sustainable future. Biden’s $2 trillion proposal, dubbed the American Jobs Plans, suggests a massive expansion of the clean energy sector through policies like extended tax credits, block grants, and expanding government purchasing power to spur the clean energy market.”

In less than 100 days, President Biden has already taken significant steps to tackle the climate crisis and make America a leader in this fight, once again.

NPR: “Rejoining the Paris Agreement was one of President Biden’s top priorities. Only hours after taking the oath of office, he signed an executive order initiating a 30-day process to reenter the pact. The Biden administration will make climate change a key component of its foreign policy, weaving it into its most important bilateral and multilateral conversations, Blinken said.”

CBS News: “President Biden pledged that the U.S. will cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least half from 2005 levels by 2030, making the announcement Thursday at the virtual Leaders Climate Summit, a two-day global meeting of more than 40 world leaders hosted by the White House.  In his opening remarks, Mr. Biden said the U.S. can reach the emissions target through his jobs plan — a $3 trillion infrastructure package meant to revitalize the nation’s energy grid and create a net-zero economy.  ‘The signs are unmistakable, the science undeniable,’ he said. ‘Cost of inaction keeps mounting.’”

President Biden’s leadership in the fight against the climate crisis is already restoring American credibility on the world stage.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “I’m delighted to see that the United States is back, is back to work together with us in climate politics.”

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: “It is so good to have the US back on our side in the fight against climate change.”

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BACK ON TRACK: Unemployment Claims Hit New Low, No Thanks to Republicans

Jobless claims hit their lowest level last week since the start of the pandemic, spurred on by President Biden’s American Rescue Plan that every single Republican opposed. 

Last week was the second successive week of record low pandemic-era unemployment claims, encouraging signs for the economic recovery.

CNN: “Claims for unemployment benefits went down more than expected last week. That’s good news. Economists are confident that the labor market recovery will gather speed as the economy reopens fully and more people get vaccinated.”

CBS News: “The number of Americans filing for first-time jobless aid last week fell to its lowest level since the COVID-19 pandemic erupted in 2020, a sign layoffs are easing as the economy recovers. Some 547,000 people applied for unemployment benefits in the week ended April 17, the Labor Department said Thursday. That’s 39,000 fewer than the previous week and the lowest weekly number since March 14, 2020.”

This comes as a whopping 90% of small business owners are confident their businesses will survive the pandemic, thanks to President Biden’s leadership.

Axios: “Nearly 90% of small business owners say they are confident their shops will survive — compared to the 68% that said so this time last year, according to a new survey by Goldman Sachs.”

President Biden has delivered on his promise, ahead of schedule, to administer over 200 million vaccines in his first 100 days, and his administration continues to increase access–helping our country return to normal. 

NPR: “Biden Says Goal Of 200 Million COVID-19 Vaccinations In 100 Days Has Been Met”

NBC News: “FEMA is deploying 30 of these different vaccination clinics on wheels, all across the country targeting what they call ‘vaccination deserts.’ Those are more rural areas that might not have as much access to vaccines.”

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ICYMI: Across Battleground States, New DNC Ad Highlights President Biden’s Success in Getting America “Back on Track”

This week, the Democratic National Committee launched a new ad campaign across battleground states to promote President Biden’s first 100 days in office, in which he delivered on a number of promises to the American people, including successfully passing the American Rescue Plan. The campaign includes a 30-second TV ad that highlights President Biden’s success in getting America back on track with vaccines in arms, stimulus checks in hand, and a million jobs created.

See below for how the campaign is playing across battleground states so far:

In Florida:

Florida Politics: Democrats release Miami ad hailing Joe Biden’s first three months

By Scott Powers


Two hundred million vaccine doses, 150 million stimulus checks, one million jobs added, an infrastructure package projected for two million more jobs paid for by corporate taxes.

That’s a pretty good start for President Joe Biden, the Democratic National Committee is saying in a new digital commercial being released through social media and on TV in Miami and other select markets in other swing states Tuesday.

“He’s delivering,” the narrator begins in the spot.

In Georgia:

11Alive: Georgia on the mind of Democrats as party unveils new ad

By Ric Garni


Proving there’s no such thing as an “off year” in politics, The Democratic National Committee has a new ad in Georgia, promoting President Biden’s accomplishments so far in office.

The 30-second spot, called “Back on Track”, highlights “President Biden’s success in getting America back on track with vaccines in arms, stimulus checks in hand, and a million jobs created”, according to the DNC.

In Pennsylvania:

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Pa. House, Senate bills would update state’s outdated definition of marriage | Tuesday Morning Coffee

By John L. Micek


The Democratic National Committee is out with a new ad in the Pittsburgh media market touting what it says are President Joe Biden’s successes on getting Americans vaccinated and stimulus checks into their wallets. Earlier this month, the DNC rolled out billboards in Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre to thank Biden and U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., for his yes vote on the stimulus.

In Wisconsin:

WisPolitics: WisDems: America is “back on track” thanks to President Biden


Today, the Democratic National Committee released a new 30-second television ad in the Green Bay media market “Back on Track,” that highlights President Biden’s success in getting America back on track with vaccines in arms, stimulus checks in hand, and a million jobs created.

“The American people elected President Joe Biden to guide our country out of one of the worst public health and economic crises in our history, and there is no question that he is delivering for Wisconsinites. Thanks to the president’s leadership, more than 200 million vaccine doses have been given, more than 150 million stimulus checks have been delivered, and our economy is on the rise,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “Thanks to the leadership of President Biden and Democrats in Wisconsin, America is on track again and we’re building back better than ever.”


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DNC on the Conviction of Derek Chauvin

Today, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of the murder of George Floyd. In response, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie Rollins released the following statement:

“This verdict is a step forward for accountability, but there’s still work to be done in the names of George Floyd, Daunte Wright, Breonna Taylor, and the countless others on a list that stretches far too long and reflects a pain that has become all too familiar for Black families in this country. The reality is that systemic racism must be eradicated. No one should be at risk in the United States because of the color of their skin.

“We cannot wait another moment to do what is necessary to ensure a better, safer future for our children. The DNC recognizes that peaceful protest is an outlet for our cries for change. And the time for action is now: Republicans in the Senate must join Democrats to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which will fundamentally transform policing in America as it addresses implicit biases and racial profiling, curbs police brutality, and enforces accountability. Enough is enough.”

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