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MAGA Malarkey: The Extremism You Missed From Republicans This Week

MAGA Republicans stooped to new lows this week with their extremism, hypocrisy, chaos, and — as President Biden would call it — malarkey. In case you missed it: Donald Trump doubled down on supporting states monitoring women’s pregnancies; Trump refused to commit to accepting November’s results while his MAGA minions pushed more baseless election-denying lies; Trump faced another embarrassing primary result — this time in Indiana; Trump made clear he is proudly bought and paid for by Big Oil and Gas; Trump’s con artistry shined at his dinner celebrating his NFT scam; the RNC’s top lawyer resigned after criticizing Trump’s lies about the 2020 election; and Kristi Noem called off her disastrous book tour.

Donald Trump once again said he supports states monitoring women’s pregnancies after endorsing states prosecuting women who get an abortion last week.

Interviewer: “There are ads running that say that you would support certain states with bans monitoring a woman’s pregnancy.”

Trump: “Well that would be up to the states, again. They will make a decision as to how they do it.”

HuffPost: “Trump Is Fine With States Monitoring Pregnant Women So They Don’t Get Abortions”

The Hill: “Trump: It’s up to states to monitor pregnancies, prosecute abortions”

Mother Jones: “Trump Says States Could Prosecute Women for Abortions Under His Watch”

Trump refused to commit to accepting November’s election results while pushing baseless lies about the 2020 election — and his MAGA minions followed suit. 

Interviewer: “There have been other close races and men have said, ‘listen, for the betterment of the country, we’re going to move on, we’re going to accept the results of the election.’ Would that have been the right course of action?”

Trump: “No, it would’ve been a terrible thing.”

Interviewer: “Would you accept the results of this election?”

Trump: *refuses to say yes*

Washington Post: “Top Republicans, led by former president Donald Trump, are refusing to commit to accepting November’s election results with six months until voters head to the polls, raising concerns that the country could see a repeat of the violent aftermath of Trump’s loss four years ago.

“The question has become something of a litmus test, particularly among the long list of possible running mates for Trump, whose relationship with his first vice president, Mike Pence, ruptured because Pence resisted Trump’s pressure to overturn the 2020 election.

“In a vivid recent example, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) was pressed at least six times in a TV interview Sunday on whether he would accept this November’s results. He repeatedly declined to do so, only saying he was looking forward to Trump being president again.

“He continued to evade the question even as the interviewer, NBC News’s Kristen Welker, reminded him that a ‘hallmark of our democracy is that both candidates agree to a peaceful transfer of power.’”

Trump faced another embarrassing primary result — this time in Indiana. 125,000 Republicans voted for Nikki Haley, who hasn’t been in the race for *checks notes* over two months.

Newsweek: “Donald Trump Suffers Huge Vote Against Him in Indiana Primary”

“Former President Donald Trump faced warning signs in the Indiana GOP primary as former Republican rival Nikki Haley received more than 20 percent of the vote despite dropping out of the White House race two months ago.” […]

“Tuesday’s results in Indiana follow a similar story in the recent GOP primary in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, where Haley, seen by most voters as a more moderate Republican candidate, received more than 158,000 votes (16.6 percent) despite dropping out of the race in March in the wake of the Super Tuesday results.”

Politico: “Indiana delivered the former president double-point margins in 2016 and 2020. But on Tuesday night, even though Trump won all of the state’s 58 delegates, Nikki Haley posted above-30-point performances in places like Marion County, home to Indianapolis, and affluent Hamilton County, its suburb to the north.

“This is where Biden grew Democratic margins in 2020, and where Indiana Democrats have been targeting for years. And it’s the same kind of place where Trump has been weak throughout the 2024 GOP primary in other states.”

Donald the Denier asked Big Oil and Gas CEOs to give $1 billion to his campaign, vowing to roll back environmental protections and threaten American jobs to line special interests’ pockets if he’s elected. 

Washington Post: “What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his campaign”

“You all are wealthy enough, [Trump] said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting.” […]

“Giving $1 billion would be a ‘deal,’ Trump said, because of the taxation and regulation they would avoid thanks to him, according to the people. Trump’s remarkably blunt and transactional pitch reveals how the former president is targeting the oil industry to finance his reelection bid.” […]

“The contrast between the two candidates on climate policy could not be more stark. … Trump has called climate change a ‘hoax,’ and his administration weakened or wiped out more than 125 environmental rules and policies over four years.”

Trump went full con artist, hosting a dinner with the people he scammed into buying his NFTs.

Axios: “This evening [Trump is] expected to join supporters who bought at least 47 Trump NFTs (at $99 each), according to [a] copy of the dinner invitation reviewed by Axios.” […]

“Buyers who spent nearly $10,000 to get 100 NFTs also were invited to a ‘VIP’ cocktail reception before the dinner. They’re supposed to receive physical cards with pieces of the suit and the tie that Trump was wearing when he was arrested.” […]

“The NFTs are among an array of items Trump has hawked this campaign cycle. He’s also promoted $59.99 Bibles, $399 ‘Never Surrender’ sneakers and $99 ‘Victory47’ cologne.”

Business Insider: “Former President Donald Trump’s campaign might be cash-strapped, but that hasn’t stopped him from hawking merchandise that will benefit him directly.”

The RNC’s top lawyer resigned, citing how he was “pushed out” for criticizing Trump’s lies about the 2020 election.

Washington Post: “Top RNC lawyer resigns after rift grows with Trump”

“The top lawyer at the Republican Party is resigning after he cited conflicts with his other work and with Donald Trump, who grew angry about his criticism of the former president’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, people familiar with the situation said Saturday night.”

NBC News: “Republican National Committee chief counsel Charlie Spies is parting ways with the party apparatus just months after stepping into the role. He was ‘pushed out,’ according to a source familiar with the move.”

CNN: “Spies’ departure follows weeks of growing tension with RNC officials, a source familiar with the situation told CNN. His hiring rankled many Donald Trump loyalists who viewed the veteran Republican lawyer as at odds with the former president, given his previous work for Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney and Ron DeSantis.”

Washington Examiner: “Spies was hired earlier this year while RNC leadership changed over to former President Donald Trump’s preferred picks of chairman Michael Whatley and co-chair Lara Trump. He was part of a bevy of new hires made as the RNC was staffed for more Trump-aligned actions, including readying potential legal challenges in swing states. Reports suggested that Spies was skeptical of Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was stolen.”

Kristi Noem called off her disastrous book tour after being called out for lying about meeting Kim Jong Un and failing to answer questions about shooting her dog.

Mediaite: “Kristi Noem Calls Off Disastrous Book Tour, Canceling Hits on Fox News and CNN at Last Minute”

“[Noem] has gone through multiple tense and fiery interviews in recent days as she’s attempted to promote her memoir No Going Back, answering for several controversies from the book, including the admission she killed a puppy she deemed untrainable and a now-retracted claim that she met North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.”

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🚨 NEW: MAGA Mike Johnson Does Not Regret Trying to Overturn the 2020 Election Results And “Would Do the Exact Same Thing” Again

In response to Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson saying he has no regrets about his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and would do “the exact same thing today,” DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“MAGA Mike Johnson was a key architect of Donald Trump’s Big Lie – and he clearly has no regrets about the nightmare he built for American democracy. Johnson has repeatedly attempted to whitewash the violence on January 6 and props up Trump’s baseless election denial conspiracies at every opportunity. Now he’s saying he’d do the ‘exact same thing again.’ It’s never been clearer that our democracy is on the ballot this November, and Trump and his MAGA minions have no respect for it.”

NEW: Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson said he does not regret his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results – and said he would do the “exact same thing today.”

Ryan Lizza, Politico: “One of the biggest sources of friction in the country is the aftermath of the 2020 election and January 6th. Do you have any regrets about the role that you played after the 2020 presidential election, including the amicus brief in support of Texas’ lawsuit challenging the election results?”

Johnson: “No, I don’t. … you asked me if I regret that? I don’t. I would do the exact same thing today if the circumstances were presented.”

Lizza: “So if you were speaker on January 6, 2021, would you have done anything differently?”

Johnson: “I don’t know. … I’m not sure what I would have done at that point.”

REMINDER: Johnson was a key “architect” of the effort to overturn the 2020 election results.

Washington Post: “Johnson played one of the most significant roles of any member of Congress in the effort to overturn the election.”

HuffPost: “Johnson, a former lawyer, led an amicus brief signed by over 100 Republican members of Congress backing a flawed Texas lawsuit that asked the Supreme Court to overturn the 2020 election. He also played a key role in crafting the rationale that many of his GOP colleagues used in justifying their votes to throw out the 2020 election results ― even just hours after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.”

Johnson urged supporters to “fight” on the morning of January 6 and continues to downplay the riot and prevent those who violently attacked law enforcement from being charged. 

Johnson on January 6, 2021: “We MUST fight for election integrity, the Constitution, and the preservation of our republic! It will be my honor to help lead that fight in the Congress today.”

Louisiana Illuminator: “Johnson, who is close to Trump, did not acknowledge that the people who attacked the Capitol were the president’s supporters. He told a reporter that he thought there was a possibly a ‘big mix of people involved in this.’

“‘I don’t think President Trump is any more responsible for what happened at the Capitol today than the congressmen of Portland are responsible for what happened there,’ said Johnson, referring to some violence that erupted in Oregon over the summer. ‘What caused [the Capitol riot] is the same thing that has caused all the unrest over the last many months.’”

2021: Johnson voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the January 6 attack.

NBC News: “Speaker Mike Johnson says he’s blurring Jan. 6 footage so rioters don’t get charged”

Raw Story: “Mike Johnson says Jan. 6 rioters just ‘happened to be walking through the building’”

Johnson is now pushing repeatedly debunked election denial lies and introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from voting in federal elections – even though it is already illegal.

CNN: “Johnson raises baseless concerns on noncitizen voting”

Washington Post: “Noncitizen voting is rare. Republicans are focusing on it anyway.”

NBC News: “Trump and Mike Johnson zero in on noncitizen voting. It’s already illegal and very rare.”

Associated Press: “Noncitizen voting isn’t an issue in federal elections, regardless of conspiracy theories”

NPR: “Republicans aim to stop noncitizen voting in federal elections. It’s already illegal”

USA Today: “Speaker Mike Johnson said noncitizen voting is a ‘threat.’ The facts say otherwise”

Just this week, Trump also defended his denial of the 2020 election results and refused to commit to accepting the results of this November’s election.

Interviewer: “There have been other close races and men have said, ‘listen, for the betterment of the country, we’re going to move on, we’re going to accept the results of the election.’ Would that have been the right course of action?”

Trump: “No, it would’ve been a terrible thing.”

Interviewer: “Would you accept the results of this election?”

Trump: *refuses to say yes*

Trump is still pushing baseless lies about his loss by over 7 million votes in the 2020 election.

Associated Press: “[Trump] is flooding the airwaves and his social media platform with distortions, misinformation and unfounded conspiracy theories about his defeat.”

NBC News: “Re-litigating the 2020 election, repeating false claims it was stolen and casting aspersions on the security of mail voting remain major fixtures for [Trump] on the stump. … He regularly refers to the 2020 election as ‘rigged’ on his social media channels.”

Associated Press: “Trump, running for the White House for the third time, has signaled that the 2020 election will remain an integral part of his 2024 presidential bid.”

Trump continues to praise and promise pardons for violent January 6 rioters – who he calls “hostages” and “patriots.” 

TIME: “Trump has sought to recast the insurrectionist riot as an act of patriotism. ‘I call them the J-6 patriots,’ Trump tells TIME. When asked whether he would consider pardoning every one of them, he says: ‘Yes, absolutely.’”

​​Washington Post: ​​“Former president Donald Trump on Thursday praised and embraced a woman convicted of defying police orders on the U.S. Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, 2021. … Trump has steadily escalated his advocacy for people charged in the Capitol riot, including by pledging to pardon them if he returns to the White House, praising them as patriots, participating in a recording with Jan. 6 prisoners singing the national anthem, and playing it at his first rally of the 2024 campaign last month.”

The Hill: “Trump describes imprisoned Jan. 6 rioters as ‘hostages’”

Washington Post: “Trump vows pardons, government apology to Capitol rioters if elected”

NBC News: “Former President Donald Trump promised Wednesday night that if he is elected he will pardon a ‘large portion’ of the people convicted of federal offenses for their participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.”

Trump: “January 6, it was the largest crowd I’ve ever spoken to. And they were there proud, they were there with love in their heart. That was an unbelievable — and it was a beautiful day.”

Business Insider: “Then-President Donald Trump didn’t want to specifically call for the Justice Department to prosecute January 6 rioters or forcefully condemn those who stormed the Capitol as unrepresentative of the MAGA movement.”

NBC News: “Trump spoke at a fundraiser for Jan. 6 defendants”

Trump has threatened political violence and promised a “bloodbath” if he loses in November, and he is vowing to be a dictator on “day one” if he wins.

TIME: “Donald Trump Says Political Violence ‘Depends’ on ‘Fairness’ of 2024 Election”

Edward-Isaac Dovere, CNN: “Many people have lost American presidential elections over the last 230 years – Trump is the only one to say about violence if he loses ‘it depends.’”

NBC News: “Trump says there will be a ‘bloodbath’ if he loses the election”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Says There Will Be a ‘Bloodbath’ and Elections Will End if He Isn’t Reelected”

New York Times: “Trump Defends His Warning of a ‘Blood Bath for the Country’”

The Atlantic: “Trump Says He’ll Be a Dictator on ‘Day One’”

Associated Press: “Trump declines to rule out abusing power to seek retribution if he returns to the White House”

Washington Post: “Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini”

The Guardian: “Donald Trump says he will lock up his political enemies if he is president again.”

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Us 🤝 Michael Whatley: Republicans Are Going To Have To Answer to Voters About Their Extreme Anti-Choice Agenda

In response to Michael Whatley saying Republicans will be forced to have conversations with their voters about abortion, DNC spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement: 

“Michael Whatley, when you’re right, you’re right: There’s no question that Donald Trump and the rest of his MAGA minions up and down the ballot are going to have to answer for their extreme anti-choice agenda. Republicans have already made certain that voters are going to hear plenty about their far-right anti-freedom platform thanks to their plans to ban abortion nationwide, threaten IVF access, and rip away our basic rights. And as we’ve seen in election after election since Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, the more voters hear Republicans talk, the worse the GOP does at the ballot box.”

Republicans are absolutely going to have to answer to voters about their extreme anti-choice agenda to ban abortion nationwide, threaten IVF access, and rip away reproductive freedom.

Michael Whatley: “Every candidate is going to have to have a conversation with their voters about [abortion].”

Associated Press: “Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy”

Time Interviewer: “Are you comfortable if states decide to punish women who access abortions after the procedure is banned?” 


Trump: “Again, that’s going to be—I don’t have to be comfortable or uncomfortable. The states are going to make that decision. The states are going to have to be comfortable or uncomfortable, not me.”


Interviewer: “Prosecuting women for getting abortions after the ban. But are you comfortable with it?” 

Trump: “The states are going to say. It’s irrelevant whether I’m comfortable or not. It’s totally irrelevant, because the states are going to make those decisions.” 

Rolling Stone: “House Republicans Endorse National Abortion Ban”

Business Insider: “125 House Republicans — including Speaker Mike Johnson — back a ‘life at conception’ bill without any IVF exception”

Associated Press: “Republicans block Senate bill to protect nationwide access to IVF treatments”

The Hill: “Senate Republicans blocked an effort Wednesday to pass legislation that would federally protect access to in vitro fertilization (IVF).”

Their agenda is overwhelmingly unpopular…

USA Today: “Americans overwhelmingly oppose the next goal of many anti-abortion activists, to enact a federal law banning abortion nationwide. By 80%-14%, those surveyed opposed that idea, including 65% of Republicans and 83% of independents.”

Axios: “Most Americans support abortion access one year after Roe v. Wade: poll”

Rolling Stone: “Nearly 9 in 10 Voters Say IVF Should Be Legal”

“The overwhelming majority of American voters — 86 percent — support keeping in vitro fertilization legal, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll.”

Axios: “More than 7 in 10 Americans support access to medication abortion, and even more back the Food and Drug Administration’s ability to regulate drugs, a new Axios-Ipsos poll finds.”

“There’s widespread support for letting women obtain drugs for medication abortion from their doctor or a clinic, with 72% supporting — including half of Republicans.”

… and the more voters hear from them, the worse it gets. 

NBC News: “Abortion rights have won in every election since Roe v. Wade was overturned”

CBS News: “Abortion access proved to be a powerful force in 2022 midterm elections

Associated Press: “Lands, a Democrat who ran on reproductive rights, flips seat in Alabama House”

The Guardian: “Kentucky’s Democratic governor Andy Beshear re-elected in win for abortion rights”

Slate: “Republicans Put Abortion on the Ballot in Virginia. It Went as Well as You’d Expect.”

“This is not a winning issue for the GOP.”

Teen Vogue: “2024 Election: Tom Suozzi’s Win Proves That Abortion Is a Winning Issue”

Orlando Sentinel: “Focus on abortion rights, insurance powered Keen’s victory, Democrats say”

Associated Press: “Abortion drives liberal’s win in Wisconsin court election”

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🚨BREAKING: Trump Doubles Down on States Monitoring Women’s Pregnancies

In response to Donald Trump doubling down on states monitoring women’s pregnancies, DNC spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump is doubling down on the most extreme parts of his cruel anti-choice agenda, backing states that want to invade women’s privacy by monitoring their pregnancies after endorsing prosecution for women and doctors who perform abortions. Millions of women are already being denied crucial care under the horrifying abortion bans Trump says are ‘working very brilliantly,’ all while he demands credit for overturning Roe v. Wade. Voters have repeatedly made clear that Trump’s anti-freedom agenda has no place in our country, and are ready to stand up for their basic rights against Trump’s dangerous MAGA extremism at the ballot box.”

NEW: Donald Trump once again said he would support states monitoring women’s pregnancies.

Interviewer: “There are ads running that say that you would support certain states with bans monitoring a woman’s pregnancy.”

Trump: “Well that would be up to the states, again. They will make a decision as to how they do it.”

Just last week, Trump endorsed monitoring pregnancies AND said states should be allowed to prosecute women who get an abortion.

HuffPost: “Trump Is Fine With States Monitoring Pregnant Women So They Don’t Get Abortions”

The Hill: “Trump: It’s up to states to monitor pregnancies, prosecute abortions”

Mother Jones: “Trump Says States Could Prosecute Women for Abortions Under His Watch”

Interviewer: “Are you comfortable if states decide to punish women who access abortions after the procedure is banned?” 


Trump: “Again, that’s going to be—I don’t have to be comfortable or uncomfortable. The states are going to make that decision. The states are going to have to be comfortable or uncomfortable, not me.”


Interviewer: “Prosecuting women for getting abortions after the ban. But are you comfortable with it?” 

Trump: “The states are going to say. It’s irrelevant whether I’m comfortable or not. It’s totally irrelevant, because the states are going to make those decisions.” 

Trump: “There has to be some form of punishment [for women who have an abortion].”

REMINDER: Trump said he’d sign a national abortion ban if elected to a second term and backed one as president.

Associated Press: “Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Wants to Ban Abortion Nationwide: Report”

New York Times: “Trump Privately Expresses Support for a 16-Week Abortion Ban”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Floats National Abortion Ban After Claiming He’s ‘On the Side of Women’”

Trump: “There of course remains a vital role for the federal government in protecting unborn life. And it’s very important.” 

Trump on if he would sign a six-week national abortion ban: “I’m looking at all options.”

Trump: “We’ll pick something that’s going to be very, very good for pro-life … I’m going to be in there pushing.”

The Hill: “The Trump administration formally backed a House bill Monday that would ban abortions after 20 weeks. … It would make it a crime to perform or attempt an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with the possibility of a fine, up to five years in prison or both.”

Trump is also standing by his allies as they push to ban medication abortion. 

Interviewer: “Do you think women should be able to get the abortion pill mifepristone? 

Trump: “Well, I have an opinion on that, but I’m not going to explain. I’m not gonna say it yet. But I have pretty strong views on that. And I’ll be releasing it probably over the next week.”

Interviewer: “Well, this is a big question, Mr. President, because your allies have called for enforcement of the Comstock Act, which prohibits the mailing of drugs used for abortions by mail. The Biden Department of Justice has not enforced it. Would your Department of Justice enforce it?” 

Trump: “I will be making a statement on that over the next 14 days.” 

Trump will not stop bragging about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade and claiming credit for extreme abortion bans across the country.

Detroit News: “Trump praises high court overturning abortion rights during Michigan rally”

Trump: “I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of … Roe v. Wade.”

Trump: “We broke Roe v. Wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. We gave it back to the states, and the states are working very brilliantly … But they’re working, and it’s working the way it’s supposed to.”

Trump: “For 54 years they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it, and I’m proud to have done it. … Nobody else was going to get that done but me, and we did it, and we did something that was a miracle.”

Trump: “After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to the ‘shock’ of everyone … Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing. Thank you President TRUMP!!!”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Claims Credit for All Abortion Bans”

Business Insider: “Trump boasts he’s ‘proud’ about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, the issue that has become ballot-box poison for Republicans”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Says He’s ‘Proud’ to Have ‘Terminated’ Abortion Rights”

Trump campaign radio ad: “And Trump nominated conservative judges, leading to Roe v. Wade being overturned.”

FWIW: “This week, we found more evidence that the Trump campaign has no interest in ‘moderating’ on the issue of abortion. On Monday, his team began running new Facebook video ads targeting voters in Iowa, referring to Trump as ‘THE MOST Pro-Life President in history.’”

Trump: “I’m the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade, and everybody said that was an impossible thing to do. I put on three Supreme Court justices. Very few people have had that privilege or honor.”

Trump: “Getting rid of Roe v. Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life because it gave pro-life something to negotiate with. Pro-life had absolutely nothing, being stuck in Roe v. Wade, to negotiate with. … And look, everybody that was president wanted to get rid and tried to get rid of Roe v. Wade … For fifty years, this has been going on. I was able to do it, and I was very honored to do it.”

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Donald Trump on Georgia’s Abortion Ban: State Bans Are “Working Very Brilliantly”

On the anniversary of the signing of Georgia’s extreme abortion ban — which went into effect thanks to Donald Trump — that outlaws abortion before many women know they are pregnant and threatens women and doctors with jail time, DNC spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump didn’t just lay the groundwork for a horrifying reality for women in Georgia under the state’s near-total abortion ban — he’s actively endorsed it, saying bans like the one in Georgia work ‘very brilliantly’ while supporting allowing states to prosecute women who have an abortion. Reproductive freedom is on the ballot in this election, and Trump continues to make it crystal clear that he will take his extreme anti-choice agenda nationwide if given the chance this November.” 

Trump knows he is the reason Georgians live under a cruel law that bans abortion before many women know they’re pregnant and threatens jail time. And he’s proud of it.

Trump: “I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of … Roe v. Wade.”

Slate: “Georgia Just Criminalized Abortion. Women Who Terminate Their Pregnancies Would Receive Life in Prison.”

“On Tuesday, Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signed a ‘fetal heartbeat’ bill that seeks to outlaw abortion after about six weeks. The measure, HB 481, is the most extreme abortion ban in the country—not just because it would impose severe limitations on women’s reproductive rights, but also because it would subject women who get illegal abortions to life imprisonment and the death penalty.”

New York Times: “Georgia Supreme Court Allows State’s Six-Week Abortion Ban to Remain in Effect”

“The ruling means that abortion remains banned in the state, with limited exceptions, after the sixth week of pregnancy — a point when most women have not yet even realized they are pregnant. With North Carolina now banning most abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy, South Carolina after six weeks, and Florida doing the same, pending a legal challenge, the ruling ensures that abortion will be largely inaccessible in the Deep South, forcing women there to travel farther for care, to more distant states like Virginia or Illinois.”

Washington Post: “Monica Simpson, executive director of SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, the lead plaintiff in the case, called the Tuesday decision ‘devastating.’

“‘This abortion ban has forced Georgians to travel across state lines at great expense or continue the life-altering consequences of pregnancy and childbirth against their wills,’ she said.”

Georgia Recorder: “More consequentially, it raises risks for women who want to end their pregnancies and those who help them do so. Abortion rights advocates express concerns that murder charges could be leveled against abortion patients along with conspiracy charges against people who help them.”

Trump endorsed every extreme abortion ban across the country and supported allowing states to prosecute women who have an abortion.

Trump: “We broke Roe v. Wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. We gave it back to the states, and the states are working very brilliantly … But they’re working, and it’s working the way it’s supposed to.”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Claims Credit for All Abortion Bans”

Interviewer: “Are you comfortable if states decide to punish women who access abortions after the procedure is banned?” 


Trump: “Again, that’s going to be—I don’t have to be comfortable or uncomfortable. The states are going to make that decision. The states are going to have to be comfortable or uncomfortable, not me.”


Interviewer: “Prosecuting women for getting abortions after the ban. But are you comfortable with it?” 

Trump: “The states are going to say. It’s irrelevant whether I’m comfortable or not. It’s totally irrelevant, because the states are going to make those decisions.” 

Trump: “There has to be some form of punishment [for women who have an abortion].”

Millions of women are suffering under Trump’s abortion bans across the country…

Alabama: “Abortions became almost entirely illegal in Alabama on June 24. A 2019 state abortion ban took effect making it a felony to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy, with no exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest.”

Arizona: “Arizona Supreme Court rules a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable”

Arkansas: “Arkansas bans nearly all abortions after Roe v. Wade overturned”

Florida: “Florida’s new restrictions will chip away at the little abortion access left in the South”

Kentucky: “Abortion is banned in almost all circumstances.”

Louisiana: “Louisiana abortion ban preserved after lawmakers kill bill to call public vote”

Missouri: “Republicans block attempt to add rape, incest exemptions to Missouri’s abortion ban”

North Carolina: “North Carolina’s abortion law may make traveling to end a pregnancy impossible for some in the South”

North Dakota: “North Dakota court keeps strict abortion ban in place even in cases of medical emergencies”

Oklahoma: “Abortion is banned in almost all circumstances.” 

South Carolina: “South Carolina’s new all-male highest court reverses course on abortion, upholding strict 6-week ban”

South Dakota: “Abortions now illegal in South Dakota following Supreme Court’s ruling”

Tennessee: “Amid uncertainty and anger, Tennessee’s abortion ban takes effect”

Texas: “Texas passes law banning abortion after six weeks”

Wisconsin: “Wisconsin Republicans approve bill banning abortions after 14 weeks of pregnancy”

North Dakota: “North Dakota governor signs law banning nearly all abortions”

… and now, Trump wants to take his cruel bans nationwide.

Associated Press: “Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Wants to Ban Abortion Nationwide: Report”

New York Times: “Trump Privately Expresses Support for a 16-Week Abortion Ban”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Floats National Abortion Ban After Claiming He’s ‘On the Side of Women’”

Trump: “There of course remains a vital role for the federal government in protecting unborn life. And it’s very important.” 

Trump on if he would sign a six-week national abortion ban: “I’m looking at all options.”

Trump: “We’ll pick something that’s going to be very, very good for pro-life … I’m going to be in there pushing.”

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FACT CHECK: Donald Trump Broke His Promises and Left America’s Working Class Behind

In response to Donald Trump pretending to care about workers and the middle class after leaving them behind, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:

“The best thing Donald Trump ever did for America’s working class was leave the Oval Office after his horrendous four years that saw record job losses and billionaires paying less in taxes than working Americans for the first time in history. Nothing Trump says will change the fact that he repeatedly broke his promises to workers and is running on a failed MAGAnomics agenda designed to once again rig the economy for his billionaire buddies and leave America’s middle class behind. Now Trump wants to double down on his toxic giveaways to the super rich because while he may be the best candidate for his special interest billionaire backers, he’s not the candidate for hardworking Americans.”

Donald Trump’s claims about workers don’t stack up with his record of rigging the economy for the ultra-wealthy while leaving the middle class behind.

Shot: Trump: “We’ve become the party of the worker, we’ve become the party of the middle income.”

Chaser: Forbes: “Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018”

CBS News: “Two years after Trump tax cuts, middle-class Americans are falling behind”

The Guardian: “They were billed as a ‘middle-class miracle’ but according to a new book Donald Trump’s $1.5tn tax cuts have helped billionaires pay a lower rate than the working class for the first time in history.”

Washington Post Analysis: “One of President Donald Trump’s lesser-known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he’s inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt. The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office.”

Washington Post Analysis: “The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.”

Politico: “The nation’s fiscal outlook looks ever bleaker, thanks in part to deficit spending during President Donald Trump’s first term, Congress’ nonpartisan budget scorekeeper projected Tuesday.”

REMINDER: Trump repeatedly broke his promises to workers across the country.

CNN: “Trump told GM workers he could save their plant, but it’s gone for good”

Washington Post: “Trump promised this Wisconsin town a manufacturing boom. It never arrived.”

Fox Business: “Electric truck company touted by Trump as ‘an incredible concept’ files for bankruptcy”

Detroit Free Press: “Trump, tweets couldn’t save U.S. auto jobs in 2017”

“In March 2017, [Trump] praised General Motors when he flew to Detroit to highlight the importance of American manufacturing. That same day, GM announced plans for 900 new or retained jobs in Michigan within 12 months. This week, GM confirmed a net loss of 3,500 hourly manufacturing jobs in 2017.”

MLive: “On the 2016 campaign trail in Warren, Trump pledged ‘you won’t lose one plant’ if he were elected. GM announced last year it would end production at five North American plants.”

New York Times: “After Years of Growth, Automakers Are Cutting U.S. Jobs”

Wall Street Journal: “President Trump’s trade war against China didn’t achieve the central objective of reversing a U.S. decline in manufacturing, economic data show, despite tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese goods to discourage imports.”

Trump owns the worst jobs record in modern American history.

Fortune: “Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover”

Washington Post: “President Trump took office at the crest of the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. He leaves presiding over the worst labor market in modern U.S. history, as an already-sputtering economic recovery has turned negative.”

Bloomberg: “Trump’s Jobs Record Fell Short of Promises Even Before the Virus”

Even though Trump promised to stop offshoring, his tax giveaways for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations created new incentives for companies to ship jobs overseas.

Bloomberg: “The Offshoring of U.S. Jobs Increased on Trump’s Watch”

Washington Post: “Trump promised ‘America First’ would keep jobs here. But the tax plan might push them overseas.”

Reuters: “Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency four years ago, in part, by a promise to Midwest factory workers that he would stop companies like Schneider Electric SE from moving jobs out of the country. He didn’t stop them.”

Trump rooted for the economy to crash to help his political standing.

Trump: “And when there’s a crash — I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover. The one president I just don’t want to be, Herbert Hoover.”

Daily Beast: “Donald Trump admitted Monday that he wants a severe economic downturn to happen during the next year, because it will help his odds of winning the presidential election.”

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NEW: Trump Campaign Plots “Collaborat[ion]” With Project 2025 Architects 

In response to Donald Trump’s campaign actively planning to collaborate with architects of Project 2025, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“Don’t take it from us: Donald Trump and his campaign are literally inviting the architects of Project 2025 to discuss ‘collaborat[ion]’ next week as they go fully mask off on their close ties to the drafters of this extreme and out-of-touch policy agenda. Trump and his allies have been trying and failing to distance themselves from the unpopular Project 2025 platform for months, but that’s only because they know the truth is if Trump wins next November, then the far-right nightmare of Project 2025 will become a reality for millions of Americans.”

NEW: Donald Trump and his campaign are literally inviting Project 2025 architects like an arm of the Heritage Foundation to coordinate next week in Palm Beach.

Politico: “On Tuesday, the Trump campaign sent a letter to pro-Trump, external organizations asking them to attend an ‘entirely off-the-record, private,’ and “invite-only” meeting with senior campaign officials, according to a copy of the letter obtained by POLITICO. The sit-down, which the letter describes as a ‘meeting of the political minds,’ is aimed at discussing “collaborat[ion]” and “priorities and plans” for the general election. […]

“By holding the meeting, the Trump operation and the third-party entities could conceivably get on the same page about their plans. Two people familiar with the planning for the event said Heritage Action and Turning Point Action were among the pro-Trump groups invited.”

Make no mistake: Project 2025 is “undeniably a Trump-driven operation.”

Axios: “This is undeniably a Trump-driven operation. The biggest tell: Johnny McEntee — one of Trump’s closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer — is a senior adviser to Project 2025. One of the most powerful architects is Stephen Miller, a top West Wing adviser for the Trump administration.”

Politico: “Many of the authors of the blueprint are former Trump officials, and the Heritage Foundation has spent the past year-plus recruiting people to implement the plans within the administration, Scott said.

“‘So they don’t just have a long, sprawling policy document,’ he said, ‘they also have a growing list of staff who are being tested to see if they are loyal to Trump and if they are willing to administer this in his potential administration.’

“While groups like Heritage have put forward conservative policy proposals in the past, Scott said Project 2025 is distinct in that it’s so comprehensive and far-reaching.

“‘It has so many groups contributing to it. It’s the whole conservative policy movement gathered together,’ he said.”

Vox: “Many of the authors of Mandate are members of the first Trump administration who would likely have roles in a second.

“Roger Severino, the author of the HHS chapter, was the director of the HHS Office for Civil Rights under Trump, a role in which he oversaw the removal of nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans in health care settings. Gene Hamilton, the author of the Justice Department chapter, served in Trump’s DOJ and Department of Homeland Security and worked on the ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy that separated children from their parents at the border.

“‘These are all people that, in theory, Trump listens to,’ Ziegler told Vox.”

The Week: “Former Trump staffers involved with Project 2025 include former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Trump’s former senior adviser Stephen Miller, the latter of whom has been described as a white nationalist. […] 

“However, as New York Magazine said, many of Trump’s indicated plans for a second term fall in line with the Project 2025 outline. This includes giving the president unchecked power over federal agencies and the total ability to bypass Congress. He has also pledged to appoint a special prosecutor to go after the Biden family and other political opponents, as well as the installation of loyalists throughout the government.”

The New Republic: “Johnny McEntee, who is helping lead the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025—an especially ambitious initiative that has already published a 920-page ‘manual’ for Trump’s second term—had come to be known as ‘deputy president’ by late 2020.”

New York Times: “Roberts told me that he views Heritage’s role today as ‘institutionalizing Trumpism.’ This includes leading Project 2025, a transition blueprint that outlines a plan to consolidate power in the executive branch, dismantle federal agencies and recruit and vet government employees to free the next Republican president from a system that Roberts views as stacked against conservative power. The lesson of Trump’s first year in office, Roberts told me, is that ‘the Trump administration… simply got a slow start. And Heritage and our allies in Project 2025 believe that must never be repeated.’”

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MAGA Malarkey: The Extremism You Missed From Republicans This Week

MAGA Republicans stooped to new lows this week with their extremism, hypocrisy, chaos, and — as President Biden would call it — malarkey. In case you missed it: Trump bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade again; election-denying trio Lauren Boebert, Donald Trump Jr., and Alex Bruesewitz campaigned together in Colorado; Trump faced an embarrassing primary result in Pennsylvania; a Project 2025 architect said they will be coordinating with Trump’s campaign; MAGA minion Kristi Noem doubled down on her cruel belief in forced birth for rape and incest survivors; Kari Lake said she was upset that Arizona was not enforcing its 1864 near-total abortion ban; and Mitch McConnell blamed Trump for tanking the bipartisan border deal. Oh, and Lara Trump said there are 81 states.

Donald Trump yet again took credit for overturning Roe v. Wade and the cruel abortion bans that MAGA Republicans have put in place. 

Trump: “We terminated Roe v. Wade. … It’s really working out well for people. And they’re very, very happy.”

Pathetic election-denying trio Lauren Boebert, Donald Trump Jr., and Alex Bruesewitz teamed up for a MAGA mixer.

Washington Examiner: “Democrats ding Boebert for Trump Jr., Bruesewitz ‘MAGA minions’ mixer”

“In particular, the Democratic National Committee is criticizing Boebert for holding a fundraiser Thursday in Windsor, Colorado, with Donald Trump Jr. and Alex Bruesewitz, a Trumpworld political consultant and conservative activist who helped organize the Stop the Steal rally at the Ellipse on Jan. 6, 2021, but did not take part in the riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“‘The last time Lauren Boebert, Alex Bruesewitz, and Donald Trump Jr. teamed up, it was to try to overturn the 2020 election results,’ DNC spokeswoman Aida Ross told the Washington Examiner on Thursday.

“‘These three MAGA minions are now pushing an extreme platform to threaten our democracy while Trump continues to center his presidential campaign on his dangerous election denialism and promises to pardon violent insurrectionists,’ Ross said. ‘It’s a losing formula for the Republican Party, and voters will stop these anti-democracy extremists at the polls this November.’”

Trump and his weak campaign faced another embarrassing primary result — this time in Pennsylvania, where over 150,000 people voted for Nikki Haley, who hasn’t been in the race for over 50 days.

The Hill: “Haley attracts more than 150K votes in Pennsylvania GOP primary, weeks after dropping bid”

“Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley received more than 150,000 votes in the Pennsylvania GOP primary Tuesday despite having dropped out of the race almost two months ago. 

“The most recent election returns, from just after 9 a.m. EDT Wednesday, show Haley with nearly 157,000 votes, enough for 16.6 percent of the total, with 90 percent of votes cast counted.”

NOTUS: “In a state where President Joe Biden won by 80,000 votes, if even a portion of those Haley voters are Republicans who voted for Trump in 2020 or 2016 but refused to do so again, it could be enough to make a significant impact this year.

“Trump has regularly mocked Haley since she dropped out of the primary without endorsing him in March.

“‘Donald Trump and the RNC have made it very clear that if you aren’t an election-denying MAGA extremist, they don’t want your vote,’ DNC spokesperson Aida Ross said in a statement to NOTUS.” 

Daily Beast: “Trump Bruised by Another Brutal Haley Protest Vote in Pennsylvania Primary”

“‘Nikki Haley dropped out of the race over a month ago, yet she is polling nicely in PA,’ Anthony Scaramucci, who briefly served as Trump’s White House communications director, wrote in a post on X. ‘Trump has no shot to win the presidency. Write it down and study it. And if you are with him: CRY.’”

A senior advisor for Project 2025 — an “undeniably a Trump-driven operation” — said the Trump campaign will integrate many of their initiatives later this year.  

Media Matters: “Project 2025 adviser says the initiative will ‘integrate a lot of our work’ with the Trump campaign later this year” 

“‘Obviously, there will need to be coordination and the president and his team will announce an official transition this summer, and we’re gonna integrate a lot of our work with them. But I think keeping the two separate is actually the most beneficial way to go about it,’ [said Project 2025 senior adviser John McEntee.]

“Project 2025 is a comprehensive transition plan organized by right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation to guide the next GOP presidential administration. Backed by an advisory board of over 100 conservative groups, the initiative aims to implement an extremist agenda that represents a threat to democracy, civil rights, the climate, and more.” 

Kristi Noem made clear she believes rape and incest survivors should be forced to give birth while defending South Dakota’s extreme abortion ban.

Dana Bash: “Do you think there should be exceptions for rape and incest, for example?”

Noem: “… I just don’t believe a tragedy should perpetuate another tragedy.”

The Hill: “Trump VP hopeful Noem opposes exceptions for rape, incest in abortion ban” 

“Pressed by Bash on her own beliefs, Noem said she is ‘pro-life’ and does not support exceptions for rape or incest.” 

“South Dakota’s abortion ban is one of the strictest in the country. The law was a trigger ban that went into effect in 2022 shortly after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which had protected abortion rights nationwide.” 

Trump’s MAGA ally Kari Lake said it was unfortunate that Arizona is not enforcing a cruel and archaic near-total abortion ban from 1864. 

CNN: “Kari Lake bemoans fact that Arizona’s 1864 abortion ban is not being enforced, in another apparent shift”

“‘The Arizona Supreme Court said this is the law of Arizona, but unfortunately, the people running our state have said we’re not going to enforce it. So it’s really political theater,’ Lake said in an interview with Idaho Dispatch on Saturday during a visit to the state.”

The Hill: “Republican Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake in an interview with an Idaho media outlet expressed disappointment that her state’s 1864 law banning nearly all abortions is not being enforced, backtracking on comments she made earlier this month when she said the resurrected measure went too far.”

Mitch McConnell said the quiet part out loud – there’s only one person responsible for tanking the toughest, fairest border security bill in decades: Donald Trump.

NBC News: “McConnell told reporters on Tuesday, hours before the impending passage of the bill, that Trump had a role in delaying the passage of Ukraine aid because of his resistance to a bipartisan border deal.

“‘[O]ur nominee for president didn’t seem to want us to do anything at all.’”

“Trump pressured Republicans to kill the bill anyway, saying on social media that ‘we need a Strong, Powerful, and essentially ‘PERFECT’ Border and, unless we get that, we are better off not making a Deal.’”

The New Yorker: “Last month, at a closed-door meeting of the Senate G.O.P. caucus, [McConnell] told his colleagues that Donald Trump’s hostility to a political deal on the southern border had left the Party ‘in a quandary’ and would likely doom any effort to pass bipartisan legislation this year.”

Lara Trump and her top-notch legal team at the RNC have been hard at work with active lawsuits in… 81 states? 

HuffPost: “Lara Trump Claims RNC Has Lawsuits In A Literally Unbelievable Number Of States”

“Since most maps and atlases list only 50 states in the United States of America, it’s possible ― very possible ― that she was incorrect.

“HuffPost reached out to the RNC for clarity, but no one immediately responded.”

The Wrap: “Jimmy Kimmel Roasts Lara Trump for Saying Trump Team Has ‘Lawsuits in 81 States’”

“Some of Donald Trump’s allies are still clinging to the disproven claim that the 2020 election saw mass voter fraud that prevented him from winning, with new RNC co-chair Lara Trump recently claiming that they have ‘lawsuits in 81 states right now.’ Naturally, Jimmy Kimmel took aim at that statement during his monologue on Wednesday night.

“‘Not just Tennessee, eleven-essee, twelve-essee,’ Kimmel joked. ‘West Dakota, South Virginia. Indiana, Out-diana, you name it, they’re suing.’”

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DNC Statement on Kristi Noem’s New Book

Following reporting from Kristi Noem’s new book about her brutal killing of a dog (among other animals), the dogs of the DNC, aka the Dogmocratic Party, released the following statement:

“As DNC’s canine companions, we’ve heard a lot from our owners about just how extreme and dangerous Donald Trump and his far-right MAGA allies are – but nothing could prepare us for the truly disturbing and horrifying passages Kristi Noem willingly chose to put in her new book. Our message is plain and simple: If you want elected officials who don’t brag about brutally killing their pets as part of their self-promotional book tour, then listen to our owners – and vote Democrat.”

Kristi Noem’s extreme record goes beyond bizarre rants about killing her pets – she also previously said a 10-year-old rape victim should be forced to carry out her pregnancy, does not support exceptions for rape or incest, and has threatened to throw pharmacists in jail for providing medication abortions.

CNN: “South Dakota governor defends state’s abortion ‘trigger’ ban when asked if 10-year-old should be forced to give birth”

Argus Leader: “Pro-life advocates and Gov. Kristi Noem are lauding the South Dakota Legislature for further bolstering the state’s already strict anti-abortion laws this legislative session, steps necessary for states to take if abortion will ever be completely illegal in the United States, they say. … Noem told the Argus Leader this week that she is an absolutist on the topic, not even compromising in the event of rape or incest.”

Associated Press: “The Republican governor and South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley released a letter to South Dakota pharmacists saying they are ‘subject to felony prosecution’ if they procure or dispense abortion-inducing drugs.” 

Noem is in lockstep with Donald Trump’s MAGA agenda…

Noem: “I love that man because he did everything he said he was going to do.”

The Hill: “Noem says she would be Trump’s running mate ‘in a heartbeat’”

CNN: “‘Of course, I would consider it,’ Noem told Fox News host Sean Hannity recently when asked if she would be Trump’s vice president.”

Axios: “South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem endorses Trump”

… as Trump brags about ‘proudly’ overturning Roe v. Wade and paving the way for abortion bans across the country at every opportunity.

Trump: “I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of … Roe v. Wade.”

Trump: “We broke Roe v. Wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. We gave it back to the states, and the states are working very brilliantly … But they’re working, and it’s working the way it’s supposed to.”

Trump: “For 54 years they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it, and I’m proud to have done it. … Nobody else was going to get that done but me, and we did it, and we did something that was a miracle.”

Trump: “After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to the ‘shock’ of everyone … Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing. Thank you President TRUMP!!!”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Claims Credit for All Abortion Bans”

Business Insider: “Trump boasts he’s ‘proud’ about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, the issue that has become ballot-box poison for Republicans”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Says He’s ‘Proud’ to Have ‘Terminated’ Abortion Rights”

Trump campaign radio ad: “And Trump nominated conservative judges, leading to Roe v. Wade being overturned.”

FWIW: “This week, we found more evidence that the Trump campaign has no interest in ‘moderating’ on the issue of abortion. On Monday, his team began running new Facebook video ads targeting voters in Iowa, referring to Trump as ‘THE MOST Pro-Life President in history.’”

Trump: “I’m the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade, and everybody said that was an impossible thing to do. I put on three Supreme Court justices. Very few people have had that privilege or honor.”

Trump: “Getting rid of Roe v. Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life because it gave pro-life something to negotiate with. Pro-life had absolutely nothing, being stuck in Roe v. Wade, to negotiate with. … And look, everybody that was president wanted to get rid and tried to get rid of Roe v. Wade … For fifty years, this has been going on. I was able to do it, and I was very honored to do it.”

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Reminder: Trump Wants To Rip Away Reproductive Freedoms

As Trump plans to rip away reproductive freedoms from millions of women, DNC spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement, with help from Trump’s own words: 

“Donald Trump was ‘honored’ to ‘proudly’ ‘kill Roe v. Wade and thinks it’s a ‘miracle’ that cruel abortion bans across the country are ‘working very brilliantly,’ even as women are denied critical care. Trump — who said ‘there has to be some form of punishment’ for women who get an abortion — is now ‘looking at all options’ and ‘pushing’ a ‘vital role for the federal government’ in banning abortion nationwide. While President Biden is fighting to protect reproductive freedoms, Trump wants to rip away our basic rights — and voters will stop his extreme anti-choice agenda at the ballot box.”

To be clear: Trump said he’d sign a national abortion ban if elected to a second term.

Associated Press: “Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Wants to Ban Abortion Nationwide: Report”

New York Times: “Trump Privately Expresses Support for a 16-Week Abortion Ban”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Floats National Abortion Ban After Claiming He’s ‘On the Side of Women’”

Trump: “There of course remains a vital role for the federal government in protecting unborn life. And it’s very important.” 

Trump on if he would sign a six-week national abortion ban: “I’m looking at all options.”

Trump: “We’ll pick something that’s going to be very, very good for pro-life … I’m going to be in there pushing.”

Trump is the reason millions of women live under cruel abortion bans — and he loves bragging about it.

Trump: “I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of … Roe v. Wade.”

Trump: “We broke Roe v. Wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. We gave it back to the states, and the states are working very brilliantly … But they’re working, and it’s working the way it’s supposed to.”

Trump: “For 54 years they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it, and I’m proud to have done it. … Nobody else was going to get that done but me, and we did it, and we did something that was a miracle.”

Trump: “After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to the ‘shock’ of everyone … Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing. Thank you President TRUMP!!!”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Claims Credit for All Abortion Bans”

Business Insider: “Trump boasts he’s ‘proud’ about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, the issue that has become ballot-box poison for Republicans”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Says He’s ‘Proud’ to Have ‘Terminated’ Abortion Rights”

Trump campaign radio ad: “And Trump nominated conservative judges, leading to Roe v. Wade being overturned.”

FWIW: “This week, we found more evidence that the Trump campaign has no interest in ‘moderating’ on the issue of abortion. On Monday, his team began running new Facebook video ads targeting voters in Iowa, referring to Trump as ‘THE MOST Pro-Life President in history.’”

Trump: “I’m the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade, and everybody said that was an impossible thing to do. I put on three Supreme Court justices. Very few people have had that privilege or honor.”

Trump: “Getting rid of Roe v. Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life because it gave pro-life something to negotiate with. Pro-life had absolutely nothing, being stuck in Roe v. Wade, to negotiate with. … And look, everybody that was president wanted to get rid and tried to get rid of Roe v. Wade … For fifty years, this has been going on. I was able to do it, and I was very honored to do it.”

Trump backed a national abortion ban during his first term and said women should be punished for getting an abortion.

The Hill: “The Trump administration formally backed a House bill Monday that would ban abortions after 20 weeks. … It would make it a crime to perform or attempt an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with the possibility of a fine, up to five years in prison or both.”

Trump: “There has to be some form of punishment [for women who have abortions].”

Women are suffering under Trump’s cruel abortion bans across the country:

Alabama: “Abortions became almost entirely illegal in Alabama on June 24. A 2019 state abortion ban took effect making it a felony to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy, with no exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest.”

Arizona: “Arizona Supreme Court rules a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable”

Arkansas: “Arkansas bans nearly all abortions after Roe v. Wade overturned”

Florida: “Florida’s new restrictions will chip away at the little abortion access left in the South”

Georgia: “Georgia abortion ban remains in effect after state Supreme Court ruling”

Kentucky: “Abortion is banned in almost all circumstances.”

Louisiana: “Louisiana abortion ban preserved after lawmakers kill bill to call public vote”

Missouri: “Republicans block attempt to add rape, incest exemptions to Missouri’s abortion ban”

North Carolina: “North Carolina’s abortion law may make traveling to end a pregnancy impossible for some in the South”

North Dakota: “North Dakota court keeps strict abortion ban in place even in cases of medical emergencies”

Oklahoma: “Abortion is banned in almost all circumstances.” 

South Carolina: “South Carolina’s new all-male highest court reverses course on abortion, upholding strict 6-week ban”

South Dakota: “Abortions now illegal in South Dakota following Supreme Court’s ruling”

Tennessee: “Amid uncertainty and anger, Tennessee’s abortion ban takes effect”

Texas: “Texas passes law banning abortion after six weeks”

Wisconsin: “Wisconsin Republicans approve bill banning abortions after 14 weeks of pregnancy”

North Dakota: “North Dakota governor signs law banning nearly all abortions”

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